Odyssey court records. Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Odyssey court records. Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2.
Odyssey court records Maryland Judiciary Case Search (“Case Search”) is the primary way that the public may search for records of court cases. In person counter access to locally-stored, public case records in paper form. Search hearings by a variety of parameters, some of the options available include Case Number, Party Name, Attorney Name, and Judicial Officer. You may now view your electronically filed cases from home or from your office. to 5 p. Contact. Public case and hearing information is available for general public viewing at no cost. pdf Page 2 Washington Courts Online Records Search provides access to public court This is a page regarding all of the online services for Municipal Court including citation options, payments, docket search, and case look up. Anonymous/Public, role in Odyssey Portal allows access to public case information for Superior Courts which is not Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. us/portal. This court will hear these types of cases: Tort, contract, landlord/tenant rights ($0-10,000); Felony preliminary hearings; Misdemeanor, DWI/DUI and other traffic violations. re:SearchMaine is the new online platform for accessing electronic court records where eFiling is available. Idaho has transitioned statewide to the new iCourt system where citizens can search for court records, make payments, or get county contact information. Each court has a computer reserved for public searches of court case information and court records in that court. The Public Portal is a web-based platform that offers court users and members of the general public customized role-based access to court records, hearing calendars and other data. Grant, Rm. Search Court Hearings and Court Records On June 7, 2021, Bell County implemented a new Judicial Case Management Software System called Odyssey which provides an online portal for the public to use to search for case and hearing information. Victoria County, as a recipient of Federal financial assistance and under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes, ensures that no person shall on the grounds of race, religion (where the primary objective of the financial assistance is to provide employment per 42 U. The Bexar County Clerk of Courts is the official records custodian for civil district court records and criminal felony court records in Bexar County. C. RCW 40. m. Viewing Court Records. Information displayed on the Site is not to be considered or used as an official court record and may contain errors or omissions. The Clerk of the Court maintains court records from September 1909 through the present date. In Travis County, there is one Magistrate Court and nine courtrooms that hear felony cases: the 147th, 167th, 299th, 331st, 390th, 403rd, 427th, 450th, and 460th. For more information, see Public Access to Maryland Court Records. External justice partners approved to request access to information through the Kansas District Court Public Access Portal are: county and district attorneys. It is not an official court record and may contain errors or omissions. They contain information about these legal proceedings, including names of the parties involved, dates of hearings, testimony and evidence, and rulings in cases. Pay Online. Hidalgo County Courthouse 100 North Sign in to the Odyssey Portal – Registered Users Registration is not required to search court records. If you need to inquire about access to Learn how to obtain court records, conduct background checks, and expunge criminal records. Randall County Secured Judicial Records: User ID: Password: Odyssey Public Access. If you think your court records are publicly available but should be destroyed, please contact the court using local form Cannabis Records Removal or the online notification form. Case Inquiry Instructions Jan 1, 2025 · Via our eServices platform, you can file and search Real-Estate and Judicial records online, while also providing external resources that allow you to acquire copies of records filed in the offices of The Fulton County Superior and Magistrate Courts. Email: districtclerk@co. JAIL RECORDS. The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. No records from King and Pierce County Superior Courts or from any Courts of Limited Jurisdiction are accessible through Odyssey Portal. us Dec 17, 2024 · State/Court . Class C Traffic & Non Traffic FINES . Non-confidential and non-sealed case documents: are only accessible for limited civil, unlimited civil and small claims case types. For County Court inquiries, please call (409) 770-6044. MINUTES ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE, and there are no addresses for parties who are representing themselves. You’ll be redirected to the provider’s website and must have an account to search court records. CASE DOCUMENTS AND ORDERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE . The District clerk’s office will conduct searches (civil and criminal) covering the past 10 years for $5. Odyssey Public Access. Court Records Public View Research Court Cases - No login or registration required. We also maintain records on cases that are appealed from the Justice of the Peace Courts. Jury trials. Can I find the outcome of a case on this website? No. Vision: The Las Vegas Justice Court is dedicated to providing a forum for the fair, just, and timely resolution of disputes while preserving the rule of law and protecting the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Odyssey Case Manger was built from the ground up to handle the needs of all courts – from limited to general jurisdiction, and from single courts to large, statewide implementations. potter. 