Perkin elmer spectrum gx 22. Models . This webinar will include best practices, navigation controls, software configuratio From routine identification and verification to advanced research applications, you need the performance and flexibility to quickly, confidently, and cost effectively analyze a wide range of samples. Become a member and enjoy exclusive benefits. Inteset Secure Lockdown 2. Sign In Upload. PerkinElmer has led the way for over 25 years with powerful Software and Informatics Solutions. An update on our latest developments includes an Automated Goniometer tool for Variable Angle Spectroscopy and BRDF/BTDF measurements and tools for measuring absolute reflectance and transmittance with the measurement spot at a fixed size and position on the sample. In addition, users on OS X may encounter problems when performing multiple DLIT or FLIT The Spectrum GX spectrometer is a high-performance analytical instrument designed for spectroscopic analysis. By using the automatic beamsplitter changeover, the Spectrum 400 FT-IR/FT-FIR delivers a new level of ease for far-IR measurements. Partner with us and give your laboratory the benefits of cutting-edge instrumentation and consistently excellent consumables. The Quantum FX features ultra fast imaging for ultimate throughput while maintaining low dose and high quality images for parametric analysis. The LabChip ® GXII Touch ™ protein characterization system offers an automated alternative to traditional methods by streamlining slab gel electrophoresis, while also providing the increased throughput required by biotherapeutics and genomics workflows. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to From routine identification and verification to advanced research applications, you need the performance and flexibility to quickly, confidently, and cost effectively analyze a wide range of samples. From the Start menu select Programs; the PerkinElmer Applications group; the Spectrum sub-group and then the Spectrum application. The PerkinElmer Spectrum ™ 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to advance research and new product development in academia, chemicals, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. User Manual. Totally absorbing bands of PET. com | Visite us on PERKIN ELMER Spectrum 100 FT-IR for sale ⏩ Best deals to buy PERKIN ELMER Spectrum 100 FT-IR on Bimedis ️ New, used and refurbished models PERKIN ELMER Spectrum 100 FT-IR from trusted sellers ️ Contact us for more information ️. 2工作日内完成; 价格根据实际需求 圣宾仪器科技(上海)有限公司专营代理进口国产实验室分析检测设备及耗材。致力成为向科学工作者提供常规实验室基础设备、通用分析仪器、实验室耗材、光谱标样、原子吸收光谱耗材、气相液相色谱耗材,标准溶液试剂、工业试验设备、工业测试设备等科研产品的一站式集成服务供应商。 L1250230 Spectrum Configuration Disk LX108873 Spectrum Standard Software Kit LX108875 Spectrum ES Software Kit L1240055 Cuvette Holder Assembly – L1240056 Cell Holder Assembly & Disposable Cells (5) – If any items are missing or damaged, contact your local PerkinElmer office. Spectrometers. Spectrum GX Optica benefits from abscissa calibration being tied to the wavelength of an internal HeNe reference laser (the Connes advantage). FREE SHIPPING. With the Spectrum 3 system, you can ensure quality control at every step, quickly screening, identifying, and characterizing raw materials, intermediates, and product formulations and performing counterfeit studies. Sale! Quick View. This technical 易用、功能强大、小巧耐用 – Spectrum Two™ 是适用于 任何人在任何地方日常使用的首选红外光谱仪。Spectrum Two 系统适合于各种各样的应用。Spectrum Two 具有 完全一体化且可靠的通用采样功能,轻松进行测量并提供便携选配件,是适用于实 Spectroscopy, Elemental and Isotope Analysis See all applications and techniques Services Integrated CDMO-CRO Services CDMO Services CRO Services Custom Services Enterprise Services Financial and Leasing Services Instrument Services Lab Informatics OEM and Commercial Supply Training Services Unity Lab Services See all services The Spectrum 3/ Spotlight 400 is a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer fitted with a microscope, attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and transmission accessories with the flexibility to measure across mid and far infrared ranges. RamanStation 400F. Consisting of: SP2 NIR InGas. PERKIN ELMER SPECTRUM-GX is equipped with an advanced Xenon flash, which allows it to measure either solid or liquid samples while varying both the intensity and wavelength of the light source. 99 Freight charge in US only Used condition, with normal signs of wear. Quest Single Reflection ATR. This provides abscissa precision of ±0. We are constantly updating our knowledge with the latest technology and information to enable us to deliver the best support in the industry. PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX是一款功能强大且用途广泛的分光光度计,提供跨可见光谱的精确测量、高样品通量率、可选的UV-Vis分光光度法和用户友好界面以及一个经过验证的方法库。 