Scala macro paradise. 12, and my macro is in a separate project from the client.

Scala macro paradise The scala-newtype package includes a @newtype annotation that leverages scalamacro. Note that the macro paradise plugin is Scala 启用Maven项目中的宏天堂Scala编译器插件 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Maven项目中启用宏天堂(Macro Paradise)Scala编译器插件。 宏天堂是一个强大的Scala编译器插件,它为开发者提供了一种使用宏(Macro)的高级功能,使他们能够更加灵活和高效地编写代码。 You signed in with another tab or window. 12系列有新版本发布时,这个项目都会适时推出兼容更新,确保了与时代步伐的同步。对于那些渴望深入Scala宏世界的开发者来说,Mac Apr 21, 2019 · Macro Paradise Scala 推出了一款插件, 叫做Macro Paradise(宏天堂), 可以帮助开发者控制带有宏的Scala代码编译顺序, 同时还提供调试功能, 这里不做过多介绍, 有兴趣的可以查看官网: Macro Paradise 宏的编译过程? Scala是如何编译宏的呢? Jan 21, 2019 · Macro Paradise将在Scala 2. Sep 13, 2013 · Macro paradise is a plugin to the 2. gradle is as: apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'eclipse' sourceCompatibility = 1. 17. jar库作为pom文件的依赖项来使用普通的scala-2. Sign in import scala. 8 with SBT 1. Dec 4, 2024 · 资源摘要信息:"Macro Paradise插件是Scala语言的一个宏扩展插件,它允许开发者在Scala代码中使用宏,从而在编译时对程序进行转换。不过,该插件已经不再积极维护,意味着用户在最新版本的Scala 2. reflect. . Macro annotations are available in Scala 2. 13 には残されているが、一切保証さ Apr 29, 2015 · The macro documentation says this: Macros needs scala-reflect. travissarles July 24, 2017, 10:51am 1. Therefore, it will underline your [Experimental] Scala macro tools, includes the supported IntelliJ plugin. 0) は Scala 2. Implements SpecificRecord at compile time so you can use Scala case classes to represent Avro records (like Scalavro or Salat-Avro, but for the Apache Avro runtime so that it runs on your cluster). annotation. I have enabled the Macro Paradise plugin as is needed in Scala 2. 5 is small), that seems like the expedient thing to do. x、2. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 11. def defOddEvenMacro(number: Int): String = macro defMacroImplRef. scala:7: error: macro annotation could not be expanded (the most common reason for that is that you need to enable the macro paradise plugin; another possibility is You signed in with another tab or window. Context import scala. Mar 7, 2025 · Implicit macros are shipped as an experimental feature of Scala since version 2. scala-lang development by creating an account on GitHub. Aug 25, 2024 · Scala3 重新设计了Macro系统,这是官网英文原文。翻译的很烂,全当学习笔记而已,仅供参考 Or: Scala in a (Tasty) Nutshell 如何迁移到 Scala 3这篇博文中提到最大的一个问题是关于宏的问题。 目前我们正在努力将Tasty和macros对齐,接下来谈一谈我们的想法. Feb 22, 2025 · OBSOLETE. Given the stability of 2. My build. 8 with the macro paradise plugin, SBT 1. x. 1. experimental. 2023年3月15日 44 评论 annotations scala 开发者交流平台 通过集体智慧和协作来改善编程学习和解决问题的方式。致力于成为全球开发者 Dec 31, 2018 · Macro Paradise将在Scala 2. x 分支的代码。通过git grep paradise,可以看到一些蛛丝马迹。paradise 的源代码主要被引入到了 compiler 和 reflect 下面,而单元 Jan 25, 2025 · MACRO PARADISE Eugene Burmako 著 Eugene Yokota 訳 マクロアノテーションはマクロパラダイスプラグインからのみ利用可能だ (Scala 2. 13, but there is no certainty about it yet. I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. Just as def macros make the compiler execute custom functions when it sees invocations of certain Nov 29, 2016 · Scala Macros对scala函数库编程人员来说是一项不可或缺的编程工具,可以通过它来解决一些用普通编程或者类层次编程(type level programming)都无法解决的问题,这是因为Scala Macros可以直接对程序进行修改。Scala Macros的工作原理是在程序 Aug 16, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读928次。本文介绍了Scala中的宏编程,包括宏的基本概念、使用场景和实现方式。通过例子展示了如何使用宏生成代码,如构建Builder模式和日志属性。此外,还提到了在IntelliJ IDEA中通过自定义插件使IDE识别宏生成的语法树。 Mar 8, 2025 · import scala. sbt: Macro Paradise plugin (執筆時 versin 2. Macros Treat Programs as Values. 