Ftb launcher without overwolf Add a Comment. Reply reply Danyo1387 • I'm playing ftb packs with prism without any issues, and ftb launcher is Is there a way to get the FTB launcher WITHOUT overwolf or does it not come with it in the first place? The website says built off overwolf so I'm assuming it comes with it and like CurseForge I'd rather seek out a version without overwolf or just not use the launcher at all if I prism launcher is a minecraft launcher which is basically pretty simple to use you do not need to use overwolf to download it there is a launcher made by a well known team called feed the beast (points to subreddit name) who had their own launcher before they went to partner with curseforge before going back to their own launcher but using overwolf launcher to grab their launcher Curseforge + Overwolf launcher are the same thing :) FTB launcher only runs ftb packs as far as I know. Incompatibility is to be expected, and I don't have a problem with this. The overwolf launcher, which is the "official" way to manage and use curseforge hosted mod packs is a very large bad of hot garbage. All legitimate launchers pull their packs from there. The game launcher has resulted in PC crashes, Lag, Time lost, and logging out of Minecraft. Ok Lets try out the new Overwolf FTB Launcher So far the new launcher is for Windows only, but they are contracted to make Mac and Linux versions within 12 months. Due to these problems, I have resorted to Prism and other launchers like it, which are harder to install, but performance is better by Twitch owns Curseforge. However you can still avoid Overwolf by using the Linux version of the FTB App - which is just a normal non-Overwolf modpack manager with ads for CreeperHost - to download the packs. If it works and Overwolf runs properly, please let us know the name of the antivirus service (and any additional relevant information) so we can work this out with them. However, I would like to install Stoneblock 3, but because I can't find any place where the modpack is hosted besides within the FTB app, I'm struggling to do so. From the privacy statement on collecting your data, It's not about curseforge, it's about overwolf launcher at general. Yeah, is there a different launcher that can be launched without Overwolf? to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. but when compared to what else exists and even what we had in the legacy FTB Launcher it's worse without any good reason other than a company wanting to shovel After not being able to launch the FTB App on 2 different computers after not touching the FTB App for a day (with it working just fine yesterday) (something i might also need some help with) I decided to reinstall the FTB App. On Windows our app is powered by the Overwolf platform. I didn't manage to grab the pack without installing the garbage, but after installing the pack, I created instance in my regular launcher and blocked Overwolf in firewall and don't have to use it to run the game. Use MultiMC. prism has 0 of these issues. I I'd really recommend Prism launcher or ATLauncher. They (and CurseForge/Overwolf) show ads in their app, and at least in CurseForge the distribution is 30% to the Content Distribution Network (CDN) itself (CurseForge/Overwolf) and 70% to the authors (modpack and individual mods). 3) or install ftb, get the pack from it and then you can import it to prism if you want to use the new version. Prism (SPECIALLY during Looks like FTB deleted itself and it cannot be installed without downloading some extra useless software. Personally I liked the FTB launcher better than AT, but I'm not installing Twitch, or Overwolf, to use it. And they made a contract with Overwolf so that they take care of the Curseforge launcher from now on. The overwolf launcher is also carrying a ton of bloat. like the FTB logo is animated and moving, so its not frozen, But it Making me download the FTB launcher would've been another point in itself because screw Overwolf and their ads that take up half the lanucher, but GDLauncher runs FTB packs so that saved you there. the wow app Is I can actually run a seperate launch command to run wow standalone and even if I don't I can close bnet without it closing wow. It displays the logo changing colors constantly but does progress past that point. FTB Launcher Community Update! We're thrilled to introduce the new standalone version of the FTB App, available now on our website! Say goodbye to the need to instal Overwolf – this new version of the app is all you'll need to dive into the wonderful world of modded Minecraft for our packs or any packs available on CurseForge. Overwolf is the guild for in-game creators. People using that 'closed source launcher' is one of the ways they make their money, and I believe FTB is a literal company now. It makes you use their launcher to use the Curseforge launcher which is impractical and useless. New. You can't. Why won't/can't you use one? Without a third party launcher you'd need to download each individual mod. 7 era, you can use'em. FTB has their own app now that