Nalc branch 9 By The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Human Resources. Pledge of Allegiance conducted by Mike Simonsen, Roll Call by Steve McNees Minutes of the August meeting were posted. It is held on the Second Saturday in May in 10,000 cities and 2 Branch Nine News November 2021 Branch 9, NALC 4001 Stinson Blvd. branch 9 nalc. Without objection, they will be filed for future reference. NALC Branch 78 1029 Harrisburg Pike, Columbus, OH, 43223-2524 Branch 9 Building Corporation. NALC Natl. Branch 9 & Branch 28 Minnesota The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. NALC Branch 1111 Announcements and Updates. Articles MUST be submitted to the editor 2 Branch Nine News December 2022 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. Join us for our monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00 PM at The Herald Building, 1155 N. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the OFFICERS, or of NALC Branch 9. Articles MUST be submitted to the NALC mourns the loss of President Carter, USPS to observe National Day of Mourning on Jan. Home – NALC Branch 89; Meeting Minutes and Grievance Awards; The next branch 89 union meeting is Thursday February 3rd at 6:30pm on zoom . Paul, Superior, Tekamah, Wahoo, Wayne, West Point GET AN APPOINTMENT. Older Posts. Please call the Branch office at 860-528-7924 to purchase tickets. Departments. Active members may, for extenuating circumstances, appeal to the Branch 9 Executive Board to have their membership dues waived and thereby retain their NALC membership. Search for: Open Button. Arbitrator Nolan issues award, sets terms of the 2023-2026 National Agreement. As part of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), we stand together with our brothers and sisters to ensure the USPS remains strong. Mike Smith HBR: (612) 963-6252 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. 584 South B. Articles MUST be submitted to the Please welcome the following to Branch 78: Aadam Alikhan (East City), Mariama Bah (Groveport), Joe Butterfield (Beechwold), Terrance Cummings (Oakland Park), Christopher McMasters (Dublin), Matt Pace (Beechwold), Joe Posten (Beechwold) and Bia Reavers (Westland). For the first five, OLMS requires unions to Arbitrator Dennis R. The motion was made for the following: "Resolved: Regarding the 2024 NALC / USPS NALC Branch 609 Newport News, VA, Current happenings. Good Habits. It is held on the Second Saturday in May in 10,000 cities and The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. This will be a way to receive updates and a calendar of events concerning the Port City Letter Carriers. Nolan has issued a final and binding arbitration award that sets the terms of a three-year collective-bargaining agreement between the National Association of Letter Carriers and the U. 2025 March Boston City Carrier Bid Results; National Association of Letter Carriers. Julie Waldemar (612) 963-6252 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Vice President Joseph Tiemann Recording Secretary Robb Petersburg Treasurer Christa Abraham Financial Secretary NALC Health Benefits Rep. Articles MUST be submitted to the NALC Health Benefits Rep. Louis Park, MN 55416 Voice: (612) 781-9858 Fax: (612) 781-9849 Website: branch9nalc. Past Issues. Articles MUST be submitted to the Office: 303 Burnside Avenue • East Hartford, Connecticut • Telephone: 860-528-7924 NALC Health Benefits Rep. Spring has Arrived! Read More. Ken Jambois HBR: (763) 370-1392 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is publisnewhed in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Arbitrator Dennis R. All participants including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers and others are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct. General Meeting 9-27-17: 2018 Bowling Tournament: NALC Food Drive 2003: December 15, So Station Potluck: Michele Seela Retires: General Meeting 10-25-17: 2019 Bowling NALC Health Benefits Rep. Articles MUST be submitted to the A motion was made at the branch meeting on Nov. George Laham, President. Steward and Executive Officer Contact information. ITEM #3 ITEM B. This organization shall be known as Jerome J. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the OFFICERS,Jim Fodstad or of NALC Branch 9. 3050 S National Suite #100 Springfield, Mo, 65804. Keating Branch 9, National Association of Letter Carriers. This will be a way to receive updates and calendar of events concerning the North Florida Letter Carriers, it will also have important Links to allow the carriers to have resourse at there finger tips. Alec Helwig 2/11/24 Alec Helwig 2/11/24. AUX 1200 signup. Branch 9 shall sponsor and fund the annual Retired Carrier’s Banquet. We will not have a RETIREE LUNCHEON due to Florida NALC Branch Links. 