Hf band plan 95 CW DX 3. 150 500 All narrow band modes AX25 packet should not be used on the 10MHz band. It is suggested that Member The HF band plan in its version of 16 October 2020 (Virtual General Conference “Novi Sad”) including the annex has been revised. They achieve this objective because the vast majority of licensed amateurs observe the voluntary recommendations. 0 – 7. 0. HF bandplan; VHF & up bandplans; Emergency Communications; Satellites; Youth in Amateur Radio; The IARU QSL Bureau System; IARU Contests. 9 145. Come indicato dalla IARU stessa, le frequenze indicate 20 metres is by far the most popular band for regular DX contacts. The final band plan can be viewed on the ARRL website. The Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide The following frequencies are generally recognized for certain modes or activities (all frequencies are in MHz) during normal conditions. RSGB Band Plans and Information. Each band has unique propagation U. You’ll find a complete description of the band plan online at www. 1 . 890 general guide and Band Plan. Effective March 5, 2012. BANDWIDTH (Hz) 18068 - 18095 200 CW 18086 kHz - CW QRP Centre of Activity 18095 - 18105 500 Narrow band modes Digimodes 18105 - 18109 500 Narrow band modes Digimodes, automatically controlled data Vediamo le bande di frequenza e descriviamo le caratteristiche delle varie bande (ELF, VLF-MF, HF, VHF-UHF, SHF-EHF). Because of its popularity, it can be crowded, especially in Region 1, although the expansion of the band from 7. Band Plans. You need only register once for each band. In most cases observance is voluntary although some administrations The HF bands are where you are going to find most of your DX or long-distance stations. 00 28. Changes to the plan include:1) The addition of the 630 metre band at 472 – 479 kHz2) The addition of the 15 kHz wide 60 metre band allocation at 5. After approval by the Virtual General Conference in Novi Sad 2020, the modifications of the Region 1 HF band plan became effective at 16 October 2020. Resources listed under Band Plan category belongs to Ham Radio main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. This Band Plan is meant to be a general guide and local band plans take precedence. Related wiki pages: VHF, Each country has its own conventions that are an application of the general band plans. Region 3 Band Plan The IARU Region 3 HF Band Plan committee and the IARU Region 3 board have long noted the problems on 40m of mis-alignment of activity types between national and even inter-regional band plans on the 40m band. IARU Region 2 LF/MF/HF Band Plan Effective: October 8, 2010 The IARU Region 2 has established this band plan as the way to better organize the use of our bands efficiently. Bandwidth (-6 dB) Modo. 25-cm band, there are mode restrictions for all licensees (CW-only portions on the 6- and 2-meter bands and a data only portion on the 1. 900 E,A,G MHz Avoid interference to radiolocation operations from 1. As pointed out by @Michael Kjörling, the answer is different for different regions of the world. org/band-plan. This document is only in English. These frequencies span from 3. — Texas 2-Meter Band Plan — Icom 706MkIIG — 5 thoughts on “ Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations and Band Plans ” Bart Jones on February 13, 2016 at 12:57 PM said: This chart shows privileges and band plan recommendations for each of the frequencies, as granted by Technician Licenses may use up to 1500 Watts PEP on the VHF and higher bands, but are limited to 200 Watts on the HF bands. Fixed primary service, 14. The ham radio bands span a wide spectrum of frequencies, from low-frequency bands like LF and MF to high-frequency bands like HF, VHF, and UHF. 2MHz, originally agreed at WRC-03 has helped. 1 “to go” v1. 600 MHz; Nifty Accessories HF/VHF/UHF Bands Operating Guide. 5 | 7 | IARU HF BAND PLAN. The RSGB Band Plan is normally published annually in the February edition of RadCom and additionally reviewed mid-year. Το ισχύον Band Plan της IARU – Περιοχής 1, προσαρμοσμένο σύμφωνα με τον ελληνικό Εθνικό Κανονισμό Κατανομής Ζωνών Συχνοτήτων – ΕΚΚΖΣ Band Plans. The law behind bandplan compliance: The reader should not confuse the bandplans published by the ARRL and coordination entities with the FCC Mandated band allocations. A quando l’aggiornamento del nostro bellissimo band plan? Tnx. /Prepper Groups 12m Narrow FM Calling 24h Finnlands only national calling frequency on 80 mtr 2nd FM Simplex 300 Baud HF Packet 3905 Century Club 3905 Century Club Net 3906 group 3RN TFC NET 4 PMRS 6 in the 6ix Net 60m 6M AM calling 6m am net tucson az 6M DX Net 6m Readiness Novice/Technicians are limited to 200 watts PEP on HF bands. 3 %Çì ¢ 5 0 obj > stream xœí=[›Ü¶ïû+Ô/ g&çŒÂûåÑŽ &='½»Iz¾º Î^ü¹u¼ÉÚIëüú ¤DR H3£ÑîÎÚk?X !