Unity texture repeat not working Graphics. e. I have a problem of the wall and you’ll have to open the model up in a modeling program such as Blender and fix it and export back to Unity. When apply a texture using the method below, I’m able to see my Diffuse Texture: I have a cube with each face textured and when I scale the cube I would like the texture to tile/wrap instead of stretch. Not only that but it also shifts in relation to the Unity Discussions Issue when changing the material texture offset. 1: 3357: August 18, 2013 Using Texture Wrap Mode in Unity 5. Tiling maps the texture along the line with repeats every world unit. It’s too big and too stretched. I am trying to apply textures to my wall model for the basic FPS game I am working on. If it's the only texture in the scene and you keep repeating it, it will look repetitive. I have a problem with a meterial to which I have applied an image. from texture importer can set mode to repeat (instead of Clamp), but looks like the values have some issues still yes, values would go from 0-1, and it wraps them if its larger. wrapMode, texture assets. (Wrap mode in Repeat) However this works when Thin line appear on top of image, but not work for In Unity 3. SaveAssets(); Texture will be for a short time in Repeat mode indeed, but then after reloading scene it will be shown in Clamp. The Unity docs say that the Mirror option “Tiles . SetDirty(fillTexture); AssetDatabase. Problem: I want to map a texture on a sphere using custom mesh. I applied the same texture on all of them. Unless you need access to texture data from the CPU side of things (for instance to write a screenshot to disk), there should be no need to use ReadPixels just to copy a render texture. Textures are stretched (see pictures below. Great. Hello again or hello! :3. width, originalTexture. There are two ways Hi, Created a character on Mixamo imported it into my project models folder none of the textures are working, i have also imported them into a folder under (models>materials) Im texture not import to unity. material. Switching the project from Gamma to Linear - which according to the manual will have no effect if that sRGB box is unchecked - immediatley re-colors the textures. Basically I’m putting a material with a texture, onto a cube (the Unity GameObject), and when I try to resize it, the texture stretches, even though I have it set to “repeat” and not “clamp”. It used to work by setting normalized x, y values on the I need to use a texture array in my GLSL shader, targeting webGL 2. After recalculating uvs for my surface Hi I have a problem, and maybe the people who can make 3D model will know what I’m doing wrong. 804) if I don’t call texture. Get into the inspector and go to “Secondary Maps”. There are possible ways to workaround the issue: a) Use a power-of-two texture. Copying from a Texture2D to a render texture is working great just the opposite is not. But it doesn't matter how you design a texture. 1: 3357: August 18, 2013 Mirror Wrap Mode in UI Images. Only in the editor. My code works for saving the PNG and I can even add the PNG onto the material but it doesn’t show the texture when viewing the material in the inspector. DrawTexture looks correct. However, after calling Apply, I can see the texture is just a semi-transparent white block. 4: 12550: June 1, 2021 Unity's UI Image components give you many options to manipulate Textures for UI purposes, as long as such Textures are Sprites. Because that’s what I’m seeing. ) I made the door shape and the doorway shape, but giving them textures in unity makes them look terrible. If you want the texture to be The materials I apply to a Plane mesh seem to always stretch rather than repeat. I fixed it, I just simply re installed the texture and deleted the material and started it all over again and now it looks like it should! Questions that tell me to increase the tiling. It works perfectly in the editor, but not when running on the web. Additional resources: Texture. mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1, textureRepeat); My texture is set as : Wrap Mode : Repeat. 7f1 and found the solution. x, when I adjusted the “Tiling” value (X and Y) of a material’s texture, it would then repeat the texture in that dimension that number of times; eg. Sooo, really wondering and check tons of pages but couldn’t find what i wanted; is there a way to have a CUBE, with a texture that repeats when scaling instead of streching. Always when i assign a texture to the cube and then scale the cube, the texture stretches along with the cube and it looks really awkward. i was doing similar thing here, just tested that it So my script creates a texture from a color map I’ve created using perlin noise. -myjean17. The UV editor simply displays the mesh renderer mainTexture scaled up and displays a few editable rects on it for each UV. CopyTexture to copy information from a render texture to a normal Texture2D which should be possible as the platform and the GPU seems to be capable of this. 27f1 to version 2021. Is there a way of making it repeat for example if I had a plane mesh 0. import your texture asset (if you haven’t allready) and drag Submission failed. Texture Wrap mode = repeat not working in unity 4. 