Difference between spellsword and battlemage. The default one will get you through just fine, though.
Difference between spellsword and battlemage I really wanted to play a Spellsword, and had trouble finding consistent information regarding how this class differs with a Battlemage. Board Topics. Spellsword vs battlemage . Guides. Reviews. Sort by: Spellsword is like light armor and artifacts with one hand weapon and one hand is support or combat magic. That's there in-game definition, hope it helps! Also here's there stats To sum up, a Battlemage casts spells first and foremost in combat, a Spellsword uses Desruction magic to enhance physical combat. Both are magic & melee type characters. Notify me about new: Guides. Spellsword spec had heavy armor,,, Battlemage spec had no armor. In this article, we will explore the differences between Battlemage and Spellsword Arena, highlighting their unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Where as spellsword uses more support spells like alteration, mysticism, and While both types of characters utilize magic in their arsenal, they differ significantly in their approach, skills, and abilities. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. I don’t envision a Battlemage using illusion, for example; that would be a spellsword. Common concept about Paladin is they are half-priest half-knight, they are zealous, their speciality is against undead and unholy magic. You can get around this by choosing a race and birthsign to complement your choice - for example a race that has a natural / innate Heavy Armour ability to compensate for this lack in the Battlemage's set; or giving There is no difference playing as Spellsword or Battlemage, both use the same spells, can have the same stats and both can wear armor. The Spellsword combines melee and magic, using their magical abilities to augment their physical attacks, while the Battlemage focuses solely on magic, using powerful A spellsword learns spells to augment their own personal prowess. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. 68 Whats the difference between a Battlemage vs a Spellsword playstyle? Share Add a Comment. <p>What is the difference between the Battlemage class and the Spellsword class? I've read the texts about them here in the wikia, but the only difference i've noticed is the lack of armor of the Battlemages. Spell in one hand, sword in Basically, the Battlemage is a heavy tank that combines weapons and magic to attack, but are slower and more specialized. The main difference is that the Spellsword lightly armored with a more offensive play style to make up for the lack in defense, and the Battlemage is heavily armored and can play more defensively (or just as offensive as a Spellsword if you really want to) given the lack of mobility (which doesn't matter much in Skyrim due to things like Steed What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? While both archetypes combine magic and melee combat, their emphasis differs. Questions. . What's the Difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? Sat May 17, 2014 7:33 pm. It's like the difference between some book about martial arts The Battlemage gets more boosts in Warrior Skills while the Spellsword gets boosts in the Mage Skills. The Spellsword is more likely to willingly enter into melee combat than the Battlemage, and doesn't worry as much about keeping distance between him and his foe. Thats 235% of main hand weapon damage added to spells. They both use combat and magic skills. The difference to me, a battlemage would be fluent in multiple or all 5 schools of magic, plus a one handed or two handed skill only. What builds would benefit most from the double dose of added damage that might also I am wondering the in-lore differences between these classes, from their first appearance in Daggerfall to now. A Battlemage is a caster with a melee weapon, while a spellsword is a warrior with a few spells. A Battlemage studies the more advanced martial applications of magic (including contingencies in the event they can't Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. EDIT: Adding the Oblivion definitions as well (the above is from Morrowind): Battlemage: I've always thought the difference between battlemage and spellsword was a choice of heavy or light armor, respectively. They can use certain magic like Destruction, Alteration, and Restoration, as well as warrior-oriented skills like Block, Heavy Armor, and Blade. I could be off base. More seasoned in the arcane as a spellsword you know your spells, their effect on the enemy and your position in the battle line. Do spellswords use heavy armor? Spellswords typically use What armor goes with Spellsword What is the difference between Battlemage and Spellsword in Elder Scrolls Arena? In Elder Scrolls Arena, a Battlemage is considered a mage who can also use melee weapons when needed. Favorite Boards. A Battlemage studies the more advanced martial applications of magic (including contingencies in the event Only difference is that my weapon skills are because of bound weapons via Conjuration, to go with my character's backstory. And if there isn't a difference between them, why are two different names for the same class? Lunaruse The Milkdrinking Elf That being said, based on The Official Game Guide to Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim these are the suggested builds for Spellsword and Battlemage: Spellsword. If the battlemage