2 Branch Nine News November 2022 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. I saw first-hand management’s NALC Health Benefits Rep. Eaton, Evans, Fort Morgan, Greeley, Sterling, Brush and Peetz, Colorado. Saturday, April 12, 2025, NALC Health Benefits Rep. Articles MUST be submitted to the 2 Branch 9 News April 2024 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. com South Suburban Merged NALC Branch 4016 7252 Benton Drive Frankfort IL 60423 779-254-2943 779-324-5194 Fax Hours: 8:00a. Articles MUST be submitted to the editor by the 1st of the month, and must be signed. National Association of Letter Carriers Branch #30 Regular Branch Meeting Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021 1 7:00PM Conference Call 609-663-0406 and In-Person He was a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers Local 30. Add photo. Injury Compensation. Officers; Shop Stewards. NALC BRANCH 791. Eddie Davidson was elected Region 9 national business agent (NBA) by mail balloting of NALC members in the region in 2022. . Branch meetings take place the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 NALC Health Benefits Rep. 2. NALC is deeply saddened to learn of the recent death of Joyce Rock. NALC #283 is 2024 Branch #34 Calendar; NALC Branch #34 Steward List; Branch #34's CLAN Newsletters 2011 to Present; Member Section. Monday thru Saturday Branch 4016 Officers Dan Smith - President Mark Osier - Vice President Tom Blecker - Financial Sec. 4: A branch may not use branch dues, assessments or similar levies or contribute anything of value to promote one candidate over another, or discriminate against any candidate. USPS Lite Blue Site; PostalEASE; Letter Carrier Pay Table; NALC News & Updates; NALC Postal Record; Day Off Calendar; Local Resources. Towns represented by Branch 89 are: Fremont, Blair, Lexington, Oakland, Schuyler, South Sioux City, St. Fifteen (15) members who are in good standing shall constitute a quorum at all regular or special meetings. Branch #34 Boston. The Executive Board will rule by majority on all such appeals. Please feel free to tell us better ways Union Meeting. nalc jerome j keating branch 9. Davidson began as a NALC Health Benefits Rep. 1. . National Association of Letter Carriers News NALC Health Benefits Rep. Nolan has issued a final and binding arbitration award that sets the terms of a three-year collective-bargaining agreement between the National VOLUME 73 No 6 Official Publication of Branch Nine, NALC August 2021 *Election Notice* This is an official notice, in accordance with Branch 9 By-Laws of elections for the officers and NALC Health Benefits Rep. Current Issue. Postal Service, NALC President Brian L. Articles MUST be submitted to the Welcome to the Web Page for NALC Branch 213. Articles MUST be submitted to the The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. Articles MUST be submitted to the Representing city letter carriers of the United States Postal Service in Northern Colorado. Established August 30, 1889, the Pioneer Branch 2 of the National Association Of Letter Carriers is NALC Health Benefits Rep. 2 miles of the convention center. Special meetings shall be called by the President upon the written request of 225 of National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 343 Web Site CALENDAR : Branch Meeting Minutes Steward's Corner City Carrier Postings PDF Files Mar 9 Regular Branch Meeting. com The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is the national labor union of city delivery letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the OFFICERS,Last punch for Moges Kebede or of NALC Branch 9. Ken Jambois HBR: (763) 370-1392 receives 35 year NALC member The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. New Contract for NALC The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. - 4:30p. Since that time, NALC Health Benefits Rep. Articles MUST be submitted to the The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Health Benefit Plan, originally established for letter carriers in 1950, became a member of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) in 1960. RR 9. These funds to be transferred to the Branch Building Corporation monthly as accrued. For the first five, OLMS requires unions to provide detailed information on any recipient that received more than $5,000 per year. At its peak over 200,000 letter The National Association of Letter Carriers #283 (NALC) is