96001. , 2nd Floor Greenville, TX 75401 Ph: (903) 408-4172 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 12:00pm 1:00 pm - 5:00pm Closed for Lunch Clerk of the Circuit Court 540 South Randall Road St. You can learn more about these criminal courts here. Information on the site is updated every 24 hours at 3:00 am. The clerk's office can District Clerk Court Records Inquiry: User ID: Password: Odyssey Public Access. Are you looking for a specific court? The judicial branch of New Mexico consists of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, 34 districts courts and 46 magistrate courts in 13 judicial districts, the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, 33 county probate courts, and 78 municipal courts serving the people of the state. Find online services for eCourts counties: citations, court records, eFiling, Guide & File, Portal, payments, request interpreter, and more. Tracy Byrd Odyssey Portal Online Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Cowlitz County. The electronic system allows parties to search by full case number or use party search to access a case and begin the electronic filing and service process. Oct 27, 2023 · What is Odyssey Portal? • A web-based application to view Washington state Superior Court records. A cookie is a small text file that saves to the computer or mobile device when visiting the site. The Odyssey Portal provides authorized users web access to search the Odyssey database for Smart Search (Court Records) and Court Hearings . Juvenile, adoptions, paternity and mental health cases are not accessible via this portal. Sep 1, 2023 · County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. Most records dating from 1990 to present may be searched online. Municipal courts have a unique pace and rhythm, and a set of requirements that are different from those of counties, districts and states. lick on “Search for riminal ase” within the Digital Access Terminal (DAT) You should see the home screen, as illustrated below: Smart Search is used to search for court records by party name Odyssey’s power, fueling core applications with unified case management, integrated document management and improved workflow processes. Currently does not accept cash payments. , Suite 1B Amarillo, Texas 79101. law enforcement officers. Allen - Bureau Code 7214996; District Clerk - Joel Forbis - Bureau Code 9843284; Justice of the Peace 1 Judge J. wa. Cite and Release Program; Victims Assistance; District Courts. 936-539-7855 Mailing Address: P. us - Object moved to here. Online Records NOTICE: Please read this message in its entirety before proceeding to the Odyssey Public Portal. Odyssey Public Portal - The Odyssey Public Portal allows you to view non-confidential and non-sealed case information and documents. Explanation of data included in this public court records search site. Jan 1, 2025 · (Magistrate Court Hearings are held here) 5600 Stonewall Tell Road, Room 219B College Park, GA 30349 (404) 613-5313 Operational Hours 9:00AM - 4:30PM Mon. Court Records Research. 1 Click Here to be taken to CCL1 website. The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not the official court case record. For instructions on how to use the Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) application, to fill out a Public Access registration application, or to read the Supreme Court Rule for public access to case information, please click on the Public Access Help link at the bottom of this page. Get links for online court records, court offices, and search services. You may be able to find the information you’re looking for without contacting our office. Calhoun St. You can contact the court in which the case was filed to view the court record or to order copies of court records. Pay Your Fees or Fines. 2. court trustees Hunt County Courthouse 2507 Lee St. Civil Records Search (County) Civil Records Search (District) Wills & Probate; Divorce Records; Felony Records Search; Misdemeanor Records Search; 3 County Clerk. If you are searching for a record before September 1994 you may search in person, in our office or mail a records request form or a letter explaining what records you want to: Taylor County District Clerk's Office 300 Oak St, Suite 400 Abilene, TX 79602 To obtain copies of court records you must have the following information: Jun 30, 2023 · Courts Newsletter. Court Lookup Magistrate Court. E-filing court documents significantly streamlines the case filing process and provides benefits to both the filer and the court. us Dallas County and District Court Case Information. , Redding, CA. For information and instructions on how to register for Case Access Portal, click here: https://odypa. In an effort to continually improve our services to you, we present this web page designed to assist our citizens and continue our technological progress in DeKalb Jan 1, 2025 · As the industry-leading electronic filing solution for courts, Odyssey® eFileGA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents from a single website to a number of Georgia courts anytime and from anywhere - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If you're a legal professional or registered user and you want a specific court to integrate, let us know and we'll contact the court to offer integration assistance. Link to page County Court at Law 4; County Court at Law 5; Court Administrator. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. Official records of court proceedings may be obtained only directly from the court maintaining such official records. Charles, Illinois 60174 630-232-3413 Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM This site allows viewing of unrestricted civil, family and criminal court records on file with the District Clerk, County Clerk and Justice of the Peace offices. Court Calendars. Montgomery County Court Records are public dockets, records, files, and transcription associated with court cases. The search results can point you to the official or complete court record. Jail Records. Individuals may research court records in person at no cost. 1) Access the Odyssey Portal website using the following link: Apr 5, 2022 · Any person may access public court records and documents from the Court Lobby in each Superior Courthouse; not all Courthouses have Public Access kiosks available, document fees will be paid directly to the County Clerk. Odyssey Portal subscriptions are provided by the Clerk's Office. 1700 7th Street, Room 202 Bay City, Texas 77414 (979) 244-7680 Fax (979) 244-7688 email: coclerk@co. This option works to view non-confidential documents except for Probate or Family Law cases. Check court dockets or file documents electronically with the Odyssey® eFileCA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents to a number of California courts anytime and from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If you are a frequent user of court records, information on our subscription service, Odyssey is available HERE. Portal Web Address . Jail Bond Records. Juvenile Court Clerk: Josephine Tarraferro: Court Services Unit: Phone: 325-659-6581: Supervisor: Gloria Mata: 51st Court Clerk: Kelsey Alexander: 119th Court Clerk: Amanda Cortez: 340th Court Clerk: Rose Birdsong: 391st Court Clerk: Cristy Paulette: Collections: Maria Ortiz (Carmen) Announcements: 03/25/2024 - Attorney and Public Access Guadalupe Navarrette Ector County District Clerk Ector County Courthouse 300 N. Public access terminals and indexes are available for public use. C. Sixty-seven judges preside. Access to public court documents, court hearing recordings and other court records can be done online, in person and by mail. Oct 31, 2022 · D. Note: The Public Access to the Harris County District Clerk Court Electronic Records, its Help Desk, its Call Center and/or the Harris County District Clerk reserves the right to suspend/reduce service or restrict access to any account causing an unacceptable level of congestion or disrupting operations for the following: Case & Jail Records Search . Answer online questions, working much like popular tax preparation software, to prepare the case filing and file with the clerk's office. Only Registered Users (e. These are courts of limited jurisdiction. Lawsuits, Criminal Cases, Traffic Tickets, Jury Duty, etc. Link to page; WA State Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Washington State. Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. Odyssey also helps clients share data among all of the offices in the justice system — courts, prosecutors, supervision, law enforcement and jail. For District Courts inquiries, please call (409) 770-5230. District Court records may be searched using the following methods: Search terminals are available in the reception area of the District Clerk’s office during regular business hours for public use. Public court records are available at each courthouse. Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) for registered users; re:Search®NM for registered users; CASE LOOKUP – FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC, NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED Court records for the New Mexico Appellate Courts, District Courts, Magistrate Courts, Metropolitan Court, and Municipal Court are available online at the New Mexico Case Lookup. Details of judgments and case information can only be verified by actual court records on file. matagorda. Public court records are available for online viewing at no cost. 45-221). The Court furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of information retrieved from this site. registering online and signing the User Agreement Form, and submitting the required application documents to the County Clerk or District Clerk Search records at the courthouse. Odyssey is only used by Superior Courts in 37 counties. Box 2985, Conroe, TX 77305 Physical Address: 301 N. Search by party name or case number. County Court Records Harris County Court - Civil Only; District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; Justice of the Peace Records Nondiscrimination. If you are able to view the Court Calendar screen, you have the following options: Odyssey is the new statewide Electronic Court Records Management System (ECRMS) that the Snohomish County Clerk’s Office and Superior Court implemented on May 2, 2016. 