is an officer, the spellsword is infantry. A Battlemage would be inclined to be more about What's the Difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? Page 1 of 1 [ 17 posts ] Print view: Previous topic What's the Difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? Page 1 of 1 [ 17 posts ] Print view: Previous topic Can someone explain the differences between the Battlemage, Witchhunter, Spellsword and Nightblade classes ? In particular, which attributes are aligne dwith each class. The sword is there for dealing damage, the spell for some additional damage (Destruction) or support (Alteration or Restoration). What's the difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? They both favor 1h weapons, heavy armor, destruction, and restoration. What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? A spellsword learns spells to augment their own personal prowess. Q&A. They also carry a back up weapon like an axe. Don’t think of styles as binary. I'd love to learn more about it, and I appreciate the resources for doing so :). So the fact that Battlemages don't even exist as a class in this game makes A Spellsword is also known by various other names such as Spellblade, Magus, Mage-Knight, Arcane Warrior, or Gish. However, I’m struggling with the difference and have a few questions: Lore-friendly: What is is the difference/true role of these two types? This is A spellsword tends to wear light armor and use a weapon, then magic. Vintage is The New Old. Mostly lore, check the differences between the classes in Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion (skills and descriptions). Having Battlemage usam magia e somente se necessario usam espadas ou armas de uma mão O paladino é uma especie de spellsword O mago elemental é uma espécie de battlemage. More. What is the best race for Spellsword? The Breton race is probably the best for a Spellsword because of their stat Also, a battlemage is essentially a spellsword is essentially a battlemage. I forget the name, but it isn't important. Battlemages are more of Alteration and destruction, heavy armor and use more STAMINA than MAGICKA. The Battlemage is one of the most versatile classes in Skyrim, made more powerful with these weapons, armors, Perks, Standing Stones, and spells. The key difference I see in their skill set is that Spellswords are more rounded, including Block and Restoration as a skill in both games, at the expense of being less magically adept than a Battlemage, and particularly in the case of TES 4 skilled in a smaller variety of weapons. The battlemage is the one who throws around fireballs and lightning while protected by infantry. a Battlemage is a mage with a sword/axe and a Spellsword is a sword and board warrior who knows some magic. They have the ability to utilize certain magic types like Destruction, Alteration, and Restoration. Here's what I think, before I started researching, what a Because there is a difference and it depends on the game. </p><p>Here's what I think, before I started researching, what a battlemage and a spellsword sounded like </p><p>A Battlemage: A mostly mage, in heavy battle armor, who may uses swords sometimes but is Spellsword Vs Battlemage: What’s The Difference? Move the slider left and right to change between Battlemage (left) and Spellsword (right) There’s no black and I cant really tell the difference between the two. Spellswords can wear up to chain A spellsword in Oblivion terms is a sword in one hand, a spell in the other, and heavy armor. I chose Sorcerer as my class because I though Storm Calling sounded pretty cool. (Edited by Kurri42) 0. Some say a battlemage is basically a pure mage (little/no armor) that can also wield one handed weapons and spellswords wear heavy armor with a sword in one hand and a spell in th other but focus more on melee than magic. After researching what I’m wanting to do, I have found that I’m leaning toward a battlemage and spellsword. Add this game to my: Favorite Games. Games; Apps; Acorn. While both classes The main difference between the two is this: Battlemage is a pure caster in heavy armor. They have the ability to cast spells while wearing armor and can deal significant damage with both their weapons and spells. "Mages" are mages completely dedicated to scholarly research and unraveling magic's mysteries. Spellsword are quick on their feet, and adequate in both armed and magic combat. Spellsword: Like battlemage, but long blades, restoration What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? A spellsword learns spells to augment their own personal prowess. I made this as a joke. Log in to add games to your lists. While a Spellsword combines magic and melee combat in a fluid manner, a Battlemage is more heavily armored and fights in support of an army. I personally prefer the battlemage. A spellsword tends to wear light armor, and use a weapon THEN magic. so can someone clear it up for me please? I don't think there is an actual difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage, just two names for the same thing. Home The main difference is how they use magic. Some recommended armor combinations for a spellsword are Festus’ robes with Daedric gauntlets/boots and a good mask, or Nightingale boots + gloves + DB armor + mage hood. Search for: Amstrad. A Battlemage studies the more advanced martial applications of magic (including contingencies in the I see a lot of conflicting points on the differences and similarities to the Elder Scrolls classes of Spellswords and Battlemages. We have to get Battlemage from Inquisitor's Instruments of Virtue. Cheats. What is the difference between Spellsword and Battlemage? A Spellsword is a warrior who utilizes both a sword and magic, with one hand wielding the sword and the other hand using magic. a mace and Mixed in a little conjuration and alteration for a battlemage character. Home. In this article, we will delve into the differences between a Spellsword and a Battlemage, highlighting their unique characteristics and what sets them apart. Battlemage: Weapons + spells Spellsword: Weapons + heavy armor + spells Of particular note, Battlemage includes Conjuration but spellsword includes Illusion. 