Stata keep first two digits. 537 should be displayed as 0.
Stata keep first two digits So if it was "078394", I would want a new var with just "07". I have been trying with -substr- and -regexs- and seem to just not be getting the syntax correct. The child ID has an "A" suffix at the end of a series of integers but the parent ID has matching integers only. You can browse but not post. Nov 19, 2016 · For example 12301 = 1*3600+23*60+1. Post Cancel. The popular formula for selecting the first two/three digits of a numeric variable is to convert it to string and then selecting the first two/three digits, then restringing it Hello Sarah, > I have a variable of string type and I only want to keep the first > letter in each observation. e. Petra Meier Dec 21, 2017 · Hello I would appreciate any advice with my problem. Thank you. g. It is in a form of either abxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx (x represents numbers). Jun 29, 2016 · What would be the right command to keep only observations after May 28 2016 using the date clock-date times. Here is sample I would like to keep only the first row per ID. It's an id number and the last two This will, however, require that the combination of id and year uniquely identify observations in the first data set. I have a set of IDs. Any ideas? I would greatly appreaciate it, Marvin Basically I just need to keep the first 2 digits of my variable "code". Some of the zipcodes start with 00, e. oo). Here is sample data: Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. Variable code has from 2 to 4 digits, but it is only the first 2 that I need to keep in order to sort companies for which I have Ideas on how to create a variable that delete the last 2 digits of the 4 digit categories but keeps the first two? Dec 4, 2019 · Hi, I have a doubt. From: "Miguel Angel Duran Munoz" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: RE: RE: st: RE: GMM estimation: restricting parameter estimates; Next by Date: Re: RE: st: RE: GMM estimation: restricting parameter estimates; Previous by thread: st: Drop depending of the first digits of a variable Apr 28, 2016 · Hello, How can I keep observations that start with a certain set of numbers. If n1<0, the starting position is interpreted as distance from the end of the string. 00,which is 0 itself. i got a variable name chid and it contains 10 digit i wana keep 1st 8 digit & delete last two digit, please some one help me by send me the command But then you need to clarify whether you want, in that case, the first 8 digits, or everything but the last 2 Sep 12, 2023 · Hello, I am working with a variable that is 7 numbers in length and need to identify the first two as they represent a geographic area. The tricky part is that some of them have 6 digits, some 5 digits Therefore, the following codes don't work gen x = totalresponsetime tostring x, gen(str_x) gen xhour=substr(str_x, 1, 2) //pull out the hours(1 means start at the first character and 2 means pull out 4 characters) To: [email protected] Subject: st: keeping first digits in number Hello all I am working with ISIC codes at the four digit level, but want to perform descriptives at the two digit level. I dont want to try the command format as it only a display convenience. Mar 29, 2016 · If you want to convert that to a number, just run -destring first_two_digits, replace-. I have enormous data with repeating information. I just want to tell stata that take 2 or 3 digits after decimal. 05) wont be helpful as it gives "(0 real changes made)" as reply. I would like to delete the first two letters if the variable is in a form of abxxxxxxx, and I would like to keep those Mar 21, 2019 · An extra question, can the second part be extracted instead of the first? In your code you extract the first part: From $ 1 to $ 14,500 gross per month - >> you extract "1". I usually create a subset of the clock date variable such as month, year or date variable and then keep or delete whatever I need. If your variable is already numeric, and is always 7 digits long and you need the first two digits: I am working with ISIC codes at the four digit level, but want to perform descriptives at the two digit level. g 0037845 and Stata drops the front 00 turning such zipcodes into 5-digit numbers (e. Specifically, I want to keep observations that start with "3344" within a list of mostly 6-digit numbers. I've made some attempts by combining substr and strpos, but results are not satisfactory so far. 1666667 and I Stata has a function -substr- substr (s,n1,n2) returns the substring of s starting at n1 for a length of n2. Try Sep 3, 2020 · I am struggling with the format option when exporting my regression coefficients to Latex. I would like to round the data two digits after decimal (o. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int ID 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Jan 23, 2020 · My data is attached as follows. Login or Register it is the custom in this community that we use our full real first and last names, to promote professionalism and collegiality. Mar 5, 2022 · I am currently working with a pretty big dataset, and I am trying to change one variable (which is a regional indicator) so it would contain only first digit / first two digits. 1) round not found r(111); It shows the above message. Ideas on how to create a variable that delete the last 2 digits of the 4 digit categories but keeps the first two? Basically I just need to keep the first 2 digits of my variable "code". May 8, 2017 · Dear Stata Users, I have a small challenge. In that case I don't know of a format that does that (nor do I think it would have enough applications for it to be worth while to implement). Aug 6, 2020 · First, the de rigueur footnote that I neglected to present in post #5. 