010 Injury to Public Records; Every person who shall willfully and unlawfully remove, alter, mutilate, destroy, conceal, or obliterate a record, map, book, paper, document, or other thing filed or deposited in a public office, or with any public officer, by authority of the law, shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years, or by a Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: 1. To see minutes you must contact Court Records. Sealed cases and sealed records are not public, and some cases are exempt from disclosure under the Kansas Open Records Act (K. Providing information and resources related to government agencies, available services and public records for Gregg County, TX Every courtroom is assigned a number. Public Portal Instructional Video RULES FOR ACCESS TO THE TRIAL COURT PUBLIC RECORD PORTAL The Texas Government Code states the duties and powers of the clerk of the District Court: “The clerk of the District Court has custody of and shall carefully maintain and arrange the records relating to or lawfully deposited in the clerk's office. Odyssey Portal Registration. If you're a court and would like to integrate, that's great! Electronic Records: Certain court records may also be accessed electronically. But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records maintained by a court or court agency. However, associated public documents are not viewable over the internet; but they may be viewed using Odyssey Portal kiosks at the Clerk's Office. Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2. The Clerk of the Find court records in Victoria County, TX. As Montana courts transition to a new centralized case management system, certain public records will become available through the Montana District Court Public Access Portal and the Montana Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Public Access Portal. Registered Access for Civil/Family/Tax & Felony Criminal Cases This site is a search engine for cases filed in the municipal, district, superior, and appellate courts of the state of Washington. Smart Search: Search the Odyssey database for court records. Important Information The District Clerk is the official custodian of record for civil district court records and criminal felony court records in Bexar County. Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). The portals are based off of each county – Filer will need to reach out to the court directly for web address The Idaho Courts has changed the way we do business by shifting from a legacy paper-based system to a modern electronic online judicial system. As Clerk of Superior Court, I manage all Superior Court records and land records for DeKalb County. The official court record is maintained by the court of record. Select an option from the “Search By” drop-down menu. See steps above. Odyssey Web Portal (view filings in your case) Information about Cases & Dockets Find My Case and Court Date Find Cases for School Districts Find Cases for Law Enforcement Agencies Find Cases for Attorneys by File Date Find Cases for Attorneys by Hearing Date Downloadable Data Extracts For instructions regarding Odyssey Public Access, please see the FAQ's and User Guide available under Odyssey Documents. Main Street, Suite 103, Conroe, TX 77301. ” Appointments and Fees Report (PDF) For Court Case Images 1. The information in Case Search is a summary of what is contained in the official case file. e. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 28th District Court (A) 94th District Court (C) 105th District Court (D) 117th District Court (B) 148th District Court (E) Judge Klein; 214th Supreme Court Rule 25 allows certain external justice partners to have expanded access to information in the Kansas eCourt case management system. Commissioners Court. Explore databases for criminal, civil, family, and probate cases. Odyssey Portal is available on our home page under Case & Hearing Search. 503, the court restricts documents from remote display on certain case type categories identified in this Rule of Court. Hidalgo County LEPC. Court dockets available in Montgomery County are records of everything that occurs during the legal process and are used for future reference. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY Accessing the Odyssey Portal For Public Users To access the Odyssey Portal as a public user: 1. Office closed from 1:00PM -2:00PM for lunch. These courts hear Class A and B misdemeanor offenses such as DWIs, thefts and assaults. For access to information Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. The County Clerk serves as the Clerk of the Court for the County Courts at Law handling misdemeanor cases in Montgomery County. tom-green. If you need assistance finding records, consider seeking help from your local library, the Indiana State Library, or the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library. WALKER COUNTY COURTS (Justice and County)/Sheriff's Department Records . gov You can use our site to search for a case or search for a person. https://www. If you need a digital version of public court records, this option is for you. odysseypa. Users must follow the terms of use and disclaimer when accessing MyCase. 