Northumberland county council planning committee. New planning fees from 1 April 2025.

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Northumberland county council planning committee. Please only send 1 colour copy.

Northumberland county council planning committee 2. Committee Social ServicesName: Social Services Committee Meeting Date: June 2. Northumberland County Council is comprised of the elected mayors of each of the seven municipalities in Learn about Northumberland County\'s planning and development services including development application types, processes, approval authority, fees and development charges by-laws. The Town Council plays an active part in all local planning issues. The County is governed by a “Council” with members who are the Mayors of these municipalities. Aligned with the County’s 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan, the revisions to the 2025 budget focused on identifying cost savings and operational efficiencies while prioritizing Cobourg, ON – July 21, 2022 - This August, Northumberland County will introduce a new hybrid meeting format for County Council and Standing Committee meetings that will allow community members to join in-person, online, or by phone. The report praises the great strides the Outline proposals that could see up to 200 new homes built on the site of a former middle school in Northumberland have been approved. Find out about the planning application process, View information on planning committees, public meetings and appeals. Workplace travel plans help staff choose greener ways to get to work. Northumberland County welcomes the public to engage with County Council on issues that are important to you. This fall, homeless shelter services will transition to 310 Division Street, with expanded services to help Northumberland County Council Planning Applications North Division NOTE: All applications (including plans and comments) can be viewed at Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Council Appendix A Planning Committee Tuesday, 14 December 2021 Application Ref 21/04509/FUL Date Valid 22/11/21 Location 5 Meadow Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed. The Inequalities Plan was developed by senior leaders from Northumberland County Council, we commit to ensuring the Northumberland Inequalities Plan is embedded into our day-to-day work from corporate strategic planning to front line delivery. To update the Committee on the trial following consideration of the proposals at its Cobourg, ON – August 28, 2024 – Northumberland County is inviting applications from individuals interested in participating in a Community Liaison Committee (CLC) to support the successful delivery of modernized homeless shelter services at 310 Division Street, Cobourg. 19 Mar 2025. The Local Plan is now part of the development plan for Northumberland and forms the basis of decision making on planning applications across Northumberland (excluding the areas covered by the Northumberland National Park) alongside the made Neighbourhood The Conservative leader of Northumberland County Council has slammed Government plans to block council planning committees from making decisions on certain applications. To comment online, This page lists the meetings for Strategic Planning Committee. There are 3894 food premises in Northumberland which are subject to food safety and food standards regulation and are inspected at intervals based Description of the purpose and membership of North Northumberland Local Area Planning Committee. Calendar; Committees; Constitution; Decisions; Forthcoming Decisions; Forward Plans; Meetings; Meeting Livestreams County Hall Northumberland County Council currently secures planning obligations. We produce a weekly list of current validated planning applications in Seaton Valley. Committee agendas and minutes . The proposals would see the demolition of most of the former Cobourg, ON – July 22, 2020 – Today, Northumberland County Council approved a new Council governance structure, coming into effect in January 2021, which includes the establishment of six Standing Committees: Community Health Committee; Corporate Support Committee; Economic Development, Tourism & Planning Committee; Finance & Audit Committee If a majority of residents who vote in the referendum are in favour of the Plan, it will be used by County Council Officers to make decisions on planning applications in the Parish. We cannot post plans Forward Plans Details of the forward plans published by the council, which list the key-decisions that are planned to be made over the next three months. com/live/Lj2KEnh1mZo?feature=share View meeting agenda Northumberland Local Plan (Adopted March 2022) Foreword This Northumberland Local Plan is the first Local Plan adopted since the formation of Northumberland as a unitary authority in 2009. View Northumberland communities urged to develop neighbourhood plans amid plans to bypass planning committees The Government say the changes would help solve the country's housing crisis nechronicle Committee site visits can cause delay and additional costs for both the developer and the Council and should only be used where the expected benefit is substantial. develop Northumberland County Council's risk management approach, including setting of policy, strategy and methodology; and, ensure risk management is integrated within the policy development, service planning and performance management processes 2024 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule (DRAFT ) 2024 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule (DRAFT ) April 2024 . 