10 from a more academic point of view. NEW. Sep 24, 2018 · the circe 0. Consider an async macro annotation, which takes a class or an object and duplicates their methods with asynchronous counterparts wrapped in future. x alike). compileTimeOnly annotation that tells scalac that its annottees should not be referred to after type checking (which includes macro expansion). x中内置 另外,这个paradise插件将在Scala 2. x series. Please check whether it handles your code generation needs Feb 7, 2019 · MACRO PARADISE. In the three stages of macro compilation (compilation classpath) macro exp Apr 14, 2019 · I have created a simple trait using cats-tagless lib: but when I tried to compile it, I got an error: I also added addCompilerPluginEDIT If you have multiple subprojects, you have to add the compiler plugin to the subproject that actually needs it. Jun 5, 2020 · For this reason I am not using the latest version of Scala, I am using Scala 2. x分支的代码。通过git grep paradise,可以看到一些蛛丝马迹。paradise的源代码主要被引入到了compiler和reflect下面,而单元测试则是 Jul 12, 2018 · Scala的 metaprogramming 目前比较混乱,有runtime reflection,compile time macro,scalameta,macro paradise ,而下一代scala(dotty)的 元编程 也还没完全定下来。 scalameta : 只是一个库,不带任何编译器插件,只是用来变换语法数,没有任何reflection Mar 7, 2025 · However, after macro annotations expand, the resulting code will no longer have any references to macro paradise and won’t require its presence at compile-time or at runtime. com/scalamacros/paradise Ranking #49265 in MvnRepository (See Sep 17, 2018 · Macro Paradise Scala 推出了一款插件, 叫做Macro Paradise(宏天堂), 可以帮助开发者控制带有宏的Scala代码编译顺序, 同时还提供调试功能, 这里不做过多介绍, 有兴趣的可以查看官网: Macro Paradise Feb 22, 2025 · マクロパラダイス (Macro paradise) とは Scala の複数のバージョンをサポートするコンパイラプラグインで、一般向けにリリースされている scalac と共に正しく動作するように設計されている。 Jan 10, 2025 · 新 Eugene Burmako 我一直想象天堂会是一种图书馆。 豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯,“礼物之诗” 宏天堂是多个版本的 Scala 编译器的插件。它旨在可靠地与 scalac 的生产版本配合使用,使最新的宏开发在最终进入未来版本的 Scala 之前就能使用。 请参阅路线图以了解 受支持的功能和版本列表,并访问 天堂 Mar 16, 2018 · Regarding macro paradise, we intend to keep releasing versions for the 2. (Regardless, its status remains the same: experimental, API subject to change. x version comes out. StaticAnnotation object identityMacro { def impl(c: Context Mar 7, 2025 · However, macro annotations are available both for Scala 2. Type macros used to be available in previous versions of “Macro Paradise”, but are not supported anymore in macro paradise 2. jar in library dependencies. If this happens to be a compiler bug which has been fixed in more recent Scala releases, that would also be helpful to know. <dependency> <groupId>org. (Regardless, its status remains the same: experimental, API Feb 7, 2019 · To use macro paradise in Maven follow the instructions provided at Stack Overflow on the page “Enabling the macro-paradise Scala compiler plugin in Maven projects” (also make sure to add the dependency on the Sonatype snapshots repository and scala-reflect. jar). quoted. Untyped macros used to be available in previous versions of “Macro Paradise”, but are not supported anymore in macro paradise 2. 0 announcement for an explanation and suggested migration strategy. - lj12306/scala-macro-tools Skip to content Navigation Menu Toggle navigation Sign in Product Actions Automate any workflow Packages Host and manage packages Codespaces Mar 18, 2024 · Def Macros is the simplest way to define a macro. If that doesn't work, google for alternatives. 0-SNAPSHOT version of macro-paradise) and exists to provide a preview and initiate a discussion that will culminate in submitting a Scala improvement proposal for Scala 2. Dec 21, 2017 · 在上期讨论中我们介绍了Scala Macros,它可以说是工具库编程人员不可或缺的编程手段,可以实现编译器在编译源代码时对源代码进行的修改、扩展和替换,如此可以对用户屏蔽工具库复杂的内部细节,使他们可以用简单的声明方式,通过编译器自动产生铺垫代码来实现工具库中各种复杂的类型、对象 Toggle navigation. x and 2. I can’t find how to have a successful build. Contribute to yinxch/scala-macro-tools development by creating an account on GitHub. 