Qrp labs forum. Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk.

Qrp labs forum 73, Tom. You may use Google on QRP Labs and will find we have an excellent reputation. Dezember 2020 um 07:59 #4; Hallo, The LCD comes up, shows the QRP labs page, then it flips to a 40M frequency, but only for a VERY brief moment, then it goes to "Shutdown!!" and sits there halted. August 2021 newsletter; July 2020 newsletter; 2019 archive; 2018 archive; 2017 archive; 2016 archive; Kits. Rocketry Electronics & Software . 73 Armin. QRP labs offers the QMX in 80-20m, 60-15m, and 20-10m, as well as a larger QMX+ covering 160-6m. This QRZ Forums. Touch wood, I can't recall this having happened on any of the QRP Labs transceivers; the PCB changes are always minor and I would not think that a Rev 1 owner is in any way disadvantaged. Januar 2025 um 02:16. As usual, if you want to upgrade, you can install the firmware yourself from the files in the QRP Labs YahooGroups forum, if you have the AVR programmer; or if you wish, you can purchase the programmed chip in the QRP Labs shop. Product reviews are not a Forum for two-way exchanges, inquiries, general discussions, complaints, QRP Labs Shop. 10. 2022). It will have an optional 10-band (160m-10m) filter module, and an optional extruded aluminium enclosure. 9. Hallo Forum, hallo Welt, habe gerade für einen befreundeten OM einen QDX Rev_3 von QRP-Labs aufgebaut. QMX+ is available as a fully assembled, adjusted and tested version (including installation of There was a discussion on the QRP Labs YahooGroups forum about using some PIC code to do this. Ich hatte lange nach einem kleinen Gerät gesucht, das man ohne viel zusätzliches Gewicht mit auf eine Radtour oder I think people are sometimes confused because some radio kits from other producers have gone through major iterations to fix major issues. The QCX kit includes a 2 x 3-pin standard AVR header for In-Circuit-Programming on the board. QMX+ is aggressively priced at $125 (kit) and $25 (enclosure). Ich persönlich verwende meistens die YB1206000-USB von Talentcell mit 6Ah, aber es gibt auch eine kleinere I have a trusted colleague in Shenzhen, a sub-contractor who I have worked closely with since 2014. QCX+: a feature-packed, high performance, single-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment/test equipment. QRP Lab599 neuer ManPack TX-500MP. This will make an all-band HF all-mode 10W High Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Easy to obtain with an added LPF. groups. This small 19 x 16mm ready-assembled AGC module is based on the proposal by Jim AJ8S in this thread on the QRP QSX (QRP Labs SSB Xcvr) is a 40m SSB transceiver. 09d and v3. Datenschutzerklärung; Impressum; Community-Software: WoltLab Suite™ 6. com. Themen 6 The testing results that Hans provided on the QRP-Labs web page indicated only a -38dBc on the third harmonic. dl1sdz; 9. By creating an account you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an order's status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made. HAmatőr Fórum. Die 50 Watt PA ist uebrigens akt. All members can post to the group. versichertem Versand in DL 125,- € The firmware version files are hosted by the QRP Labs groups. DH7LK; 24. 0. 73 de DF4JY. Qrp-Labs auf der Ham-Radio. 4. Al solito le istruzioni per l’assemblaggio e l’allineamento sono dettagliatissime. Oktober 2021 um 08:38 #21; Mag jeder von halten was er will aber ich Denke eher wie Peter. PK-4 Keyer / MosFet 2N7000 DL8LRZ 28. A future upgrade will add SSB. Review Summary For : Qrp Labs - QMX; Reviews: 12 MSRP: $95; Product reviews are not a Forum for two-way exchanges, inquiries, general discussions, complaints, help requests, product repairs or modifications. Bestehend aus: Deluxe 6-band U3S set OCXO Synthesizer GPS-Empfänger eingebaut, 6x Umschaltung, TP-Filter für die Bänder 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 und 6m. Operating manual: s1. Spezialisten:Basteln, Der hat die nötige Messtechnik gleich eingebaut und Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Loeferzeiten von QRP LABS ? Hs0zfe; 10. Üdvözlünk, Vendég. All posts related to Das stimmt natürlich, Jürgen, aber ich finde, es gibt gute Gründe, eine seperate Stromversorgung zu verwenden. QMX+. Could this be a result of the once-shorted regulator board? I don't see anything about this message searching the forums so continuing this thread. Description: The QCX mini is the latest version of the QCX monoband CW transceiver. " Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. UPDATE 09-Jul-2023: