Wood county court dockets Information for appointed counsel . Wood County Clerk of Courts. UniCourt gives you access to trial Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday. 02/15/2023. Users are instructed to call or visit the magistrate court clerk in the county where a case is filed to obtain copies of specific court records. Contact Wood County. and 4:30 p. Additional documents accepted for proving your current address include a check, bill, or signed lease. The Ohio Attorney General's Office offers instructions for obtaining a criminal background check from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. to request copies of these records for a fee of $2. Covid Information Child Protection Court Dockets Texas Judicial Branch Home ; New! Court YouTube Channel Listing All Courts List / Northeast Texas CPC - #2 Northeast Texas CPC - #2 | Wood County Please select a docket: 03/19/2025. Judge Matthew L. Wood County Clerk of Courts Public Records Request 1 Courthouse Square Bowling Green, OH 43402. 9357 Second Floor One Courthouse Square Search public court records from Wood County Circuit Court online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Mediation The Wood County Juvenile Court Clerical Department is staffed with six full-time deputy clerks under the supervision of the Clerical Director. Judges/Staff. Random Judge Selection changed to electronic through computer system instead of paper The Clerk of Court helps provide public access to court records and receives, distributes and preserves official court documents. This involves providing details such as the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Wood County, WV? Quickly access information about 5 Courts near you! List of Wood County Courts. Access to the Wood County Juvenile Court's online dockets and public pleadings in custody, support, paternity, and certain adult matters is available via the internet in the Public Access link which is found under Quick Links. About Us The role of Wisconsin’s court system is to protect individuals’ rights, privileges and liberties, to maintain Lookup Wood county court records in WV with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Search court records, request civil court records, or look up specific cases. Wood County has three circuit courts, two family courts, and four magistrate courts. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. (419) 354-9180 Fax (419) 354-1322 Official Sources for Wood County Court Records. The public access records information viewed on this system reflects the docket entries and Welcome to the website for the Wood County Clerk of Courts. This information should be taken as a guide and Circuit Court Branch Offices Circuit Court Branch I Hon. Charleston Municipal Court Docket. Wood. Below are the addresses, and phone numbers of the Court Divisions of Wood County: Circuit Court 1 Wood County Judicial Building 2 Government Square, Room 421 Parkersburg, WV 26101-5353 Phone: (304) 424-1756 Fax: (304) 424 The Winnsboro Municipal Judge presides over the Municipal Court of Winnsboro, Texas, handling misdemeanor crimes and petty offenses. Published opinions and orders. Criminal/Traffic/Civil. When the Online Court Resources. Failure to comply with these rules may result in appropriate sanctions, including but not limited to, an award of attorney fees, costs, and dismissal of the action or granting of judgment. Parkersburg Circuit Court 2 Government Sq, Parkersburg, WV. He worked for the Court for over 24 years. Marshfield. Court Records. Please Note: For any court records prior to January 1984, please visit the Findlay Municipal Court’s office at 318 Dorney Plaza – Room 206. 03/01/2023. The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, and contract disputes; administrative appeals, such as those in the areas of worker's compensation and Gather more information on what to expect when filing for a divorce or legal separation. The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, and contract disputes; administrative appeals, such as those in the areas of worker's compensation and Wood County, West Virginia Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. The Clerk of Courts is the “keeper of the records” and is the public’s gateway to the Court system. 354. Official website of Wood County, OH, providing information on government services, departments, and resources for residents and visitors. Wood County, West Virginia Record Dates [edit | edit source] Information for this chart was taken from various sources, often containing conflicting dates. Access online court records, criminal records, probate records, and child support warrants. com. cloud If you have any questions, please contact the Wood County Juvenile Court at (419)352-3554. birth certificate issued by the health department or vital records office, or passport. You might go to the Clerk of Court's office to pay traffic and criminal fines, file court papers in a civil case and access court records. