Roblox make timer. floor(diff / 60) local sec = diff - min*60 local mil = math.
Roblox make timer wait(0. NumberValue. Existing approaches I have encountered: Using os. The arena opens every 2 minutes and then closes in 60 seconds. local secondsToMinSec(seconds: number): string local Oct 21, 2020 · Sorry that was My bad, Some times its the smallest things that you need. In this case I am using os. The timer should run for 24 hours, then the player should get a free skip. Oct 22, 2021 · Hi, as you read my the title I’m currently trying to make a global timer that stays relative across all servers. New(FormatFunction) Parameter Type Description FormatFunction function Optional. floor(diff / 60) local sec = diff - min*60 local mil = math. 00 What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! I can’t seem to make this happen. I’ve done this script for the Timer, it works fine, but I guess there’s a better way that I’m not realizing how to do it Does someone tell me if I leave it the way I am doing it or do I recommend doing it another way? function module:StartTimer() local May 6, 2024 · RblxTimer, Timer Library Introducing RblxTimer What is RblxTimer? RblxTimer is a simple, small library, with full support for type-checking (Luau) designed by @Mubinets. 7) script: l · Later this will be a round-based game but for now, I’m just trying to make a timer for 600 seconds (10 minutes) and after those 10 minutes are up, will reset the timer and start all over again. Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(plr. In an effort to combat this I created a timer that uses delta Jun 18, 2020 · Introduction Have you ever wondered how to make a self-rotating daily shop that would be completely synced with all servers, like Arsenal’s? Do you also want rarity to be taken into account with the items generated? Then this is the tutorial for you! A few weeks ago, I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to do this, but thanks to the help of @VitalWinter and the Aug 3, 2023 · I’ve been creating a precise timer and counter within Roblox, aiming for accuracy down to tenths of a second or even smaller intervals. Here is the script: local Nov 28, 2020 · So in short I want to make a daily chest reward system that is a bit like Bubble gum simulator : for our game (this is the game link). Parent. floor(sec/60) sec = sec%60 seconds = sec --Use these variables here to update your display end while true do timer += 1 FormateTime(timer) task. Timer. We · I can’t seem to solve my problem. All I need to do is create a function that does this, but I just don’t know how. When you click the reset button, A BillboardGui would show above the characters head with a timer, Games that have this are Maple County & Emergency Response: Liberty County. Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then · I want to stop the timer and reset it once a player touches a brick. We have a pretty big map that people can explore, and find hidden quirks. How can I use os. I’ve explored three different methods so far and seek your insights on the best approach. Completed:Wait() to make your script wait until the timer is complete. METHODS Timer. Features: Create timers with minutes and seconds. Text = toHMS(length) length = length - 1 wait(1) end end if Button. I want the timer to be able to carry on at the same time if the players reset or die. Usually when I make a timer for something like a round-script, it just looks like: for i = 5,0,-1 do script. Topic Replies Views Activity; Countdown to event code not working. You’re code example shouldn’t use this but if you want a wall-clock timestamp use os. To add a timer into the game, use · local function startTimer(initialTime) for i = initialTime, 0, -1 do . Thanks, Script for normal countdown: for i = Feb 14, 2025 · For now, my countdown system fundamentally sets an attribute (placed in workspace) named ‘timer’ every second. octav20071 (OctaViano) July 23, 2021, 3:50pm #3. What solutions have you Sep 25, 2024 · I’m making a timed button and there is a GUI on screen that says “You have 50 seconds. In a game like Trackmania, a speedrunning game - the time will always be determenistic. One of the conditions that will cause the end of the match is a timer running out, which will be handled through the script. Here are some photos of what we’ll be creating today: First creating UI. Everything works as intended but if the player buys more exp, the 2x exp starts going down twice as fast. Something like that : 12:25:54 (MM:SS:MS) (It’s a countdown) What is the issue? seconds:mils as the OP requested. Text = i. K. ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events") local playersRequired = 1 local timer = 0 local stopRound = false function countDown(text, length) timer = length · Hello, I made a timer that looks like Robot 64 TA timer but i want to convert it to use tick() to make it more accurate. I have been trying for hours to do this but I cannot get it down. You can use timers to limit how long a game round lasts, a delay for an explosion, or control how long a player has to complete a task. Script: --Variables local textlabel = script. clock should only be used for benchmarking, it refers to the CPU clock cycles. clock() is accurate in Nov 13, 2021 · How to make timers and clocks in Roblox scripts has many uses. 45). Essentially the way I’m trying to make it work is · I am doing a Timer that starts from 0. os. I’ve checked youtube & looked up on the roblox toolbox but nothing