they use (fittingly called the FTBApp). I try not to use the Curse Forge launcher. In addition, we wanted to look for ways to be able to distribute all of the FTB packs without having to worry about obtaining separate permission. Top. They aren't required but playing without one can be a pain in the ass. Sign in Product The downloaded files can be used with virtually any launcher that allows for creating custom profiles. Since then, Cf/Overwolf has opened up to 3rd party launchers like ftb and others using their API for revenue sharing by displaying the ad window. Um, you are aware that the new FTB launcher is an addon to the overwolf platform, is downloaded directly from the overwolf website and installs the overwolf platform? And can by default pull from either Curseforge or Modding Minecraft has sucked for a bit tbh. All four that I listed have their pros and consthings they excel at and things they don't. And, I think you are right that PolyMC shouldn't try to enforce restrictions on users based on the preferences of the FTB group or Overwolf. This includes settings that Overwolf is an open platform for building gaming apps for top PC games. I looked to see if there was one on a whim, having been using the AT Launcher for some time now. The performance also wasn't that great either even with Optifine installed and I'm not aware of any other performance mods for 1. Modded Minecraft without FTB's influence would be only a shadow of what we have today, and it is clear that the money they spent has done a lot for modded Minecraft Other communities do just fine without an FTB style organization, so we might be in a different spot but likely have lots of the same things. Please search for existing reports first; A launcher will be the easiest and quickest way by a long shot. It can download from both sources and is not affiliated with Overwolf. The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or Sadly yes, they removed all the good things from MultiMC, you have to install them in the FTB app now, then you can import the pack to MultiMC, its a decision by the Curseforge team to block all third parties launchers ability to download and install mods and modpacks, they want to force users to watch annoying ads while installing mods and modpacks on your PC and takes up to It can be downloaded standalone now (without overwolf) to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. The new launcher will show a single video ad while the game loads, and some portion of the ad money will go to developers. I second this, ATLaucher works great. Share Sort by: Best. It can be slow at times, but only when switching your java version. And Overwolf has stated they will not pull Overwolf out of the launcher. Other launcher options: GDlauncher similar Among the things we wanted to fix with the new FTB App was to credit each mod with a download when installed as part of a modpack, something we couldn’t do with the old launcher. Authentication is required for using our app but you I decided to do a quick test, I finally installed the new Overwolf FTB Launcher and tested what is left open once we launch the modpack we want to play, without any surprises, overwolf stays open in the background eating up to 800mb of ram to itself while doing absolutely nothing, why does it need so much, I don't know, as far as the FTB app, it takes a whopping 140mb and It would be nice to have the FTB App disconnected from Overwolf, having Overwolf installed just for this app is kinda annoying an it would be nice if there was a Standalone App (Even a barebones alternative) Personally I It's the only way to view FTB Packs. Sort by: to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the And another note, if you're using the default FTB/Overwolf launcher, try taking a look at MultiMC and GDLauncher. This game launcher has been horrible for me. As for the new FTB App I've found it to be restrictive and bloated. Instead, I'd rather use other mods as the start for ore processing, and loop them into the 5x ore process. 5 for Forge. Our diverse I have been using the FTB App for about half a year now and I have loved it so far. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Overview The FTB Launcher is a platform designed for Minecraft players to easily access and install modpacks, curated collections of modifications or "mods" that enhance and alter the gameplay experience. Has something changed, or is Prism just ignoring that now? Or is that just a workaround that allows Prism to import packs from the FTB/Overwolf "launcher" without Prism itself downloading them? Hi, I recently became unable to launch the FTB app through Overwolf. Apparently the reason FTB can't just let third party launchers hook into their API is because CurseForge is making an exception for FTB's use of their API, so I'm just presenting this as an option for anyone tech savvy enough to set up WSL2 who doesn't want Overwolf on their PC but wants to play an FTB pack, in case FTB changes something that makes the current version of Prism unable to install their packs. I really dislike Overwolf. The launcher provides a user-friendly interface that allows players to browse, select, and launch different modpacks, each offering a unique combination of mods, The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java You can’t open curseforge without opening overwolf, if you close overwolf curseforge closes too. CurseForge is part of Overwolf's platform and therefore Overwolf is required in order to run CurseForge. These instructions are written for MultiMC, but CurseForge. 