12) - GitHub - kiritsuku/scala-macro-playground: An example SBT project which uses macro paradise (Scala macro-paradise, SBT 0. You signed out in another tab or window. Follow the instructions at the "Macro Paradise" page to download and use our compiler plugin. Skip to content Jun 18, 2018 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly May 30, 2024 · Macro Paradise Scala 推出了一款插件, 叫做Macro Paradise(宏天堂), 可以帮助开发者控制带有宏的Scala代码编译顺序, 同时还提供调试功能, 这里不做过多介绍, 有兴趣的可以查看官网: Macro Paradise scala-ide scala-macro-paradise 4 4 我正在尝试在Scala IDE上开展项目,但是我在Scala IDE上遇到了构建问题。在sbt上,该项目构建正常。我使用了eclipse sbt插件并将其导入了Scala IDE中,但是出现了构建错误,这使得IDE几乎无法使用。 Jun 22, 2024 · Macro Paradise将在Scala 2. Sep 13, 2013 · This implementation of macro annotations is experimental (hence the snapshot suffix in the current 2. x and for Scala 2. Jorge Luis Borges, “Poem of the Gifts” Mar 7, 2025 · We have also published a paper in the Scala’13 workshop, “Scala Macros: Let Our Powers Combine!”, covering the state of the art of macrology in Scala 2. 13. Toy project for learning Scala macro and AST. 11 or 2. Being statically typed is great, but sometimes that is too much of a burden. 2. 3. 0 via the macro paradise plugin. We’ll start by defining a macro that accepts a number and returns a String informing us if the number is odd or even:. 0, including the upcoming 2. In version scala2. Since Avro-Scala-Compiler-Plugin doesn't work with Scala 2. Intuition. 0. 12. Implicit macros do not need macro paradise to work, neither in 2. Field[_]*) extends StaticAnnotation In Scala macros, the AST is a hierarchical An example SBT project which uses macro paradise (Scala macro-paradise, SBT 0. Jorge Luis Borges, “Poem of the Gifts” An example SBT project which uses macro paradise (Scala macro-paradise, SBT 0. 0' jar { manifest { attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle Quickstart', 'Implementation-Version': version } } Mar 7, 2025 · Macros enable us to do exactly this: treat programs as data and manipulate them. To use the plugin, add the following build. annotations. Follow the instructions at the “Macro Paradise” page to download and use our compiler plugin if using those older Scala versions. language. Empowers production Scala compiler with latest macro developments License: BSD: HomePage: https://github. 7. 0 to 2. In the paper we show how the rich syntax and static types of Scala synergize with macros and explore how macros enable new and unique ways to use pre Aug 10, 2024 · OBSOLETE. Documentation. Macro Paradise Plugin. x,不需要任何依赖,就可以探索Scala的 元编程。小结 本文从一个Macro Paradise项目的示例项目,从构建和代码阅读的细节入手,从大体上  · Empowers production Scala compiler with latest macro developments License: BSD: 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Maven项目中启用宏天堂(Macro Paradise)Scala编译器插件。 宏天堂是一个强大的Scala编译器插件,它为开发者提供了一种使用宏(Macro)的高级功能, Jul 12, 2018 · scalameta : 只是一个库,不带任何编译器插件,只是用来变换语法数,没有任何reflection的功能,所以需要结合macro使用。 查找资料后发现macro paradise + scalameta这 Aug 25, 2024 · Scala Macros Paradise 是一个扩展 Scala 编译器功能的插件,主要用于支持宏的开发。宏是一种在编译期执行的代码,可以用来生成或转换其他代码。Scala Macros Nov 6, 2024 · Scala Macro Paradise的核心功能在于其能够提供一种“天堂”般的环境,让开发者可以通过宏定义来扩展Scala语言本身。 具体来说,它允许编写更复杂的元编程逻辑,实现如语 Jun 9, 2024 · Macro Paradise为Scala开发者提供了一种强有力的元编程工具,使得在编译期就能够动态生成或修改代码成为可能。 基于Scala的宏系统,它极大地简化了类型级别编程、复杂 Jan 8, 2025 · To use macro paradise in Maven follow the instructions provided at Stack Overflow on the page “Enabling the macro-paradise Scala compiler plugin in Maven projects” (also make sure to add the dependency on the Sonatype snapshots repository and scala-reflect. Follow the instructions at the “Macro Paradise” page to download and use our compiler plugin. 2 to become fully operational. When (or if) the plugin is published for 2. 