Î/ «yÅðoóïÙOG_ ÛêÕ»£_Ž4cµô®RRÖÜûJy#*«5¯Uu}QýðyõöˆW¯Ž”×µabÖÔ¢âÎTŽÃ n ÙÑåçG¬všk#‹¶Æ Ý`[Îeí}Ûö9t í ³®x¸~uÄ%gµi W Band Plan MF - HF 160 metri - MF 1830 Inizio Banda 1830-1838 CW esclusivamente 1838-1840 Digitale tranne Packet, CW 1840-1842 Digitale tranne Packet, Fonia, CW 1842-1850 Fonia, CW 1850 Fine Banda 80 metri - HF 3500 Inizio Banda 3500-3510 CW DX 3510-3560 CW Contest 3560-3580 CW esclusivamente 3580-3590 Digitale, CW 3590-3600 Digitale Packet, CW 3600 The S5 band plan is based on IARU Region 1 HF band plan. New Kenwood TM-D750A. Find the band plan for amateur radio operation on various HF, VHF and UHF bands. Of course, if a band plan conflicts with national regulations the national regulations must be observed. 65 . 8 200 CW, QRSS and narrow band digital modes 630m Band: In the UK, and most of Region 1, the band is shared with other services which may be heard occasionally using upper sideband (USB). 8. 100-10,140 CW esclusivamente Band Plan Italiano SHF 13 cm , 5 cm , 3 cm , 7 mm 13 cm . This band is often taken up as IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN A recommendation for all radio amateurs how to use the bands, as revised at the General Conference Varna 2014 FREQUENCY (kHz) MAX BANDWIDTH The frequencies in the band plan are understood as “transmitted frequencies” (not those of the suppressed carrier!) Sideband Usage Below 10MHz use lower sideband Note: although 160m is a Medium Frequency/MF band, it is often lumped in with the HF bands for simplicity. WSJT-X 2. 3 gHz) - Also the amateur EHF bands. Międzynarodowa Unia Radioamatorska – International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) – organizacja międzynarodowa ruchu krótkofalarskiego, założona w 1925 roku w Paryżu. Region 1 Band Plans. A. IT è il sito di tutti i soci ARI ma è il caso di ricordare che le opinioni espresse dai collaboratori di questo sito, incluse le inserzioni pubblicitarie, non si identificano necessariamente con il punto di vista di ARI e del suo CDN e per An earlier draft of the plan was introduced at the Board’s in-person January meeting. Amateur Radio MF/HF Band Plan E Extra A Advanced G General Novice and Technician Under restructuring, all Advanced license classes retain their operating privileges. 6 147. , HF, VHF, UHF) and may also differ between countries or regions, as the allocation of amateur radio spectrum and regulatory Amateur Radio Band Plan. At 70 centimeters and above, all licensees have all frequency and mode privileges. WIA - Australian Amateur Band Plans - updated 20/08/2014 Page 1 Australian Amateur Band Plans Updated 20 August 2014 Introduction Spectrum Management International spectrum management is the responsibility of the International Telecommunications Union On the HF bands, there are three main mode divisions: CW, digital data modes, and SSB. U. The DXZone Amateur Radio I wanted a band plan sticker that I could quickly read when operating portable in the field. 6. Find out which bands are suitable for local contacts, world-wide propagation, contests and WARC Learn about the band plans for different license levels in amateur radio, from Technician to Extra. Region 3 Band Plan General information pertaining to Hf ham radio operation, shortwave listening, dx, hf band plans, antenna design, groups, and digital hf modes. Operating Aids/Radio Spectrum; Ham Radio/Band Plans; The title of the main category is Band Plans and it deals mainly with Amateur radio frequency allocations, band plans. pdf) 61k; 10MHz frequencies (30 metre band) Digital Automatic Subband Chart (html) 18MHz frequencies (17 metre band) Digital Sub Band Activity Charts IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN A recommendation for all radio amateurs how to use the bands, as revised at the Interim Meeting Vienna 2016, effective 01 June 2016. Μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε ΕΔΩ. Band Plan HF 3. Argh, I can't locate a link to it on their website but it used to be that there was a verbal explanation for each band and this graphic is an companion document for them. org. 0 SSTV C W 1. Repeaterbook does not conduct any enforcement of the band plans and does not refuse to document stations that are outside of the coordination guidelines or band plan. 000. Band Plan Italia - IARU Region 1 . 472 kHz 479 kHz E,A,G 630 Meters (472 kHz) 5 W EIRP maximum, except in Alaska within 496 miles of Russia where the power limit is 1 W EIRP. It is derived from the IARU This band plan only covers bands that have repeaters operating on them, from 10-meters and up. 560 QRP 3. The link to this resource has been on our site since Wednesday May 19 2010, and it has been followed 5348 times. Member Societies are reminded of the recommendation in the IARU Region 1 HF Band Plan ‘that any unmanned transmitting stations is given to adjacent channel users. 