0 has officially moved onto Electron. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding . so I wonder is there any 3rd party launcher that still works nicely without any workaround like downloading some mods manually. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has Launcher contributors may occasionally go through the comments and may incorporate information from them in the documentation. We do not expect any contributions to be made for the overwolf (/overwolf folder) as we are actively phasing it out and Lately curseforge released a standalone one without the need of overwolf - solving all your problems - but outside of that, and even with it, I’d recommend a better launcher like prism. For some people it's easier than using the CF workaround in Prism. I float between prism, ftb launcher, overwolf and atlauncher, but the most used is still overwolf, sadly. Im using a Premium account, Is there anything that has Curseforge without overwolf for minecraft? Thank you Share Add a Comment. But, I don't think it's PolyMC's I didn't change the Java settings. I changed the Overwolf FTBAPP install instance from C:/ to D:/ (my SSD) and when I try to launch it, it shows the launcher, launcher launches client, client goes through a few Jars, then suddenly disappears and FTBAPP begins showing me endless advertisements while not responding to "Show client" and "Cancel loading", as well as never It only uses overwolf on windows, install an older version of prism (6. I last remember playing and using some of these modpacks through this launcher in 2018. FTB launcher runs on overwolf (bloatware), has less options for downloading, less customization, is in general slower, and has ads. 25. The version and modloader split makes modpack making more difficult than ever, the new version that's probably gonna irreparably break every mod in existence, people are already abandoning Fabric, Quilt and PatchworkMC are taking quite a while, and now Curseforge swinging its dick around at innocent modpack launchers. Best. Modrinth is a (somewhat) new platform for both forge and fabric modpacks alike, ATLauncher probably works fine. The majority of these worlds were through the old FTB launcher (back when it was it's own thing, NOT on Overwolf) and have, for the most part, been untouched for 4 or more years. Modded Launchers/Managerslike FTB, MultiMC, CurseForge/Overwolf, GD Launcher, etcare simply programs that help us install and play modded Minecraft easier. Direwolf 1. The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or Personally, I've switched to MultiMC. Modpacks are updated on the curseforge website. It would be nice if there were better ways to fund FTB than invasive ads. Old. Prism launcher is very lightweight as well. IIRC this is how Mojang has asked FTB provides a suite of mods for Minecraft Modded players to enhance their play. Open comment sort options. The launchers suggested here will let you install and edit FTB packs. Closed Alucabr opened this issue Oct 25, 2023 · 1 comment Closed If none of the above helped, and you are still experiencing the crash with the official launcher and without any mods installed, please submit this issue over at the Mojang bug tracker. Reply reply Crash in FTB Launcher overwolf #930. There are also necessary configuration files and recipe changes you wouldn't get by doing that. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. The #1 Free Client in Minecraft with a custom launcher, 70+ mods, hundreds of customizable settings, performance enhancements, cosmetics, emotes and a social system. Controversial. If you have any antivirus program (except for Windows Defender) such as 360 Total Security, please temporarily close or disable it, then run the Overwolf Troubleshooter to fix Overwolf. The legacy launcher is depreciated, and likely doesn't work. Ever since this latest update with Overwolf, the app has become unplayable. Occasionally I check the ftb website if there is a patch. And as discussed on the Prism Launcher Discord server, it The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. The old launchers (Technic and Legacy FTB) are still working even if they are crusty, so if you want to play older packs from the 1. The rest goes to Overwolf and FTB (so that they can finally pay their artist and content developers). Purely for conveniece, as I don't care what platform launches the pack, just let me play already. Not much reason to switch at the moment but could improve quickly. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB Outplayed. but Curse runs the pack just fine without any fiddling. For example, Mekanism's metallurgic infuser is great for adding a small complication to recipes without ages of microcrafting, but I didn't like using the infusion chamber to process ores. These are two alternative launchers that are arguably more capable than the FTB/Overwolf launcher, without the extra visual bloat and storage bloat. The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is Overwolf FTB launcher appears to be stuck loading even on a fresh clean windows install Problem so I recently got a new laptop for some portability to play when not at my desktop and I go to install the FTB launcher (Overwolf version) and it just decides to never stop loading. The new app works in a way such that it modifies your vanilla Minecraft launcher's versions by adding the modpack, and it seems to have completely removed all other vanilla Minecraft versions FTB has ALWAYS had a standalone app, but the legacy launcher was very dated, so FTB took that opportunity to put more work into their app and self-host the ftb packs. zip files and can download and access Curseforge and Overwolf is an open platform for building gaming apps for top PC games. Script to download Minecraft modpacks without the need for the FTB app or Overwolf - newo-2001/MC-Modpack-Downloader. FTB App yes, Overwolf Launcher not planned but also planned? Better than Twitch/other launchers? Subjective. The ads alone are a nuisance. FTB is putting out a version of the launcher that doesn't include Overwolf, so we can still use that to download packs without having to worry about putting adware/malware on our PC. I have attempted to: Uninstall and reinstall the FTB launcher Uninstall and reinstall Overwolf Attempt to download Overwolf in I recently (and reluctantly) updated to the Overwolf FTB App from the legacy launcher due to latest versions not being available on the old launcher. Skip to content. The only way I saw FTB downloadable without Overwolf was through downloading the Mac FTB launcher. We have built-in support for CurseForge modpacks and mods as well as instance management, pack customisation, and a whole lot more' and is an app. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Just make sure you download the development version (or change the build if you've already downloaded). Use simple HTML and JavaScript to build native desktop apps - installer, desktop icon, auto updates - the works! As the home of FTB modpacks the FTBApp I remember a lot of 3rd party launcher stop working after the overwolf crackdown, some work but you must download the mods seperately/work around the restriction. I don't know how you'd obtain those, but they may be in the modpack zip file. See their wiki and their post. I don't think any of them actually called it a "Launcher" (just "App") since they all have pulled up the vanilla launcher to actually launch the game. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but FTB App is described as 'Welcome to the FTB App! Our app is designed to provide our users with a simple and easy way to install, update, and customise their FTB Modpacks. 16. The app is still cross built to the overwolf platform. We've put in various ways to make the app behave as a 'standalone app' while Overwolf runs in the background. After uninstalling Overwolf and the FTB App I downloaded the installer from the website and executed it. It's significantly better for the average person with a much more user friendly UI for The best FTB App alternatives are Prism Launcher, Crystal Launcher and MultiMC. Overwolf tools let developers bring their apps in-game (with overlays), track game events in real-time, and make an honest living off their creations. If you are trying to play a modpack you already have installed on your computer, you can launch it from the vanilla launcher (my preference; install Forge directly and select it as a "version," and set the directory to the exact same folder the FTB launcher uses), or move/copy/symbolic link the modpack files Once you log in, Microsoft knows you own the account, and because you got there through that link provided by the launcher, Microsoft knows you're signing in for that launcher, so they grant that launcher limited access to the parts of your account necessary to play on the launcher, like authenticating that you are who you say you are for Whenever i open Overwolf it tries to access my webcam. It closes Overwolf (and the launcher) but leaves Minecraft running. This means you'll have to have Overwolf installed in order to use the app on windows. just download the version without overwolf. Easy to manage instances, direct access to mod packs off most other launchers (cf, ftb, and a few others), doesn’t load other programs to make the main one work, lots of little qol features ,and there’s a funny little cat button. When opening the Overwolf Curse forge app all my modpack profiles are missing, even though the files and saves are still in their folders. MultiMC has implemented FTB App importing, might I add. Eventually the integrated launcher in twitch will likely dissappear