Modification #2 is now incorporated into the official QMX assembly manual and schematics; firmware 1_00_003 is The "QDX" (QRP Labs Digital Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, five-band (80, 60, 40, 30 and 20m) or six high-HF band (20, 17, 15, 12, 11 and 10m) 5W Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR I have used a QLG1 with my QCX+ and minis for WSPR and with my shack clock. Jelentkezz be a felhasználóneveddel, jelszavaddal és add meg a munkamenet hosszát Hírek: Főoldal; Súgó; Keresés; Naptár; Felhasználók HAmatőr Fórum » QRP » Rocketry General Discussion Forum. io. I love QRP Labs. Steht auf seiner Liste. One DVM measures bias voltage (0-5V), one DVM measures PA current (0-200mA). Off Topic. Hallo Armin, Dein PS hat mich etwas irritiert: Zitat von DL6GCA. Introduction Thank you for purchasing my QRSS Arduino shield beacon kit. The original page is here: Spring has sprung, the lab windows here in the vaulted What digirig setup (serial connection and cables) should I get if I use my QRP Labs QCX mini/QMX ? My understanding that these transceivers are only suitable for CW use. vy 73 de MIchael DB2GM. QRSS is a slow morse, weak signal mode capable of worldwide HF propagation using a fraction of a watt of RF Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. September 2023 um 09:09; DL4ZAO; 27. März 2025 um 14:06; DH7LK. Automatic Antenna Tuner, Internal Battery with a charger and built-in speaker for QMX+. Diesmal habe ich den neuen QRP-Bausatz „QCX 5W CW Transceiver “ vom QRP-Labs gebaut. E-Mail Address. QRP allgemein. Then there are the three possible measurements that can be taken (Peak voltage, Peak-to-peak voltage, and RMS Segnalo il kit appena annunciato da QRP Labs: QMX+ 160-6m multi-mode transceiver Date le dimensioni maggiori rispetto al fratello QMX può essere indicato per chi affronta una prima autocostruzione. Juli 2017 um 21:21; dl1sdz. Andere Bausätze. DF4JY; Hab es bei QRP Labs gelesen. I see in the manual that the QMX does not have a 5V output to power the QLG2. Wie schon gesagt, QRP-Labs stellt seine Bausätze in der Türkei zusammen, normale 1 QRP Labs Si5351A Synthesiser Module The QRP Labs Si5351A-based synthesizer module can generate up to 3 different square-wave frequencies simultaneously in the range 8kHz to 160MHz with 50-ohm output impedance. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass der Quadratur Oszillator nicht wie üblich mit 2 FlipFlops gemacht wird, sondern das habe ich gerade im QRP-Labs Forum zufällig gesehen. DL8SFZ; schreib lieber QRP Lab Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. QRP Labs is a small family business serving amateur radio hobbyists and QRP enthusiasts since 2013. Oktober 2021 um 19:32; QRP Labs QDX 5-Band HF Digital QRP Transceiver aus A Single Band CW Radio designed by Hans Summer of QRP-Labs TURKEY (you choose the band) was originally produced for "YOTA 17" and 90 Kits were built by young people as part of the program. FLOHMARKT und Tauschbörse der DL-QRP-AG. qrp-labs. This issue seems to be rather common and is documented in the QRP Labs group. It pops up, seemingly regularly, on the QRP Labs discussion forum (and elsewhere). Programmierung Hi Wolfgang. März 2023 um 22:33; er hat Erfahrung mit dem Zoll (QRP-Labs) oder ich gehe zu AliexpressDE (und dort We did have one instance on the QRP Labs forum, where a constructor (no doubt familiar with the QCX-mini construction) simply failed to solder in the 2x2-pin header on the right hand side Скажу сразу - не использую но выжидаю. I am a returning customer. QRP Labs - Light APRS 2. 03. vom QCX+ sind 287 , vom QCX-mini 170 Bausätze am Lager (Stand 12. g. Praxis: QRP-Fertiggeräte. Praxis: auf der Seite von Hans findet sich die sehr gute Product Review incl. Module Synthétiseur QRP Labs Si5351A Traduction française Jean Marie Polard F5VLB Le module de synthétiseur Si5351A QRP Labs peut générer jusqu'à 3 fréquences rectangulaires différentes, simultanément, dans la gamme de 8 kHz à Review Summary For : QRP-Labs QMX+; Reviews: 3 MSRP: $125 (kit) Description: QMX+" (QRP+ Labs Multimode Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, 160-6m 3-5W CW and Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR receiver, 24-bit 48 ksps USB sound card, CAT control, synthesized VFO with TCXO reference, CR2032 battery backed RTC, and internal QRS Labs QRSS Arduino Shield Beacon Kit 1. io, please visit https://groups. Praxis: Gehäuse QRP Lab QCX mini. For Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Forum für engagierte Funkamateure, Theorie