7 available to download. (NRRL Davos 05). 800 1. 735 3. Toggle. Sharing arrangements; Detailed packet frequencies [PDF] Phone patch, autopatch and HF/VHF/UHF operating guidelines "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide" 2200 and 600 - meter bands U. Amateur MF and HF Allocations: The information below was compiled from a variety of sources. Geographical power restrictions apply to the 630 meter, 70 centimeter, 33 centimeter and 23 centimeter bands. Author : IARU HF Band Plan Committee. During the day, contacts around Europe are possible, as well as good intra-UK propagation. Region 1 --- Africa, Europe, former USSR countries, Middle East (excluding Iran) and Mongolia. 75 . 60 29. 600 3. A repeater listing on Repeaterbook does not, in any way, endorse a particular Scarica direttamente il Band Plan HF (ver. VHF & up Bandplans. Novice in de hele band in alle modes toegestaan met maximaal 100 Watt: VRZA Band plans are voluntary guidelines developed by the amateur radio community to establish best practices for frequency usage within the radio spectrum. CURRENT U. It is an excellent DX band and is open for much longer and through more of the sunspot cycle than 10 metres. IARU HF World Championship; VHF & up; World amateur radio day; Codes of Conduct; Spectrum Abuse; Beacons; Operating Awards. Designed specifically with POTA activators in mind by simplifying the US band plan down to just the most commonly used HF portion. IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan. 25-m band). 8 This page is only a guide, for up to date band plans please visit RSGB Band Plans Page. ITU Common Amateur Radio Country Prefixes 1A** (SMO) of Malta (Rome) 21MHz. Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) e. MHz. 6) R2 HF Plan de Bandas 2010 This is our current band plan in Spanish. PROSSIMI EVENTI E ATTIVITA' Contest 40/80 Contest italiano multimodo SSB, CW, RTTY Si parteciperà dalla stazione di Sezione con nominativo IQ2MI. 750 DX window 3. This BAND PLAN was approved by the XIII General Assembly of Delegates of IARU Region II held at Porlamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela from September 28 to October 2, 1998 . clikka sopra per visualizzare il PDF. 1-2-3) quale punto di riferimento per le comunicazioni di emergenza di quell'area. Region 1 Awards; Reference. The IARU/ITU Regions are shown here. Amateur Radio MF/HF Band Plan Amateur TV Fast Scan Satellite CW FM Simplex Digital SSB & Weak Signal (No FM) FM Repeater Extra Voice - CW - Image HF Band Plan 80 M, 3. pdf) from the Wireless Institute of Australia; The Canadian band plan FSK441-JT6M-ISCAT--PSK31-FSK-etc. Modifications of band plan version 29 March 2009 (Cavtat) made by the General Conference Sun City 2011: Four new FM Repeater channels added: 29520 – 29550 kHz (input), respectively Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. Beyond that, there are generally accepted sub-bands intended for different modes. Webmaster IK6DTA Ennio D'ONOFRIO RAC has recently published an updated version of the official band plan for HF frequencies, effective December 1st 2015. Allocations in this band vary widely from country to country; it was formerly shared with the largely defunct Loran-A radionavigation system. Region 2 --- North and South America including Hawaii, Johnston and Sektion HF 15 Mar • Dokumentär om Radio Caroline o 28 Feb • EA PSK63 contest 8-9 mars 7 Mar • Elvira/D68Z 13 Mar • SSA Månadstest den 16 mars 14 Mar • IARU 100 år SES 15 Mar Sektion VUSHF Band Closed: VHF-Eskip 6m: Band Closed: Arkiv IARU Region 1 LF-MF-HF Band Plan Una raccomandazione per tutti i radioamatori su come usare le bande, come rivisto all'Interim Meeting di Vienna 2016, in vigore dal 1 giugno 2016. 500 3. 45MHz. The DARC (German HAM Radio Club) published a rather good overview over the preference frequencies for different digimodes on the HF bands valid for the IARU Region 1 (Africa, Europe, Middle East, northern Asia):. Amateur Radio Band Plan. 690 SSB 3. 525 – 3. 7000 MHz. 430 Band Plan - MF /HF; Band Plan - HF QRP; Band Plan - 50MHz /70MHz; Band Plan - VHF/UHF/ SHF; Band Plan - Digitale; FREQUENZE FT4 - FT8; CANALI CB-LPD-PMR; FREQUENZE e UTILITY Pdf; FREQUENZE e Schedul; FREQUENZE Internaz. This is the 20-meter amateur radio band. S. 5 cm. The Bands. 000 MHz); Just above the commercial AM broadcast band. Non-contesting radio This chart shows privileges and band plan recommendations for each of the frequencies, as granted by Technician Licenses may use up to 1500 Watts PEP on the VHF and higher bands, but are limited to 200 Watts on the HF bands. 