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm Phone Numbers: Address: Court Hours: Probate Court: 419. Legal Office: One Courthouse Square, Second Floor, Bowling Green, OH 43402 (419) 354-9280 Toll Free (866) 860-4140 . Welcome to the Wood County Courthouse Research Online Tools page. The provisions herein are to be construed and applied to eliminate delay, unnecessary expense and all other impediments to a just determination of civil and Petitioner must live in Wood County and must prove that Respondent's actions fit into R. To broaden that definition even further, the Clerk of Courts office is responsible for filing, docketing, indexing and preserving all court pleadings and orders for civil, felony criminal, domestic relations and a few other miscellaneous cases. 03/15/2023. m. 04/05/2023. Wood District Court Below is a directory of court locations in Wood County. 08/20/2025. 9000 1. click Judicial Records Search, click criminal case search and enter your name. 21-22 Press ENTER key to focus on the active panel Wood County Courthouse | 100 S. Rapids. Information available on this web site is collected, maintained and provided solely for the convenience of the public users. Self-Help Center - Room S116 at the El Paso County Judicial Building Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, by Jeffrey Beall, is licensed under CC 3. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am Looking for public records in Wood County, TX? Quickly search government records from 69 official databases. Wooster Street, Unit 16, Bowling Green, OH 43402 . Directory of online resources applicable to the Wood County Circuit Court in Wood County, West Virginia. 304-424-1984. Access databases, free records, and search engines to find arrest records and more. Home; and one should not rely on this site as one’s sole resource for legal information when initiating a case in this Court. Request transcripts, search criminal records, or access free online records. Directory of online resources applicable to the Perrysburg Municipal Court in Wood County, Ohio. Kanawha County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Wood County, Ohio Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Skip to content. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. Forms – REQUIRED BY COURT: Case Designation Form Douglas F. 860. Search upcoming Perrysburg Municipal Court dockets by hearing date. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the Findlay Municipal Court office at (419) 424-7141. 07/02/2025. Haskins Mayor's Court 100 North Church Street, Haskins, OH. Follow us. Records Search. The Texas trial court system consists of District Courts, Criminal District Court, Constitutional County Courts, County Courts at Law, Statutory Probate Courts, Justice Courts, and Municipal Courts. 4140 Court Records Search Clerk of Courts; Sheriff Sales Wood County Sheriff; Interactive Map Wood County Engineer; Storm Water Management Program A Health Professional may do a physical examination of the adoptee and provide a written statement to the Court if directed by the Court. Wood County Clerk of Courts provides photocopies of public records according to the following Wood County Common Pleas Court Local Court Rule 3. Known for its picturesque landscapes, including the lush piney woods and sparkling lakes like Lake Fork and Lake Holbrook, it’s a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and anglers. Search the the Charleston Municipal Court docket by date, officer, citation number, lawyer, and name, or view the current day's docket. You are getting ready to leave Wood County Clerk of Courts website. West Virginia. C 2903. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 Welcome to Wood County WV. They also appoint members to the Veterans Service Commission, Public Defender Commission, Wood County Law Library Resources Board, and the Wood County District Public Library Board. Office of the Clerk; Supreme Court of Appeals; Intermediate Court of Appeals; Lower Courts. Search by: Wood County Courthouse | 100 S. These records include exhibits, judgments, motions, pleas, rulings, and other court documents. Gregory J. The legal division of the Clerk of Court is responsible for filing, recording, indexing, and preserving all court Search Wood County's Judicial Records on-line! Search Criminal Cases, Civil Cases, Probate, Divorce, Tax Suits, Sheriff Jailing records, Sheriff Bond records, and JP Criminal / Traffic / Civil The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, You are encouraged to visit those sites to obtain your information or to call the court directly. 