orientiert, High Level Wissen. I've been following QRP Labs since before its inception and praise the quality of design, build and support for the kits, as well as the innovative inspiration that brought them to market. Mai 2023 um 08:04; DG6SW. Open Source. QRP LABS ULTIMATE 3S. As noted on the QDX main page "QDX transmits a SINGLE SIGNAL, it is not an SSB modulator with associated unwanted sideband and residual carrier, or intermodulation due to amplifier non-linearity. kit or pre-assembled and aligned. In futuro il Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. An additional issue that I had was that the transmitter would shut down on some bands and a G was displayed. Bausätze von QRPproject. I had available QRP Labs Shop. Deshalb warte ich lieber auf den QSX all-band all-mode TRX Bausatz von qrp-labs. There are lots of reports on the QRP-Labs forums on groups. Vom ersten Batch sind ja nicht mehr viele uebrig (110), das waren 970 Kits und Hans hat schon in der QRP Labs Liste geschrieben, dass sie diese Menge nicht an einem Tag versenden koennen. The firmware version files are hosted by the QRP Labs groups. . In this fun video I build the new QRP EFHW antenna from K6ARK, take it outside to attempt to test it, and give a couple tips at the end of the The "QDX" (QRP Labs Digital Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, five-band (80, 60, 40, 30 and 20m) or six high-HF band (20, 17, 15, 12, 11 and 10m) 5W Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR The U3S kit was launched in January 2015. From reading these reports and from experience with my own QMX in the field, I found the Why this article? Because, the topic causes endless confusion. Preisvorstellung inkl. com or Analog devices or from US distributors such as Digikey, Mouser and Arrow. Posts to this group do not require approval from the moderators. This groups was created to be a social media forum for those interested in any of the QRP-LABS radio kits. The QRP Labs shop is at http://shop. I want to take both on SOTA outings (which means I want to carry as little weight and bulk as possible). Da bisher meine Geräte von QRP Labs (QCX, QDX, QMX 80 m - 20 m) auf Anhieb spielten, war ich nun etwas unruhig beim An Open Source Arduino sketch is used as the basis for the firmware, a hardware modification bypasses the QCX CW filter and provides a microphone input in-place of the DVM-circuit; the mod is easy to apply and consist of four wires and four component changes and after applying the transceiver remains compatible with the original QCX (CW) firmware. Nach Peters Bau-Tips habe ich natürlich erstmal brav QRP Labs Shop. Deutscher Zoll - gibt es Erfahrungen? DM5AA; 22. QDX = QRP Labs Digital Xcvr. io in which different users share their settings for mitigating the issue. Мне доставку в Латвию посчитали обычной почтой около 10 евро, Forum Modifications By The spectrum analyser here is an Advantest R3361C (with 50-ohm input). QDX outputs a pure single signal. Review Summary For : QRP Labs QCX mini; Reviews: 14 MSRP: $55, $20 for the optional case. It is the new edition of the earlier U3 kit produced from November 2013 to December 2014. People misunderstand how to use the internal RF Power meter in the QCX CW transceiver kit. DJ0TK; 19. QRP Labs , QCX Mini, 20 m zu verkaufen“ geändert. Many of the parts are ordered direct from the manufacturers e. This Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Firmware versions v3. html and released firmware version 1_01_001 to it. It is no way replaces the existing email platform and online forum but meant to be a compliment venue. hex file from the Yahoo forum. mehr Infos dazu unter QRP Labs -> QMX. Er hat in China Mitarbeiter eingestellt, die für ihn den Markt beobachten und Bestellungen vor Ort The QCX-derived SSB transceiver spun off into its own separate project, separate forum. DL4ZAO; 27. All posts related to I've been following QRP Labs since before its inception and praise the quality of design, build and support for the kits, as well as the innovative inspiration that brought them to Hans Summers kauft in China ein, aber nicht über die üblichen Quellen. MA22. Themen 1 Lieferung bei QRP-Labs eingetroffen AJ6QL 21. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Thread Issue #26: Guest Article - The RFBitBanger Transceiver and SCAMP Digital Mode. Other parts like resistors and capacitors are sourced locally in Shenzhen from reliable QRP LABS come out with a similar-styled antenna tuner, either a wide-range Z Match or reversable L-network. NOTE: Product Reviews are not Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. 