845 image 3. IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN A recommendation for all radio amateurs how to use the bands, as revised at the Interim Meeting Vienna 2016, effective 01 June 2016. VHF-/UHF band plans: IARU band plan 6 m: PDF: IARU band plan 4 m: PDF: IARU band plan 4 m (adapted for Switzerland) PDF: IARU band plan 2 m: PDF: IARU band plan 70 cm: PDF: IARU band plan 23 cm: PDF: ARRL band plans for frequencies above 28. 40m Band Plan Harmonisation – WIA next steps Following the 40m band plan harmonisation consultation conducted by the WIA, discussions have taken place with the IARU Region 3 HF Band Plan committee (HFBPC) over the WIA findings. Take with you anywhere! - Field Day, emergency deployments, mobile or just out having fun. USA frequency allocations. 17 meters – 18. 525 3. Per land kunnen er verschillen zijn in frequentie gebruik voor de zendamateur, stel je hiervan op de hoogte als je naar een ander land gaat. 140 200 Telegraphy (CW) 10. Some band plans conflict with your local regulations. S5 HF Band Plan 1. RSGB. 100± 50 KHz Beacon. 885 AM C 3. Find out the frequency ranges, modes, and usage for each band, and download a printable PDF or poster. These are not regulations and occasionally a high level of Some band plans conflict with your local regulations. DARC-Serviceteam. 8) R1 VHF UHF Bandplan This is the IARU Region 1 band plan for VHF and UHF Download the PDF with USA Amateur radio HF band plan and common country prefixes updated in 2008 by Icom. (International Amateur Radio Union) in occasione delle Conferenze Internazionali WARC (World Administrative Radio Communications) tenute sotto l’egida dell’Unione Internazionale delle Telecomunicazioni (I. T. Band Plans and information RSGB Band Plans are normally published annually in the February edition of RadCom and additionally reviewed mid-year They are derived from the IARU Region 1 Band Plans taking into account any proposed national variations or special amendments, which are considered necessary by the relevant spectrum manager. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2504. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2503. 925± 5 KHz 28. A detailed page on HF band usage is available on this page which was curated by Mark ZL3AB and Gary ZL2IFB. BAND PLAN HF Rev. Per adesioni e informazioni dxteam@arimi. 2021 BAND PLAN VHF/UHF Rev. 3665 MHz and3) Additional text in the notes giving IARU REGION 2 BAND PLAN Effective since September 27, 2013 INTRODUCTION The IARU Region 2 has established this band plan as the way to better organize the use of our bands efficiently. 125 MHz : CW only. 17 meters is a WARC band. Every amateur radio station should have one of these (or something similar) close by for reference when they are operating. 160 metres – 1 800–2 000 kHz (1. 985 E CoA window CW CoA CW CoA QRP CoA DV CoA E CoA CoA 60 M, 5. 8 200 CW, QRSS and narrow band digital modes 630m Band: USKA explanations on the HF band plan (1. pdf) from the Wireless Institute of Australia; The Canadian band plan 10 Meter Band Plan Novice, Technician, Technician Plus classes: Your band edges are: 28. 500 4. 160 Meters (1. Download and print PDF documents using Adobe Reader or your Web Browser. 2004 • This document addresses changes to HF bands, only • No changes to 160 m or 60 m bands • Band-by-band comparison is provided for current and then recommended Band Plan graphic • No changes to CW allocations throughout all amateur bands • RTTY and all other narrowband, non-ACDS modes permitted wherever data 160 M: Frequency (kHz) Mode; 1800-1825: Amateur primary service: 1825-1875: Amateur secondary service: 1800 - 1875: CW: 1810 - 1815 These cards include plans for HF (1. Resources. Technician Licenses may use up to 1500 Watts PEP on the VHF and higher bands, but are limited to 200 Learn about the characteristics and frequencies of the HF bands for amateur radio operation. 2 pages, coloured plus explanatory annex ; Contact. ELF: Extremely low frequency = frequenze estremamente basse Frequenze sotto i 3 kHz, corrispondenti a lunghezze d’onda superiori ai Canadian Amateur Radio HF Band Plan Including the Canadian band plan and some common use frequencies in North America April 2014 David Moes VE3DVY 7. 60 . FREQUENCY (kHz) MAX. 3 . HF band. The IARU has for many years provided guidance to amateur radio operators intended to 30 metri - HF (banda Warc, World Administrative Radio Conference 1979, Statuto Secondario) 10,100 Inizio Banda 10. 630 DV CoA 3. It is suggested that Member Societies, in coordination with the • Combines a Band Plan with useful operating information • Simplifies navigation of the ham bands • Locates popular operating modes • 6 laminated pages, Spiral bound • Packed with useful information • Very durable, clear and easy to read • Ideal for Mobile & Portable Operations • Great 'Go-Bag' item • Up to date with the March Problem 1 – Segments by Bandwidth Further: •The notional 500Hz narrow band data mode definition is historically based on receiver bandwidth requirements for signal separation. 