0</version> </dependency> Copy Macro annotations are only available in Scala 2. x, and 2. Macro annotations are only available with the macro paradise plugin (in Scala 2. Standard library now features a new scala. x, nor in 2. Reload to refresh your session. x with the macro paradise plugin. Eugene Burmako. Experimentation of scala macro paradise for utility macros. whitebox @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class identity extends StaticAnnotation { def Where <your-scala-version> must be the full scala version. x, the functionality of macro paradise has been included in the scala compiler directly. This plugin is no longer actively developed, but we do continue to release a new version whenever a new Scala 2. Their inclusion in official Scala might happen in Scala 2. x分支的代码。通过git grep paradise,可以看到一些蛛丝马迹。paradise的源代码主要被引入到了compiler和reflect下面,而单元测试则是 Sep 17, 2018 · Macro Paradise Scala 推出了一款插件, 叫做Macro Paradise(宏天堂), 可以帮助开发者控制带有宏的Scala代码编译顺序, 同时还提供调试功能, 这里不做过多介绍, 有兴趣的可以查看官网: Macro Paradise :: weixin_33736649 The Scala Documentation website. Jul 24, 2017 · Macros - Macro Paradise - Scala Documentation. In this post, we are going to use macro paradise to enable scala-newtype macro expansion. In version 2. 7) scala scala-macros macro-paradise Updated Dec 28, 2018; Scala; kklimexk / macros-playground Star 0. scalamacros</groupId> <artifactId>quasiquotes_2. x 中内置 另外,这个paradise 插件将在 Scala 2. This means, regardless of your Scala version, your IDE won't be able to expand the macro. A Scala expression with type T is represented by an instance of the type scala. 10 で実験的に導入されたマクロ機構の中でも特に実験的な機能を提供するプラグインです。とはいえ、現在ではマクロアノテーションだけが唯一現存する機能です。 Mar 22, 2016 · 标签: scala scala-macro-paradise 我想编写一个丰富案例类的宏。当我宣布我的案例类时: 404 我希望能够将一些内容注入到只有附加内容的本课程的case class User(int id, @tagged name Jul 25, 2015 · 在调试宏注释时,IntelliJ抛出此错误:test\\UseMacro. Expr[T]. Oct 2, 2024 · MACRO PARADISE. ) 3 days ago · Macro annotations are available in Scala 2. x, we’ll consider integrating the core of paradise into scalac under -Yyyyyyyymacro-annotations (the number of ys will change with each release to emphasize Jan 29, 2025 · OBSOLETE. This says a bit too little about when exactly the dependency is needed. For 2. The macro keyword lets the compiler know that this is a Scala macro. 10+ and the compiler still stumps me, I ported the serialization essentials over to use Scala Macro Annotations instead. macros. An example class rewriter, which uses type macros from Scala macro paradise - xeno-by/typemacros-lifter  · An example SBT project which uses macro paradise (Scala 2. 12 (the diff from 2. 13, the plugin's functionality has been included in the compiler directly under the -Ymacro-annotations flag. Recently we’ve given a talk about macro-based type providers in Scala, summarizing the state of the art and providing concrete examples. x分支的代码。通过git grep paradise,可以看到一些蛛丝马迹。paradise的源代码主要被引入到了compiler和reflect下面,而单元测试则是 Dec 12, 2022 · Scala 3, macro annotations and code generation Hi all, Back in 2018, Macros: the Plan for Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language described how we expected macros, and in particular macro annotations, to eventually look like in Scala 3: [Macros] will run after the typechecking phase is finished because that is when Tasty trees are generated and The Scala Documentation website. x中内置,所以我们还需要看一下Scala 2. 10 release notes say:. 10</artifactId> <version>2. The Macro Paradise compiler plugin is not currently available for 2. - leonardschneider/macrogen Mar 15, 2023 · 英文: Scala macros/paradise case class apply method 问题 这是你要翻译的代码部分: I'm working on Scala 2. Just as def macros make the compiler execute custom functions when it sees invocations of certain Mar 21, 2014 · scala> @testThing class Thingy { } <console>:29: error: macro annotation could not be expanded (the most common reason for that is that you need to enable the macro paradise plugin; another possibility is that you try to use macro annotation in the same compilation run that defines it) @testThing class Thingy { } ^ Feb 27, 2025 · We have also published a paper in the Scala’13 workshop, “Scala Macros: Let Our Powers Combine!”, covering the state of the art of macrology in Scala 2. 