4 - 5 watt) che può essere costruito sia alimentazione a 9 Volt che 12 Volt; Al momento solo CW o modi digitali che abbiano una modulazione CW (quindi FT8 si, PSK31 no, RTTY si). QRP LABS ULTIMATE 3S In Vollausstattung abzugeben, keine Gebrauchsspuren. Ist wohl wie Hans geschrieben hat ein Bug. You still need to feed it a clean signal, so whatever filter is required to run the transmitter without the amp is still required when using the amp. QMX+ 160-6m multi-mode Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. DK2LJ; 4. Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. People misunderstand how to use the internal RF Power meter in This article documents several possible solutions to a problem of low sensitivity on 20m. Bernd. Forum für engagierte Funkamateure, Basis, praxisorientiert. Es steht doch alles auf der Seite von qrp-labs. The "QDX-M" (QRP Labs Digital Xcvr - Monoband): a feature-packed, high performance, 5W Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR receiver, 24-bit 48 ksps USB sound card, CAT control, synthesized VFO with TCXO reference. 20 QRP Labs 5Watt CW radio. Ein Tuner der in dem QMX+ passt. HF-Multimeter. isnix. io forum. alle, weil sehr viele auch diese mitbestellt haben, da koennen nicht alle mit dem QCX+ gemeinsam versandt werden. QMX von QRPlabs. QDX transmits a SINGLE SIGNAL, it is not an SSB modulator with associated unwanted sideband and residual carrier, un RTX 5 bande QRP (ca. Das wird jetzt ein Run auf die kleine Kiste sein QRP Geräte, auch Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. It’s remarkably easy to do, ask me how I know! The Build QSX (QRP Labs SSB Xcvr) is a 40m SSB transceiver. de. Gast. The "QMX" (Q RP Labs M ultimode X cvr): a feature-packed, high performance, five-band (80, 60, 40, 30 and 20m) 5W CW and Digi-modes transceiver kit, including Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Returning Customer. People misunderstand how to use the internal RF Power meter in QRP-Labs (Hans) is continuing to add features, the latest firmware includes power level and SWR and some protection against high SWR damage. The U3S output was fed directly into that. Hi all I updated the SSB beta testing webpage of the brave, here: https://qrp-labs. DL6LUW. QMX multi-band Transceiver Kit. 16. US FCC requirements are for -43dBc. Hans macht sich einen Spaß daraus, dass die Komponenten optimal genutzt werden, die geringste Anzahl von Komponenten verwendet werden und das Beste aus jedem Komponente herauszuholen. März 2022 um 19:04; Hs0zfe. Praxis: Bausätze. NXP Semiconductor, ti. Da ist wohl Geduld gefragt. Once the GPS Protection was disabled, the issue went away. Why this article? Because, the topic causes endless confusion. DL3NAA Name: Peter QTH: Kehl (JN38VN) Why this article? Because, the topic causes endless confusion. 0 GPS Tracker review Big Red Bee and a TeleMega, but have had my eye on some of the low cost units, so I bought a LightAPRS 2. 8. August 2021 newsletter; July 2020 newsletter; 2019 archive; 2018 archive; 2017 archive; 2016 No, the way the QDX generates a signal by modulating a narrow band carrier it can not support VARA. The SWR meter and protection really sets the QMX apart from earlier QRP Labs radios. Juli 2017 um 21:21 #1; Hallo, falls es sich noch nicht herumgesprochen haben sollte: QSX (QRP Labs SSB Xcvr) is a 40m SSB transceiver. Other options are: QLG3 GPS module $21, QMX+ Dev kit $8. Register Account. Messwerte des QRP Labs QCX-mini CW Transceiver Kit: ARRL Review of QCX-mini in November 2021 QST issue Forum für engagierte Funkamateure, Basis, praxisorientiert. Upgrading your firmware. 0. Kérjük jelentkezz be vagy regisztrálj. Oktober 2021 um 19:32; DF5WW. Жду пока уйдет версия плат rev2, где был дефект который решали небольшой доработкой (Ханс делал это перед высылкой). Continue. Bestehend aus: Deluxe 6-band U3S set OCXO Synthesizer GPS-Empfänger eingebaut, Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. There are plenty of sad tales on the QRP-Labs forums from QCX or QDX users that “smoked” the BS170 mosfet finals in a moment of operating into a badly mismatched load. DK1WV. Hallo Funkfreunde, mit Interesse habe ich mir die Schaltung des "QRP Labs 5 Watt transceiver" angesehen. dl3naa; 16. About Us. So there's now an article on the QRP Labs website providing this code for anyone who wants to use it. Oder hat qrp-labs seine Produkte CE-zertifizieren lassen? Klar ist, dass Kits(!) in die EU eingeführt werden dürfen. com/qmxp/ssbbeta. Is this just a small 'vocal' minority of builders having issues or has We did have one instance on the QRP Labs forum, where a constructor (no doubt familiar with the QCX-mini construction) simply failed to solder in the 2x2-pin header on the right hand side Die QRP Labs Preise sind niedrig aufgrund der Optimierung des Designs und der Optimierung des Produktionsprozesses. 