2004. HF Bandplan. ITU Common Amateur Radio Country Prefixes 1A** (SMO) of Malta (Rome) Canada bands; South Africa bandplan (. These committees are made up of representatives A Band Plan that's designed to be used while operating! HF Band section covers: 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters Complete information on the new 60-meter band plan changes A detailed Band Plan guide, ideal for all amateur Band Plan - MF /HF; Band Plan - HF QRP; Band Plan - 50MHz /70MHz; Band Plan - VHF/UHF/ SHF; Band Plan - Digitale; FREQUENZE FT4 - FT8; CANALI CB-LPD-PMR; FREQUENZE e UTILITY Pdf; FREQUENZE e Schedul; FREQUENZE Internaz. News. Soccorso; FREQUENZE Echo Charlie; PONTI Ripetitori; Radio diffusion Internazional You need only register once for each band. 600 MHz: CW Only. 90 . 28. it. 3515 – 5. Εκδόθηκε το αναθεωρημένο HF Band Plan της περιοχής 1 από την IARU. Frequenza (kHz) Larghezza di banda ≤ (Hz) Modalità e utilizzo preferiti 2 200 m 135. Amateur Radio MF/HF Band Plan E Extra A Advanced G General Novice and Technician Under restructuring, all Advanced license You will need to register once for each band. 70 24. Sharing arrangements; Detailed packet frequencies [PDF] Phone patch, autopatch and HF/VHF/UHF operating guidelines "Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide" 2200 and 600 - meter bands. The Australian band plan (. 40 Meters Novice and Technician classes: 7. Soccorso; FREQUENZE Echo Charlie; PONTI Ripetitori; Radio diffusion Internazional The HF band plan in Thailand Effective January 1, 1988 Thailand has permitted HF amateur radio operations on the 10-metre (28 MHz), 15-metre (21 KHz), 20-metre (14 MHz) and 40-metre (7 MHz) bands and a decade later, in October 2007, permission was extended to include the so-called WARC bands, 30-metre (10 MHz), 17-metre (18 MHz) and 12-metre A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types of activity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). 2022-12-10 / A band plan refers to a voluntary division of a band to avoid interference between incompatible modes. Effective from 16 OCT 2020 edited by DF5JL FREQUENCY SEGMENT (kHz) MAX. During sunspot maxima, it is often wide open to many parts of the world, day or night. CW: 1'810-1'838, 3'500-3'580, 7'000-7'040, The existing HF privileges for techs give them no incentive to invest in HF equipment to speak of. You also have privileges to explore these microwave bands with CW, Digital, SSB, AM, FM and TV: Amateur Radio HF Band Plan Mousepad HamStuffOnline Star Seller Star Sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experience—they consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped The HF Band Plan Committee The HF Band Plan committee was re-activated to look at current HF ACDS and digital allocations, and see if it’s feasible to add spectrum for the future growth of digital communications Committee Members (2021): Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, 1st VP, Chairman Kermit Carlson, W9XA, Director Central Division Amateur radio frequency allocations, band plans category is a curation of 79 web resources on , New Zealand Ham Radio Band Plan, Ham Radio Frequencies, DARC Band Plan. Download a copy of the 2 m/70 cm Band Plan from this link. 145± 5 KHz 17 Metri Warc 18. 250 MHz is shared between amateur service and amateur service by satellite. NTIA. a cura di IV3KKW Alessandro Carletti. After the January Board meeting, the Committee received and considered hundreds of comments from interested amateurs. 2013 BAND PLAN UHF/SHF Rev. 8-30 mHz), VHF (50-225 mHz), & UHF (420 mHz-1. In some countries (eg the USA) licence regulations require that specific modes be confined to specific sections of each band. RAC's band planning committee has not yet asked me to revise the artwork to include it. BandPlan Qui di seguito sono disponibili i link per il download dei vari Band Plan in formato PDFsuddivisi per le 3 bande principali: HF, VHF e UHF, ed in fine UHF e SHF BAND PLAN HF Rev. 068 - 18. 7) R1 HF Bandplan 2011 This is the IARU Region 1 band plan for HF. Learn the rules and tips for operating on the shared 60 meter band with government transmitters. 80 Meters consists of the frequencies from Radio Amateurs of Canada bandplanning committees coordinate the development of National Band Plans to provide guidance for the usage of the Canadian Amateur bands. 105± 5 KHz 21. Band Plan; Considerate Operator; Phone Patch Guidelines; 3 GHz Band; 60 Meter Band; Frequency Coordinators; Common Concerns Tank Pad Ham Radio mousepad with USA HF Band Plan. Incluse modifiche del 29/03/2009. pdf (148. The rubber bottom guarantees no slip while moving around the mouse (optical and laser). 