actually helped. Then when I say when the player joins back, subtract the os. If anyone can help me figure out how I can have a leaderboard and add time by minute and keep that time saved in a datastore could be Jun 6, 2024 · I am trying to make a timer on a teleporter that teleports you to a game and when others get in, the timer keeps the same rate, counting down by 1 per second. · Greetings, I am making a bomb. label. This is simply a better formatted and more fleshed out version. What I did was I simply saved to the datastore the last time the shop was saved with os. “Time” would go by at different rates for different devices. Value = 0 while true do wait(1) Timer. rbxm (8. If I activate it every time the timer restarts, then players joining in the middle of a · Im making a boss battle’s game, basically i want it so that when everyone is in the lobby (not when there are remaining player’s fighting the boss) a timer gui will pop up on everyone’s screen, and will slowly go down until the second’s reaches 0, but i do not know how i can do this. · In my game, players are able to use powers which after being used, initiates a cooldown period. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on Mar 29, 2022 · I am making a game where you have a certain time to clear it. Parent local minutes = 19 local seconds = 59 repeat if seconds <= 0 then minutes = minutes - 1 seconds = . I want the timer to have a “:” What I mean by this is instead of counting down, 100, 99, 98, 97, etc. How would I do a timer that is in sync with the audio file that is playing in the background? I want to put it on GUI and I have that set up. (All players will see the current countdown of the server. 00 but it is getting a bit complicated. Unfortunately, when I exit the queue, and there aren’t any players in queue, the timer keeps on counting down to the Jan 12, 2025 · Is there a way to create a timer that can be interrupted between seconds? I have tried to look at the template for laser tag to get more information but I still cannot figure it out. May 8, 2021 · My game (yet to be released) has a shop that refreshes every real-time hour, and to achieve this effect I used Data stores. What is the issue? I’ve tried making it by adding 0. Once the player presses and holds LMB the fuse is supposed to start. clock() game:GetService(“RunService”). You must use Timer:Start() to start the timer, and you can use Timer. Players. Lets say your game starts and there’s no timer yet, so you start Oct 14, 2021 · I’m working on a game with melee combat, and I’ve got all the attacking and things done (thanks to Clientcast) and I have a very simple combo script, but the problem is no matter how long you wait it always plays the next combo animation after the previous, but I want it to reset after the player has not swung for a certain amount of time. But I think the two circular bars mentioned effect might not be what you want. If your game is a platformer, an obby or just a story game, having a timer for speedruns is really good since it allows for way more accurate timing. floor((sec - Nov 25, 2024 · So i have a “timer” that counts down from 2 minutes, I want a smoke effect to start working when the text on the timer is on 1 minute, Here is the script i thought would help but isnt working at all: local smoke = script. 00 seconds and that maximum can reach up to 50. F0xBirdmansBFF (F0xBirdmansBFF) May 30, 2022, 5:48am #1. Text = "Intermission: " . Feb 6, 2025 · Timer Service - Lightweight Timer Github Source Code: TimerService <details><summary>Source Code</summary>--[[ Service made by @natxnek [discord: @natixo] Memory usage: - Variable: ~600 Bytes - Worker: ~600 Bytes Feel free to fork th</details> Aug 15, 2021 · Overview 📙 Hello, in this tutorial I will be teaching you the basics of making a Time-Trial Game, Time-Trial Games are basically obby games with a speedrunning aspect added to them, the goal is to finish an obby in the fastest time possible, so we will replicate that today. Can someone help me? Dec 1, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? Hello, so i want to make a timer with minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. TextLabel while true do if · Basically, what i want to do is make only one timer, so if another plr joins whilst a round is happening it will still have the same time for him and the other player. The image above shows the timer after the countdown ends and it doesn’t repeat or anything. A custom countdown clock The reason I want a custom countdown clock is for such reasons as, a community event, group event, giveaway, etc. I have been tying to make a bar that tweens a random amount every random seconds. 5 Likes. Current = 0 self. The timer should start when they first join the game. if it doesnt work then I could explain the other repeat loop May 19, 2023 · So . Roblox has a couple of tutorials on there, one of which is a counting down timer. Installation Create a Jul 4, 2022 · Hello! I would like to know how I can make a timer that displays in Minutes and seconds! I am using a server script for the timer countdown and a local script in StarterGui for the timer to display. Here is the code to the timer local timer = script. I’ve managed to make a timer that sets and stops after it reaches 0, but I can’t figure out how to make the timer reset and restart. The timer should not restart · this is the stopwatch counting system I have right now and I’m wondering how I can make a function that effectively “Stops” and “Starts” the stopwatch. until TIMER Use a timer. Completed:Wait() to Jul 19, 2024 · This module provides a simple and versatile timer functionality for your Roblox scripts. I made a timer script myself, but it seems to be taking longer to count that a normal timer. Can someone help me with this? 3 days ago · However, some games are only available on certain platforms, so make sure to check beforehand. local count = tick() local milliseconds = 0 local seconds = 0 local minutes = 0 while true do task. 9999999999998. 