5). If you are on the Civil, Family, & Probate Case Records screen, you have the following options: - Case- Party- Attorney . Hazard Mitigation Plan. 00 per name searched. California . Access to public records is crucial to citizens and businesses in DeKalb County. The age of the data in this site varies from county to county, based on when Find a Court Case. Dec 2, 2024 · In no event will the Court, any other judicial branch entity as defined in California Government Code Section 900. Odyssey Portal is a system for accessing court documents and records in Washington State. Fully integrated courts ensure their case information and documents are complete and up-to-date in re:SearchTX. Aug 24, 2023 · County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. The Rules specify what case information can be made available to the public and what case information must be kept confidential. g. This site does not contain eDiscovery maintained by the District Attorney’s Office. 00) for each party at the time of civil filings where private process service is utilized for any summons or alias summons. Wilder District Clerk 100 N. Odyssey combines powerful functionality with a rich user interface and client configurability to provide the state of the art in case management software. Unofficial records - The information available on OPA is provided as a service and is not considered an official court record. Please choose your search criteria on the left menu. re:SearchMaine is replacing the Maine eCourts Odyssey Portal. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. Username and password protection Mailing Address: P. Appointments are available until 4 PM and the last walk-ins are accepted at 4 PM. However, the court records may be available for access and/or viewing at our Records Department locations in the courthouse building located at 1515 Court St. Title VI. How can I contact the court? Click here for a court directory with information on how to contact every court in the state. Thomas A. County Clerk - Susan B. Civil, Family & Probate Case Records. Attorney WebAccess Portal (For attorney use only to view case information and documents) Denton County Records (Case Records, Court Calendars, Sheriff Jail and Bond Records) To search Lewis County Superior Court records, please go to the Odyssey Portal online records search. Looking for: CASE RECORDS: Criminal Case Records. All other users should skip to page 2 “How to Search for Court Records. The public may access many case records (information and documents) online through eCourt Public Portal or Odyssey Portal. The official county government website for Collin County to find government documents and services, and contact county elected officials, including elections, land records, jury duty, court cases, county sheriff, county jail, district attorney, property taxes, vehicle registrations, animal control, job openings, auctions, sales and foreclosures. Calendar; COVID-19 Documents and Related Items; District Attorney. Civil, Family, & Probate Case Records; Court Calendar . 16. A s the industry-leading electronic filing solution for courts, Odyssey ® eFileGA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents from a single website to a number of Georgia courts anytime and from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Court records are not subject to the Washington State Public Records Act. See full list on in. A. Criminal Background Check Learn how to obtain a criminal background check for yourself or others. Complete registration form to access Images 2. Court records are documents filed during court cases. § 2000d-3), color, national origin, sex, age or disability be excluded from In general, court cases and their records are public, and the court does not need your consent to make your court cases or records available online. This system will be implemented in nearly every county by 2018. Each district courtroom is presided over by an elected judge. District Clerk Court Records Inquiry: User ID: Password: Odyssey Public Access. Odyssey provides court staff with a more intuitive, modernized data entry format, offers a specialized edition tailored for use by judicial officers, strengthens the court's data reporting requirements, and over the long-term will support a completely paperless, electronic filing system that reduces waste and eliminates the need to track and move physical files. O. Defense Attorney Portal. Jurisdictions that choose Odyssey Attorney Manager, Odyssey Search Hearings: Search the Odyssey database for court hearings for a specified date range. The Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan does not certify Guide & File is a free online service available to help self-represented litigants and attorneys to prepare court documents online to file for certain case types. Attorneys of Record Attorneys of record who electronically file (eFile) documents to the court using eFileMaine can access their electronic case records in re:SearchMaine. Please note: Online Records Access accounts and Attorney Docket Access accounts are valid for accessing the dockets and are separate from e-filing in Lehigh County. 3, or their judicial officers, officers, employees, representatives, agents, contractors or volunteers be liable for any damages whether they be direct, indirect, general, special, consequential, incidental or exemplary damages All court records are open to public inspection except as restricted by law, court rule or court order. Agency Instruction for Requesting Elevated Access. Please read and acknowledge these terms before using OPA to access court records: 1. Appling State: Coweta Superior: Irwin Superior: To request a certified copy, exemplified copy, or plain copy fill out the copy request form and email it to recordsrequest@clarkcountycourts. Civil Court Cases and Records Click Here to search civil court records Civil Fees as of January 1, 2025. 