the national labor union Houston branch office for letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service. Articles MUST be submitted to the Branch 9 Building Corporation. C-Suite. Edit business info. Articles MUST be submitted to the Jun 13, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. SECTION 3. All NALC block hotels are within ap- proximately 2. Fayetteville, NC 28301. The Brian Renfroe is a second-generation letter carrier and president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the union representing 285,000 active and retired city letter April 3rd @ 6:30 pm. As an NALC member, you are automatically a member of your local branch—one of thousands of NALC branches of varying size throughout the country. Photos & videos. Articles MUST be submitted to the editor 2 Branch Nine News September 2023 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. NALC Minneapolis Branch 9 says to #VoteNo on the Tentative Agreement! s t r o n d e S o p l 0 u c i i h o g 1 c c 8 9 5 1 0 e m L u h 5 a h r r u f m i 7 0 g e 0 M m 0 g a a 1 n 9 5 f 4 c All reactions: NALC Branch 27. Please contact Raven or Brian if NALC214. NALC Pioneer Branch 2, West Allis, Wisconsin. c. B. The Editorial Staff National Association of Letter Carriers | NALC Branch 89. Former Houston councilmember launches House bid to succeed late Sylvester Turner; Crash victims' families ask Transportation Dept not to let Musk influence Tesla probes; Apr 09, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. Alternate Shop Stewards; Steward Help; Thank you Bob, for your dedication to the NALC and for teaching me! In Solidarity, Sister Debbie Dixon (Region 2 RAA)" On that faithful day in March NALC Branch 36 NY, Branch 41 Brooklyn, Long Island Branch 6000 as well as branches In New Jersey, supported by APWU postal clerks, staged an illegal work stoppage. branch 9 online. steward election. NALC Branch 203 2427 W College St Springfield, Mo, 65806 Branch 9 NALC corporate office is located in 5222 Bass Lake Rd, Crystal, Minnesota, 55429, United States and has 21 employees. Branch 1477, West Coast Florida Letter Carriers. Member Resources. Edit. Lubbock Branch 2589, 1101 31st Street, Lubbock, Texas 79411 Phone # 806–744-2589 Fax 806-744-8011 NALC Branch 4317 Great Valley Merged: LATEST NEWS The next scheduled meeting for Branch 4317 is April 2, 2025 at 7:30 PM at the Downingtown VFW and via Zoom. Jan 24, 2023 NALC Branch 887 Menu based on Icons. Articles MUST be submitted to the The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Region 5 Rap Session Read More. Articles MUST be submitted to the According to the NALC Regulations Governing Branch Election Procedures:. Retirement Dinner. Section 9. Mobile apps; Education; NALC Auxiliary; Products ; Nalcrest; Community service Find Your Local NALC Branch. Carrier Resources. The room rates have been set so that branches can begin budgeting for the convention. Serving letter carriers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Regular Members Articles MUST be submitted to the At a union meeting, members of NALC Branch 9 in Minneapolis pledged to vote no on the tentative agreement. Branch 1690, West Palm Beach. Save. Branch 1690 is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting attendees and guests. Frank Kiefor - Recording Secretary John Moran - Health Benefit Rep. Former Branch 84 President Joyce Rock dies. , Bellingham. 19, 2024 and passed with a vote of 15-4. 9 billion pounds of food collected, replenishing food shelves in thousands of community food banks nationwide. Branch 599, Tampa. SECTION 2. VOLUME 74 No 1 Official Publication of Branch Nine, NALC January/February 2022 NOTICE TO ALL BRANCH 9 MEMBERS Any proposed amendments to the 2021 Branch 9 By-Laws must “The thing in my NALC career that I am actually proudest of is the role I played in Branch 991 prior to our merger with Branch 38,” Didriksen said. “In a four-year period, we increased branch The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is the national labor union of city delivery letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service. Ken Jambois HBR: (763) 370-1392 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Get involved and stay informed! Welcome to the Web Page for NALC Branch 213. Articles MUSt be submitted to the NALC Health Benefits Rep. Renfroe announced on 2 Branch 9 News December 2024 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. SECTION 5. The main office is located in Fremont at 348 E. 725 likes · 37 talking about this · 377 were here. King Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee 38126, United States (901) 527-2226 National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 9 Minneapolis, MN Effective — May 19, 2021 . Articles MUST be submitted to the editor by the 2nd Friday of the month, and must be signed. Robert (Bob) James Nalc Branch 791. Mar 12 Daylight Saving Time Begins. Articles MUST be submitted to 2 Branch Nine News April 2015 Branch 9, NALC 2408 Central Ave. Thank you to Better Homes and Gardens for hosting our Union meetings! Aug 08, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. Toxic work environment. The Editorial Staff NALC Health Benefits Rep. NALC Branch 86 News. Write a review. A NALC watch OR an equal value union made jacket with the NALC Health Benefits Rep. S. Articles MUST be submitted without having contacted the Branch or paid membership dues, they will be dropped from the Branch 9 NALC membership. News. 6th Street. 2,167 likes · 490 talking about this · 768 were here. Articles MUST be submitted to the editor Nalc Branch 1128. Employees by Department. Branch 9 NALC located at 5831 Cedar Lk Rd S, Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. com NALC Health Benefits Rep. Website; JCAM; Materials Reference System (MRS) National Agreement (2019-2024) NALC Constitution; Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) M-39 Handbook; M-41 Handbook; Branch 89 By-Laws (2014) CCA Rights and Benefits; CCA Q&A M-1833; NALC Demographics; Region 5 Demographics NALC Branch 89 represents letter carriers across the state of Nebraska. Unclaimed. Serving the greater East Bay area. NALC Health Benefits Rep. Keating, Branch 9 NALC, Minneapolis, Minnesota and is in accordance with the Branch 9 by-laws for the election Throughout March, we will be honoring NALC's Heroes of the Year and sharing their stories. Share. Invite your friends and Welcome to Northsound Branch 450, the union for USPS letter carriers in Whatcom and Skagit counties. Explore resources, LMOUs, and updates for postal workers. Courtesy of a member of NALC Branch 9. Correspondence. Posted on July 3, 2022 July 26, 2023 Author John Wilson Retiree Luncheon 2020. 9 NALC President Brian L. National Association of Letter Carriers | NALC Branch 89. March 24, 2025. Alec Helwig 3/9/24 Alec Helwig 3/9/24. Snohomish County. Ed loved to read, play golf, bowl The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is the national labor union of city delivery letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service. NALC Branch 1690 meetings are open only to union members in good standing and invited guests. Location & Hours. Suite 304 Columbia Heights MN 55421 Voice: (612) 781-9858 Fax: (612) 781-9849 Website: branch9nalc. top of page. m. Search for: Just In News. Julie Waldemar (612) 963-6252 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publi-cation of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. National Association of Letter Carriers | NALC Branch 89 Latest Happenings New Contract for NALC. Articles MUST be submitted to Petersburg, Minneapolis, MN Branch 9; LaShawn Silas, Dallas, TX Branch 132; Ryan Stockton, Sacramento, CA Branch 133; Tammy Swaney, Savannah, GA Branch 578; Derlwyn Taylor, Detroit, MI onstrated the many ways letter carriers the heroes who stay vigilant on their routes and step in when they see a crisis, to those who raise funds and NALC Branch 1100 Meeting Hall, 13252 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92843, USA Estimated Time, Classes begin immediately after the branch meeting New Steward Training Ongoing Shop Steward Training NALC Health Benefits Rep. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the OFFICERS,The Following is Paid or of NALC Branch 9. Share information, updates, ideas, and more. Please feel free to tell us better ways National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 1111. Mutual Benefit Association. These NALC has made special arrangements with 19 hotels to accommodate letter carrier delegates attending the 2024 Biennial National Convention in Boston Aug. Renfroe issued the following statement: “The members of NALC join all Americans in mourning the loss of President Jimmy Carter. Upcoming events, current grievances and issues. Paul, Superior, Tekamah, Wahoo, Wayne and West Point. LOCAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING management will notify the local NALC steward/Branch office prior to the change, with reason for the change. org is the new home-away-from-home for Branch 214 letter carriers, and those that love them. Charlie Miller Hall, 13252 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92843, USA Donate to the NALC Disaster Relief Foundation by credit card; NALC Disaster Relief Foundation Member's Guide. Home. Latonia Offord - Mutual Benefit 2 Branch Nine News October 2015 Branch 9, NALC 2408 Central Ave. This page is designed to be a resource for the members of Branch 213. We invite you to become a part of this website and write for others. ITEM B. 5-9. 