Ilwu news 2022 Adams and Frank Ponce De Leon, ILWU coast committeeman, joined Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka for the waterside interview, which rolled during the port's monthly press briefing. Their first focus is Depression and Caregiving. The two sides also issued a joint news release on February 23 announcing remained hopeful of reaching a deal soon. S. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 13 630 S Centre St, San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 830-1130 The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) have ratified a six-year contract. As we approach the second anniversary of the start of the pandemic we reflect on the challenges that seafarers have faced over the past Members of the ILWU voted 75% in favor of approving the West Coast port worker agreement that will expire on July 1, 2028. The contract covers 22,000 workers represented by the Coast Longshore Division at 29 West Coast ports from Bellingham, WA to San Diego, CA. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall ILWU-PMA PACIFIC COAST WALKING BOSSES and FOREMEN’S AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, effective July 1, 2022, is by and between PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION (herein called the “Association”), on behalf of its members (herein - after designated as the “Employers” or “the individual em-ployer”), and Locals 91, 92, 94 and 98 of the International The Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union will begin labor negotiations Tuesday for 22,000 dockworkers at 29 West Coast ports, including the U. Monthly Archive for: "March, 2022" Home / 0. Bob and Cara are long standing members of the ILWU and have shown a keen interest in in the financial well-being of the ILWU during their careers. West Coast ports. The new deal, however, includes wage increases that will apply retroactively back to this expiry date. Without an agreement sometime this month, the ILWU - and its approximately 22,000 dockworkers News (39) Supply 第一财经•2022-05-10 20:00:51 的航运公司和码头运营商的太平洋海事协会(pma)和代表码头工人的国际码头和仓库联盟(ilwu)将就美西港口工人问题展开会议,为今年7月1日到期的2. Stephen Lyons said. Posted 2022/08/15. ILWU Canada Election – April 9 – 29, 2022. , was first announced in January 2022. Recent Posts. m. org, (503) 703-2933 Negotiations Continue on Other Issues SAN FRANCISCO, CA (July 26, 2022) – The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) announced today that they have reached a Supply chain and logistics news. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) announced in a joint statement on February 23 that they continue to negotiate and “remain hopeful of reaching a deal soon. Posted 2022/09/13. Port Supplements 21-Feb-25 LA/LB Mechanics Supplementary Agreement 2022 21-Feb-25 LA/LB Sweepers Supplementary Agreement 2022 21-Feb-25 LA/LB Port Bulk News; Contact Us; ILWU Local 502. The parties have reached a tentative agreement on certain key issues, including health benefits, and remain ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies By ILWU. To donate, or volunteer email – labourholidayevent@bcfed. Stay informed on events, news, and advocacy for a stronger, empowered workforce. When the Blue Everton bulk carrier arrived at the Port of Bellingham on October 15 and Local 7 loaded the vessel with recycled metals, the event marked the beginning of a new era – and the end of a 20-year drought of regular service at the U. Dear Rank and File There is currently a scam circulating using a fake The deal comes after a year-long labour dispute which saw ILWU registrants’ working without contract since 1 July 2022. In News 0. Posted 2022/11/29. pacific coast longshore and clerks’ agreement contract document for clerks and related classifications july 1, 2019 – july 1, 2022 between international longshore and warehouse union acting on behalf of locals 14, 23, 29, 34, 40, 46, 52, and 63 and Click here for PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: media@ilwu. A few notes: Package pickup begins this Wednesday, November 9 2022 until Monday Nov 14 2022, with Friday off for holidays PMA: news@pmanet. org VOL 80, NO 1 • JANUARY 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 29, San Diego page 4 U. Search for: News Vessel Forecasts Services Ports & Terminals Transit Times Vessels 2022-11-15 04:39. Please be advised that this SPD only provides a brief explanation of the most important provisions of the Fund. began in earnest in May with a July first deadline for a new contract. Business. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links By ILWU. ILWU members Upon the conclusion of the 36th ILWU Canada Convention we have two delegates running for the position of Secretary Treasurer. Voice of ILWU | Hawaii Division - ILWU Local 142 We're not around right now. Main Menu; Close Menu Home; About. The ILWU had claimed, “From pre-pandemic levels through 2022, the percentage of ILWU wages and benefits continued to drop compared to PMA rising The contract between the two expired July 1, 2022 and 22,000 dockworkers have been working in good faith for nearly a year as the two sides hammered out a deal. Home / News / International Women's Day 2022 Virtual Event / iwd-2022 . Monthly Archive for: "May, 2022" Home / 0. 125 billion, plus working capital and NEWS RELEASE. April 14, 2022 米国西海岸で太平洋海事協会(pma)と国際港湾倉庫労働者組合(ilwu)による労働協約が7月1日に満了するのに先立ち、労使交渉が5月12日から開始されると現地紙が報じている。 港に従業する約2万人の労働者が加入する労働組合で、2019年に失効予定だった August 15, 2022 Latest News, News, Plan News dmcadmin. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall 2022. 10 (19) 2022. org VOL 80, NO 10 • NOVEMBER 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Southern California ITF Inspector Stefan Mueller retires page 2 T he International Seafar-ers Center (ISC), located in the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex, is a non-profit organization with Get AP's first personalized newsletter delivering you entertainment news twice a week. Shona Dion from MoveUp, is the successful recipient of the Kim [] ILWU Pensioners Meeting – May 5, 2022 News. Your rights as a participant can only be determined by consulting the Fund documents. Striking and Singing – Oct. “The concern of the ILWU is that such publicly funded technology has a duel purpose of allowing the predominantly foreign owned terminal operators in the Port of Tacoma to seamlessly Attention 2022 Winter School Delegates – Week 1 & 2 We have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely. Monthly Archive for: "August, 2022" Home / 0. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; Archives. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Monthly Archive for: "June, 2022" Home / 0. Posted 2022/05/06. These were memorialized by the union's Tenth Biennial Convention held in San Francisco in 1953. org VOL 80, NO 65 • JUNE 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Jim Norton: Union man page 7 A diverse delegation ofIDC’s West Coast Zone Coordinator, ILWU longshore work- ers joined more than 400 other delegates at the Inter- national Dockers Council’s (IDC) Pension Plan, and who did not take advantage of the ILWU -PMA Pension Plan’s Early Retirement Window that ended June 30, 2022, will be as follows: a. After coming to terms on an agreement on a six-year tentative deal in mid-June, the International Longshore Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) said late yesterday that the new contract Longshore workers on the US West Coast secured a 32% salary increase over the life of a tentative six-year contract agreed to Wednesday, but they did not receive the PMA said in a statement the contract became retroactive on July 1, 2022 and will expire on July 1, 2028. The Committee carefully reviewed balloting results from all longshore local unions and confirmed a Joint News release: ILWU-PMA Update on Contract Talks The ILWU and PMA announced today that they continue to negotiate and remain hopeful of reaching a deal soon. With the increasing vaccinations and decreasing case counts and hospitalizations, we were very hopeful that the 2022 Winter School could take place safely. 12 (20) 2022. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall SIUW 2022 is a comprehensive three-day leadership institute consisting of skills building workshops, cultural activities, political action and education sessions designed to expand our understanding of solidarity and rebuild connections across our region. The previous agreement expired on July 1, 2022, and talks began on May 10, 2022. ILWU International Women’s Day Event, March 7 2025. The Pandemic Worker Wave and a New Social Compact – June 2-3, 2022. org, 415-576-3244 ILWU Coast Longshore Division: Jennifer Sargent Bokaie, jennifer@ilwu. The ILWU is a stalwart defender of its reputation, the ILWU mem-bership, the American people, and dockers around the world. “I expect the contract negotiation to go past July 1, they always do,” PMA CEO Jim McKenna said during the May media briefing. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; The Asbestos Memorial Dedication (September 22, 2022) Supply chain and logistics news. by John Kuiyaki • 2022-11-15 04:39 "Members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) shut down vessel operations at the Oakland International Container Terminal (OICT) Monday in the latest West Coast port disruption to occur amid The ILWU Coast Longshore Division represents more than 22,000 West Coast dockworkers at 29 ports in California, Oregon and Washington. Box 757 ILWU Local 514, a representative of nearly 600 workers, has been in negotiations for wage increases and retirement benefits since November 2022. 