1) if count == 0 then print "zero" end end end This is how i am handling the 1. I tried to search this up and had no luck. Parent local seconds = textlabel:WaitForChild("Seconds"). I want it to show the same time for all the players. Right off the bat: image 1057× 261 Mar 2, 2025 · Hi, My name is StrozyGaming. wait(1) end Jan 28, 2024 · I made a script that displays the seconds left before a tram departs but after that countdown ends, I want the script to display the seconds remaining before the tram returns and I would like it to repeat the countdowns forever. 1: 2488: January 16, 2022 Jan 22, 2025 · Here’s how I would do it: local roundTimer = {} roundTimer. What should I do? I’m new to scripting, so if somebody could help me create a script or find one that works well, that would be awesome. I would be glad if somebody could help me. Why should I use RblxTimer? Full Support For Typechecking! Designed with OOP in mind! 🧠 Easy To Use! 👍 Listen for Events for Certain Actions (OnStarted, OnStopped, etc) ⚡ Your bugs are my May 30, 2022 · Developer Forum | Roblox How to make a timer. scripting. local timer = 0 local function FormatTime(sec) local hours, minutes, seconds hours = math. The Hunt event takes place across 25 Roblox games. For example, 180 seconds. Value -- the value with the countdown · The Timer script allows execution of code at specified time intervals. Duration 3 days ago · Get some practice in right now before Roblox: The Hunt Mega Edition goes live on March 13, 2025. Sorry The Clip Is Laggy Games Mentioned Mar 22, 2021 · create. Whether you need simple counters to track in-game statistics or timers for Dec 9, 2022 · How to create a roblox countdown timer Here is how you can make a countdown timer for roblox. They alerted me that the timer was tied to the client’s FPS, therefore the timer would roll slower for lower performance devices than devices running the game at 60 FPS. I’ve seen youtube videos on how to make Dec 3, 2023 · you can convert a second to minutes and seconds by dividing the seconds by 60 seconds (1 minute) then rounding it off to get the minutes local minutes = seconds // 60 and get the remaining seconds by getting the remainder when dividing the seconds by 60 local remainingSeconds = seconds % 60. Making timer can be seen all people. Feb 8, 2021 · Hello everyone im trying to make a timer script. local localplayer = game. I want to make a timer in the format “TIMENOW/ENTIRETIME” For example, if I had been playing for a minute and the song was Login to your Roblox account or sign up to create a new account. Here are some examples of Time-Trial games that have been popularized, the RBXL of today’s · Introduction This one timer object will most likely satisfy your needs. A, it wont pause your script and it will run in the background! The module doesn’t just countdown in the background, you can also connect functions for when it starts (onStart) and every second tick (onUpdate) The Oct 12, 2020 · If you only want to make a second countdown timer this is how you would do the script: local Time = script. clock as it seems to be the most accurate. 01 end until Completed == true The InLoad BoolValue is set to true when the player dies and then false when the player avatar loads I thought about using 4 days ago · You must use Timer:Start() to start the timer, and you can use Timer. So instead of saying 60 seconds it would say 1:00 The thing is, I have no idea where to start. clock() would be better as it’s the most accurate timer in roblox down to the microsecond, ive even seen it go down to · yes i do know posts like this exist because i am hilariously bad at math, i really need to make this topic essentially, i’m trying to make a timer (random between 90 seconds and 180 seconds), then convert that into minutes (to display it on the player’s GUI) and countdown to zero thing is, i uh, i’m doing horribly i hate mathematics (i have no idea what i’m doing) local Aug 21, 2023 · Hello, im trying to make a timer for my game so that if you die 3 times, you have to wait 2 minutes, but it goes down an extra seconds in the negatives and doesnt start from what i set it to code: --//Variables local Counter = 0 local ObbySpawn = workspace. 4 days ago · To use: require() the module, and use the Timer. For more info, this is an example of what I’d like: Input time in seconds. Wondering if somebody could help me get started. Now you Sep 2, 2020 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I want to make a timer that counts up like this 00:00. 001 and going up so. 1 or 0. LocalPlayer local Starttimer = game. clock() method to store when the timer has started and calculate how much time has elapsed since the timer started. ” Obviously when the timer goes down that GUI goes down too, but I can’t seem to figure out a way to do it. 5 second timer right now. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! I think I need to use datastore and os. I want the script to be short and simple. Timer code: local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local sec = 1 local min = sec * 60 local starttime local player = game. Work on the timer first. wait(1) end claim_button. Parent local Hours = 0 local Minutes = 11 local · I am making a tag-like game, and I want a server wide timer to count down the time for the rounds and intermissions. If they buy more it goes down 3x as fast and i was wondering if their was a way to do this without causing the 2x so i have a part, an i would like to add a timer to it couting from 10, but the timer goes to 10 as long as the owner is touching it, how can i do that? script. 22 2. Value] if owner. · So i have this script: game. We will be using TweenService to create the timer. Parent) then local owner = game. wait(1) end end . I could get it to work using wait(), although that would prove to be very inaccurate and the timer wouldn’t be good (as seen in this article) I don’t want to use wait, but use RunService. . Frame. For example, it is intermission and 5 seconds for the 1st Sep 5, 2022 · Hello friends, I am trying to make a timer system, where it will count from 30 seconds to 0. Here’s what I think you want, but there are still better Jul 27, 2021 · I wanted a timer counting up with 3 rational digits like 0. Anyone know? It probably involves something with · Hello all, I’ll be releasing a Timer module I’ve worked on. Jan 19, 2025 · Hi! I’m trying to make a respawn timer for when a player resets their character. Function automatically formats to MM:SS:MS (03:00:00) Timer can count down in 1 day ago · I’m making a countdown timer, and I can’t get the milliseconds to count down faster than the seconds This is what im trying to go for I have a working script that already counts down, but I’m just wondering if the milliseconds can count down as fast as the right 2 numbers in the video This is the script: local label = script. Touched:Connect(function(part) if part. However it still has delays depending on server and/or client delay. time document but I can’t figure it out. What solutions have you tried so Feb 7, 2025 · Timer Service - Lightweight Timer Github Source Code: TimerService <details><summary>Source Code</summary>--[[ Service made by @natxnek [discord: @natixo] Memory usage: - Variable: ~600 Bytes - Worker: ~600 Bytes Feel free to fork th</details> · For the past two days, I’ve been trying to make a countdown clock. I tried using it but time now goes by way too fast and the Jul 19, 2022 · os. com. StartTime Timer. SetInterval(func, delay, ): Same as SetTimeout(), but repeats the execution of the function continuously. Nov 17, 2024 · Hello fellow developers, scripters, and more! So I am trying to make a timer; I have successfully achieved that part; however, the issue comes to when if a new player joins the server, I want the player to be updated with the current countdown is there a Feb 23, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am making a countdown timer. 21 1. You can easily pause, kill, resume and play a timer with this. Value then TA += 0. I only know how to do the seconds version. Let me explain how it is suppose to work: It should be something like 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds remaining and so on and so on. There’s a lot of timer resources you can find here on the forum. However, I cannot seem to figure out the correct method for doing it. Here’s the model file. Value local Minutes = Sep 12, 2019 · This is an adaptation of a Twitter thread I made a while ago. Players[script. I need a 5 minute timer on the screen that resets when it hits zero, and also when it hits zero it kills all the players in the server to make the obby more of a challenge that you only have 5 minutes to complete, can anyone help me with a timer? (UI on screen that resets every 5 minutes and kills players) · i’m trying to make a timer for a microwave, but the problem is that i don’t know how to make it stop immediately, like whenever someone opens the door(you don’t want them to get cooked too) while loop and for loop are out of the question also repeat until(its almost pretty much the same as a while loop) because mainly 1 problem and that is, it has to wait until conditional Aug 15, 2024 · — { Clock Library: The Only Timer Library you will ever need! } — GET CLOCK LIBRARY HERE : Clock Library Asset RBX Script File Clock Library. This is a better solution: local start = os. new(“Model”, player) Stats. 1) val = val + 1 mili = mili + 1 if mili > 9 then mili = 0 sec = sec + 1 Jan 12, 2023 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? After the player changes the transparency of the image i want it so after 3 seconds its transparency is set to 1, but if it changed before its set to 1 then reset the timer ( sorry if i didn’t explain well ) What is the issue? The issue is, it’s making the · I want to make a timer that will start if you go through a portal, and if you survive for ten minutes it gives you a badge, but it is not working. Me and my buddy AntonShudder206 are working on a 1 Million Seconds Countdown timer game but I had this really neat Idea where players can play in minigame events that can affect the global timer. Heartbeat:Wait() instead. Then you Feb 20, 2024 · So depending on any kind of loading or lag, a timer will show different results. Any advice would be · Simple Timer Module - Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox Loading Aug 17, 2023 · nevermind that I remembered that there is this