54 and 0. I tried to use "abbrev" function as below: > > gen str11 newcountry = abbrev( country,1) > > but it didn't work. State the version of Stata used The current version of Stata is 14. If n2 is Mar 7, 2016 · I want to exclude the first two digits (i. I have a variable named "score" (float) as showed below and I want to truncate it to two decimals. Sep 22, 2022 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Ideas on how to create a variable that delete the last 2 digits of the 4 digit Aug 5, 2016 · I need to extract the first letters before the sign "-", So I need: GMDC , CC, GMO. Here -str_zipcode- is a string variable version of a numeric -zipcode-. I want to only keep the last digit of the variable yearquarter, so in st: Drop depending of the first digits of a variable. What I'd like to have is the first two digits, starting with the first nonzero digit after the comma (all coefficients have leading zeros). However, Luciana asked for just the first two digits without rounding. Jul 28, 2019 · In the above case,for the first observation in var3,I require only 0. I would like to keep only the first row per ID. I just was wondering if it there was a direct way to do it without creating new date variables. The Unicode regular expression functions introduced in Stata 14 have a much more powerful definition of regular expressions than the non-Unicode functions. The first substring extracts the last two digits, the second everything but the last two. You could, for instance, display a frequency table: Dec 13, 2018 · What I need to do now is to extract part of the numeric values based on a rule. 0. Data is like this input str134 industries int D str12 E str38 production_index float ID byte month float qdate Jul 2, 2015 · So, basically I need to extract the portion after the last comma (or the portion after the first comma, if we count from the right). Please specify if you are using an earlier Jul 30, 2014 · "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. For instance, for a value of 1001100, I need to extract the last three digits (100); for a value of 1010110, I need to extract the last two digit (10); for a value of 1011000, I > I have a single numeric variable that identifies the > city/county/state for > each case, where the first three digits represent the > city, the next two > the county, and the final two represent the state. -destring- ===== The "official Stata" answer to this problem would certainly include a mention of -destring-. I then want to generate Sep 2, 2020 · Hello, I have a string variable that is an ID, and I just want to generate a new var with the first two numbers of that string. 034. Can be extracted the second part: "14500"?. Then you can extract the first three digits using e. Carole Wilson has already told you how to verify that is the case Mar 7, 2016 · You need to combine the string function (-substr-) with other commands to "extract" the data. 537 should be displayed as 0. I mean, I have values like 2. Two tactics ===== The replies from Scott and Michael illustrate the two basic tactics here, to omit characters you don't want and to select characters you do want. I need to make Stata understand that these 00 are Jun 20, 2017 · I would like to create a dummy variable that would indicate if the last two digits of PUMA variable (which is a 5 digits. Thanks in advance Apr 7, 2021 · I'm looking to extract the last four digits of a date formated as 07apr2021 to create a new variable, so right now i'm using gen year=substr(fiscal_year_ended,-4,. 3 days ago · To do this we will start by separating out each element of the date (day, month, and two- or four- digit year) into a separate variable, then we will assign the correct four-digit year Dec 4, 2019 · Normally when people want the first two digits, they want it rounded, and in that case I agree with Nick Cox. Best, Marvin Mar 3, 2025 · substr()—Extractsubstring Description Syntax Remarksandexamples Conformability Diagnostics Alsosee Description substr(s,b,l . Retaining last two digits only of a numeric variable 11 Aug 2017, 04:50. 666667 and 2. Used this command to execute replace production_index = round (production_index, 0. 11) from 1120000110102 to have same values in all four files. > > Examples: > > 223406 > 1453209 > 2785845 > etc > > I'm only interested in identifying cases by state at the > moment. Moreover,replace var3=round(var3, 0. That is, 0. ) which I think would work if I had only numerical/string values, but with a combination of Jan 23, 2019 · Hello Mr Mrs Help I have a variable called bvid. Comment. Variable code has from 2 to 4 digits, but it is only the first 2 that I need to keep in order to sort companies for which I have US SIC codes Into sectors "agriculture" (codes whose first 2 digits range from 01 to 09) "mining" (codes whose first 2 digits range from 10 to 19) Feb 19, 2015 · Hi everybody, I have a variable, with unequal number of digits in each observation, and I want to drop the last two digits. 0342 as 0. -substr(str_zipcode, 1, 3)-. Thanks a lot for your help Alexis Rodas Dec 17, 2023 · You probably have a numeric date variable that you consider to be a string. 37845). Aug 11, 2017 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. how I can do it. bcbf uhoxl wjrg dpeou miu otfrt ygumv gfgbjs welctm xaank fbmxrcx rrxrtn ozlyy wiffo qqrdzuc