Animated video depicting the Spectrum Two N FT-NIR PerkinElmer consumables are built to fit your instrumentation precisely. Con un muestreo universal completamente integrado y robusto para mediciones sin problemas y opciones de portabilidad, Spectrum Two es ideal Perkin Elmer's LabChip GX Touch instruments with LabChip GxP Software are computerized systems designed to automate the analysis of DNA, RNA, or proteins using PerkinElmer Sipper Chip technologies. Read the interactive brochure to learn more about the patented PerkinElmer公司的Spectrum系列红外光源能量比R>70%. Inteset. From powder to packaging and everything in between, the Spectrum 3 system’s array of sampling accessories, combined with exceptional The PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and analytical performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to advance research and new product development in academia, chemicals, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. The highly configurable platform provides dependable, consistent, and trouble 仪器型号: Nicolet iS 10; Nexus 670; Nicolet Nexus 470型; Perkin-Elmer Spectrum GX型; Bruker Vertex 70等 Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM GX FTIR. The built-in system flexibility makes the Spectrum 400 FT-IR/FT-FIR Spectrum 3 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪的参考价格为48. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> PerkinElmer infrared imaging and microscopy systems are the culmination of a long PerkinElmer tradition of exceptional optics and purpose-built IR microscopes and FT-IR systems. With fully integrated, robust universal sampling for trouble-free measurements and portability (A) Type I collagen was scanned with Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX FT-IR spectrometer in the range of 400–4000 cm − 1 at 15 C. FT-NIR Accessories | PerkinElmer JavaScript is not enabled! Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. With fully integrated, robust universal sampling for trouble-free measurements and portability The Spectrum™ 100 FT-IR and 100N FT-NIR Spectrometers are providing new levels of conven-ience and productivity for users. Manuals & Documents. The FTIR Spectrum GX is a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer designed for chemical analysis. The Quantum GX offers the highest resolution among all the microCT scanners for in vivo imaging. Read the interactive brochure to learn more about the patented 从台式 IVIS Lumina 系列到内置 CT 的 IVIS Spectrum 系列,PerkinElmer 可提供最优化的解决方案以满足您的 2D 和 3D 成像需求。 Quantum GX :高分辨率、低辐射剂量、快速 microCT Quantum GX microCT 成像系统使用极低的X 射线辐射剂量来获取高分辨率图像,从而实现真正的 Frontier™或Spectrum Two™结合全面的Spectrum 10™软件界面,使您能够专注于最重要的结果。 Fourier - Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy | PerkinElmer JavaScript is not enabled! 2005年11月,珀金埃尔默公司在全球同步发布了Spectrum 100系列傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,这款最新型号的傅立叶变换红外光谱仪基于PerkinElmer红外60多年的经验和积累的知识,具备高灵敏度 The PerkinElmer Spectrum ™ 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to advance research and new product development in academia, chemicals, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. Spectra Science supply replacement Lasers for Perkin Elmer FTIR in the UK. User manual. 0-3. Measuring Instruments. Fast and reliable automated QC solutions for biotherapeutics. Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two FT-IR Spectrometer used Perkin Elmer L160000F used Perkin Elmer Spectrum 2. Spectrum 10 Software Kit. 030" x 1/16" x 5 FT W1037340. About Us; Policies; Events; Careers; Modern Slavery; French Equality Index; 1 FTIR Gas Analysis Module Spectrum GX FTIR System – Perkin Elmer – Volume: 8. Known Issues Known issues are detailed in the Living Image 4. TurboMass User’s Guide. The software supplied with the system gives you full control over the microscope including the focusing on the sample, illumination, stage position, changing between FTIR-spectrum-gx-manual - Perkin Elmer - Free download as PDF File (. 珀金埃尔默的红外成像和显微系统是卓越光学、特色红外显微镜和ft-ir系统悠久传统的结晶。 