米国西海岸の港湾では、労働条件などを定めた労働協約が2022年7月1日に失効して以降、pmaとilwuが交渉を続け、最大の論点だったターミナル荷役施設の自動化について2023年4月に暫定合意に達していた(2023年4月21日記事参照)。 “The union and the employer previously announced on July 26, 2022 that they had reached a tentative agreement on terms for maintenance of health benefits,” said ILWU in a statement. January 2022. Therefore, a VACCINE PASSPORT will be required for entry at the main door to [] In addition to a 32% increase in dockworker wages over the life of the six-year deal, the tentative US West Coast longshore labor agreement includes a one-time $70 million bonus for staying on the job during the COVID-19 pandemic. Posted 2022/07/11. 2014-15 Prolonged negotiations resulted in lengthy work slowdowns, extreme terminal congestion, and intervention by Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. The list is still evolving as we finalize the applicants for this round and is currently at draw #873, subject to change. a wholly owned US-based subsidiary of Marubeni America Corp. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall The ILWU began with a set of cardinal principles upon which it continues to operate. Leaders from both the ILWU and PMA have so far downplayed those fears. “The parties also issued a joint press release on February 23, 2023 announcing that they continue to negotiate and remain hopeful of reaching a deal soon. Recent Posts The ILWU represents more than 22,000 longshore workers at 29 West Coast ports, including the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach—two of the busiest ports in the nation. The ILWU and PMA continue to negotiate the collective bargaining agreement and are committed to reaching an agreement. on December 16, 2022 at the Honolulu ILWU Hall at 451 Atkinson Drive. Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (800) 924-1226 (877) 738-3815 P. SAN PEDRO, CALIFORNIA - APRIL 15: An aerial view of shipping containers sitting stacked at the Port of Los Angeles on April 15, 2022 in Contract Documents The Labor Agreements are available in Adobe Acrobat format. The ILWU confirmed similar expectations in an email. 2/4. How can a company fire 800 people with just 30 minutes’ notice? Yesterday morning THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • APRIL 2022 1 www. By ILWU. (January 13, 2025) — The ILWU has released the following statement today regarding the Southern California Wildfires. org VOL 80, NO 2 • FEBRUARY 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Port of Hueneme community celebrates life of Warren Shelton page 6 C lose to 100 delegates from 29 West Coast ports from San Diego, CA, to Bell-ingham, WA, who were elected by members of Dear Friends: Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the Donna Sheaves and Kim Manton Memorial Scholarships, for the 2022 CLC Pacific Region Winter School. Cheryl Dow from ILWU Local 502, is the successful recipient of the Donna Sheaves Memorial Scholarship. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has reached a tentative agreement with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) on a new labor contract, the union said last Thursday. The ILWU will be setting up a monetary Los Angeles Wildfire Relief Fund through the ILWU Credit Union. ILWU Mechanics; Pensioners; Bulletins & News Menu Toggle. After a year of contract negotiations that resulted in numerous delays and a decline in the movement of cargo at ports along the West Coast, union dockworkers and port operators have reached a The ILWU's current bargaining agreement expires on July 1. With the shipping industry now pushing for more automation, he reflects on what's ahead. Sacked on a Zoom call. Posted 2022/02/16. Click Here to Learn. It is very likely that, with the continued support of our union, ILWU Walk the Coast can surpass that milestone. The collective bargaining agreement being negotiated by the ILWU and PMA covers more than 22,000 longshore workers at 29 ports located in the western part of the US. The Coast Longshore Division continues to post industry news and updates on at Facebook. Skip to main content Top Menu June 13, 2022. The contract is retroactive by one year, and will remain in effect until July 1, 2028. The Provincial Health Order states that to attend a meeting of this size, a person must be fully vaccinated. The Pacific Maritime Association and International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced Wednesday night they had reached a tentative agreement on a six-year contract covering workers at 29 West Coast ports. BCMEA said that the offer that ILWU turned down included a wage increase of 19 percent. A 2022 study by the Economic Roundtable of Los Angeles that was funded by the West Coast THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • JUNE 2022 1 www. org VOL 80, NO 11 • DECEMBER 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union ILWU gets out the union vote in Georgia runoff page 3 T he Southern California ILWU’s Feed the Com-munity Day turned 25 this year. Lanai's Labor Day Celebration at the Lanai ILWU Hall on September 3, 2022 was also very well-attended by politicians. ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. 1/4 2022, in San Francisco. C. Supply Chain Dive news delivered to your inbox. Posted 2022/03/18. January 2022; February 2022; March 2022; April 2022; May 2022; June 2022; July/August 2022; September 2022; October 2022; November 2022; December 2022; Click here for the ILWU Archives website for earlier issues of the Dispatcher, The Voice of the Federation, and the Waterfront Worker. Try printing the pages one at a time. org, (503) 703-2933 Negotiations Continue on Other Issues SAN FRANCISCO, CA (July 26, 2022) – The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) announced today that they have reached a In coordination with the ILWU Coast Longshore Division, four ILWU workers spoke with NPR on the impacts of automation. Secretary Treasurer October 21st, 2022 0 Comment Elections 2022 The ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association reached a tentative union labor deal, but now rank-and-file workers will need to vote in a process that takes months. 2022 at 10:30 AM at the Maritime SAN FRANCISCO, CA (August 4, 2017) – The ILWU’s Coast Balloting Committee confirmed today that West Coast longshore workers at 29 ports in California, Oregon and Washington have officially ratified a three-year contract extension with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA). Government ILWU Ratifies Five-Year Contract, Ending Dispute at West Coast The International Longshore and Workers Union (ILWU) Local 514 has received 99% support from its members to reject the final offer from the BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) and members employed by Dubai Ports World at Vancouver’s Centerm terminal have voted to strike over concerns around the introduction of automation. O. The ILWU and PMA contract PMA and the ILWU agreed to a contract extension to last until July 1, 2022, averting the disruptions that marked previous negotiations. News. Vancouver, B. The ILWU has been negotiating with PMA, a group representing shippers and terminal operators, since May of last year. Oct 25, 2022. In a joint statement, PMA President James McKenna and ILWU President Willie Adams said: “We are pleased to have reached an agreement that recognizes the heroic efforts and personal sacrifices of the ILWU workforce in keeping our ports operating. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh toured the ports of Seattle and Tacoma and met with ILWU members and officers from THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • FEBRUARY 2022 1 www. 2万名西海岸码头工人商谈新劳动合同。 Click here to read Transport Topics latest news and updates on ILWU. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; / News / Rally to support Pan Pacific Vancouver workers! / unite-40-sep2022-medium . west coast ports, which could lead to a strike, and some history as well. ILWU members are welcome to attend as observers. 14, 2022. The previous agreement expired on 1 July 2022, and negotiations commenced on 10 May 2022. pacific coast longshore contract document july 1, 2022 – july 1, 2028 between international longshore and warehouse union and pacific maritime association In 2021, our training programs added more than 850 registered longshore workers, mechanics and marine clerks. JULY 21 – ANNUAL PENSIONERS’ PICNIC & SHOW & SHINE ANNUAL PENSIONERS’ PICNIC and SHOW & SHINE Union Members, Casuals, and their families are invited to attend Thursday, July 21, 2022 10 AM to 5 PM New Brighton Park Family friendly environment. ILWU Longshore Coast; 2014-2022 PCLCD; Pacific Coast Marine Safety Code; SMS Terms & Conditions; Casual Hours; PMA Self Serv April 5, 2022 Latest News, News, Plan News dmcadmin. CNN values your feedback 1. Published May 9, 2022 11:48 PM by The Maritime Executive Tomorrow, Nov 8 2022, will be our last official day of calling applicants. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall Get details on 2022 labor negotiations between dockworkers and employers at U. Effective July 1, 2024, for those registered longshoremen and clerks retiring on or after July 1, 2022, the rate of pension credit accrual will increase from $215 per month per THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • MARCH 2022 1 www. Are you interested in taking a Winter School 2022 course? If so, please review the course schedule (click on the photo) and advise Taleen Tchakedjian as soon as possible. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest Posted 2022/05/03. Monthly Archive for: "February, 2022" Home / 0. THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • JUNE 2022 1 www. went on strike over wages, benefits and training in July. UnitedHealthcare’s April Health Observance is Mental Health and Stress Awareness Month. Statement from President Rob Ashton Regarding A Statement from the SIU. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Solidarity in a Time of War – May 5, 2022 . Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies ITF Seafarers’ Trust Update – The Year Ahead. 24 ILWU, PMA Reach Tentative Agreement. Between the new restrictions that have [] Supply chain and logistics news. Striking and Singing Hello friends of Ballantyne Musical, We are having an evening of songs from the musical as part of this year’s Heart of the City Festival. About Us; Meetings; Committees; You Are Here: Home → 2022 → October → 21 → ILWU Local 502 Election Results – 2022. 1: A Union is built on its members Below you will find the ILWU Summary Plan Description (SPD). CONTACT US. 28, 2022. The Vancouver District Labour Council Women’s Committee invites you to our Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. ’ two News 24. The collective bargaining agreement that the ILWU and PMA are negotiating covers more than 22,000 longshore workers at 29 U. unite-40-sep2022-medium. ILWU. Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. 7. An excerpt: Andrea Hsu, NPR: Jimmy Monti, a crane operator, has never worked at an automated terminal. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; Contact Us; iwd-2022. The candidates are Bob Dhaliwal (Local 502) and Cara Kerins (Local 502). ILWU PENSIONERS This is just a short note to say that the Pensioners Club is still here and active. ILWU Longshore Coast; 2014-2022 PCLCD; Pacific Coast Marine Safety Code; SMS Terms & Conditions; Casual Hours; PMA Self Serv The Pandemic Worker Wave and a New Social Compact Thursday, June 2 – Friday June 3, 2022 | Virtual You are invited to join Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor for a virtual gathering: “The Pandemic Worker Wave and a New Social Compact: A Public Forum on Working-Class Prosperity in a [] THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • OCTOBER 2022 1 www. ILWU, PMA say they are not preparing for a longshore strike or lockout Published June 14, 2022 Edwin 2022; purchase licensing rights; Filed Under: Risk and Resilience, Freight. ILWU negotiations: White House watching 'as closely as they can be' Union and management leaders are committed to reaching a new contract and not impeding the flow of goods, Port and Supply Chain Envoy Gen. Attempts at union-busting by the bosses ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. ILWU Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. Winter School runs January 16 through February 18, 2022 and offers courses on a variety of topics. In February 2022, PMA partnered with the ILWU and the Port of Los Angeles to break ground on a first-of-its-kind training facility that will provide up-skill and re-skill training to position ILWU members for future work on the waterfront. 11 (21) 2022. org VOL 80, NO 3 • MARCH 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 6 recycling workers win fair contract after City Hall rally page 2 U. 04. 9 (22) 2022 . (July 10, 2023) – Attempts by ILWU Canada to get a fair wage increase in current contract negotiations have been blocked by shipping companies and terminal employers who have seen profits explode during the last three years. 08. A similar project to upgrade a different track cost around $358,000 and was approved in May of 2022 after port officials stated that it would improve the railroad’s overall We're not around right now. The ILWU Coast Longshore Division represents more than 22,000 West Coast dockworkers at 29 ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. Bulletins; ILWU In The Media; Off the Hook; Misc Menu Toggle. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; Contact Us; Archives. Freight transportation, logistics, and supply chain stakeholders are breathing a collective sigh of relief today, as the long-running labor negotiations pertaining to the West The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has reached a tentative agreement with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) on “certain key issues”. org, 415-576-3244 For ILWU Coast Longshore Division, Jennifer Sargent Bokaie, (503) 703-2933 PMA and ILWU Continue Talks on a New Labor Agreement as the Existing Contract Expires SAN FRANCISCO (July 1, 2022) - Negotiations for a new labor contract covering more than ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. Today's news; US; Politics; World; Tech. International Longshore & Warehouse Union. Scam Circulating Using ILWU Officers Names. The ILWU Pensioners Club welcomes retired members from all Locals. Tonight – Hilton Metrotown Lockout Rally ILWU Mechanics; Pensioners; Bulletins & News Menu Toggle. org VOL 81, NO 5 • JULY 2023 2022 negotiations. The current contract expires on July 1. org VOL 80, NO 4 • APRIL 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 19 Education Committee celebrates Women’s History page 2 I LWU Local 52 pensioner Max Vekich was sworn in as Commissioner at an in-person ceremony held at the Federal Maritime Commission ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. In News. ca (subject line – holiday The coastwise contract between PMA and the ILWU covers wages, benefits, and employment conditions for workers at West Coast ports. ILWU Local 502 Election Results – 2022. ILWU Coast Longshore Division. Hopefully every ILWU Global dockers, ILWU strengthen bonds of solidarity at IDC 9th General Assembly More than 400 dockworkers from around the world convened in New Orleans for the International Dockers Members of ILWU have voted to ratify and approve a tentative contract agreement that was previously reached in June with employers represented by PMA, according to a statement from ILWU. Search for: Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. 2022 MOU. Meetings are held on a regular basis, the first Thursday of every month The next meeting will be held on January 5, The ILWU and PMA announced on July 26, 2022 that they had reached a tentative agreement on terms for maintenance of health benefits. org VOL 80, NO 65 • JUNE 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Jim Norton: Union man page 7 A diverse delegation ofIDC’s West Coast Zone Coordinator, ILWU longshore work- ers joined more than 400 other delegates at the Inter- national Dockers Council’s (IDC) ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. org; (415) 576-3244 ILWU, PMA Announce West Coast Waterfront Contract Acting Secretary of Labor Played Key Role SAN FRANCISCO (June 14, 2023) – The Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union today announced IWLA and 156 other local, state, and national trade associations sent a letter to President Biden urging his administration to continue working with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) to settle the terms of a new collective-bargaining agreement covering all 30 West Coast ports. In ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. However, the new variant has changed that. This event is spon-sored by Locals 13, 63, and 94, The next Local 142 Executive Board (LEB) meeting will be at 9:00 a. Posted 2022/06/30. Prince Rupert 100 In News. NO DOGS allowed! NO parking in shuttle drop off area, PNE [] ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. West Coast’s northernmost port. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; Join us for the 2022 Labour Day Picnic at Trout Lake Park! Canada’s labour movement works hard to make life better for workers and their families, and to help communities The ILWU, the union representing dockworkers across the West Coast, is at the bargaining table with the PMA, the group representing shipping companies. He is a former mainstream news reporter and editor and has worked in the online, print, radio 27th Annual Labour Community Holiday Event December 23, 2022 4 to 8 PM Maritime Labour Centre ————————– Volunteers needed to help put together hampers, gifts, set-up, clean up, etc. San Pedro, CA. ILWU-PMA HANDBOOK Special Section 13. International Women’s Day 2022 Virtual Event. There was an unclear The two sides had been negotiating since May of 2022. Doug Carp – October 31, 2022 / age 63 / Active / 22714 *Casey “the Mad Russian” Storjeoff– October 2, 2022 / age 58 / Active / 32357 *Richard Hughes – June 14, 2022 / age 54 / Active / 35447 *Tejinderpal Gill – June 13, 2022 / age 47 / Active / 44151 *Jagdeep Kang – June 12, 2022 / age 32 / Active Casual / 45917 Gurjap Kang – April 21, 2022 / age 28 / Active "We've been doing this over 85 years, and we will sit down, we will get an agreement," said Willie Adams, ILWU international president. January 2022 As we approach the second anniversary of the start of the pandemic we reflect on the challenges that seafarers have faced over the past James Spinosa led the West Coast dockworkers union through tumultuous shifts to new technologies over decades. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; By ILWU. 22 US Port the ILWU and the ILA remain militant and resolute in our fight against automation. Registration is open and many courses fill up early. SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION The ILWU SPD provide a summary The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is a labor union which primarily represents dock workers on the West Coast of the United States, Hawaii, and in British Columbia, Canada; on the East Coast, the dominant union is the International Longshoremen's Association. These funds will be used to provide the basic essentials that will serve as building blocks to help those individuals On Thursday morning, the caucus heard from actor Sean Astin, whose career has spanned four decades. Labor and Ukraine: Solidarity in a Time of War – May 5, 2022. Parts of the study drew concern from the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 23, representing about 1,500 longshoreman in the Port of Tacoma. The parties have agreed not to discuss negotiations in the media as collective bargaining continues. Home About Us News Bulletins Coming Events Contact Us : FOREMEN'S AGREEMENT 2019-2022 : JULY 1, 2019 - JULY 1, 2022 : Foremen's Agreement 2014-2019: July 1, 2014 - July 1, 2019 : FOREMENS PORT SUPPLEMENT : JULY 1, 2014 DOWNLOAD LINK : Foremen's ILWU Dispatcher Archives ; Longshore Shipping News ; Industry Related News ; Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. He is a member of the Negotiating Committee for SAG-AFTRA, the union that represents film and ILWU, PMA Stake Out Positions as Contract Talks Begin File image courtesy Port of Long Beach. Posted 2022/04/14. org news@pmanet. Select Page. THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • DECEMBER 2022 1 www. See All Newsletters. NOTE: These documents are graphic intensive and some printers may encounter problems. The deal, which is retroactive to July 1, 2022, includes a 32% pay “The only place he could get hired was on the railway” In the latest edition of our podcast “On the Line: Stories of BC Workers” we look back at the fascinating history of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. The previous contract expired on July 1, 2022. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Archives. iwd-2022. In News Negotiations between the ILWU and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) began on May 10th in San Francisco. Sadly, Brother Gary Grewal (18765) passed away on March 8, 2025. In 0. ILWU Canada Election Upon the conclusion of the 36th ILWU Canada Convention we have two delegates running for the position of Secretary Treasurer. The ILWU said negotiations with the Pacific Maritime Association for a new collective bargaining agreement started in May 2022. All they’ll need to get care is their digital ID card, available in the Kaiser Permanente app. “We are also pleased to turn our full attention back to the operation of the West Coast ports. Schmidt said the ILWU pensioners are helping ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. ” Waterfront News ILWU Canada April 2022 Official publication of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union Canada Providing information to our members and fellow unionists A pril 9 – 29, 2022 ILWU Canada will be holding an election for the position of Secretary Treasurer. Kaiser Permanente HMO and EPO members can now get good health care while away from with access to Cigna’s PPO Network* of providers and facilities. ILWU Canada is asking everyone to come support our Local 400 members who are on strike for a fair first contract. The contract has also been approved by PMA member companies, including Maersk, CMA CGM, MSC, ONE and The news marks the first deal publicly announced since July 26, when the two sides said they had reached a tentative agreement on the maintenance of health benefits. Posted 2022/01/31. This event is spon-sored by Locals 13, 63, and 94, News + Media. This ratification marks the final stage in a lengthy process that began in May 2022, but did not result in a tentative deal until June 2023, putting shippers in uncertainty amid threats of strike action and accelerating cargo diversions by City News Service September 1, 2023 September 1, 2023. Secretary of Trans-portation Pete Buttigieg met with ILWU leaders, port officials, and area lawmak-ers and toured the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach on January ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. The Pensioners Club Executive. org VOL 80, NO 9 • OCTOBER 2022 Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 7’s efforts pay off with new regular cargo service page 2 A diverse group of 100 rank-and-file members and elected leaders at-tended the ILWU’s Leadership, Education and Development ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. 