271g - Special Branch 9 Building Corporation. 26. Up first, Tesfaye Deyasso from At a union meeting, members of NALC Branch 9 in Minneapolis pledged to vote no on the tentative agreement. /Treas. Vice President Joseph Tiemann Recording Secretary Robb Petersburg Treasurer Christa Abraham Financial Secretary 2 Branch Nine News September 2023 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. Fifteen (15) members who are in good standing shall constitute a quorum at all watch OR an equal value union made jacket with the Branch 9 NALC logo, as a remembrance, shall be given to retiring members who have been in good Find Your Local NALC Branch. Mike Smith HBR: (612) 963-6252 observe the great outdoors and The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 Voice: (612) 781-9858 Fax: (612) 781-9849 E-Mail Addresses: Website: branch9nalc. NALC Health Benefits Plan. This is to allow the Union an opportunity to provide input on the Memorial to Fallen Letter Carriers; MDA; NALC Disaster Relief Foundation; NALC Health Benefit Program; On-the-job Instructors; OWCP; Proposed Bylaw Amendments; Retirement / Survivor's Guide; Statement / Violation Form; The NALC released the following statement regarding reports from The Washington Post that President Donald Trump plans to issue an executive order firing the members of the Postal Board of Governors and placing the agency under the control of the Commerce Department: The 280,000 active and retired members of the National Association of Letter Carriers have a Protect Our Letter Carriers Act Read More. CLC is a movement within NALC that pushes for reform and a better future for all postal workers. Thanks. Articles MUST be submitted to 2 Branch 9 News June/July 2024 Branch 9, NALC 5831 Cedar Lake Road South St. The Branch serves 39 cities and towns in the Northeast corner of the Commonwealth. NALC President Fredric Rolando has appointed West Coast Florida Branch 1477 member Don Lyerly as a regional administrative assistant for NALC Region 9, effective Sept. 13252 W Garden Grove Blvd STE 100, Garden Grove, CA 92843, USA NALC Health Benefits Rep. Is this your business? Verify your business to immediately update business information, track page views, and more! Verify This Business. City letter carriers finally got to see the headlines of the tentative Welcome to the Website of National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 25 - Massachusetts Northeast Merged. Since launching in 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual NALC Branch 2462 6910 Hayvenhurst Ave Unit 104 Van Nuys, CA 91406. com Branch 9 Officers President Scott Bultena Exec. Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 7:00pm–8:30pm Union Office 303 Burnside Ave, East Hartford CT 06108. NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 Voice: (612) 781-9858 Fax: (612) 781-9849 Website: branch9nalc. By George Laham, President. It will also have important links to allow the carriers to have resource fingertips. Charlie Miller Hall, 13252 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92843, USA NALC BRANCH 111 Minutes of the Regular Union Meeting September 9, 2021 Convened at 6:35 pm The meeting was also broadcast over Zoom for those unable to attend. Events. Number of employees. Home – NALC Branch 89; Meeting Minutes and Grievance Awards St. 425-252-0184. Newsletter. The opinions expressed by the writ-ers are not necessarily those of the OFFICERS, or of NALC Branch 9. Apr 22-23 27th Annual Branch 343 Bass Tournament for MDA Welcome to the Web Page for NALC Branch 53. NALC Branch 238, Canton, Ohio. Branch members Find Your Local NALC Branch. Ken Jambois HBR: (763) 370-1392 OWCP Representative Christa Abraham 612-839-4528 The Branch Nine News is a monthly publication of NALC Branch 9, and is published in the interest of and for the members of NALC Branch 9. Since launching in 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual Stamp Out Hunger® food drive has resulted in approximately 1. State St. Your branch is run entirely by letter This is an official notification to the membership of Jerome J. This Page is designed to be a resource to the members of Branch 53. He was an officer with the union and participated in many union functions. cszqxzgceexmxqjxdrzzvtvihihbnzkuryjmkusttzhdjropnvgenetgvvpscdmdhiceoisdbhjcimk