Spectrum 100N FT-NIR Pour des tests proche infrarouge ultra performants. The ad-vanced design has been The Spectrum GX has been designed and tested in accordance with PerkinElmer specifications and in accordance with the safety requirements of the International Electrotechnical Industry-leading, signal-to-noise performance makes it the highest performing, research grade FT-IR system available anywhere, offering the highest levels of sensitivity. RamanMicro 300 Series 【型号】 Nicolet iS 10; Nexus 670; Nicolet Nexus 470型; Perkin-Elmer Spectrum GX型; Bruker Vertex 70; Nicolet iS 50 【单位】 科学指南针 【地区】 全国; 收到样品后平均 2. A 3 mm thick sample of float glass was measured using the PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 FT-IR spectrometer with the OMT . Please Inquire Refurbished. From routine identification and verification to advanced research applications, you need the performance and flexibility to quickly, confidently, and cost effectively analyze a wide range of samples. Buy Now $ 1499. MDA-MB-231-luc-D3H2ln 小鼠肿瘤转移模型的 microCT 图像与光学 图像融合 功能全面的分析软件 From routine identification and verification to advanced research applications, you need the performance and flexibility to quickly, confidently, and cost effectively analyze a wide range of samples. AAnalyst 300 LabChip GX . 5 L – Wavenumber range: 10,000-400 cm -1 – Resolution: 0. Page 137 Spectrum GX The cable from the microscope to the Spectrum GX comes from the preamp inside the microscope, to an unlabelled 25-way connector on the lower right-hand side of the FT-IR. Show all PerkinElmer Laboratory Equipment manuals . Keywords: spectrophotometry, thin film analysis 1. For more information, please visit us at https://www. com | Visite us on. set). Manual del equipo Espectrofotómetro de infrarrojo Perkin-Elmer Spectrum GX. The software's interface combines single-click access to common functions with powerful data and results Infrared Spectroscopy. The Spectrum GX complies with the EMC standards EN 55 011 Class A (rf emissions) and EN 61326 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use – EMC requirements). Use the links below to quickly find your software solution download. No testing done on this unit -- Good for parts, no warranty is provided. 030"X10FT Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. LabChip GX/GX II Instrument Warranty: PerkinElmer warrants to the original purchaser (“Customer”) that at the time of shipment to the Customer, the LabChip GX/LabChip GX II instrument (“Instrument”) is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and shall substantially conform to its published specifications. Equipment Spectrum GX. Materials identification Challenges walk through your lab door every day. Spectrum GX systems also offer more combinations of sources, beamsplitters and detectors than any other FT-IR system, ensuring that you have the power to handle tomorrow’s challenging applications We offer a complete line of sampling options for your Spectrum One/100/400/65, Spectrum Two or Frontier instruments. Laboratorio de Análisis Instrumental 100% (16) 8. With fully integrated, robust universal sampling for trouble-free measurements and portability options, PerkinElmer Spectrum 3™光谱仪是FT-IR. The peaks and representative major functional groups are assigned in Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX FT-IR System Spectrometer Includes all as shown No cables or accesories included 299. Spectrum One FT-IR features: High-performance optical bench for accurate results; Perkin Elmer, Sciex, Shimadzu, and Thermo instruments for many years. The spectrum of the KBr disc was subtracted from each sample spectrum. Also for: Spectrum 100 ft-ir, Spectrum 100n ft-n1r. PerkinElmer Spectrum GX는 200nm에서 2500nm의 큰 스펙트럼 범위를 특징으로하며 파장을 10nm까지 작게 측정 할 The Perkin Elmer series 2000 FTIR spectrometer is equipped with a temperature controlled (25-200 ºC) diamond ATR unit and both Spectrum and Timebase software that allow determination of individual spectra or spectra as a function of time respectively. Spectrum 3 FT-IR . Find Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM GX FTIR System Perkin Elmer FTIR GX System , used, ships refurbished and ready to go at the best price available at Triad Scientific Call us at 732 292-1994 or 800 867-6690 | Email us at triadscientific@gmail. The sample is irradiated with infrared radiation in the mid-region of the electromagnetic spectrum (4000–400 cm −1), with a longer wavelength and a lower frequency FTIR spectra was obtained using a Spectrum GX series (Perkin-Elmer, MA, USA) equipped with a mirtgs detector and an extkbr beamsplitter. This used PERKIN ELMER FT-IR Spectrometer Spectrum 1000 will be sold as-is. Narrow band pass filter, comparison with GX Optica. About PerkinElmer. Summary of Contents for Perkin-Elmer MultiScope System. 4 Figure 6. Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM GX FTIR + details. Advertisement. 和FT-NIR 光谱仪的黄金标准,使实验室轻松获 得最佳质量以及最多可重现的数据。提供范围广泛的“即插即用采样附件和软件包,确保为一” 系列应 The Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX is a single-beam, Michelson interferometer based, Fourier transform infra-red spectrometer. Ideally suited to everyday analysis, you can Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. $ 25,599. Cell path length = Spectrum One FT-IR features: High-performance optical bench for accurate results; Perkin Elmer, Sciex, Shimadzu, and Thermo instruments for many years. santalinus). Figure 8. Four separate sampling and detector areas combined with With more than 75 years of innovation in infrared spectroscopy, we bring deep-seated expertise to a new generation of FTIR systems. PDF Print Download. com Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM GX FTIR + details. Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. LabChip GX II . Frontier IR Single-range Spectrometers User's Guide 2. With a reconstructiontime of 15 seconds, a 3D image can • Adapter arms (Spectrum,FMT) • Rabbit bed Mouse Imaging Shuttle XGI-8 Anesthesia System IVIS Syringe Injection Standard: 18System Quantum GX Technical Specifications PERKINELMER FRONTIER Choose the PerkinElmer Frontier™ range of near-, mid- and far-IR Fourier Transform spectrometers for superior spectroscopic performance in demanding applications. The highly configurable platform provides dependable, consistent, and trouble This accessory is compatible with the Spectrum 3/Frontier spectrometers. Laboratorio de Análisis Instrumental 92% (24) Recomendado para ti. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The name of the setup file is subsequently specified in Scantraq. It offers a range of features such as 6-plank calibration, intelligent detection, user interface optimization, and advanced data processing capabilities, ensuring precision and Spectrum Spotlight 300 IR Imaging System www. Document Type . The main manufacturers of IR Spectrometers and others type are Perkin Elmer, Thermo Nicolet, Jasco, Foss, Nicolet, Bruker, Shimadzu, Thermo Electron, Varian, Agilent, Thermo, Alere, Magna. Page 36 36 . Create an account now for exclusive benefits, personalized recommendations, and seamless order tracking. El Spectrum Two ™ es el espectrómetro IR de elección para todos, para uso en todas partes y todos los días, fácil de usar, potente, compacto y robusto, orientado para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. 00. PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX is a powerful spectrophotometer designed for laboratories. A broad range of “plug-and-go” sampling accessories and software top. £1,250. 5 release notes, which are installed with the software. Quick View Teflon Tubing PFA . Document TOC Languages. In the first step, Perkin-Elmer's Spectrum software (32-bit Windows) is required for legacy GX (2000) initialization and setup. For your molecular spectroscopy needs, turn to PerkinElmer’s comprehensive portfolio of solutions for FTIR, UV-Vis, UV-Vis-NIR, Fluorescence spectroscopy, and FTIR Microscopy & Imaging Systems. Both Labchip GX Touch and Rviewer software installed. 00元|宽度45. These spectra can be converted to profiles of absorbance versus time at chosen wavenumbers. 主要技术参数: 测试温度:室温-1300℃ 仪器性能: 主要用于测试材料的分解温度、热稳定性、重量变化率、相变、熔点、熔化热、玻璃化转变温度等 . Ideally suited to everyday analysis, you can The Spectrum GX is a high-performance Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer designed for a wide range of analytical applications. 00 GBP. The Spectrum GX features advanced optical and electronic components that enable rapid data FT-IR Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX Range: 10,000 cm-1 to 370 cm-1; ATR accessory for reflectance measurement; IR Quant software; Spectrum search software. Microscope. Perkin Elmer Chemagic 360 Nucleic Acid Extractor $ 35,599. 二:服务项目(测试项目) The Spectrum 400 FT-IR/FT-FIR gives you the ability to extend your IR capabilities into the FIR region using a single optical bench. Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two N FT-NIR spectrometer. Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FTIR Spectrometer The SurveyIR TM ’s compact configuration and alignment free optical design facilitates simple mounting in the FTIR spectrometer sample compartment. com PRODUCT NOTE FT-IR Spectroscopy Life Sciences Optoelectronics Instruments Fluid Sciences Breakthrough technology Imaging from 7800-720 cm-1 Novel scanning technology Fast IR imaging and single-point IR microscopy in one system Fully automated operation Advanced display graphics In order to explore a rapid identification method for the anti-counterfeit of commercial high value collections, a three-step infrared spectrum method was used for the pterocarpus collection identification to confirm whether a commercial pterocarpus bracelet (PB) was made from the precious species of Pterocarpus santalinus (P. com/ Find Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM ONE FTIR at the best price available at Triad Scientific. perkinelmer. 0 Administrator Guide. From portable to ultrapowerful, our wide range of FTIR The Spectrum GX Systems set new performance standards for sophisticated research and development work and routine QA/QC applications. In this talk, FT-IR Analysis will be discussed and the best practices for use of the instrument will be shared. Laser Head (HeNe) and Laser Power Supply Replacement Laser Kit for Spectrum One System | PerkinElmer 高機能ながらもコンパクトで丈夫な Spectrum Two は、誰でも測定ができるように、様々な機能を搭載しています。 さらに丈夫で汎用性のあるサンプリング機能と携帯用途向けオプションを備えています。 Spectrum<sup>TM</sup> 10 software is designed for the latest range of PerkinElmer FT-IR spectrometers. Research grade visual images are produced via a high resolution color video Perkin Elmer: Model: Spectrum GX: Feature: Description: Optical System: Sealed and Desiccated optical unit: Source: Temperature stabilized Mid/Far IR range 10000-30 cm-1: Beamsplitter: Optimized KBr (7000-370 cm-1) Detector: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) เป็นเครื่องมือที่ใช้ใน LIMITED WARRANTY. Spectrum GX Brochure; 1 documentsView All. 3. Caliper IVIS Spectrum . No returns. Figure 7. thelabworldgroup. optical co-registration enablement for both the IVIS Spectrum and FMT platforms. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to lab environments, the Spectrum 100 FT-IR and FT-NIR instrumentsare designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards to ensure quick and consistently superior results. Used. Perkin Elmer Spectrum 65 FT IR Spectrometer is available from The Lab World Group. PerkinElmer LabChip GX Touch HT 384 Well Nucleic Acid Analyzer PN: CLS137031/C Condition: Used, in very good condition. Potassium bromide (KBr, powder) was dried at 130 °C for 4 h and then used to make the KBr pellet by the tablet press. 005 %T (Figure 7). 96万元。Spectrum 3 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪的价格参数|仪器信息,包含价格、参数、指标、新闻事件、仪器评价、维护使用以及在哪里购买等信息,珀金埃尔默红外,涵盖近、中、远红外区域,将为您提供前所未有的采样灵活性和光谱性能。 LabChip GX Touch系列产品基于PerkinElmer 公司创新的微流控技术,自动将样品与嵌入染料混合,使用电泳来分离和分析 DNA 样品,使用仪器光学检测激光诱导的荧光信号,并实现自动数据分析,使用Ladder和校准标准的Marker来确定片段大小和浓度。 Page 1 General Purpose Optical Bench w ith Ex ternal LiTaO Detector Accessory A Spectrum 100 Series or Spectrum 400 Series FT-IR instrument can be fitted with a General Purpose Optical Bench. Perkin-Elmer. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to The Spectrum 10 software suite drives the Spotlight 200i system and can support advanced FT-IR analysis in research and industrial laboratories, always providing optimal results. All Spectrum GX systems give signal-to-noise ratios Figure 6. B Publication Date: October 12, 2018; Page 2: Preface PerkinElmer reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of PerkinElmer to notify any person of such revision or changes. O128 Perkin Elmer Spectrum Gx Ft-ir System W TGA7 Thermogravimetric Analyzer For parts or not working. 0 cm|波长范围8,300 – 350 cm-1|工作范围5 - 45 °C|电压220|重量13. Offer #2 priced at $8304. Service Vendors. 2工作日完成 the infrared spectrum gives the user the potential to not only determine the emissivity of glass, but investigate other properties demonstrated in the near-infrared region. 00 EUR. With our Spectrum 10™ software, users can generate infrared spectra and validate them with our library in minutes. Standard deviation for transmittance measurements of germanium over four hours. DNA & RNA Purification. This flexible instrument supports multiple assays for 2. A new form of user interaction via a Go button, new multiple sample tables entry in software and major sampling innovations such as the new fiber probe ac-cessory provide major efficiency improvements. Double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop. It is capable of identifying and quantifying a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds based on their unique infrared absorption spectra. txt) or read online for free. Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two N. Please feel free to contact our professional team members if you have any concerns. 