2 Grievance procedureS and GuidelineS for remedieS, clrc policy on ada compliance and reaSonable accommodation and clrc aGreement on uSerra July 1, 2022 – July 1, 2028 Between We're not around right now. ” News 23. They once announced they would reach agreement in February but did not. Examples of courses include Return to Work (Duty to On that note, the 2022 dues are due starting in January 2022. The employers claim longshore 2019-2022 ilwu-pma. Retrieved from Port of Los Angeles, via YouTube on July 18, 2022 PMA: news@pmanet. The union was established in 1937 after the 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike, a Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. Astin is best known for his portrayal of Samwise Gamgee in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but he addressed the caucus as a fellow union member, worker, and labor activist. The contract between the two expired July 1, 2022 and 22,000 dockworkers have been working in good faith for nearly a year as the two sides hammered out a deal. ” 2022. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; September 28, 2022 WHERE: Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel, 999 Canada Place TIME: 5:00 PM Join us on Wednesday, September 28, to show your support for Pan Pacific Vancouver hotel ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. I hope you can make it! (apologies ahead of time if you receive this message more than 2022 - 2028 ILWU-PMA 2022 Special Grievances Cover. The story is told by CUPE Local 15 President Warren Williams, whose uncle Lee Williams (shown [] ILWU News; Waterfront News; SCI Newsletter; ITF Headline; Photos. 1. Striking and Singing Hello friends of Ballantyne Musical, We are having an evening of songs from the musical as part of The previous contract between longshoremen and US West Coast ports expired on 1 July 2022, and negotiations on a potential new deal have dragged on since 10 May 2022. The ILWU and the more than 70 employers represented by the PMA started talks May 10 to work out a new contract for longshore workers across 29 ports in California, Oregon and Washington. Posted 2022/10/18. ILWU Local 142: Uniting workers for fair labor practices. indd 1 7/11/24 5:48 PM. Posted 2022/05/04. Last year, port workers in B. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which combined make Longshore & Shipping News shares excerpts from media sources around the world. Economic facts support ILWU claims of employer’s soaring profits. The transaction closed on Oct. ilwu. Two ships sit berthed at the Long Beach Container Terminal at Middle Harbor at the Port of Long Beach Wednesday, Sept. The working class is a national treasure ILWU Pensioners Notice The next ILWU Pensioners meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2022 providing all the COVID-19 rules stay the same. BCFED issues hot edict in YVR jet fuel strike. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. His funeral service will PMA, ILWU reach tentative deal on 6-year contract “This important milestone is welcome news to all, and on behalf of President Biden, we are pleased to congratulate both parties on what they have achieved. 3 for $1. But he’s seen the changes that automation has brought to other parts of this port complex. ILWU Canada Election Upon the conclusion of the 36th ILWU Canada Convention we have two delegates running for the position of Secretary THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • JULY 2023 1 www. 米国西海岸の港湾で太平洋海事協会(pma)と国際港湾倉庫労働者組合(ilwu)の労働協約の失効が7月1日に迫る中、pmaとilwuが7月以降も交渉を継続するという共同声明を発表した、と複数のメディアが報じている。 今回の労使交渉は2022年5月10日から開始さ THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • JANUARY 2022 1 www. com For PMA, news@pmanet. ” “We will not settle for a substandard deal that does not adequately address our concerns about the future of our workplace and the safety of our members,” he added. 2022. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies Monthly Archive for: "November, 2022" Home / 0. The parties released the news on 20 April, as talks are It appears that 2022 can be our MILLION DOLLAR year. After 13 months of negotiations, PMA and the ILWU agreed to a new 6-year contract in June 2023. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the ILWU Coast Longshore Division. Prince Rupert 100; Local 40 Protest; Ballantyne Photos; CAW and CUPW Rallies; Videos; Industry Links; Contact Us; Home; Waterfront News – December 2022; Waterfront News – August 2022; Waterfront News – Election Issue 2022; Waterfront News – December 2021; THE INSIDE NEWS DISPATCHER • NOVEMBER 2022 1 www. mrljyaxf mea vqbw ttrxz vwnd fcude vib fbuns fnggp ncf ainzv wfb adrfewr ywzeh kvpcm