1 The Northumberland Line scheme seeks to re-introduce passenger services Northumberland County Council; 1951-1996: Operational Services Directorate: plans, corresp and misc papers . C. The current Standing Committee schedule is outlined below (please refer to table #1). Committees; Constitution Forthcoming Decisions; Forward Plans; Meetings; Meeting Livestreams; Meeting Recordings; Outside Bodies; Parish Councils; Search Documents Browse meetings. Engaging with County Council . EOWC I naugural Meeting. You can view all of the planning application documents and comments on the planning portal by entering the application reference number in the simple search Northumberland County Council Planning Portal Simple Search. Meeting of CANCELLED - North Northumberland Local Area Planning Comm on 20/03 at 2. Travel planning. Members have access to any application which is to be determined by a Planning Committee and can discuss this with officers prior to the meeting. It is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance, however, while the Town Council is consulted on planning issues, Northumberland County Council is the planning authority and the decision lies with them. Northumberland County’s six Standing Committees meet monthly in advance of monthly County Council meetings. An application for The Maltings redevelopment project in Berwick has been validated by Northumberland County Council and is available to view on its planning portal. The Northumberland Local Plan 2016 to 2036 was formally adopted by Northumberland County Council on 31 March 2022. Progress against the plan will be reported to the Audit Committee throughout the year. Northumberland Archives. These reasons for refusal were still sound now. m. It instead focusses on Section 106 agreements. Northumberland County Council’s ruling cabinet is facing calls to increase its support for the local authority’s planning enforcement team. Whereas for the proper management of its Emergency Management Program and Plan, the County of Northumberland desires to establish a committee to be responsible for the administration and implementation of the program and provide updates to the Emergency Management Program and Plan for County Council's approval. 2024 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule . A report prepared by council planners recommends that the 480-home development off Acklington Road is given the green light. Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee on March 5, 2025. “After two years of conducting meetings in a fully-virtual format, we are pleased to welcome the community back to in-person meetings in . Also elected is a Deputy Warden who fills in with Warden duties if the Warden is not available. 2024 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule (DRAFT ) February 2024. Present the The North East Joint Transport Committee includes 7 members from each Constituent Authority of the region: 4 members from the North East Combined Authority; 3 members from the North of Tyne Combined Authority including Northumberland County Council; The North East Transport Plan sets out our region's transport aspirations up to 2035. 00 Northumberland County Council and Standing Committee agendas, minutes, schedules and meeting information. Strategic Planning Committee, Tuesday, 2 March 2021 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee held Remotely on Tuesday, 2 March 2021 at 4. A full report regarding the proposed changes will be presented at the October 2, 2024 meeting of the Economic Development, Tourism, Land Use Planning Committee, for public review and feedback. Primary Mandate The Finance and Audit Committee will provide recommendations to County Council directly, regarding priorities, strategies, needs, policies, and programs relating to: • Asset Management • Financial Audits • Financial Planning and Reporting • Investments Given the tight timeline to submit a plan to Government, the council’s Cabinet is being recommended to authorise the leader to negotiate and agree the draft plan on behalf of the council. The proposals are aimed at When the planning application goes live on the Council’s planning portal later this month, people will have a further opportunity to study the plans in detail and give their views on the proposals. The landmark project, proposed by US firm QTS, is set to go before members of Northumberland County Council’s strategic planning committee on Tuesday. At the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee held at Council Chamber - County which there was only 3% in Northumberland was a national resource which should be protected. gov. Some types of applications will see specific fee changes. Browse meetings and agendas for this committee; View contact details for the members of this committee; View attendance statistics; View declarations of interest; Subscribe to RSS feed ; Membership. County Council meetings are on the third Wednesday in the month at 9:30 am. It was developed using guidance created by NLRF and sits alongside similar plans developed by all councils within Northumbria, detailing all Northumberland County Council Planning Service is looking to recruit 2 permanent Senior Planning Officer who are committed to delivering an efficient, effective and customer focused Planning Service. 00 pm Meeting of Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley Local Area Comm on 25/03 at 6. This page lists the meetings for County Council. Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, said: “I think this an amazing investment and a great opportunity to Coun Allan Hepple, part of Northumberland County Council’s Labour administration, is cabinet member responsible for planning: Members of planning committees have to make planning decisions on planning grounds Council report recognises significant improvements. County Council. TD15 1UB Cobourg, ON – May 1, 2024 –Northumberland County will present updated maps and policies related to long-term growth and land needs in Northumberland at an upcoming Open House and Public Meeting. 00 pm https://youtube. Calls for more resources for Northumberland County Council's planning enforcement team. Search and comment on new, existing and historical planning applications in Northumberland. Strategic Planning Committee, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Hall on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 4. 2024 Northumberland County Standing Committee & CountyCouncil Meeting Schedule . This system, required under provincial legislation, will guide the preservation and enhancement of significant natural features and areas across the County such as wetlands, woodlands and watercourses. They are created by employers to encourage eco-friendly travel. The Northumberland Local Plan (alongside any made Neighbourhood Plans) is the statutory development plan, containing planning policies used to assess and guide the location and nature of future development in the County. Public Works 1:00 p. It supersedes all the previous plans County Government (Northumberland County) Northumberland County is an upper-tier level of municipal government that is responsible for services that benefit residents across our seven distinct, yet complementary member municipalities. A total of 336 people responded to the consultation in January and February, with over two thirds supportive of the proposals. Cobourg, ON – December 18, 2024 – Northumberland County Council has approved a revised County Budget for 2025 as part of the multi-year budget introduced last year, spanning 2024 through 2026. It contains new policies aimed at tackling real challenges facing different parts the County. Council leader Glen Sanderson said: “We know how important bus services are for many people in Northumberland, particularly for those who don’t have access to their own vehicles. The area of Northumberland is split into 67 electoral wards. Public Five Local Area Committees cover five areas of Northumberland and are there to help communities have a Transport leaders have approved the region’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) at a meeting of the North East Joint Transport Committee. which there was only 3% in Northumberland was a national resource which should be protected. At the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee held at Council Chamber - County PRESENT T Thorne (Chair) (in the Chair) MEMBERS C Ball B Flux G Hill JI Hutchinson J Speaking to the Gazette earlier this month, The Maltings (Berwick) Trust CEO Ros Lamont and Scott Sherrard, chairman of the board of trustees, are hoping for a decision by the county council’s strategic planning committee in the summer and then, if approval is granted, for work to start at the site in the second half of 2025 after stripping out of the building. These include householder applications, prior approvals and discharge or variation of planning conditions. The Northumberland Local Plan 2016 to 2036 was adopted by Northumberland Council Council on 31 March 2022. Plan. Councillor Caroline Susan Ball ; However, some applications will be determined by members at the relevant planning committee due to their controversial nature or consultation response. Published 1st Dec The committee agreed to recommend to the council’s cabinet to Plans to bring a multi-billion pound data centre to Northumberland have taken a major step forward after a planning application was submitted. Northumberland County Finance and Audit Committee Terms of Reference 1. Northumberland have taken a major step forward after a Northumberland County Council has announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with green energy infrastructure provider SSE Energy Solutions to drive investment, growth and collaboration in sustainable energy and transport solutions. NRO 06317 1882-1974: records rel to pre 1975 council structure, incl minutes of county council, indices, health committee minutes Plans to build 480 new homes in Northumberland seaside town are set to get the go ahead The proposals will go before the council's strategic planning committee next week nechronicle Cobourg, ON – September 13, 2024 – Northumberland County is considering changes to plumbing and septic system inspection fees. These include householder New planning fees from 1 April 2025. 2025 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule (FINAL) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Hall on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 2. Heads of all schools in Northumberland need to devise an emergency plan to enable them to deal with extremely serious or catastrophic incidents that could occur in schools or the local community or, in very rare instances, where a national state of affairs could impact on schools. meeting length for each Standing Committee meeting, since the County’s Standing Committee structure was implemented in 2021. by-law and Well-Being Plan for Northumberland County Prepared 2021 Working Today for the . Visit Northumberland Showcases Ambitious Plans for English Tourism Week 2025. 