8 MHz Band: 1810 - 1838 cw 1838 - 1840 digimode except packet, cw 1840 - 1842 digimode except packet, phone, cw 1842 - 2000 phone, cw 3. 1MHz to 7. Produced in collaboration by QuirkyQRP & Tank Radio. 80 Meters. This can be a FUN band, when it is open! This is the HF band most heavily affected by sunspots and the sunspot cycle and it can be erratic and exciting at the same time with lots of Dx for the qsl hunter or just as a fun band. It is sized to fit o 630 metres – 472–479 kHz; Just below the commercial AM broadcast band and the maritime radio band. ). Roberto. /Prepper Groups 12m Narrow FM Calling 24h Finnlands only national calling frequency on 80 mtr 2nd FM Simplex 300 Baud HF Packet 3905 Century Club 3905 Century Club Net 3906 group 3RN TFC NET 4 PMRS 6 in the 6ix Net 60m 6M AM calling 6m am net tucson az 6M DX Net 6m Readiness HF Band Plan. For NOVICE AND TECHNICIAN LICENSE HOLDERS. A band plan refers to a voluntary division of a band to avoid interference between incompatible modes. 000 MHz 3. The VHF band plans are kept Member Societies are reminded of the recommendation in the IARU Region 1 HF Band Plan ‘that any unmanned transmitting stations on HF shall only be activated under operator control, You will need to register once for each band. A complete %PDF-1. UK HF IARU Region 1 Bandplan This page is only a guide, for up to date band plans please visit RSGB Band Plans Page. 500 - 4. Tune Around! SEARCH. Having Trouble? Find the frequencies and modes for all HF bands, including 60 meters, with charts and links. These frequencies span from 3MHz-30MHz. 300 MHz The ARRL Repeater Directory and on www. 800–2. HF Band Usage 80 m to 10 m. HF BAND PLAN thru 10 meters: 80 Meters Novice and Technician classes: 3. . 000 80 Meters (3. 200 CW (HF) bands, as shown in the following table. secondo le indicazioni della IARU REGIONE I . 600 CW 40 meters 7. Here are my current S5 band plans in PDF : S5 HF Band plan V 1. You also have privileges to explore these microwave bands with CW, Digital, SSB, AM, FM and TV: The 2025 Band Plans can be found in the March edition of RadCom. 000-14. 025-7. 50 29. 700 U. Contest activity shall not take place on the 5, 10, 18 and 24 MHz bands. 70 . 000 MHz 2. 1. 025 – 21. Non-contesting radio amateurs are recommended to use the contest-free HF bands (30, 17 and 12m) during the largest The USB frequencies 5354kHz and 5363kHz shown in the table above are within the all modes segment of the WRC-15 band. BAND PLAN. Novice/Technicians are limited to 200 watts PEP on HF bands. Bp Hf 2013 32 : 213,09 KB : 12 July 2013: Bp U Shf : 93,33 KB : 18 October 2010: Bp V Uhf 2013 32 : 225,18 KB : 10 July 2013: Bphf2021 : 835,83 KB : Buongiorno, l’aggiornamento del Band Plan sul sito ARI a quando? TNX. The files for the band plans are: 5) R2 HF Bandplan 2010 This is our current band plan in English. 5 MH (80 meters) to 29. While the former are recommendations, the latter carry the weight of law and their contravention may result in Additional spectrum is also authorised in the 160- and 80-metre HF bands while the VHF and UHF bands above 2-metres are also to be opened up as can be seen in the proposed frequency allocation table. Nifty Accessories' HF/VHF/UHF Bands Operating Guide provides you with all of the information you need on using the Radio Amateur frequencies! These manuals combine the Also, many contest sponsors require that competitors adhere to band plans. This paper is the start of a process investigating whether improvements can be made to the 40m band plan that improve: • Global IARU Band Plans (Region 1) - HF (in English) Download Area. 7 – 137. Region 2 Band Plan. Il band plan è un documento importante in cui sono indicate le varie frequenze assegnate ai radioamatori ma, soprattutto, che descrive accuratamente come ogni singola banda viene suddivisa in sottobande assegnate ai vari tipi di traffico per decisione della IARU IARU Region 2 MF/HF Band Plan – Effective since September 27, 2013 The IARU Region 2 has established the IARU Region 2 Band Plan as the way to better organize the use of our bands efficiently. The band plans are also available on the RSGB website in various formats, where more detailed change Amateur Radio Band Plans 10MHz (30m) Max Bandwidth [Hz] UK Usage 10. Note Also, many contest sponsors require that competitors adhere to band plans. If your antenna is a monoband antenna for only 10 meters, you may Bandplannen voor de HF-banden in Europa voor radiozendamateurs. 89 KB) In de IARU Regions 2 en 3 bestaat er natuurlijk ook een bandplan. 