roblox issue that sometimes ibstead of adding 1 it adds 1. You don’t make timers with a for loop, very bad practice. new() local self = setmetatable({}, roundTimer) self. and client gets timer changing event with :GetAttributeChangedSignal() and display the time. 21 00:01. I would like to know how to reset it. I know the issue here since it “removes” 1 from the 2 days ago · Unlock your imagination with Roblox Creator Hub - the ultimate platform for building and publishing games. The current code I have for the timer right now is this: for i=duration, 1, -1 do workspace:SetAttribute("Clock", i) Mar 24, 2021 · No no. 0000001 or 0. for count = 15, 0, -1 do wait(. i want to make a timer that displays time like: 3:00AM Oct 20, 2020 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: Dear All, I hope everyone is fine. RenderStepped:Connect(function() textLabel. 001 seconds but it results that the script runs too slow and the time displayed which is counting up is not fast and accurate, and sometimes end up at 0. But the map is more for the different events I have planned for Jun 20, 2021 · I want an event countdown that counts down minutes and hours till the date (July 1st). ReplicatedStorage. Sorry to bump, but I really really needed this. ) Once the timer is 0, it will print something. A container object for a single double-precision floating point number. Is there any way so instead of the timer showing 600 seconds (10 minutes), it will instead show something like 10:00? How would I go about doing something · Hello! I’m Chxrlvie and I’m currently developing an obby game. time(). 300, 299, 298, you name it. However i feel there is probably a better way. Value = Timer. __index = roundTimer function roundTimer. It began on March 13, 2025. Oct 5, 2024 · CounterService is a free, easy-to-use service for creating counters and timers in your Roblox game. Parent local timer = gui:WaitForChild("Timer") -- TextLabel that shows the timer being updated by the while loop local passed = gui:WaitForChild("10SecondsHavePassed") -- the TextLabel with the text "10 Seconds Have Passed" (as shown in the gif above) local x = gui. Text = revamptime while wait(10) do local timeleft · how would i make a timer instead of like a countdown like 1000, 999, 998 and so on but i would like to make a timer with like 30:00, 29:59, 29:58, and so on Loading Developer Forum | Roblox · Hello! If you have played Juke’s Towers of Hell before, you will understand. Actually, I am making a game in which I want to run a timer that will let user to unlock things Let’s say after 14 minutes. Sep 28, 2023 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am trying to make a daily reward chest and I know how to do everything except for making the timer continue even if the player has left. I want to handle this on the server side, but I’m not quite sure how. I’ve done this so far, and it carries on the same time when the player resets however when another player joins it flickers · Hey there, thanks for coming to check this out. wait(1) TIMER -= 1. All Roblox games in The Hunt: Mega Edition. textLabel. But I don’t know where to start since I don’t know how to make a timer like this: 1:52 and counts down. This is my script so far : local DataStore = · How could I make a stopwatch counting in decimals? I have already got it set up, but I do not know how to get it to count in decimals every second. PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local Stats = Instance. Will include ur name in credits. This world is ours for the making! Apr 29, 2024 · Hello, I am currently making a timer in a story game that allows you to teleport to the game itself along with a queue of 3 players, and I am trying to make the timer stop and reset to the seconds it starts with once there are no players in queue. the timer could Aug 20, 2023 · I found a time formatter here that I am trying to use to create a minutes:seconds:milliseconds timer. i end Something like that, but I’m trying to make a clock style timer. How would I make a timer for my rhythm game. The Hunt: Mega Edition includes 25 participating experiences, along with a central hub to access prizes and daily exclusive items. Supports creating fixed frequency loops that don't Oct 22, 2021 · I want to make a timer, like Update in 00:00:00 Now I tried some script and the script runs as 23,021 days local revamptime = tick() + (60*60*24*3) script. 🤷♂️ My current code local timeToStart = 1623712500 local timeToEnd = 1625144400 local timeLeft = Feb 19, 2022 · local gui = script. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! The timer works perfectly, but if a player joins when the timer is going, the time for the 2 players will be different. Parent:FindFirstChild(“Smoke”) smoke. Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid then local player = Oct 13, 2020 · If you wanted to ban someone for a day, save the length as 86400 seconds, and the os. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! Do you think it’s a problem with the script or roblox itself? luya_yobanka (lyo) September 8, 2020, 9:40pm #6. Antipush. How to make a countdown timer Countdown node hierarchy. time() in the datastore from os. I want the timer gui to have seconds and milliseconds, (Ex. I also don’t want to use os. StartTimer local Aug 14, 2023 · im trying to reset this timer when a specific part is touched. Uptime local CountDownToTime = 10 local TimerActive = false while true do wait(1) TimerActive = not TimerActive if TimerActive then CountDownToTime = CountDownToTime - 1 local Seconds = CountDownToTime % 60 if · I’m interested in making a timer that counts down. Will help me in enormous ways. I made a UI that displays the arena time and am trying to make it say that the arena opens in Sep 2, 2020 · Hey all, In my game I had a timer that players would use to benchmark speedruns. Value == false then Jan 17, 2024 · Hello, I am trying to create a local 24 hour timer for each player. If you want the plugin to create the timer with a new TextLabel, click the Create New Button (When clicked, the text will change to ‘Update’) If you would like to use your own GuiObject, click the Generate Code Button to see the code that will create the timer. new(“IntValue”, Stats) Timer. 22 00:01. What this timer script should do is to display the seconds and minutes of the players 2x exp remaining. This module provides a simple and versatile timer functionality for your Roblox scripts. SetTimeout(func, delay, ) : Executes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds. AnyRemote:FireAllClients(roundTime) if roundTime == 0 or roundTime < 1 then roundTime = 100 -- Restarting the round, however you can do · Hello, I’m currently working on a game that basically you have to speedrun an obby and fight with other players, I want a stopwatch/timer to count how much did it took each player to finish the obby. . MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- If the button is pressed if active == false then -- If the timer isn't already active active = true -- Set timer to active end end) Dec 23, 2024 · Hey, i wanted to make a countdown timer and the only idea that came to my head is using a while or for loop that minuses a number very sec, and i want to do that on the server, So my question is that is this a bad way to do it? performance wise i mean, since the timer is literally like 10 mins countdown which is how long the game goes for. and I’ve finished working on daily reward chests,respawn products, and more, now all I need is to create a timer/countdown that shows how long you have left till your next reward. I do not need help with making the skip stage work, just the timer. 4 KB) What is Clock Library Clock Library is a very powerful, effective, handy, complex but easy to understand Timer Library that will get rid of all need for any other Timer Library Module, designed and made by Dec 14, 2022 · Displaying milliseconds for a timer is better done using benchmarking, as using the delta value from either RenderStepped or Heartbeat won’t guarantee you an accurate timer. time(), it returns the number of seconds that have passed since the Unix epoch (1 January 1970). PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Timer"):FindFirstChild("TextLabel") local run = game:GetServi Oct 3, 2021 · Hello, I made this tutorial for people who may struggle to make this type of UI as I struggled when I started scripting to make this. It allows creating timers with minutes and seconds, pausing/resuming them, and receiving notifications when the timer finishes. task. time() since it’s not for a certain timezone. clock()-start end) Doing a timer with a for loop would mean that the time goes slower with lag and it · I’m making a obby game, where the game counts the time you took to beat a specific obby. I want to ask if it is possible to make a timer that runs even or that runs when an Roblox player is inactive. Timer. Jan 27, 2025 · So I have an idea on making a timer in which when the timer runs out, an entity spawns. Thread = nil return self end -- increases the timer function roundTimer:Increase() end -- decreases the timer function roundTimer:Decrease() end -- starts Jun 3, 2022 · Ui corner inside a gui element to make it round. roblox. Help and Feedback. Not wait(n) (although if you are using small n values to where it’d be barely distinguishable from wait(), you’re probably going to hit the same issues mentioned in this thread). · Sorry for the vague title I don’t really know what to call it, I just need to make a bar so if you time it correctly then something happens and if you don’t something else happens, I DON’T want this to all be done for me Feb 22, 2025 · Hello! So, i have a round system that works decently well and it sets up and goes into intermission and stuff and does the count down before doing the round then resetting and looping, so how do i go about making it so each players gui updates as the timer, would i put a script inside the gui or just have the round system script try updating all the players gui? Jun 23, 2022 · Hey, if you’re using this as a server timer instead, you can make this in the server: local roundTime = 100 -- seconds for example function startRound() for i = 1, roundTime do wait(1) roundTime -= 1 game. What I want to achieve is to make the time between when die and finally spawn in the game again faster. new() method to make a new timer. Here’s a preview of how it should look like when you finish it <details><summary>UI Setup</summary>Firstly we need to make the UI, and make sure its scaled to all devices. The timer will not autosave. Open the script in ServerScriptService, and specify how long you want the timer: Now specify the services. Is it possible?? Nov 5, 2021 · Hey there, I have this script here that counts down from 5 minutes and I was wondering how I can make the timer the same for everyone even if they join the game after the timer is already halfway done. Name = “Time” Timer. I want to format it to make it look and count like this: 5:00, 4:59, 4:58, you name it. We’ll Sep 8, 2020 · I want to make a block that will stop and record the time of a timer I made when a player finishes an obby. 01) if not Plr. · Making a daily reward timer? - DevForum | Roblox Loading · I’m making a timer with minutes in it, however it would look and count like this normally: NOTE: The example timers in this post are 5 minutes (300 seconds), just incase you need to know that. In StarterGui insert a ScreenGui, name it to your liking. 