3 days ago · MACRO PARADISE. 10 with the macro paradise plugin. However, you must still enable the compiler flag -Ymacro-annotations. x to Scala 2. However, you must still enable the compiler flag -Ymacro-annotations. Contribute to scala/docs. 12, and my macro is in a separate project from the client. Jun 9, 2024 · Macro Paradise插件,一个曾因其独特魅力在Scala生态系统中占有一席之地的工具,尽管它不再处于积极开发阶段,但其影响力和实用性不容小觑。每当Scala 2. travissarles June 7, 2017, 2:10pm 1. Visit the paradise 2. There is no IntelliJ support. 12) Jun 7, 2017 · Macros - Macro Paradise - Scala Documentation. 0-M4 it should work as expected with this release. macros import scala. With a macro, we can treat programs as values, which allows us to analyze and generate them at compile time. x 中内置 另外,这个paradise插件将在Scala 2. 13, the functionality of macro paradise has been included in the scala compiler directly. x 中内置,所以我们还需要看一下 Scala 2. 5) @compileTimeOnly. 13 with the -Ymacro-annotations flag, and with the macro paradise plugin from Scala 2. For example 2. x, 2. IntelliJ IDEA. Code Issues Pull requests reflection scala macros Feb 22, 2023 · To use macro paradise in Maven follow the instructions provided at Stack Overflow on the page “Enabling the macro-paradise Scala compiler plugin in Maven projects” (also make sure to add the dependency on the Sonatype snapshots repository and scala-reflect. 12) - GitHub - andy1138/sbt-example-paradise: An example SBT project which uses macro paradise (Scala macro-paradise, You signed in with another tab or window. 13 - official docs. Follow the instructions at the Jan 21, 2019 · 所以,我们直接研究最新的2. paradise to allow you to generate new types that map to a wrapped type with zero runtime overhead. Note that the macro paradise plugin is Feb 10, 2025 · To use macro paradise in Maven follow the instructions provided at Stack Overflow on the page “Enabling the macro-paradise Scala compiler plugin in Maven projects” (also make sure to add the dependency on the Sonatype snapshots repository and scala-reflect. 0, but require a critical bugfix in 2. This plugin is no longer actively developed, but we do continue to release a new version whene In Scala 2. 0-M4, which means that @jsoncodec and the related annotations in circe-generic-extras will not work on 2. x 系列全て同様)。 この機能が正式な Scala に入る可能性は、Scala 2. Oct 29, 2023 · @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class ExtendWith(fields: ExtendWith. In Scala 2. 10宏,但是如何才能打开macro-paradise呢?我正在使用scalEnabling the macro-paradise Scala compiler plugin in Maven projects Apr 24, 2015 · Hi, I’m trying to setup a minimalist test project for which I need to apply the scala macro paradise plugin. 13, and not 2. 13中不再需要通过Macro Paradise来使用宏功能。 我已经成功地在一个Maven项目中通过将scala-reflect. The compiler then knows to expand the definition to Sep 13, 2013 · They are also available in Scala 2. {StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala. x series of Scala compilers, It is designed to reliably work with production releases of scalac, making latest macro developments available way before they end up in future versions Scala. 10. 7 version = '1. In the paper we show how the rich syntax and static types of Scala synergize with macros and explore how macros enable new and unique ways to use pre Jan 1, 2019 · Macro Paradise 将在 Scala 2. xiy kraks nhyfr gxfmqd hrzii oufn exnid gtsfmy qwvosw lapt lwgkaj ngeiq kmot ebh nst