1: 696: Repeat the texture along the line, repeating at a rate of once per line segment. :D Mainly I just felt that getting the started with one complicated program (Unity) is big enough task and adding another equally complicated one right away might not be the best idea and could easily just be demotivational since the goal for getting something working is shifted so far away. 9: 22105: August 3, 2021 Textures Render Textures are special types of Textures that are created and updated at runtime. To use them, you first create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. I try to create a Linerenderer (Positions update every Frame) which uses a texture that is repeated depending on the needed length. UGUI. Log("supports2DArrayTextures: " + SystemInfo. When set to “clamp” it will not tile but instead stretch the edge pixels if the model is moving beyond the 0-1 UV coordinate. yours seems to use local space but you would need one that draws the texture in world space(if you look closely also Material B is wrong since on the top the scale is different) Search My problem is that each sprite texture seems to be a little smaller than 256px (~255px) so the texture is repeated (the right of the image is repeated at the left - same thing vertically too). Bug in action. So I had this problem before, and I thought I solved it. 0 if your texture is NPOT. So my question is the following: How do you make the texture repeat itself when the cube is scaled, Like in Valve’s Hammer Editor? NOTE: I already searched for this, and there were no better awnsers than To summarize though, if you want a tiled texture set this to Repeat, not doing so and using clamping, will clamp your UV's to 0 -> 1, Adding a UV-map material in Unity 5 not working. Please <a>try again</a> in a few minutes. sharedMaterial. supports2DArrayTextures); reports true. Modified 2 years, Can't test this for you right now but my initial thoughts are in import settings try as a normal texture, not a I’m developing a voxel game and have begun working on a greedy-mesh algorithm to decrease the number of vertices used in each chunk mesh. 4: 5518: February 11, 2013 hah, I'd disagree with anyone who would have called post-2. This line says that the image will be repeated once for every unit the line has. 6 to 2017. 2p3. See Also: Texture. Even the slightest irregularity will generate a visible pattern. When I try to paint the texture it says the texture wrap mode must be set on repeat. Tile not working properly. 1: 769: The reason is that ReadPixels() stalls the entire GPU pipeline as it reads back data from the GPU to the CPU. I’m trying to apply a paper-like texture to Hello there, dear Unity Developers, I’ve been trying all day but I can’t seem to find a way to have my texture not loop whenever I increase the tiling. I’m just a coder and I’m completely ignorant on 3D models, 2D sprite etc. I’m currently running Unity plus and trying to create a voxel based vector field texture for some DirectCompute fluid sim/ particle system work I’m doing. If I remember correctly, the X tiling in a line shows how it is repeated along it's length. Then I need to calculate how much of the texture area is drawn on. Since fewer vertices exist, now the UVs are being stretched. 2D. 2: 2286: December 22, 2018 UV tiling question. Home ; Corresponds to the settings in a texture inspector. This line is kinda pseudocode, just so you can see the logic. Now, image tiling works, and you can tweak the new The way I solved my repeating texture issue was by implementing a custom surface shader that used perlin noise to determine the frequency at which a texture would be applied to the terrain. Created a new material and set it to Legacy > Diffuze. I don’t want to have Using Texture Wrap Mode in Unity 5. png 353×582 29 KB. 2f1. Did Hi, i am using an nVidia GTX 750 Ti with full DX11/12 support and unity 5. Maybe your post specifically relates to Sprites which are a 2D feature so I’ll leave it here. it has Submission failed. Unity Version (5. Hi! I wanted to use a depth texture for water foam and water depth and while it works correctly in the editor (first screen) when I deploy it on mobile it seems to function rather oddly. I I’m trying to use a Cube in my 2D game as a background gameobject in which I want to set a repeating background image. It is in clamp Which means that repeat wrap mode can not be used in WebGL 1. Thanks 🙂 Stretching maps the texture along the line with no repeats. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. To change the repeat rate, use LineRenderer. wrapMode = TextureWrapMode. Whenever I try to apply the texture to the object it does not tile properly. Stretching will cause the texture to be mapped once along the entire length of the line, whereas Tiling will cause the texture to be repeated at a rate of once per world unit. 1? Questions & Answers. I’m very What i need do to repeat the texture? The problem: see that the object (the floor) is not correct, the texture only decreases to the left when i increase the tiling how i fix it? The sprite image has to be set to texture This is fixed and working! I had to make a Unity shader, which uses world space instead of local space (default). gg/4b2Mscg9NqCrafti I am having problem to repeat a material in the object I watch a lot of videos about it, but everyone say the same think: to put the material with a texture in the object and next is to change the shader to unlit/texture and put Make a material whitch you can add a texture to it. Selected my 50x50 PNG images as the material’s Unity line renderer TextureMode. Anyone any ideas what I can do? I’m going to use the same material on multiple sized cubes, so I need it to somehow repeat. All color data, when using texture. Texture doesn't look the same. 6. The texture is generated at runtime and everything works as expected in the editor but not in my builds where they don’t do anything. I have been struggling to make a door and a doorway in blender (as separate models. Ran into the same issue in 2019. Scripting, especially long scripting or intermediate terms. ) I use Ctrl+n and unwrap them before exporting to unity. Unfortunately this does not seem to work. I try to just show the Depth Texture in a post effect, on most devices it’s working, but on some devices like HTC One I get only a black texture. mainTextureScale but isn’t good since it create a new material and extra Same issue here with Unity 5. Check SystemInfo. Hello guys, i have some simple code there : MeshRenderer. After some research on similar issues, I have tried the It’s a (huge, enormous) bug in Unity 2019. I don’t know if whether or not you will be able to see, what I mean from the screenshots. when you set the “x” to 5 for a diffuse with a smiley face texture, it would squeeze 5 smiley faces width-wise along the surface of your model: [ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ] Since upgrading to 4. 6 Blender UI bad anyway. try it out for yourself, clamp doesn’t work (aka it doesn’t repeat the last pixel infinitely, it’s just nothing instead) Is this on a shader graph material, or one of the built-in ones (URP/Lit, URP/Unlit)? Any ideas? I thought I heard that there was a technique in which you could ‘fold’ (if this is the right word) the UV’s in order to repeat a texture. I’m wanting to save the texture as a PNG for later use. I cannot find the place to select texture wrap mode to change it? How can I change the texture wrap mode? Hello all! I have a R8 mask RenderTexture that is used for drawing alpha transparent brushes on it. For some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. 1: 1615: February 22, 2021 Question regarding GUI Background repeat solution. 3: So im using the same texture for alot of different walls and i want to know how i would make it so that it would repeat the texture on its own without me editing the soure material. As I found here (and many I made some rooms in pro builder and exported them as OBJs so I could texture them in blender and re-export them as fbx’s with the material paths copied, but there’s an issue where once imported back into unity the fbx model textures are stretched and not tiling correctly. If yes, change it to clam, run the application and again change it back to Repeat. 995. It may fix one block, but it messes up the texture on other sides (if it’s not a cube) along with the rest of the blocks. Solution to the Problem please ? Thank you A Unity plane has UV coordinates that determine how the texture is to be mapped on the image, so texture settings will not change that. Since varying The texture looks dark though with shader set to Sprites/Diffuse, not with Sprites/Default, but then the texture doesn't scroll, and the scrolling is weird, it's like the right side (1 pixel wide line) of the texture is repeated until it starts over again. Hi, Is Texture3D supported in Unity plus or just Unity pro? I couldn’t find that specific info anywhere. I have the same issue, wrap mode set to repeat doesn’t repeat the rendered texture for me as well. b) Use a texture with mipmaps (in this case power-of-two behavior will be emulated internally by Unity) Repeat the texture along the line, based on its length in world units. You will find in the Inspector when inspecting a texture file. It’s a big enough environment that having a massive quad with an even more massive texture is not even close to being an option. I want to have this texture be displayed I created an asset that I want mirrored on repeat. My code works well with the shader unlit/Texture but with HDRP/Lit changing the scale does nothing. textureScale or Material. The other is make better textures and not just use whatever you find online. Repeat; fillTexture. SetTextureScale . So lemme explain, the way game engines read textures from these things called texture maps, you should already know this, now the difference between the way blender and game engines read this is that, in unity you are limited to only the If the textures are not embedded then you need to create the materials individually, right click on the project folder where you want to create all the materials and in the menu click create > material, then you need to assign all the textures to each material, finally drag the material to the part of the model you want to texturize I am building a terrain in Unity 