9 SSB QRP Narrow Band Digital CW WB Digital DX SSTVWB Digital DX NB Dig NB Dig NB Dig 1. Esso viene stabilito (ed aggiornato) dalla I. 8 200 CW, QRSS e modalità digitali a banda stretta 630 m 472 – 475 The 2 m/70 cm Review was completed in September 2022 and has been updated into the full Band Plan PDF. 125 CW 15 meters 21. Segue_ Per scaricare il bandplan completo in PDF cliccare QUI DISCLAIMER. HF Bandplan; VHF & Il Band Plan è il documento ufficiale che contiene l’elenco delle frequenze assegnate al Servizio di Radioamatore. Even in sunspot minima years, the band can provide good DX during daylight hours. IARU Region 1 HF Band Plan PREFERRED MODE AND USAGE z z z z 10 z z. 5 . Observing band plans is good amateur operating practice. 0 – 21. 1. 900 to 2. 555 QRS 3. The IARU Region 3 sub-committee has now taken into consideration the work of HAM OPERATING FREQUENCIES. Information about the US Amateur Bands is available on the Frequency Allocations page as well as the frequency bands chart. 8 | 3. 85 . The band performs at night during the winter. 168 MHz (18,068 - 18,168 KHz) – Similar to 20m, but more sensitive to solar propagation minima and maxima. I didn't want to be scrolling up and down a page just to find out the color code on the band. 4 (2023) PDF . The segments of the IARU band plan in red below cannot be used in the UK. 8 146 . de. 140-10. From the 6-meter band to the 1. AMATEUR RADIO BAND PLANS In Black and White - From The ARRL CURRENT U. BAND PLAN e PNRF. g. 0 – 5366. IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN (as adopted at the 1996 General Conference) FREQUENCY SEGMENT (kHz) TYPE OF EMISSION 1. The proposed weak signal segment for <20Hz narrow band modes from 5366. Όλα τα Band Plans της περιοχής 1 μπορείτε να τα βρείτε ΕΔΩ ITU allocation of frequencies for each region is made available for radio amateurs worldwide throught the IARU web site, where all band plans are published. 330 CW, Data, RTTY, and USB, 100 W PEP max, General license and above 5. 330 - 5. 15 Metres, 21. but they all No, when I created the current artwork, the 630m band plan was not yet approved. AMATEUR RADIO BAND PLANS In Color - From The ARRL AMATEUR BAND PLANS AND FREQUENCY USGE From W6RK. See the detailed frequencies, modes, power limits and sharing arrangements for each band. Band Plan; Considerate Operator; Phone Patch Guidelines; 3 GHz Band; 60 Meter Band; Frequency Coordinators; Common Concerns Another popular HF band plan is published by ICOM (download here). 5650 - The Region 1 IARU HF band plans are designed to enable the best utilisation of the HF spectrum available. Amateur Radio LW (137 Khz) 135,7 – 136 Stazioni Test, CW QRSS 137,6 – 137,8 QRSS centrata su 136,7 MLB: 135,7-137,8 Khz @ 200 Hz Resources HF Band Plans HF Band Plans ITU Region 1 corresponds Such an evaluation followed by a revised HF band-plan proposal should be then, not now. Effective June 1, 2023:The RAC 0-30 MHz Band Plan has been updated effective June 1, 2023. Unattended Machine Generated Modes (Digimodes) should avoid the use of the 10MHz band. 6 148 MHz 33 cm 902 904 909 915 921 928 MHz U. IARU Region 1 UHF Bandplan. 2003) PDF: USKA IARU Bandplan Reg. The new plan only applies to the HF band and makes no changes to 160 and 60 meters. pdf) 19k ; ALE amateur radio network for HF Automatic Link Establishment, Emergency and Disaster Relief Communications; India Amateur Allocation (. 8 MHz) 1. 000-29. 29 Maggio 2019 a 07:28 Buongiorno a tutti. Created Date: IARU Region 1 HF bandplan. Do 1992 roku znana jako Międzynarodowy Związek Krótkofalowców, obecnie Międzynarodowa Unia Radioamatorska. 5 (A4) S5 VHF/UHF/SHF Band plan V 1. 2021BAND PLAN VHF/UHF Rev. To the extent possible, this band plan is harmonized this with those of the other regions. Questa pagina è stata aggiornata il 05/09/16. Het meest recente HF-bandplan van Regio 1 kan hieronder in PDF-formaat worden gedownload. 30 29. The band plan comprises 2 pages, as does the explanatory annex. •However what do general amateurs understand bandwidth to mean in the context of the band plans? •Consider that an FT8 transmission is 50Hz, JT65 is 200Hz, WSPR is 5Hz – etc. 407 MHz 5. Another nice mobile band when conditions are right. 025 – 7. Che cosa sono il band plan e il PNRF? In inglese band plan significa piano di banda. ARI. arrl. Since each amateur station U. 100-10. Outside Region 1, the 80 metre allocation extends up to 4MHz, so amateur signals, especially from the US, may be heard at night above 3. The 10MHz band is Note: although 160m is a Medium Frequency/MF band, it is often lumped in with the HF bands for simplicity. In de Verenigde Staten van Amerika is er dan nog zoals ook in andere landen een bandplan afhankelijk van de vergunning. 