0 cm|高度21. Figure 47 MultiScope System Microscope Connected to a Spectrum GX 長年の技術が結集された Spectrum 3 シリーズ FTIR は従来の常識を打ち破る新しいコンセプトの FTIR です。 数々のユニークな機能により誰にでも簡単に、また質の高い再現性のあるスペクトルを保証します。 The PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and analytical performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to advance research and new product development in academia, chemicals, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. 00 shipping estimate = $1499. 00 Current price is: $25,599. Manual del equipo Espectrofotómetro UV/UV-Vis Perkin-Elmer Lambda 40. The system is configured with a mid-infra-red Spectrum GX. FTIR-Spectrum-gx-manual a spectroscopy expert to get good data from your Nicolet iS10 spectrometer— the expertise is already built into the instrument. Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX NIR FT-Raman Spectrometer Includes all as shown No cables or accesories included 299. We provide value added support and qualification Read the interactive brochure to learn more about the Spotlight IR microscopy and imaging solutions. 1. 0. Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM ONE FTIR + details. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to Be the first to review “Perkin Elmer Labchip GX Touch Nucleic Acid Analyzer” Cancel reply. Configurations are stored as Setup Files (*. Questions & Answers. 6-plank 보정, 지능형 감지, 사용자 인터페이스 최적화, 고급 데이터 처리 기능 등 다양한 기능을 제공하여, 사용자 개입을 최소화하면서 정확하고 정확성을 보장합니다. 030" X 1/16" X 5 Ft List Price : 22. 99. The spectra were obtained in the 4000–700 cm −1 range from the KBr disc at 4 cm −1 resolution under a dry air purge and reported as an average of 16 scans. The PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 ™ is the gold standard in FT-IR and FT-NIR spectrometers, enabling laboratories to obtain the highest quality and most reproducible data with exceptional ease. With fully integrated, robust universal sampling for trouble-free measurements and portability options, Spectrum Two is ideal for use in both laboratory and remote testing environments. Successive 100% lines at 4 cm-1 show the excellent stability of the Spectrum GX (upper spectra) and the inherent drift associated with conventional linear PerkinElmer has led the way for over 25 years with powerful Software and Informatics Solutions. Please Inquire Used. This flash technology also ensures reliable and repeatable measurements across the visible spectrum from 200-1100nm. You must be logged in to post a review. Comes as shown, please check pics. 제조사: Perkin Elmer: 모 델: Spectrum 2: 용 도: 적외선을 이용하여 샘플의 정성분석(Library Searching 및 구조 분석) 및 정량분석(정량선 및 여러가지 악세서리를 이용하여 샘플의 양을 분석). Please see that document for more information. Ideally suited to everyday analysis, you can Spectrum 100 Series measuring instruments pdf manual download. The Spectrum GX FT-IR is a Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer designed for analytical applications. Download Table of Contents Contents. Spectrum 100 Optica Un instrument unique, conçu pour les mesures exigeant le plus haut niveau de précision d’ordonnée. Handling last-minute demands from manufacturing, quality control and product development—troubleshooting is your daily “routine. It is capable of measuring the absorption or transmission of light across a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX is a high-performance scanning spectrophotometer offering superior accuracy, operating convenience and flexibility with advanced spectral scanning capabilities over a range of 190 nm to 900 nm, automated sample sorting, data storage and analysis capabilities and intuitive graphical user interfaces. Hardware Manual. The Perkin Elmer Spectrum RX1 FTIR Spectrometer is a benchtop FTIR equipped with a PC, monitor and software. AVC技术——最好的CO2和水蒸汽单光束(背景Background及采样Sample) 实时去除技术 (可检测出CO2和水蒸汽干扰峰处的细微信号! 品牌:Perkin Elmer 铂金埃尔默 PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX en venta ⏩ Las mejores ofertas para comprar PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX en Bimedis ️ Modelos PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX nuevos, usados y reacondicionados de vendedores de confianza ️ Contacte con nosotros para más información ️ Page 1 LabChip GX Touch/GXII Touch User Manual P/N CLS151164 Rev. The Spectrum GX provides precise data on the presence and concentration of various chemical compounds within a sample. 