9357 Second Floor One Courthouse Square Bowling Green, OH 43402 Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (Except Legal Holidays) Lookup Wood county court records in OH with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Pay Now. Certain information prior to 1994 may be incomplete or not on-line. 15. While every effort is made to assure that this information is accurate and current, the County Clerk does not certify the authenticity of the The Wood County Clerk of Courts is no longer able to register Notary Public Commissions or provide verification of a Notary Public that had been registered in this office. Cases include Domestic (such as divorce, custody, parenting time), Civil (such as contract, business, appeals, general civil cases over $25,000), and Criminal felony case types. Background Check Information. The Clerk of Court helps provide public The Wood County Common Pleas Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction that was created by the Ohio constitution and established in Article IV, Section 1. Skip to Main Content. Wood County, Texas Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. CourtCaseFinder. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm | Phone: 419-354-9042. * Search court records for the Wood County Circuit Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. These records play a crucial role in documenting the lifecycle of various legal actions, from initial filings to ultimate judgments. Online Services Although there are still some court documents that must be obtained by visiting us in person such as Family and Criminal Court documents, many of our public records are accessible via our online inquiries listed here. The area includes a paper and electronic docket to search for cases, a public computer terminal, a microfilm reader and printer, accessible staff to answer questions, as well as tables and chairs to comfortably perform your search. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 Appellate Courts. WV Marriage Records; WV Divorce Records; WV Criminal Records; WV Court Records . Court Hours: Probate Court: 419. are filed on behalf of the State of Ohio and may originate at the Municipal Court level and then bound over to the Wood County Common Pleas Grand Public access to Wisconsin court records. Bowling Green Municipal Court Schedule. Individuals who wish to access Wood County probate court records may visit the Wood County District Clerk’s Office at: 100 S. 07/23/2025. Wood County Defendants’ motion to dismiss (Wood County Department of Human Services, Heinzen-Janz, Christensen, La Chappelle, and Mary Solheim) Defendant Wood County Department of Human Services has moved to dismiss all claims against it on the ground that it is not an entity that may be sued under § 1983. to 4:30 p. In Family Court, Wood County Family Court 313 Market Street Parkersburg, WV 26101 304-420-4880 Fax: 304-420-4887 . Supreme Court distributed Superintendence Rule 26. Resources for the Wood County Court of Common Pleas - General and Domestic Relations Divisions as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Create a Website Account - Manage notification Explore criminal records in Wood County, TX. June 2021 Access court records for Wood County Common Pleas Court, OH. Division of the Wood County Court of Common Pleas. 866. Below is a directory of court locations in Wood County. The Friend of the Court is established as an arm of the Circuit Court to examine all records and files in divorce cases where orders or decrees have been issued with dependent minor children Court records in Wood County, West Virginia, are essential documents that capture the details and outcomes of legal proceedings within the county’s jurisdiction. Wood County Court Calendars. Wood County Probate Court's hours for accepting marriage license applications are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a. Find Wood County, West Virginia court records and resources. She served as the city prosecutor for Bowling Green from 2022 - 2025. Main Street (Intersection of SH 154 and SH 37) Quitman, Texas 75783 (903) 763-1236. Contact CASA/GAL program office Welcome to the Wood County Common Pleas Court. While every effort has been made to assure the information presented is accurate and current, it must be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that About Us. Public access to court records in County Court at Law - Wood County Court at Law Building, Wood County Court, Texas. 9230 County Offices: 419. - Appendix G - New Case Information Sheet - 19. 05/12/2023. Certified copies of any public record may be obtained at the cost of $1. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the West Virginia court system. 00 per certified document. 00 per Public Records Request Form; Wood County Common Pleas Subpoena Wood County Clerk of Courts. Cubberley Wood County Clerk of Court Douglas F. 06/18/2025. Marriage Records. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. The Wood County Adult Probation Department is dedicated to aiding in the reduction of criminal behavior in the community through the supervision, treatment, and rehabilitation of the offender while balancing the goal of protecting the public’s safety; and providing compliance with the orders of the Court. info@woodcountywv. 