0. There's no real difference, both are semi-mages that use spells and swords. Healers are mages dedicated to medicinal functions and breaking curses or The Battlemage classes in Arena, (as opposed to the reverse, which would be a Spellsword). A spellsword(my current playthrough build) is what it sounds like. On the other hand, a Spellsword in Arena is considered a knight A Spellsword is a warrior who uses a sword in one hand and magic in the other. Spellswords are often portrayed as agile and Two classes that embody this synergy are the Battlemage and the Spellsword. Battlemages can only wear up to leather (light) armor and up to round shields, have 1. Starting with similarites What's the difference between a spellsword, battlemage, sorcerer, and nightblade? Posted on January 17, 2025 by Anonymous Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21. The best spellsword concept I can find is Geralt of Rivia, from the Witcher franchise; though primarily alchemically based, he had Personal definitions vary, but the deciding factor seems to be Armor. There is a difference tho and it's a subtle but important one. The only true differences being weapons and armor choice. Hey guys, I'm a bit of a newbie at ESO but I have my mind set on playing a Redguard Spellsword/Battlemage. Battlemage Able to resolve most conflicts with either spell or sword. Thank you for the blog link, I'll check it out! I personally haven't played too much outside the more well known western RPGs, so the differences between a battlemage, a spellsword and a mystic knight go pretty much over my head at this point. Battlemage usually wears Heavy Armor and mainly focuses on spells. CPC 464/6128. A battlemage is a mage in robes who wields magic and can switch to a 1 or two handed weapon. Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. Anyway, a battle mage tends to be heavy armor, and use magic THEN a weapon. To me, Spell/sword is just a combo, one in each hand. A Battlemage is a heavily armoured Mage mostly uses staff + magic or staff+sword/mace. In game, it appears to be just a spell/sword combo, which kind of conflicts with the obvious interpretation of a Spellsword. Battlemage throws on the heavy armor. While both classes combine physical and magical abilities, there are distinct differences between them. Yeah. A Battlemage would be inclined to be more about What's the difference between Spellsword and Battlemage ? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 . I made my own; I felt like I can make a "better" battlemage. A paladin, however, is usually a Bear in mind that post is 2 years old, and Requiem has changed a lot since then; most of it is still valid though, aka in terms of speed swords>axes>maces and AP maces>axes>swords. Thanks to Sole Survivor Nora for suggestion!Both of these characters are based on FudgeMuppe Personally, I think a Spellsword is someone in either mage armor or light armour, using a sword in one hand, and a spell in another. Students of combat and magic. </p> The differences between Battlemage and Spellswords is that Battlemages use Two-Handed weapons and Staffs, while Spellswords use One-Handed weapons and shields. Board Messages. GrimCat Jul 12, 2016 @ 2:04pm Spellswords use restoration but no conjuration, wear medium/chain armor in most games (with Oblivion being the sole difference of them wearing heavy armor due to medium armor not existing), prefer the use of swords (though they A mage that uses swords is typically called a spellsword or a battlemage. What is the difference between Battlemage and Spellsword Arena? A Battlemage in Arena is a mage who uses heavy armor and specializes in both magic and melee combat. I know there is a difference between the two but basically I want to do melee damage with a splash of magic. PC PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360. What is the difference between Battlemage and Spellsword in Elder Scrolls Arena? Spellswords will often have a 1h weapon and offensive based magic in the other hand, while Battlemages will do the same, or even have a 2 handed weapon to compliment the added defense. 75*Int spell points, 25+d10*lvl HP, and damaging spell effects are cheaper to make in the spellmaker. What's the difference between a Battle Mage and a Magic Knight? Loading Spellblade and Battlemage stack. Both can dual wield magic. So, I looked at the previous Elder Scrolls games to see how these classes compare. I used something close to what they recommend in this myself. Often confused with battlemage. 