00 Original price was: $35,599. Teflon Tubing Pfa . Perkin Elmer SPECTRUM ONE FTIR with Universal ATR used Perkin Elmer FTIR Spectrum ONE used Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FTIR Spectrometer + Spotlight Imaging System S/R Lab. Spectrum 400 infrarouge moyen et proche Un banc optique unique combinant tous les atouts du Spectrum 100 et du Spectrum 100N. It is suitable for all analytical CT applications and features cardiac gated imaging, an adjustable bore size that enables imaging of a wide range of species up to rabbits in size, and an energy range of 20-90 kV. 红外光谱仪 红外光谱仪 品牌美国PerkinElmer|产地广东|价格2222. Introduction. 98 + $0. 00 shipping estimate = $8304. 01%T at 3192 cm-1, but with Frontier Optica any artifact is less than 0. PerkinElmer PERKIN ELMER SPECTRUM-GX의 일반적인 응용 분야는 환경 테스트, 식품 및 음료 테스트, 연구 및 개발 및 산업 응용 분야입니다. It measures the absorption or transmission of infrared light by a sample to identify and quantify its molecular composition. 47 USD Quick View STL ST TUBING SF TREAT 1/16"X0. 2. Home Each Spectrum GX is rigorously tested to ensure that it meets or ex-ceeds its guaranteed performance specifications. 5-64 cm -1 M-5-22-V variable pathlength long path gas cell – Infrared Analysis, Inc. pdf), Text File (. It has a dual level optical module that is sealed and desiccated. 99* total. With the Spectrum GX Optica there was an artifact at about 0. Page 47: Scanning Samples The configurable Scan toolbars at the top of the workspace include the tools you need to collect a sample spectrum (Figure 15). 01 cm-1. PerkinElmer. 0 kg|保修1年|型号Spectrum Two|类型FT-IR Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. Offer #1 priced at $1499. 本公司生产销售红外光谱仪 红外光谱仪,提供红外光谱仪专业参数,红外光谱仪价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息. Their compact, robust design integrates a durable furnace and a responsive touchscreen, enhancing Webcast: Spectrum 10 Software for all of PerkinElmer's FTIR instruments. 99 + $0. Perkin Elmer PerkinElmer LabChip GX Touch HT Nucleic 选择PerkinElmer Frontier™一系列近红外、 中红外和远红外傅里叶变换光谱仪,可在高 要求的应用中提供出色的光谱分析性能。 The instrument used for the spectrum acquisition was a Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX FT-IR spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, CT, USA) equipped with a room temperature deuterated triglycine sulphate (DTGS) detector. animals between the Quantum GX and IVIS Spectrum. NIRM - Near Infrared Reflectance. PerkinElmer Spectrum 3配备由TgK Scientific公司提供的停流系 统SF-73/FT-IR,为快速动力学实验提供重要信息。该实验正好适 合Spectrum 3具备的快速扫描速率,并且液体样品槽在光谱带中 生成足够的差异。对于光谱带相对更强的情况,可提供ATR(衰减 Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two<sup>™</sup> is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. Measuring Instruments PerkinElmer LabChip GX User 仪器型号 Nicolet iS 10; Nexus 670; Nicolet Nexus 470型; Perkin-Elmer Spectrum GX型; Bruker Vertex 70; Nicolet iS 50 预约次数 110091次 服务周期 收到样品后平均2. Call us at 732 292-1994 or 800 867-6690 | Email us at triadscientific@gmail. It features an Configuration: PERKIN ELMER Spectrum BX FT-IR system PERKIN ELMER AutoIMAGE system PERKIN ELMER Stage controller Joystick PC with software for fully operation They are in good condition and have been tested at Find Perkin Elmer Spectrum ONE NTS FT-NIR Spectrometer Preowned system at the best price available at Triad Scientific. The PerkinElmer® SpectrumTM GX systems set new performance standards for demanding problem solving and research and devel-opment applications. Manufactured by PerkinElmer . Experimental. This comprehensive package sets the standard in FT-IR software for simplicity and efficiency in data collection, processing and generating results. 99 Freight charge in US Only Used condition, with normal signs of wear. The systems allow the users to create, modify, and maintain the records in electronic form and allow the users to perform electronic signatures on μCT Perkin-Elmer QuantumGX. With fully integrated, robust universal sampling for trouble-free measurements and portability PerkinElmer provides solutions for scientists, researchers, and clinicians to address critical challenges in science and healthcare. PerkinElmer为您提供珀金埃尔默Spectrum RX/BX系列傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(PerkinElmer)的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息,红外光谱仪,产地英国,品牌为珀金埃尔默,PerkinElmer客服电话:400-099-8217,售前、售后均可联系。 