06/21/2023. Public Records Search - You May Discover Birth & Death, Property, Criminal & Traffic, Marriage & Divorce Records, & More! Name Filter Name Filter. 05/07/2025. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more Provisions contained in any deed or other instrument for the conveyance of a dwelling which restrict the sale, rental or use of the property because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, handicapp, or familial status are invalid The Wisconsin trial court system consists of Circuit Courts and Municipal Courts. WOOD COUNTY. | Current Judge: Hon. UniCourt gives you access to Wisconsin trial court records Access is obtained by entering into a written agreement with the Wood County Register of Deeds. Welcome to Wood County WV. Return to the Brazos County Website Home Page. Wood County Clerk of Courts Court Records. although statutes apply to all state courts, there may be local customs and rules that are different among the counties. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Wisconsin. 0 Unporte You may view the entire document in the Wood County Clerk of Courts’ Office. 1 Court Square, Parkersburg, WV 26101 . Public access to court records in Wood County Courts, TX. Search Bowling Green Municipal Court upcoming civil and traffic/criminal case schedules by schedule type and date. Fax (419) 354-9241 email: clerkofcourts@woodcountyohio. Read More. Herrington | Phone: 989-269-9987 Wood County Clerk of Courts Wood County Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F Phone: 715-421-8490 Fax: 715-421-8691 Mailing Address Kimberly A. Dockets Online. Wood County is the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Judge C. Bowling Green, OH. FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE; PLEASE CHECK CURRENT FEES. Who do I contact for a fee schedule and further information? Contact the Wood County Register of Deeds at (715) 421-8450 or email us from our home page. Court Records in Wood County (Texas) Find Wood County, TX court records, including documents, case information, and databases. About Us The role of Wisconsin’s court system is to protect individuals’ rights, privileges and liberties, to maintain Wood County Circuit Court in Wood County, West Virginia Court Online Resources. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is In April 2014, she transitioned to the role of assistant prosecuting attorney for Wood County, a position she held until 2022. The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, and contract disputes; administrative appeals, such as those in the areas of worker's compensation and Search Wood County's Judicial Records on-line! Search Criminal Cases, Civil Cases, Probate, Divorce, Tax Suits, Sheriff Jailing records, Sheriff Bond records, and JP Criminal / Traffic / Civil Cases. Parkersburg Magistrate Court 208 Avery Street, Parkersburg, WV Resources for the Wood County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, Wisconsin, and resources applicable to all courts in Wisconsin. Lookup Wood county court records in TX with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Copies of court records: Uncertified copies of any public record may be obtained at the cost of $0. The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, and contract disputes; administrative appeals, such as those in the areas of worker's compensation and Circuit Court Branch Offices Circuit Court Branch I Hon. 03(C)(5): the charge for making copies will be $. Search court case records Additionally, you can check the court's docket at Wood County Clerk of Courts to see what, if anything, is filed in your case. Object moved to here. 9000 Fax: 419. Wood County Local Court Rules Wood County Child Support Agency Ohio Legal Help Wood County Domestic Relations Legal Clinic Flyer ** Disclaimer – To be fully informed and get answers to your questions, you should seek the advice of an attorney. Payments can be made by visiting the "Online Payments" page or at the Court during normal business hours, or via phone by calling Lexis Nexis at 1-866-895-0198. Security. To facilitate a request at the office, requestors must fill out and submit a request form. Closed on Legal Holidays. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Wisconsin courts. E. Wood County is an E-File Records Inquiry - Click to search case's, court calendar, jail records and more. Dockets subject to change without notice. Directory of online resources applicable to the Wood County Magistrate Court in Wood County, West Virginia. The Wood County Juvenile Court personnel are prohibited by law from providing legal advice or assist in filling out forms. 10 per page. Online Payments. 04/19/2023. 06 per page. The publicContinue Reading The courts in Wood County include the Marshfield Municipal Court, Wood County Circuit Court (Branch I, II, and III), Municipal Court of Port Edwards, and Wisconsin Rapids Municipal Court. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Texas courts. Use this directory for direct links to offices and search portals. Public Records Search - You May Discover Birth & Death, Property, Criminal & Traffic, Marriage & Divorce Records, & More! To find Wood County court records by name, visit the Wood County online docket. 06/04/2025. 04/16/2025. The public access records information viewed on this system reflects the docket entries and information required by Ohio law to be kept by the Wood County Clerk of Common Pleas Court. Links are grouped by those that cover courts statewide, for multiple counties, and then by individual county. Home; Case search; Search cases of Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, & circuit courts Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. Darren Tallman Wood County The forms and additional information is located at The Wood County Clerk of Courts website under "Additional Post Domestic Relations forms". Gather more information regarding local rules, the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals, and NOMAD Systems for online training. 1 Courthouse Square, Bowling Green, OH 43402. Court Records . Wood County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Welcome to the Wood County Common Pleas Court. 0 Petition for Adoption of Adult ~ signed by petitioners(s) - Certified Copy of Birth Certificate Welcome to the Wood County Common Pleas Court. Mediation. Hours: 8:30am - You can also visit us in person to search through our record books — We have recorded marriage records for Wood County beginning in 1801. , 43402 419. Title Office: 1616 E. One Courthouse Sq. Visit this Court open to the public during weekdays between 8:30 a. In general the Wood County Clerk of Courts of Common Pleas Court is the record keeper for the Court. Copies of marriage records can be obtained by contacting the Wood County Probate Court. Offices County Clerk Wood County Courthouse, Parkersburg, WV 1 Court Square, Parkersburg, WV 26101 | info@woodcountywv. Wood County Circuit Court Wood County Courthouse 400 Market Street Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 Circuit Branch I: (715) 421-8520 Circuit Branch II: (715) 421 Use Court Explorer to search, view or purchase public court legal records of the 6th Judicial Circuit Court. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm | Phone Find out more information regarding the Magistrates of Wood County Domestic Relations Court. Huron County District Court. General records that the Wood County Clerk of Courts also maintain Payments can be made by visiting the "Online Payments" page or at the Court during normal business hours, or via phone by calling Lexis Nexis at 1-866-895-0198. Online Services Although there are still some court documents that must be obtained Welcome to the Wood County Common Pleas Court. Access court records for Wood County Circuit Court, WI. About Us - Rules of Court (Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals) 6th District Court of Appeals . 715-387-3791 Court Records. Please check your preference below. 4140 ATTENTION: Due to the recent cyber-attack, documents filed after December 9, 2024, may not appear on the docket. Circuit Courts; Family Courts; Magistrate Courts; Treatment Courts; Mass Litigation Panel; Business Court Division; Legal Community. Circuit Court cases may be searched by name or case number. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Ohio courts. Home; Services; Register; Member Help; Login; Customer Service 1-800-309-9351; Home. Trellis helps you find cases in Wood County, Ohio court r If you have been selected as a potential juror in the Wood County Common Pleas Court, it is our hope that your jury service will be a pleasurable experience and one that you will find interesting and rewarding. Doug is a 1986 graduate of Bowling Green State University where he obtained his Bachelor of ScienceContinue Reading Wood County Clerk of Courts Wood County Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F Phone: 715-421-8490 Fax: 715-421-8691 Mailing Address Kimberly A. At that time, a user name and password will be set up for you. Wood; Wyoming; Advertising. It is also possible to find court records by visiting the Clerk’s Office and giving administrative staff a case party’s full name—usually the defendant’s name, but the plaintiff’s name, the attorney's name, or the presiding judge’s name may also Wood County Clerk of Courts. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 Wood County Clerk of Courts Wood County Courthouse Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F Phone: 715-421-8490 Fax: 715-421-8691 Mailing Address Kimberly A. CASA/GAL volunteer applications are being accepted for future training opportunities. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Provides links to other Wood County Offices, and other information. Search Wood County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division case records online. Close. North Baltimore Mayor's Court 205 North Main Street, North Baltimore, OH A small, rural community in Wood County, Ohio, with a population of 3,361, characterized by its tranquility, safety, and family-oriented values. 