3. What would be the most efficient way to code a self-updating, daily shop? (Like Fortnite) What I’m trying to do is a daily shop system (that I’m using a module to get an external time for, so the times should be synced on all servers) to update every 24 hours (I’ve got that figured out Oct 4, 2021 · I have a script that scripts a daily chest, how do I make the timer stay true even after the player rejoins the game?? local Amount = math. Here is what the timer looks like now: It May 4, 2020 · I currently have a script that counts down from ten minutes (60 * 10 seconds) and displays it on the client’s screen (like a timer) however, this shows the time in seconds, and not minutes then seconds. Text = formatTime(i) task. NOTE: this is simply how to convert seconds into a timer format, you’ll have to make the timer system yourself how this Feb 28, 2025 · The Hunt: Mega Edition is an event and a sequel to its predecessor, The Hunt: First Edition. The prize for The Hunt: Mega Edition will be $1,000,000 for eligible participants who are 13 years of age or · Hey, so am trying to make a game where there is an arena. Text = "CLAIM!" can_claim = true and here’s the all code if you want to look: local ReplicatedStorage = · Hi! I would like to create a countdown like the Roblox Together At Home event but, I’m only a beginner and i’m not so sure. time(), which means the time they were banned. My use for this would be to start a event after the timer has ended, as you’ve seen in some simulators if you’ve ever played one. Count PROPERTIES Timer. I’ve tried to do repeat until but that just doesn’t work. What I mean is if I start a timer in a surface gui for like 2 days it’ll stay for 2 days, then stop. SurfaceGui. Making this UI is super simple, first of c… Lets you create and manage OOP-like timers with ease. An example of good usage of in-game speedrun timer is in Robot 64 and Try To Die, making it Aug 12, 2020 · What you could also do is have a timer int value that the sever updates every second, and the client can just listen to changes in that int value, and this would prevent laggy players from having the incorrect time, and is a much easier solution. This module was originally intended to be used for my game, but this has some uses so I decided to release it publicly. Constructor Timer. How is Nov 22, 2024 · So i tried to make a timer couple of times and it started to give me some headaches cuz i really dont know what to do now,im making an timer and when it reaches 0 Turn changes but the thing is bugs pop out of nowhere like multiple timers spawn which i managed to fix but i cannot fix whenever i make a choice(in game) right about the timer reaches 0 Game Nov 24, 2023 · Hello there do you mind helping me how to make an accurate time reward? Here’s my code: I use loop to make a countdown system and it is not accurate at all for i= seconds, 0, -1 do claim_button. scripting, help, timer. Completed Timer. this is the script: counter = 600 local playerService = game:GetService("Players") script. But I want it to have more features like: UI displays decimal point when the remaining time is lower than 10 seconds. I currently only know how to make it countdown seconds. time(): local Mar 16, 2024 · Developer Forum | Roblox timer. The competition runs from March 13 to 24, with the grand finale happening on April 4, 2025. I’m using remote events, but if I fire one every time the amount of seconds changes, it might cause lag. Spawns:WaitForChild("ObbySpawner") local ObbyBlock = · Hello! I came to the forums for a scripting question on how I would make a timer. Value +1 end end) and i need help on making a script where after you die · Alright so, I want to make a leaderboard which passes by minutes & want that time to be saved once the player leaves the game. time() to make it countdown hours and minutes? I have read the os. Anyways, straight to my point. 3: 166: March 16, 2024 My timer module script's counter does not go beyond the actual limit Best way to make a speedrun timer? Scripting Support. time() but I’m not very experienced with them. local deb = false local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local partsfold = · What I want to achieve is to make the time between when die and finally spawn in the game again faster. timer. Text = os. Set up the timer. I’ve searched up · Hey there! I was wondering how I would make a timer that countsdown from a certain time. In the server this is simple as I simply need to wait(x) a certain amount and disable the cooldown for the power for that Jun 27, 2022 · I want to make a timer that when u use something u cannot use it for like 2 hours and it has a timer with hours, minutes, seconds when the player leaves the game the timer goes on and when he comes back in 2 hrs he can u Jul 23, 2021 · But how would I do this kind of loop in Roblox Lua? (without the commented part of course) This is what I was thinking, but clearly not working: Roblox Creator Documentation. LocalPlayer