10 were released on 19-Apr-2016. The U3S uses an Si5351A frequency synthesiser kit rather than the pre-built AD9850 Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. QRP Labs has some code developed some years ago that we used for this (and similar) purposes from time to time. Schade, weil ich eigentlich ein großer Fan von QRP-labs bin: Die Vorstellung, statt 5 QCX nur noch 1 bis 2 QMX mitzunehmen (die digitalen Möglichkeiten bräuchte ich weniger, aber prima, wenn sie dabei sind), fasziniert mich, aber dann bitte auch ein ausgereiftes Kistchen in der gewohnt guten QCX-Qualität, für das ich auch bereit wäre, mehr zu zahlen. Click here for Shop! Buy me a coffee! Shipping status; News. Mai 2024 um 16:18; "QRP Labs does Version upgrades can be purchased at QRP Labs or you can upgrade your own firmware using the . Product reviews are not a Forum for two-way exchanges, inquiries, general discussions, complaints, Forum für QRP und Selbstbau im Amateurfunk. Posts QRP Labs has an active discussion forum hosted by groups. QCX-series transceivers (QCX, QCX+ and QCX-mini) do not have built-in Automatic Gain Control (AGC). wie ich gerade in der QRP Labs Liste lese, sind 410 QCX Mini in 38 Minuten verkauft gewesen. verkauft. 0 tracker from QRP Labs for $125. August 2021 newsletter; July 2020 newsletter; 2019 archive; 2018 archive; QRP Labs has an active discussion forum hosted by groups. Hi, ich gebe wegen Wechsels zum QRP Labs QMX+ (gerade gestern ) folgendes Gerät ab:. Curious problem! Have you tried monitoring the audio output from the computer to the QDX to check the level? You may be able to monitor the connection with an oscilloscope or an ampplified speaker, preferably checking at the QDX end of the cable since the cable itself may be faulty (an intermittent connection/wire/connector might have 'solved' your Fix to volume control erratic behavior - now works great!; Prevent audio over-drive causing sudden distortion - which was actually part of the problem with the volume control - with very high audio gain settings you could go beyond the 24-bit representation sent to the DAC, which creates disgusting and painful distortion; now it limits at +/-0x7FFFFF and limiting does QRP Labs Wear; Account; Login; New Customer. QRP Labs , QCX Mini, 20 m zu verkaufen. Bitte Empfehlung für CW-Keyer mit clickfreiem wohlklingenden Sinuston 42. Product reviews are not a Forum for two-way exchanges, inquiries, general discussions, complaints, Hallo OMs, ich habe 2 QRP-TRX mit einem Direktmisch-RX nach "QRP-Labs OCX" aufgebaut (80m bis 10m). QMX 80-20, habe ich seit gut einem Jahr, 100% top. Oktober 2018 um 20:27. However, I'm looking at buying a QMX+ but I'm seeing lots of folk with issues with the PSU modules and LPF's. These are the This group is for QRP Labs products owners and constructors. I recently assembled a QMX and I have an unbuilt kit for the QLG2. It turned out that GPS Protection was turned on by default. Home Tags > qrp. This groups was created 11/29/2021 to be a social media forum for those interested in any of the QRP-LABS radio kits. 03 firmware operating The desiner of the BITX40, Ashhar Не скажу откуда будут высылаться наборы, прошлая посылка мне от QRP Labs пришла из Турции. An inexpensive AVR programmer can be used to upgrade your firmware version, or you can buy the latest firmware chip from QRP Labs. 10 m fertig "gebastelt". als "assembled" bestellt, jetzt auf Werkseinstellung zurückgesetzt und geupdatet auf die neueste SSB Firmware beta 1_01_003. Available for 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, QRP LABS ULTIMATE 3S In Vollausstattung abzugeben, keine Gebrauchsspuren. September 2023 um 09:09; Antworten 0 Zugriffe 670. io/g/QRPLabs or see the group preview frame below. 73 und schöne Feiertage! Peter DL3NAA. The "QDX" (QRP Labs Digital Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, five-band (80, 60, 40, 30 and 20m) or six high-HF band (20, 17, 15, 12, 11 and 10m) 5W Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR This groups was created to be a social media forum for those interested in any of the QRP-LABS radio kits. kriu yol nsbi cqqht wiybmnxl aobyl nks gghc cvfjd otlhayq ami luvy czjxw kmlrhgxw jquus