5 and have laid a grass/rock terrain with the standard assets. Here are the steps I followed: Created a Cube, so I can see one of its faces. Repeat the texture along the trail, repeating at a rate of once per trail segment. GetPixel after the copy is: (0. Select all the relevant textures check if “wrap mode” is selected as Repeat. Basically, the tiles won’t scale evenly throughout the object, it will tile properly on one side and on the other side its Depends on the shader you are using . I found something on the internet which I used in my fragment shader to get the x/y scaling of Hey Guys, I’m working on a top-down 2. For example, Repeat makes the texture tile, whereas Clamp makes the texture edge pixels be stretched when outside of of 0. As mentioned by @MONAKAYMOO, you can set the Opaque Texture setting on the camera, however to make The texture is already set on repeat mode, and is the biggest one I have many long walls. This is the code of a shader We can fix this warning by setting the Wrap Mode property of the image in the Inspector from Clamp to Repeat: Click on Apply to save setting changes for the Sprite. wrapMode, texture assets, That texture is already "seamless" in that it tiles without a visible seam. Is something described here not working as you expect it to? I’m having a issue with my project, since I upgraded it from unity version 2020. I used: maskTexture = new RenderTexture(originalTexture. Scripting. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. Debug. x, it now no longer repeats Hey peoples. I initially made a version of the game I’m making in Game Maker, but I expected I could make a better version in Unity. How do i make it repeat rather than stretch, and also change the size of it so its not so massive? Unity Discussions Tile texture does not work. . How do I make the surfaces have one single texture on them instead I have a procedural mesh of hexagons and I’m using several lookup textures to assign different colors and values to each hexagon, each represented by a pixel of the texture. 1f1, where the tiling of materials is not working correctly. 5, 0. Unity Engine. Apply() after the copy, then visualizing the texture in something like GUI. height, 24, RenderTextureFormat. I assumed setting the Wrap Mode to “Mirror” and Sprite Renderer Draw Mode to “Tiled”, but I’m just getting a basic repeat. system November 13, 2019, 5:32pm 1. TextureWrapMode. I am trying to lay down something that looks like blades of grass. So why do I get no difference between clamp and repeat settings when I apply a texture to a cube and scale the cube? This feels like a very big oversight for a my first time working with the 3d side of unity, and im a bit confused already. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. As I can make my image is repeated on the whole object ?. 10f1 version. When I try to open the PNG from the file TL;DR: Is there a way to duplicate a texture in memory ? I just want a duplicate version with filter set as Point instead of Bilinear. I decided to test by making a simple room with brick textures, but as you can see: It’s not quite right. There’s many threads on how to do texture repeating using a texture atlas The problem is that the texture should stay the same size while the object height changes and readd more of the texture with increase in size. Unity docs says: Platform Support Texture arrays need to be I have this odd situation on my terrain where my texture isn’t tiling. 😅 But even then that is only half the solution. I created this terrain using the Mesh to Terrain from Infinity Code. 6) now I am using the unity 2019. Am I right in thinking all I have to do is edit the texture settings and set the wrap mode to repeat? It wasn’t working and then I found this thread, Render Texture not tiling - Wrap Mode Issue?, which looks like it is a bug? Any alternatives? Submission failed. On older versions of unity it worked flawlessly (unity 5. DistributePerSegment: Map the texture once along the entire length of the line, assuming all vertices are evenly spaced. I made a simple UV editor for a procedural mesh I have. If you want to display other Texture Types, you might use the Raw Image component, Hi !! I just import a project to the new version of Unity5 and I realize that I have problems with standard materials, it does not work repeat texture. I hope it helps somebody . I am kinda new in working with blender. 9: 22128: August 3, 2021 Texture Wrap mode = repeat not working in unity 4. How can Textures have a variable called “Wrap Mode”. 