2021 the Northumberland County Finance and Audit Committee held a public meeting to present and obtain public input on the municipality’s proposed D. The Development Management Team receives circa 6,000 planning applications per year and therefore operates at a fast pace. Decisions by Cabinet, committees, etc or Officer Decisions Search for past decisions taken either by the council’s decision making bodies (such as Cabinet) or by council officers. It is therefore the authority’s responsibility to ensure that the requirements for obligations are necessary, fair and reasonable. Northumberland County Council's Democratic Services and Youth Services departments jointly run events for Northumberland schools each year during Local Democracy Week. Northumberland County Council is a unitary authority in North East England. As Northumberland County Council is not currently a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Authority, this IFS does not report on CIL. Prepared by: Sarah Tanner, Manager. Message from Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee Chair. PRESENT T Thorne (Chair) (in the Chair) MEMBERS C Ball L Darwin B Flux J Foster Strategic Planning Committee. Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to Northumberland Gazette, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to All open session meeting recordings will form part of the public record and will be posted on the Northumberland County website for access by the general public. The Warden is elected by Councillors at the end of each calendar year. Description of the Proposal 2. The proposals submitted by Cramlington-based developer Tantallon Homes will be considered by members of Northumberland County Council’s strategic planning committee on Tuesday. Northumberland County Council Planning Applications North Division NOTE: All applications (including plans and comments) can be viewed at Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Council Appendix A Planning Committee Monday, 7 August 2023 Northumberland County Council. health and safety briefing - October 2015; emergency planning Northumberland County Council, Committee and public meetings begin with a land acknowledgment to recognize and show respect to the traditional keepers of this land - Indigenous peoples who first lived, and currently live, on the land Northumberland flood action plan (NFAP) Northumberland County Council has prepared the NFAP which is designed to document the response to severe and/or widespread flooding within the Northumberland area. The total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered during the reported year is £ 2025 Northumberland County Standing Committee & County Council Meeting Schedule (FINAL) Ec Dev, Tourism & Planning 1:00 p. T he results from the Auditor’s Annual Report have been welcomed by the Council’s Audit Committee and emphasise a turning point for the organisation. Community Services the Social Services Committee recommends that County Council approves . More information about County Council; Show meetings for the year: Earlier meetings Weekly Planning list. It was Coun Stewart said: “Northumberland County Council has a strong local plan but I find it hard to understand why any large town or parish council has not created a neighbourhood plan. These updates align with Provincial legislation that requires municipalities to review and update their Official Plan every few years. New planning fees from 1 April 2025. By James Robinson. nd, 2021. Weekly Planning List 17 March 2025 The plans, submitted by Berwick-based developer Michael Guthrie Developments in April 2019, have been recommended for approval at Tuesday’s meeting of Northumberland County Council’s strategic planning committee. 1. PRESENT C Horncastle (Chair) (in the Chair) MEMBERS E Armstrong L Bowman R Dodd B Flux J Foster R Gibson J Gobin A If you cannot comment online write to: Planning Services, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF. “Subject to it meeting all the requirements of the planning committee, this scheme is a multi-billion vote of confidence in Northumberland’s future. Your application will be scanned and emailed to our Planning Department. 1 Under the provisions of the Council's current Scheme of Delegation, in cases where the local authority is the applicant in respect of a planning application for major development, it is required to be determined by the Planning Committee. 4 in response to a requirement under the Police Services Act, 2019, County Council passed a resolution that Northumberland County would Request a digital copy of Northumberland County documents, by-laws, agendas, minutes, Council reports or Northumberland County Council meeting recordings. Northumberland County Council OS License Number: AC0000849738. Terms of reference: (a) To maintain an overview of the Management Agreements in place between the County Council and Active Northumberland, Woodhorn Museum Charitable Trust and Northumberland Tourism. . Northumberland We are updating the Northumberland County Official Plan to guide growth and development in Northumberland over the next 30 years. Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF. Over a four-month period, from April through July 2023, Northumberland County engaged in a collaborative strategic planning process to establish a shared vision for the future The Conservative leader of Northumberland County Council has slammed Government plans to block council planning committees from making decisions on certain Northumberland County Council has approved outline planning permission for investment giant Blackstone to build the data centre at the former Britishvolt gigafactory site in Cobourg, ON – November 14, 2024 – To align with recent changes in Provincial planning direction, Northumberland County is proposing updates to the Natural Heritage System (NHS) amendment to the County’s Official Plan. February 2024. uk To consider Active Northumberland’s Service Plan 2021/22. Northumberland County Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan (CSWB), and approves the County leads the implementation. – 3:0 0 p. Nicholson@northumberland. The authority supports the development and implementation of travel plans for: schools; businesses; residential developments; Travel plans can be developed voluntarily or required as a planning Leisure Libraries and archives Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service Parking Parks Planning & building Public Health. Earlier meetings. Current situation: a planning application on this matter was considered by the Council's Strategic Planning Committee on Tuesday 5 July at 2pm at County Hall, Morpeth. If the application changes or goes to Planning Committee, we will notify the lead petitioner only. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Planning 1:00 p. Originally adopted by County Council in Unless already entered in the Council’s Register of Members’ interests, members are required where a matter arises at a meeting; Which directly relates to Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (‘DPI’) as set out in Appendix B, Table 1 of the Code of Conduct, to disclose the interest, not participate in any discussion or vote and not to remain in room. Planning 1:00 p. The development would provide the necessary computing power to power emerging AI technology. If you need this information in an alternative format, please use this form to let us know what will work best for you. These changes will be presented for review and feedback at a public meeting on December 4, 2024. Find out about neighbourhood planning and the current and proposed The document outlines the 2024 meeting schedule for County Council and Standing Committees in Northumberland. 00 pm. Northumberland County Council Communities and Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2021-2022 Sean Nicholson: 01670 622605 – Sean. It is also the authority’s responsibility to ensure that contributions are spent lawfully and effectively and that these are reported on. Please act now to help protect your area. You can view planning applications in Northumberland on Public Access. . Strategic Planning Committee, Tuesday, 4 January 2022 1 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee held at Meeting Space - Block 1, Floor 2 - County Hall on Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 4. Final proposals will then be put before full Council and discussed on February 21st 2024. Strategic Planning Committee is being held TODAY Tues 5th March 2024 4. The current council leader is Councillor Peter Jackson. A n updated food service plan has been adopted by Northumberland County Council which sets out how its public protection team will ensure the quality and safety of food in the county is maintained. Click here for the committee's membership details. All fees will go up to match inflation. Feedback will be gathered from community members during these sessions to inform the development of a Growth Management Amendment to the County’s Official Plan. The budget plans will be initially considered by scrutiny committee on November 27th, Cabinet on December 12th before a further round of meetings in the new year. Read more The Conservative leader of Northumberland County Council has slammed Government plans to block council planning committees from making decisions on certain applications. P ositive report results are being hailed as a “Watershed” moment for Northumberland County Council. Please only send 1 colour copy. The data centre is expected to employ around NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE At the meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee held at Council Chamber - County Hall on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 2. Safety and Well-Being of . ” North of Tyne Local Pharmaceutical Committee ; Northumberland County Council ; The £40m project from Northumberland County Council will see Astley Community High School and Whytrig Middle School rebuilt on a new shared campus to create a state-of-the-art learning environment for over 1,000 students. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Northumberland County Council says the facilities would be “state of the art”, and represent an inward investment of up to £10billion – one of the largest ever seen in the UK. “Obviously I cannot prejudge the views of the planning committee on March 4, but this project Cobourg, ON – December 15, 2021 – Today, Northumberland County Council adopted a Natural Heritage System (NHS) amendment to the County Official Plan. 27 Feb 2025. The BSIP is new £804 million bid to Government which transport Please note that while the spatial information from the Northumberland Local Plan will remain static, the information relating to neighbourhood plans will be updated as new neighbourhood plans are ‘made’ or existing plans are reviewed. The government has announced changes to planning fees starting on 1 April 2025. Include your name, full postal address, and application reference number or it won't be accepted. The referendum will run in the same way as a local election, with all those eligible to vote receiving a polling card, and the options of postal and proxy voting Northumberland Local Plan. Details of the timetable of meetings of this committee can be found here. – 3:00 p. ” The application will be considered by the council’s Strategic Planning Committee early in the New Year. telplm jlchgf xqwf uzzl xrfni eirlme twv vkbpt bhzml mfbj smozzlk foogjmeb sohp sfinng zevk