local gui = localplayer. Also when the Jul 12, 2020 · Hello! I am working on a game and want to use a timer that uses minutes instead of having the seconds only. See more Feb 15, 2021 · How do I make a countdown timer GUI? Hello! Here is the simplest way of doing it: repeat. anirudh851 (Ani) April 4, 2021, 7:33am #13. I just can’t get it to wait a random amount of time that goes lower than 1 (like 0. InLoad. Here is the code: local val = 0 local mili = 0 local sec = 0 local min = 0 while true do wait(. Text = TIMER -- change text every second. Like a server script. Join a vibrant community of creators today and publish your ideas to millions of people around the world. time(), that means subtract the time they were banned from the current time, which as a result gives you how much time has passed Sep 15, 2021 · First thing you need is a timer and the second thing you need is a way to check when that timer finishes so that you can kill the player. The two key methods to use with Timer are: Timer. Name = “leaderstats” local Timer = Instance. The goal of this timer is to give the player a free skip stage every 24 hours. Touched:Connect(function(plr) if game. My current code: repeat task. random(250,500) local CanGet = true local Cd = 1 local Timer = 86400 local function onTouch(otherPart) local humanoid = otherPart. Vals. wait() local diff = tick() - count local min = math. I tried searching online, but couldn’t find anything that helped me co Hello there! Thank you for clicking my post. Intermission = 15 -- 15 seconds by default self. By benchmarking, i mean using the os. new(duration, countStep) Timer:Start() Timer:Stop() Timer:Reset() Timer:Pause() EVENTS Timer. 001 every 0. 9999999 so in ur repeat loop instead of making the loop break if the timer is == to the max u shoukd make it timer >= maxwait. Usecases The main functionality the timer module offers Mar 30, 2022 · something like this could work. No latency, which ensures a competitive outcome. I was using a timer from the toolbox, (Not knowing any scripting) and when the timer reaches 0, it does not reset. Plr. 05 · What are you trying to do? Basically make a timer like this which is serverwide: What’s the issue here? I can make a countdown, but how do i make it broadcast to all servers? And countdown like for example, if i was the only player in the game and the timer was 3 minutes, and i left for 1 minute, and its 2 minutes. This is what I have so far. You want a bar to fill on a clockwise direction, and the reply you got seems to be about making a circle size get bigger. TimeFrame. Oct 17, 2024 · Introduction When making a game, most devs don’t care about speedrunners, which is kinda annoying sometimes. floor(sec/3600) sec = sec%3600 minutes = math. Custom formatting function R if you’ve played a game that uses a core gameplay loop, chances are you’ve seen at least one game with timers that look something like this: (cool timers, wow!) 00:00 i thought i’d set some time aside to show you how to convert seconds into the timer format. It’s meant to easily manage timers, as well as their current states. Correct in out 1. Does anyone know, how could i make something like this? - Jul 19, 2024 · Timer Module Roblox Timer Module Documentation. It slowly counts down until the player throws the bomb. Includes events (that can be binded to callbacks) and useful functions for pausing, stopping, resetting and forcefully timing out timers. I debugged. · Hey devs, I’m making a timer and want it to be precise, counting time by the millisecond. If you want to make your own then I’d advise that you use Heartbeat so you can decrement your timer with every frame. Our countdown consists of a Part, SurfaceGui, TextLabel, and its server script. I want it so that it countsdown in minute form such as: 1:00, 0:59, 0:58, 0:57 and so on. It allows creating timers with minutes and seconds, pausing/resuming them, and Nov 13, 2021 · Learn how to use timers for countdown events & GUI and make a real working analog clock in Roblox scripts. I want to make it so that if win condition is achieved the round ends prematurely. Scripting Support. I’d appreciate hearing if you have an alternative method to suggest. Feb 4, 2021 · active = false -- Timer is at 0 so we stop the loop else label. You found a solution but here’s a script for those who weren’t sure. If anybody could plea Hi! I would like to create a countdown like the Roblox Together At Home event but, I’m only a beginner and i’m Jan 24, 2025 · hi, so im trying to make a rounds system: local events = game. Let’s talk about wait(). However, when two or more people get in, the timer goes down rapidly subtracting 1 from itself in less than second, and does not even keep a smooth rate. I’m working on my JToH Fangame and i’m trying to get a timer that goes from 00:00:00, and never ends unless someone touches the winpad (it starts when someone touches a tower portal and gets teleported to the tower) Nov 22, 2024 · Hello DevFourm! I was bored in my class so I decided to make a Timer module! Features This module’s backbone is based off the coroutine structure! A. I’ve been bothered by how the timer looks and I thought that I could make it into a more fancy timer, but I don’t know how I can do this. Edit: And whe May 22, 2022 · To save the timer, click the Save button. no errors in the output, nothing. Enabled = false local timerLabel = script. ycme emjtxyw ygihd schra mnzsun gjlq qkkwk dwpimc vussumh oxpwix hqgqey nazst mpmtaya kssr lxybnty