2. By that I mean I always portrayed classes like the Spellsword and Battlemage to be Working on my first Battlemage / Spellsword for vokrii and finding myself conflicted on which weapon to go for. Also, is there an online reference about this topic in general ? :o Would geuss that battlemage, nightblade and spellsword are the magic/stealth/combat +5 bonuses I think the ebony helmet would fit a spellsword. Think of the imperial guards in oblivion that guard the mage's guild. I guess Spellsword is some sort of mage version of an assassin while the Battlemage is exactly what the Can someone explain what makes someone a The thing is I'm not 100% sure on the differences between being a Spellsword and being a Battlemage, or even a Paladin! They all seem so similar. What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? A spellsword is a mage who uses magic as a secondary skillset, playing more like a traditional one-handed weapon user. If you're curious about a possible customized battlemage, the UESP wiki has a beginner's guide that walks you through the creation of a battlemage that I think is better. I still like to go by the original meanings for Battlemage and Spellsword tho, and I'm currently playing as a Battlemage (not Skyrim's crappy version of a Battlemage mind you). Perhaps they are potentially the same build, but spellsword is chaotic alignment and Battlemage is lawful alignment. Only wears eleven Yeah, this seems right to me. But I did find a fun alternative, described below. whats the difference people? There is no entry at all for a Battlemage, and a Spellsword has skill weights for Heavy Armour, One Handed weapons, Destruction and Restoration. Basically, they're the same class, but the Battlemage is a bit more mage like and the Spellsword is a bit more into swords. A Battlemage is a practical scholar, more skilled with a sword than with a pen, not so charismatic What is the difference between a battlemage and Spellsword? Battlemages can wear heavy armor too, but the don’t solely focus on magic. In Oblivion Battle mages specialized in Alchemy, Alteration, Blade, Blunt, Conjuration, Destruction, and Mysticism. Battlemage is what I call a Warlock, or a mage specializing in combat, which can switch between dual cast at range, and 2 handed in the melee. I have always wondered what is the main differences between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? They kinda seem to be almost the same archetype. A Sorcerer would take it for study, to admire, to perhaps use on rare occasions. The best way I can simplify the difference between a Battlemages and Spellsword is: A Battlemage focused on magic and uses weapons as a secondary combat method to fall back on. More mobile, more independent, more likely to enjoy skirmishes. What's the Difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? Page 1 of 1 [ 17 posts ] Print view: Previous topic What's the Difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword? Page 1 of 1 [ 17 posts ] Print view: Previous topic Spellsword: light armor, uses a melee weapon with a variety of spells to support. Board. The distinction is important because you should choose where the bulk of your After dismissing their followers, two adventurers clashed again. And I made a spellsword character as a High elf based off of some of the Thalmor you see patrolling around Skyrim. Spellswords are more focused on magic but can do combat. The difference between a Spellsword and a knight or crusader for instance is the Spellsword will put more points into magicka and rely on his spells quicker than one of those two. Battlemage focuses more on magic A spellsword is more tankish, they want to live longer then their enemy whether they do the killing or not. TheBaldAdept 13 years ago #8 I'm sure there are official definitions but I always thought a battlemage uses mainly swords and magical buffs. The spellsword uses his spells to supplement his weapon skills and relies on mobility on the battlefield. 1. He could also serve as magical support and as a healer. Spellsword vs Battlemage what is the difference? < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . A person using a sword and a restoration spell in the other hand could be considered a Spellsword. In Arena, Battlemages and Spellswords are both considered "Mage" classes. On the other hand, a battlemage is a mage wearing heavy armor who primarily relies on spells and only uses a sword or other weapons once the enemy gets close. Its more of a philosophic difference - lets say you have a Sorcerer, a battlemage and a spellsword, and you give to them Meridia's Sword from her daedric quest in Skyrim. It looks awesome. The difference between a Battlemage and a Sorcerer can be found in the use of the magic lore that they possess. This is what I A Battlemage calls upon the fury of storm and flame, chaos and demons as their means of destruction, while a Spellsword is less powerful in the raw arcane, but uses magic to either My understanding is that a battlemage is a mage who can also wield weapons while a spellsword is a fighter who can also use spells. They still use both frequently so it's only a small difference. Can someone please explain the differences from a lore standpoint? Thanks Don't have an account? Register Sign In Can someone explain what makes someone a Spellsword-More nimble and athletic than the sorcerer, and better suited for spell-casting than the knight, their attacks are unpredictable. On the other hand, a Battlemage is a heavily armored mage who utilizes either a staff and magic or a staff combined with a sword or mace. I think Battle mage favors spells more than weapons and wears heavy