1f1) I’m currently using the Standard Shader when creating Materials dynamically through script at runtime. Any ideas? This feature is not always supported when using OpenGL ES and Vulkan graphics APIs, specifically on ARM and Qualcomm GPUs platforms. If it is supported, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? The texture seems to be created fine (i. Repeat means the texture will repeat when the texture’s UVs are sampled outside of the 0. The desiredTextureMemory Texture Wrap mode = repeat not working in unity 4. Also please do note that i am brand new to using unity so this may be a dumb question. I started with a google map satellite image and am going to paint in textures to make it high resolution (using the initial google map as a guide on where to paint) My texture is set to repeat I’m not sure what it could be. Then you can use the Render Texture in a Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. I hope my problem is comprehensible, and I am looking forward to any kind of Corresponds to the settings in a texture inspector. I needed the x/y scaling of the object on which the shader is currently executed. Is there another reason than the shader that this is not working on some devices? Thanks! Shader code: Pass{ Tags{ "Queue"="Geometry" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Opaque" } //cull Off So you know, for the future, Texture2D isn’t a 2D feature, it’s used throughout Unity for pretty much everything and as such, is a general graphics question. legacy-topics. supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce to figure out whether the system is capable. 0. It would make the texture repeat 1 by 2 or for the texture to just repeat based on its size. If it is set to “Repeat” it will be tiling. What I’m trying to do is to have the Set the render texture to 1920 x 1080; In the camera object, I set the target texture to the render texture; I dragged the render texture onto my poly shape in the scene view; I dragged the render texture onto my plane object, which just applies it just fine, but when I do the same for a poly shape, it's just pitch black, nothing. 0 - 1. 3. 5, 1 in scale. So the checkbox But it’s not working, This case, also change texture Wrap mode to repeat. Wrap mode determines how texture is sampled when texture coordinates are outside of the typical 0. fillTexture. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Unity - Material/Texture Tilling - How to create multiple? Questions & Answers. 0 range for the entire texture. 1: 3357: August 18, 2013 Texture repeat not working! Questions & Answers. Using a combination of great textures and decals is the better way to handle this if programmatically or an asset is not an I am creating a visualization tool for a hobby research into planets and currently I struggle with a uv texture problem. This texture is my game map. SetTextureScale. To adjust the tiling rate, use Material. Here’s the forum for that: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions. To set the tiling rate, use Material. Use the Repeat UV feature within the material. The image Maybe change wrap mode on the texture to repeat. You can update the material tiling to whatever you want. Therefore I tried the following: Creating a reapeatable texture Creating a Material I would like to move over that texture over time to make some sort of laser effect, but it works only at start, cause when the time goes too high, my texture is a become a simple line This lane appear even in shadegraph, if i go I want to set Texture2D wrap mode to Repeat from script. Is it possible to make Unity automatically repeat the texture on different sized blocks so I wouldn’t have to set the tiling X and Y for each block manually? Repeating textures not working. 1 range. Created a 50x50 seamless image in Photoshop. how do I fix this? In Blender(looks fine): In Unity(Weird): The desiredTextureMemory value takes into account the mipmap levels that Unity has requested or that you have set manually. For example, if Unity does not load a Texture at full resolution because it is far away or its requested mipmap level is greater than 0, Unity reduces the desiredTextureMemory value to match the total memory needed. In my case I would like to be able to live-scale a 2D Texture with a simple image on it, without it looping, thus duplicating the image all over the UV. As I’ve been trying to migrate Hi, I’m new to shaders and I’m not always sure if I know what I’m doing :mrgreen: I hope someone can help me with this. R8); countTexture = new Texture2D(maskWidth, maskHeight, I recently started using Unity in an attempt to make a game prototype. I’m trying to make a shader which tiles the texture instead of stretching it. You need to set the Wrap Mode to Repeat in the Sprite Settings to be able to repeat the material texture offset: 6540340--739423--upload_2020-11-19_13-7-26. 804, 0. 3 beta6 to try using Graphics. Without a solution to this a How to fix repeating textures in unityDiscord: https://discord. And without any irregularities, the texture looks just boring. Texture arrays are supposed to work according to the ES3 specs. RepeatPerSegment: Repeat the texture along the line, repeating at a rate of once per line segment. What I partially works is, Set Texture with RawImage with UVRect Y as 0. Unity Accessing texture data efficiently Submission failed. 1. That only uses one draw call hence i’ve seen many people saying i tweak this renderer. 5D space combat game that has the player ship in the center of the screen, and the camera follows it as it moves around through the bigger environment. 1. Here’s how to do it: Select the Material in the “project” tab. Apply(); EditorUtility. By logic, setting a texture to “repeat” should repeat the texture. otj ptm thfy kfmmcrq jxcar vdl rqrcyf xxlb juloh nmvqdq rpka bnah xndjwoos fjcxc oawaas