5 MHz) 3. HF Bandplan; VHF & U. 999 Beacon Phone SSB (USB) Contest Pref Phone SSB (USB) QRS CW (5-10wpm) 6 Khz max It includes last IARU Region 1 HF band plan 2011 updates. Topics For Technicians! Loaded with info for new ham radio operators! About Band plan HF IARU Reg. 600±20 KHz 7040± 5 KHz 30 Metri Warc 10. The three IARU regional organizations develop band plans to offer guidance to radio amateurs on how the different operating interests and modes of emission can be best accommodated in the limited spectrum available. It is suggested that Member Societies, in coordination with Voice mode should be 3 kHz below upper band edge on bands 20m to 10m. V. The new band Band Plans. 7 There are two PDF versions : the ISO A4 (297 × 210 mm) and ISO A3 (420 × 297 mm). SSB SWL contest 2025. dated 2003. tnx IZ2GIL e IW2GPI Sezione ARI Milano . At nighttime, the band is an excellent DX band offering worldwide contacts. Southern Nevada Repeater Council Southern Nevada VHF/UHF Band Plan. 100± 20 KHz 12 Metri Warc 24. Amateur Radio VHF/UHF Band Plan 23 cm 1240 46 52 58 60 70 76 82 88 94 95 97 1300 MHz 2 meters 144 . The 15 metre band is a wide allocation with plenty of space for all. These incorporate further VHF and UHF changes in response to the increased demand that has been prompted by the new Ofcom Amateur Licence; and a few from the 2023 IARU Region-1 General Conference. LUGLIO/JULY 2013) Scarica direttamente il Band Plan VHF - UHF Le frequenze riportate di seguito sono state adottate nei "band plan" di ogni Regione IARU (Reg. R. U. 5 MHz Band: 3500 - 3510 intercontinental dx cw 3500 - 3560 cw, contest preferred segment cw The HF bands are where most of the long distance stations will operate. HF/VHF/UHF BANDS OPERATING GUIDE - From Nifty Accessories - N6FN. Band plans vary depending on the specific frequency band (e. Band Frequencies (In MHz) Modes You Can Use 80 meters 3. 7 MHz (10 meters). Lindenallee 4 34225 Baunatal Tel: 0561 949880 Fax: 0561 9498850 E-Mail: darc(at)darc. VHF/UHF/Microwave Bands. IARU Region 1 VHF Bandplan. Proudly powered by WordPress WordPress Cookie Plugin by Real Cookie Banner Οι συχνότητες στα Βραχέα (HF Band plan) HF Band plan, IARU REGION 1 / Band Plan στα Βραχέα / By SV6JHQ Στον παρακάτω πίνακα θα βρείτε την αναλυτική κατανομή συχνοτήτων στα βραχέα κύματα , σύμφωνα με τις αποφάσεις της I . Frequency Range: 3. BANDWIDTH (Hz) PREFERRED MODE AND USAGE 2200m Band: 135. To the extent possible, this band plan is harmonized with those of the other regions. 55 . VHF UHF SHF EHF BANDPLAN ITALIANO. Executive Summary One of the key frequency bands used by the amateur service on HF in Region 3 is the 7 MHz (40m) band. 5kHz also falls within the UK 5MHz frequency schedule. 116kHz - QRP (low power) centre of activity 10. 525-3. 8MHz and will often work split if looking for Region 1 contacts. 2300 - 2450 MHz statuto secondario. 2013BAND PLAN UHF/SHF Rev. Except for a tiny snippet of 10M, current HF privileges for techs require learning that most obsolete of communications formats: Morse Code, and is therefore closed to people who can’t get the hang of it – I’ve been trying on and off for over 50 years, and I can’t Αναθεωρημένο HF Band Plan R1. ) 4 metri 70,100-70,300 MHz - Periodo autorizzato (estremi inclusi): dal 23 giugno al 19 dicembre 2014 - Area aurorizzata : territorio nazionale tranne le zone vietate - Zone vietate : fascia di 30 Km dai confini di Francia, Svizzara, Austria, Slovenia, Croazia - Frequenze centrali dei canali autorizzati (MHz Band Plan Międzynarodowa Unia Radioamatorska: International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) – organizacja międzynarodowa ruchu krótkofalarskiego, założona w 1925 roku w Paryżu. Giving a "sliver" allocation would not be a large incentive to justify the added expense of putting an HF digital station and antenna system on the air if one is currently operating on 6m - 70 cm as does the majority of technicians. 4 . Bandplannen zijn niet bindend maar wel een dringend advies. Keep them in your wallet, purse or even the Altoids® mint tin that houses you QRP rig! Band Plan - Radioamatori italiani 160 metri - MF1,830 Inizio Banda1,830-1,838 CW esclusivamente1,838-1,840 Digitale tranne Packet, CW1,840-1,842 Digitale tranne Chairperson, IARU Region 3 HF Band Plan Committee 40m Amateur Band Plan Harmonization Project 1. 500mhz A good way to learn to tune SSB (single side band) is to practice by just playing around the lower HF bands (listening only of course) like 20 meters in the USB mode. Do 1992 roku znana jako Międzynarodowy Związek Krótkofalowców, obecnie Międzynarodowa Unia Radioamatorska ustala Bandplan dla poszczególnych, trzech BAND PLAN HF. 80 Meters consists of the frequencies from3MHz-30MHz (3500–4000 kHz). The sticker has colorblind-friendly colors. Because of the reliable nature of 20 metre propagation, it is a busy band, especially during contests. The FCC considers band plans “good practice” and expects amateurs to follow them voluntarily when possible and practical. 80 . 10 Meters 28. 000mhz thru 28.
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