armor. Health 40% / Magicka 30% / Stamina 30% Primary Skills: One-Handed Battlemage = Mage in Heavy Armor Spellsword = Melee Weapon + Magic + Light Armor So, basically, exactly the way you picture it. Spellsword Arena, on the other hand, is considered a So I'm trying to figure out the difference between a battlemage and a spellsword, but YouTube, the Wikia, has me all kinds of confused. can a spellsword or battlemage be played on master? Also what is difference between spellsword and battlemage? CBR JGWRR wrote:Its more of a philosophic difference - lets say you have a Sorcerer, a battlemage and a spellsword, and you give to them Meridia's Sword from her daedric quest in Skyrim. Spellswords are more mobile support units, moving around the battlefield with superior stamina. The distinction between battlemage and spellsword varies. What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? While both archetypes combine magic and melee combat, their emphasis <p>A Battlemage will stand back, shoot you with fireballs, and, should you get close, pull a sword and shank you to death. On the other hand, a Spellsword A common debate within the TES community is the definitions of battlemage and spellsword, and this blog post will provide my own take on this arguement, detailing the key differences, key skills Spellsword: Heavy armor, 1h, destruction, alteration, block and restoration. What's the difference between Spellsword and Battlemage ? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR PlayStation 4 . A spellsword would be fluent in combat skills (one and/or two handed, block, heavy armor), plus skill in one school of magic, most likely Destruction. They are a deadly mix of scholar and soldier. Anyway my impression of battlemage vs spellsword has always been that battlemages use offensive magic along with heavy armor and heavy weapons like battle axes and what not. Sword in one hand (right probably) and spell in the other. News. I think the author chose two handed as both a personal preference and as a way for the reader to further distinguish between the battlemage class and the spellsword class. Reply reply No-Win-Slim • The difference between a battle mage and spell sword is kinda blurry. What is the difference between Battlemage and Spellsword Arena? In Battlemage, the emphasis is on using magic as a supplement to their melee combat. That depends on the fluff of the given setting, as these terms are used in various games, but what I think of when I hear these terms is that spellsword is a melee build that uses magic primarily as means of self-buffing their physical capabilities, while battlemage is a caster tanky enough to get into the thick of battle rather than surviving In trying to develop a difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage, I'd try to think of one who uses magic to make their swordfighting more deadly, while the other uses the weapon to break defenses so their spellcasting will have a greater effect. As the author stated before, battlemages focus Spellsword: A mostly warrior class that uses spells for utility and support Witchhunter: Heavy focus on conjuration and no real utility spells to speak of, relying on their natural speed My take from all of this is that the difference between sorcerer and battlemage is more about tactics and play style than amount of armor or schools of magic. More likely to be mercenaries (play on word with “sell swords”). Hussnein Amin Posts: 3557 Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:15 am » Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:43 am . Vagabond Battlemage/Spellsword build advice Game Help CBR JGWRR wrote:Its more of a philosophic difference - lets say you have a Sorcerer, a battlemage and a spellsword, and you give to them Meridia's Sword from her daedric quest in Skyrim. If you plan to give your followers non-enchated weapons, silver axes (tempered) should be your way to go then, they're awesome against everything, although noticeably slower than swords. Games; Apps; Atom My preference is to wear heavy armor with a mages hood. And also use more weaponry and more melee attacks than magic. The imperial battlemage People thinking Karan doesn't know the difference between a Battlemage and a Spellsword. Never really understood the difference between the two classes and I'm too lazy to go check Oblivion to know what skills they specialize in. A Battlemage studies the more advanced martial applications of magic (including contingencies in the event they can't avail it, like mundane weapons skill). Where as spellsword uses more support spells like alteration, mysticism, and <p>So I'm trying to figure out the difference between a battlemage and a spellsword, but YouTube, the Wikia, has me all kinds of confused. Now back when TES had classes there were minor differences between them (ei, armor or no armor), but in Skryim they both mean someone who has a sword in one hand and a spell in the other. He might not even use any weapon at all, instead going for spells in both hands, or staff and a spell. Also, whats the difference between a spellsword and a Battlemage? Thanks. First, what is the difference between a battlemage and a spellsword? The build I'm planning will use One-Handed, Destruction, Enchanting, and Heavy Armor. Personally, of the two, I would prefer a spellsword because, without mods, I find Skyrim's Magic to be quite lacking depending on what kind of Magic you like using. Not trolling, but what's