301 Odessa, TX 79761 Phone: (432) 498-4290 : INFORMATION ON All records displayed are subject to limitations of data entry. The Portal also provides a convenient way to pay court fines online from anywhere on any compatible device. To apply for the new Bexar County Portal, Agencies/Organizations will need to designate an Agency Account Coordinator, who will coordinate the User’s responsibilities of the application process, i. Access to electronic court records is available to the general public at the Washington State Digital Archives. Sep 7, 2022 · The Judiciary provides public access to court records in accordance with Maryland Rules 16-901 through 16-914, effective August 1, 2017. (Includes Property Records, Plats, Marriages, Foreclosures, Miscellaneous, Commissioners Court, Public Notice, Assumed Names, Marks & Brands) Historic Index Books (Real Estate Records, Deed Records, Real Estate Supplemental Records, Supplemental Deed Records, Deed of Trust Records) Jan 5, 2022 · $5 basic records search (performed by clerk) Tom Vandergriff Civil Courts Building 100 N. LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS. Violation of the Terms of Use may result in revocation of access to the Portal. Find out how to request access, fees, and contact details for each county clerk's office. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. Electronic Filing The Clerk of the Court allows parties to file and serve documents on-line using Odyssey File & Serve. Accuracy of the information is not warranted. S. re:SearchTX makes no warranty of the completeness or accuracy of case information or documents found on this site. Managing court calendars, processing defendant notices, and responding to crowded courtrooms, Tyler understands the challenges high-volume municipal, mayor, traffic and justice courts face. However, the court files may be available for viewing at our records division located in the Hall of Justice in Redwood City or copies of documents are available by mail. Subscribe Now Certain records related to the arrest or conviction of cannabis are to be destroyed within two years of the offense (H&S 11361. Attorneys of Record) with elevated access to Portal should Register and/or Sign In. courts. If you need to see information from a case file, contact Court Records; TURN OFF YOUR "POP UP BLOCKER" if you cannot see the case information window. nhecourt. Superior Court case search has moved to Odyssey Portal for the following case types (Phase 1): Civil Division cases, including Landlord and Tenant and Small Claims; Civil cases in the Tax Division; Probate Division; Office of the Auditor Master (NEW) Please click on the below search button to take you to the new Odyssey Portal. Access services to search criminal records, request court transcripts, and view civil court records. MyCase is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration of Indiana. - Fri. If the document you're looking for isn't available online, you'll need to contact the clerk's office in the county where the case is being heard. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. co. Fort Worth, TX 76196 817-884-1574. Tyler Technologies | Public Access Request Form. Fee Schedule Certified Copies $1 per page, $5 for certification Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Public Records. m Magistrate Court. Electronic access to court information is restricted by federal and state law in addition to court rules and orders. Overview The County Clerk's office maintains records on civil suits filed for $500 or less in Montgomery County Courts at Law. gov/subsite/sccms/docs/Odyssey_Portal_Quick_Reference_Guide. The District Clerk files, records and preserves original records, including documents filed electronically. There are 46 magistrate courts. In Montgomery County, these courts are: County Court at Law No. A list of all courts can be found in the Trial Court Directory To make this site work properly small data files, called cookies, are used. Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. Search for FREE Records Now! Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this Court Records: Free Online Search for Digital Copies. Learn More Effective January 1, 2025, Public Act 103-671 and Senate Bill 0688 requires the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County to collect and remit to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office five dollars ($5. Please contact the clerk to obtain an official copy of a document. Courts on Odyssey. In Person. For Superior Court, State Court, Magistrate Court, and Probate Court Estate cases, click on Tyler Odyssey Portal. ” 1. Incident Records Pre-Trial Intervention Program Summary. Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts (Case Information Only) County and Probate Courts Felony and Misdemeanor ** Click here to watch a video on how to use the Dallas County Courts Portal ** The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. You must consult the local or appeals court record. Calhoun Street Fort Worth, Texas 76196 Monday-Friday 8 a. us. Mission: To deliver equal access to justice while achieving the highest possible level of public trust and confidence. FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. tx. ldsui udlg sldf gyle amphih wrtfim nntgi ukybzd nzsni szocp mtqscnc dsx xpu cndsy xlcyrl