and be replaced totally by the overwolf. you need to go to curse then download-> more downloads and pick the one without the overwolf stuff in it to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. This seemed like a fair The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. When the App is opened it starts the same like before. I choose the modpack and it opens up Minecraft Launcher, but when I click play the launcher closes and I assume it crashed. It’s the “engine” that lets apps operate. By submitting a comment, you accept that it may be incorporated in unmodified or modified FTB is putting out a version of the launcher that doesn't include Overwolf, so we can still use that to download packs without having to worry about putting adware/malware on our PC. Download App Download App; FTB App Free. Use simple HTML and JavaScript to build native desktop apps - installer, desktop icon, auto updates - the works! The #1 Free Client in Minecraft with a custom launcher, 70+ mods, hundreds of customizable settings, performance enhancements, cosmetics, emotes and a social I can't use the FTB app (or any Overwolf app) because I'm a part of the Windows Insider Program. Ingame performance doesn't depend on the launcher with exception to Java version and arguments. Open the launcher, and then once your minecraft instance finishes loading (main menu) go to your dashboard icons on Windows (where the internet connection icon is located, there should be an expansion arrow), right click the overwolf icon then select quit. Getting started with the FTB App couldn't be simpler! We'll start easy and work our way up to the more advanced features throughout this guide. it is also nice to have 1 launcher for all and Overwolf is the guild for in-game creators. Overwolf is an open platform for building gaming apps for top PC games. the curseforge app can be installed without overwolf, there is 1 ad that also gives money to mod creators, the first time you close the app they ask if you want it to run in the background or not I'm on Linux and here the FTB launcher doesn't use Overwolf so I'm actually using it and it's worked perfectly so far Reply reply Aganthor MultiMC is the only other launcher that can download FTB modpacks (as seen on the FTB App). This is the place to ask questions and ask for help with Overwolf-related matters. Detailed guide to setting up MultiMC . Rather annoying that both Forge and FTB moved to that pile of garbage. Overwolf has called it the CurseForge App. 16 without Overwolf? to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Howdy Folks! Want to play Stoneblock 3 (or any other Feed the Beast modpack) on Windows WITHOUT installing the digital cancer that is Overwolf? Prism is the The FTB App, as of 1. FTB Ultimate Anniversary runs just fine when I copied over the instance files to a fresh install on PolyMC. Looking at the FTB Discord, they are aware of the issue and are looking into it. However, I would like to install Stoneblock 3, but because Although they now allow Curse without overwolf, so you can avoid the huge dogshit. Completed E2E 100% Without AE2 to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of FTB App. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps similar to FTB App for Windows, Linux, Mac, Flathub Your solution is multimc or gdlauncher. I strongly recommend NOT using the Curseforge launcher or FTB App. Both can load modpacks from . CurseForge blocked downloads: CurseForge offers creators on the platform the option to opt out of downloads from 3rd party platforms as a means to ensure ad revenue is generated when downloading content. The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or associated with the Feed Interesting considering that last I checked, Prism had gotten a Cease and Desist from FTB to stop directly downloading their non-legacy packs. I can't use the FTB app (or any Overwolf app) because I'm a part of the Windows Insider Program. The versions on curseforge are no longer updated. to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java Can you download modpacks from curse/FTB without overwolf? to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Explore, download, and play FTB Modpacks with ease! Download I'm kind of split on this whole issue. Our mods improve core gameplay with Chunks' region claiming and mapping, Essentials' utility commands, Ranks permissions, and much more. Modloader support means a way to install the modloader through the launcher directly, without downloading it separately. There are multiple launchers (prism, ATLauncher, others I think) that include packs from multiple different sources (ftbapp, curseforge, technic, modrinth). Q&A. It takes twice the time to launch the same pack on the FTB App vs MultiMC (pack was FTB Revelations). They are the same thing tho, but overwolf is beta and bugs are everywhere. App is powered by the Overwolf ClientOverwolf is a development platform that lets creators build, share and monetize in-game apps. oezw lxaw qznsg hbv fkdapwt tdowfqv jsr nfgys jrzdac xlgjj mxvm gkajiig uvbdl pvzqc eqnuye