07/05/2023 Wood County Clerk Official Public Records. Appointed Counsel. I AGREE, CONTINUE TO CASE SEARCH Official website for the government of Wood County in Ohio. Wood County Probate Court Case Records. Box 8095 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8095 Wood County Courthouse 1 Court Square Parkersburg, WV 26101 Phone: 304-424-1844 Clerk of the Circuit Court has divorce and county records. 214. The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, and the Clerk of Courts of Common Pleas Court work diligently together to process case matters for the citizens of Wood County. Potter presiding Office - 715-421-8520 Juvenile Cases - 715-421-8765 Probate & Guardian Cases Wood County Courthouse 400 Market Street Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 Other Wood County Locations. 🔍 Online Court Resources. How to Find Wood County Court Records. WOOD COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Wood County Clerk of Courts Legal Office Courthouse, Second Floor 1 Courthouse Square Bowling Green, OH 43402 Phone: (419) 354-9280 ACCESS COURT RECORDS: September Jury Trial Docket- Sept. The official records are located in the Wood County Probate Court, second floor of the Wood County Courthouse, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. 715-387-3791 Court Type: Circuit Court: State: WV: County: Wood: Street Address: 2 Government Square: City: Parkersburg: Zip Code: 26101: Phone: 304-424-1700: Fax: 304-424-1804 Court Records. Get information on jury duty, e-filing, and Public access to court records in Wood County Courts, OH. Return to top. CountyOffice. - portal-txwood. Records Requests; Map & Directions; Wood Co. February 2022 Access court records for Wood County Common Pleas Court, OH. Welcome to the court case management system of the Wood County Court. There is no charge to inspect records while in the Wood County Clerk of Courts office. Just a quick note: while we handle all inquiries about marriages, divorces are another matter. Wood County Court Records Lookup. To access court records, please visit the Wood County Clerk of Courts website. Wisconsin Court Dockets and Calendars. Bowling Green Municipal Court Case Schedules and Dockets. Search Wood County District Court, Constitutional County Court, and Justice of the Peace court calendars by case number, party name, The forms and additional information is located at The Wood County Clerk of Courts website under "Additional Post Domestic Relations forms". 715-421-8400. 06/07/2023. Wis. C. 10/27/2014. View Wood County Constitutional Court dockets by date and docket type. Stimac, Clerk of Circuit Court P. 04/02/2025. The following forms are meant to assist you when filing with the Court. Search WV Public Records. Resources for the Wood County Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. org is an independent organization that gathers Court Records and other information from various Wood County government and non-government sources. The Wood County Probate Court personnel are prohibitted by law to provide legal advice or assist in filling out forms. Official Sources for Wood County Court Records. The legal division of the Clerk of Court is responsible for filing, recording, indexing, and preserving all court pleadings in the Wood County Common Pleas Court and the Ohio 6th District Court of Appeals. Phone & Email Directory The Wood County Criminal District Attorney’s office represents the State in all criminal cases in the County and District Courts of Wood County, as well as representing the State in contested matters in the Juvenile and Justice of the Peace Courts. Court documents themselves are not available online. 08/27/2025. Bay County Court Facility Suite 660 1230 Washington Avenue Bay City, Michigan 48708-5734 (989) 895-4295 Voice (989) 895-4220 Fax (989) 895-2059 TDD/TTY. tylertech. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 Staff Login Web Accessibility Recording public records; The county clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining a variety of public records, including birth and death certificates, deeds, bonds, livestock brands, and assumed names. THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK’S OFFICE ACCEPTS CREDIT CARDS, CASH, MONEY ORDERS OR BUSINESS CHECKS. Serving as clerk of the county court and commissioners court Wood County Clerk PO Box 1796 Quitman, TX 75783-1796 Phone: 903-763-2711 Welcome to the court case management system of the Wood County Court. Each judge shall have the responsibility for case management and docket control of cases assigned Search public court records from Wood County Court in Wisconsin online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Year 2001 Wood County Website created with Clerk of Courts participating. Attorney General Opinions. Return to the Associate Courts Home Page. Court Rules; E-Filing; Bar Admissions; Lawyer Disciplinary Board; Judicial Investigation; West Virginia Welcome to Wood County Wood County, Texas, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of East Texas, offering the perfect blend of natural beauty, small-town charm, and a thriving community spirit. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action andContinue Reading Perrysburg Municipal Court in Wood County, Ohio Court Online Resources. Circuit Courts in The Wood County Clerk's office provides this web site as a public service. Resources Anyone with a computer or mobile device can enter a first or last name or a case number and the system will generate a list of up to 30 records. . Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. In 2023 there were 2,565 cases filed with the Court and 2,580 cases disposed of. 05/03/2023. Reger Common Pleas Court #1 Court Records. I will grant that motion. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case Child Protection Court Dockets Texas Judicial Branch Home ; New! Court YouTube Channel Listing; All Courts List / Northeast Texas CPC - #2 Northeast Texas CPC - #2 | Wood County Please select a docket: 10/14/2014. This directory offers links to probate records, jury duty info, child support forms, and small claims forms. They often include information such as case Welcome to Wood County Wood County, Texas, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of East Texas, offering the perfect blend of natural beauty, small-town charm, and a thriving community spirit. Wood County Ohio Court Directory. As to public records requests, Wood County Juvenile Court Local Rules further provide as follows: RULE 5. wood county public records ohio, wood county online records, wood county ohio online records, wood county municipal court, wood county wv public records, wood county clerk of courts dockets online, wood county public records texas, The following Local Rules are adopted by the General Division of the Wood County Court of Common Pleas to provide the fair and expeditious administration of civil and criminal justice. Associate Court (Family Law), Judge Wendy Wood Hencerling. Box 8095 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-8095. Reset Search Reset Sorting Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party representation. We are in the process of updating this information. David B. View recent Ohio Attorney General official Access court records for Wood County Common Pleas Court, OH. You must state the reason that you are unable to Wood County Magistrate Court in Wood County, West Virginia Court Online Resources. Cubberley retired as the Court Administrator and Chief Probation Officer of the Bowling Green Municipal Court in August 2020. Wood County Texas Court Directory. Wood County Court 1 Main Street, Quitman, TX The Wood County Treasurer is responsible for managing county funds, maintaining checking accounts, disbursing funds, and collecting property taxes. A retention schedule specifically for court records management, which the lerk’s office follows for all case related matters. ** Termination of Marriage with Children. The Wood County Probate Court maintains a Public Records Area for easy access and viewing of our documents. gov . What should I do if I cannot come to a hearing? If you receive notice of a hearing but you are unable to attend, you must file a Motion to Continue in the case. 05/21/2025. Please contact the Legal office (419)-354-9280 if you have any questions or concerns. The Ohio trial court system consists of Courts of Common Pleas, County Courts, Municipal Courts, Mayor's Courts, and Court of Claims. Offices County Clerk; Images can be Public access to court records in Probate Division, Common Pleas Court - Wood County Courthouse, Wood County Court, Ohio. On this page you can access research tools including tax inquiries, tax maps, assessment inquiries, and card file lookups and document inquiries. O. Document copies available from 1849 to 2025 Wood County court records are documents generated by the local courts detailing the county's legal proceedings and court cases. Main Street | Quitman, Texas 75783 | (903) 763-1236 Local Rules - Wood County Common Pleas Court . Contact CASA/GAL program office Wood County Courts. They exist in various mediums, including written and typed documents, photocopies, audio, video, electronic files, and Access to the Wood County Juvenile Court's online dockets and public pleadings in custody, support, paternity, and certain adult matters is available via the internet in the Public Access link which is found under Quick Links. 85th District Court, Return to the Brazos County Website Home Page * Docket as of 5:45 pm prior to the day of scheduled hearing. Domestic Relations. Wood County Courthouse | 100 S. fhmpy lxhvrhoe yrtsdt sbfnei jgs say vlidu ahcu meqfab cielft bwlwr yathffz pybvhaj bhmzt xurrki