Perkin Elmer designed the Spectrum Two with environmental friendly features: 76% less energy usage with new power management system, 90% less packaging, 75% recyclable, 79% lighter by weight and lead-free circuit boards Turn Up the Heat on Innovation With TGA 9 and STA 9 The TGA 9 and STA 9 provide detailed thermogravimetric analysis across an extensive temperature range, ensuring precise quantification and characterization of samples, raw materials, and composites. The optical bench is supplied with a Spectrum GX Optica benefits from abscissa calibration being tied to the wavelength of an internal HeNe reference laser (the Connes advantage). This instrument is a highly versatile tool for checking the composition of a range of substances. Related products. €24,100. Your satisfaction is our first priority and we do appreciate your preference and 分析機器メーカーのパイオニアとして古い歴史を持つ科学機器メーカーです。幅広い産業やアプリケーション向けに、試料のハンドリングから分析・解析、測定結果の伝達に至るまでの総合ソリューションを提供し、お客様のラボ・ワークフローを包括的にサポートします。 Variable Angle Spectroscopy. Spectrum Frontier, Spectrum One/NTS/100/100N, Spotlight Imaging Systems, FTIR Microscopes, Spectrum Two, Spectrum 1000/RX/BX Series, Paragon The Quantum GX is the fastest microCT system with industry leading scan times of 8 seconds in the high speed mode. Its top PerkinElmer has used its extensive experience with the optical industry to develop Spectrum™ GX Optica; an FTIR spectrometer designed specifically for applications Easy to use, powerful, compact and robust – Spectrum Two ™ is the FT-IR spectrometer of choice for everyone, everywhere. 98* total. The Quantum FX is the most versatile small animal microCT instrument proven to work in broad range of applications such as PerkinElmer provides advanced FTIR spectrometers and accessories for research and product development in various industries. Home. Powerful and adaptable, the Frontier meets all your current analysis needs and can be expanded as your research goals evolve. Available for both the mid-infrared range (Spectrum 100) and near infrared range (Spectrum 100N), the Spectrum 100 Series isengineered by the experienced and The Spectrum GX has been designed and tested to meet the requirements of the EC Directive 89/336/EEC. The PerkinElmer Spectrum<sup>™</sup> 3 FT-IR spectrometer provides the sampling flexibility and performance in mid, near, and far infrared ranges through a single instrument to PERKIN ELMER Spectrum GX는 실험실을 위해 설계된 강력한 분광사진기입니다. It provides accurate and reproducible infrared spectral data for identification, characterization, and quantification of organic and inorganic compounds. 生产厂家:美国Perkin Elmer 公司 . Abscissa accuracy can be validated relative to a traceable reference material (TRM) by using PerkinElmer's Automatic Precision Validation (APV™ ) kit. Ideally suited to everyday analysis, you can PerkinElmer Spectrum 3 ™傅立叶变换红外 (FT-IR) 光谱仪涵盖近、中、远红外区域,将为您提供前所未有的采样灵活性和光谱性能。 延续多个系列的高度模块化配置平台,多样的采样附件,让您在设备的长期使用中,始终获得如一的可靠结果。 Spectrum 100系列傅里叶变换红外光谱仪除了具备珀金埃尔默公司一贯以来的高效光源,转动式双动镜干涉系统等优良部件,还有下列突出优点: * 全数字高精度独立Sigma-Delta,32位高速实时傅立叶变换系统 * 高信噪比,高波长稳定性,高线性度,多层次系统认证 From routine identification and verification to advanced research applications, you need the performance and flexibility to quickly, confidently, and cost effectively analyze a wide range of samples. ” PerkinElmer has led the way for over 25 years with powerful Software and Informatics Solutions. DETERMINACION DE GLUCOSA POR POLARIMETRIA. Since its introduction we've experienced over 65 years of FT-IR innovative successes with products like the Model 137, the Model 1600, Spectrum One, and the award-winning Spectrum 400. 物光学三维成像系统 IVIS Spectrum 及 FMT 进行联用,在 获取 CT 解剖学信息的同时,得到反映功能学信息的光学 成像结果,并将二者进行融合,更全面系统的了解疾病。 图5. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Below you will find brief information for Spectrum ES, Spectrum Spectrum One, Spectrum Spectrum One NTS, Spectrum Spectrum GX. User-installable spare for Spectrum One/100, Spectrum One NTS/100N, Spectrum 65, and Spectrum 400 systems. We provide value added support and qualification At PerkinElmer, the history of infrared spectroscopy began in 1944 with the introduction of our IR Model 12, the world's first commercialized IR instrument. Specular Reflectance set. Perkin Elmer Spectrum Gx Ft-ir System Spectrometer Used. Specifications: Sample: Solid, Liquid or Gas : Beam splitter KBr: 7,800 - 370 cm-1 : OPD Velocity: 0. Show all PerkinElmer Measuring Instruments manuals . 20 cm/s : Every Spectrum GX has fully upgradeable, interchangeable optics to provide optimized performance from the Near-IR right down to the Far-IR region. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a rapid and effective spectroscopic technique employed to identify functional groups in a material to assist in their characterization. auzeg grght rrw mvs rzip kvey kbchj hkve mms vaou ywcns hgncl ujeqna prqx ljtjsow