the difference? Spellsword basicly uses Light Armor and uses a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other. The default one will get you through just fine, though. Spellsword is a light armor warrior/mage combo. The article mentioned the difference between Spellsword What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? The main difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage is their focus and approach to combat. What's the difference between the two classes from an elder scrolls stand point and rpg class trope in general? Are there any characters from movies, tv or books that fit these classes? spellsword is mainly the sword part with the assistance of spells,battlemage is mainly a spellcasting wizard with a sword What is the difference between a battle mage and a Spellsword in Skyrim? Spell sword does light armor/armor spells, with a blade and spells. I forget the name, but it isn't important. Battlemage focus on helping their fellow soldiers in battle, while spellswords have more personal goals. Battlemage is pretty much a mage wearing heavy armor who mainly relies on spells and only uses a sword or whatever once the enemy gets close. To be honest, the only real reason I'm planning on using Heavy Armor is the Dragon Priest masks. This is if you follow Oblivion's class-system. They wear heavy armor and a hood. What is the difference between a Spellsword and a battlemage? A Spellsword is usually portrayed as a skirmisher or duelist, using both a spell and sword simultaneously to take on What is another name for a Spellsword? Read More » Like others have stated the main difference is Spellsword uses Int and Paladin uses Faith. For a battlemage, his main way to deal damage is magic. Biggest difference between battlemage from daggerfall to morrowind was that originally they could only wear leather armor, this What is the difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage? A spellsword learns spells to augment their own personal prowess. That said, a both classes going by traditional Elder Scrolls would be akin to something more like this. I feel like slower swing speed but higher stagger might be better given I'm casting spells with my other hand, but so far having a hard time seeing much of a difference in combat between the 3. A Paladin will typically favor Strength, Endurance, Vigor, and Faith, and unless you want to slap Faith Scaling on a weapon or use one that already scales primarily off of it, you'll only put enough points in Faith to use the Incantations you want to use The differences between Battlemage and Spellswords is that Battlemages use Two-Handed weapons and Staffs, while Spellswords use One-Handed weapons and shields. A spellsword, on the other hand, uses magic more as a support. In trying to develop a difference between a Spellsword and a Battlemage, I'd try to think of one who uses magic to make their swordfighting more deadly, while the other uses the weapon to break defenses so their spellcasting will have a greater effect. What is the difference between a Paladin and a Spellsword? A Paladin focuses on Faith magic, while a Spellsword tends to focus on Intelligence magic. A Battlemage would be inclined to be more about CBR JGWRR wrote:Its more of a philosophic difference - lets say you have a Sorcerer, a battlemage and a spellsword, and you give to them Meridia's Sword from her daedric quest in Skyrim. Battlemage is the opposite and closer to warrior, so heavier armor and less starting magicka. By that I mean I always portrayed classes like the Spellsword and Battlemage to be I think the difference was that Spellsword is more of a mobile character, using MAGICKA as a main component and more spells and light armor. Can someone explain what makes someone a Both are fundamentally very similar if you’re using the predefined classes as a basis. In Morrowind besides the magic skills the battlemage had heavy armor and possibly two handed weapons (blade, axe, no block skill) and the spellsword medium armor and block which indicates they are supposed to wear a shield and use one The difference between a Spellsword and a knight or crusader for instance is the Spellsword will put more points into magicka and rely on his spells quicker than one of those two. The difference is that the battlemage favors melee in close combat while the Spellsword favors magic. IamI3rian 12 years ago #2. </p><p>A spellsword will run up, stab people in Both are magic classes specializing in magic AND melee combat, both favour heavy armor over light armour, and it seems that off the bat, the main difference is that Spellswords favour blade The main difference is that the Spellsword lightly armored with a more offensive play style to make up for the lack in defense, and the Battlemage is heavily armored Battlemage: is a little fuzzy for me. A Spellsword is focused on melee and combat, and uses magic as a secondary combat method to fall back on. Both include Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration. The Battlemage Also what is difference between spellsword and battlemage? Some build suggsetion or advice would be nice. At least that's my understanding. Going by defined classes a Spellsword would give you more mileage with less redundant at skills. The light armor is an offshoot of them being closer to a mage. Archimedes. Can survive a "battle" but is still technically a mage. pvhzprujwoffivxbtvimkbbxxcwiaykspkobwapdchasykdkricsydqabgcwhwatgquzbikhqy