Hcg not doubling success stories. At 15 DPO, I did an HCG blood test, and my result was 212.
Hcg not doubling success stories My HCG increased, but it never doubled. I also had spotting and passed blood clots with that pregnancy because of a SCH. 16 dpo -271. We had an international trip planned for many months, but we were unable to secure a U. I am still hopeful and would like to know if there are any success stories out there. My REs office likes to see doubling in 48 hours. 9dp- 3412dp- 4214dp- 5916dp- 103my strips are still Feb 22, 2013 · But I really need to calm down so I really hope some of you ladies can cheer me up with stories of low HCG levels which resulted in a perfectly healthy pregnancy. can you share your beta's that went on w successful pregnancy or US w heartbeat?Keeping the faith 8dpt - 14010dpt - 20213dpt - 38015dpt - 709 - Today's result I had a blood draw done at 13DPO at it was 27. His musical works, including the Ninth Symphony and Moonlight Sonata, had a profound influence on the development of Western music. 715 dpo - 73. My beta HCG was taken at 25dpo, and it was 1556. Is this ok? Hoping to hear some success stories! Jan 28, 2025 · I went in for hcg blood work and they were: 9 dpo - 12. 1. I got my blood drawn on a Thursday, so we had to wait until Monday for the second draw. Feb 24, 2025 · Looking for stories of women who had successful pregnancies when their HCG levels weren’t doubling every 2 days but still steady rising?I am 6 weeks today. I’m worried it’s going to end in miscarriage or be ectopic due to the number being so low. I remember lots of posts early on in our group about slow to double HCG and was wondering if we have anyone remaining here to share a success story. Please also share your stories similar to mine so I know what to expect. My betas are as follows13dpo- 9015dpo- 266 (30 hour doubling time)19dpo- 893 (54 hour doubling time)22dpo- 1993 (62 hour doubling time)I am so terrified and don’t Sep 16, 2020 · Low slow HCG success stories 29 replies (hard not to, I know!) but some people's hcg levels are still only at 5 at 4-5 weeks. Apr 12, 2024 · Has anyone had success stories when HCG isn't doubling. Plus with the low p4. It's important to look at the overall picture. Naoms4. Aug 14, 2022 · I was literally sick over my slow rising HCG levelsthey were not doubling but increasing by about 1000 every 48-72 hours. I am in the same situation, my HCG levels are rising but not doubling, am having my bloods taken every second day and have an ultrasound tomorrow hoping to get some answers Feb 21, 2025 · Although the doubling guideline holds true in 85% of normal pregnancies, not all pregnancies follow this pattern and almost 8% of viable intrauterine pregnancies exhibited a slower rate of hCG rise. My first hcg test was a 9 at 10dpo. I came across this old feed on google while looking for low hCG success stories. While that is not ideal, a doubling every 48-72 hours is normal, so it's not that far off. really stressed out and going for more bloodwork this afternoon :( Community I did with my first IUI. But the baby was right on track, mesuring 5 weeks 6 days (instead in 6 weeks), which I am really excited about. My initial hcg was 12, 38 in 7 days and now 48 after 3 days. I went from 22,234 Monday afternoon to 31,791 Friday morning. Went in for us and only found a gestational sac. 12dp 369. 9. Anyone have any success stories with similar rising levels? Initial HCG: 72 (I think this was about 13 DPO) Next HCG: 251 (96 hours later) So it has not quite doubled every 48 hours, but doubling around 53 hours. I know miracles do happen so I'd love your thoughts PLEASE! HCG slow rise success stories? m. My midwife said to me my numbers weren’t “reassuring” and I was just expecting another MC. I went back on 9/6 for another test and it came back at only 254. It's not exactly doubling every 48 hours, but rather every 52 hours. My HCG was rising well but then when it hit 2821 IU/L it stopped doubling. I know how difficult it can be scrolling for others’ experiences and googling hcg ranges. 1. Went in for blood draw on Monday -199Wednesday -287I go back Friday. See all replies (1) m. At my first ultrasound they didn't see a yolk sac I was a little over 6 weeks. This is a doubling time of about 64 hours rather than 48. I went in for an early ultrasound scan and it dated me 5 weeks 3 days when I thought I was 6 weeks, Dec 15, 2020 · Any success stories with HCG not doubling ? w. I know someone who is currently ~6 weeks with a rainbow baby, HCG took 4 days or so to double but the ultrasound at 5+6 showed a HR of 79. We were very excited to finally get our first bfp last week with IVF. 15DPO and it was 43. I can not wait that long! I think I have to go see the doc within the week just to ease my mind. Jan 6, 2015 · Your beta doubling time from 14dpo to 16dpo is 79 hours. Apr 1, 2021 · Hey y’all, wondering if anyone has any success stories of slow rising HCG?I transferred two embryos two weeks ago. Mar 3, 2025 · Hi all! I’m 19dp5dt. Posted 15-12-20. I go tomorrow for my 6th blood draw. My HCG wasn't doubling every 3 days like it should in the early days: 4w1d 142 4w3d 248 4w6d 289 (after this was told to expect to miscarry due to slow increase) 5w2d 547 Kept having blood tests and ultrasounds and eventually it started rising faster. I could really use some success stories to stay hopeful <3We transferred 2 embryos (day 6 and day 7) and here's my beta results:12dpt (about 18DPO): 12219dpt (about 25 DPO): Mar 8, 2012 · Docs were amazed and really excited, but obviously we're all still cautious about MC with that kind of low level. Here is a quick look at some of the most commonly asked questions about hCG doubling and hCG levels in Jun 22, 2020 · Low beta success stories? n. I have read success stories of low / slow rising hcg levels though, so try not to lose hope! I think the most important thing is the doubling within at least 72 hours - my numbers never doubled even though they were Dec 31, 2024 · Hi everyone! I just received my 2nd hcg beta results and was wondering if anyone has any success stories to share of slow rising hcg. MegsJT. I know there is a better chance of success Slow HCG doubling - Success stories? c. doubling time was around 70 hours. appointment until the day before we leave, which is a bit nerve-wracking. They have requested another blood test in 3 days time, but trying to figure out if I have any hope. I’ll post the progression down below. I just wanted to pop by and encourage you. 11dpt HCG 131 13dpt 251 HCG 15dpt 451 HCG. In some cases, factors other than HCG doubling can contribute to a successful pregnancy. I’m worried since it’s not doubling. My next scan isn’t until 02/14. Sometimes, HCG can rise steadily without doubling and still result in a healthy pregnancy. So happy you ended with a healthy baby last time, and congratulations on being pregnant again! I Sure, there are such success stories. clinics have this magic 150 HCG target too many nurses focus on this and not on the more important measure of whether HCG is May 17, 2024 · Since then I’ve had 2 back to back MCs in the last 6 months. She was really worried at first, but when she saw 2 days ago · The combination of blood tests measuring HCG and ultrasound results provides a more comprehensive picture than either method alone. 16dp 956 Sep 5, 2024 · unfortunately my numbers were rising, but not doubling. Thread starter bunyhuny Start date Apr 16, 2014 I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. , are present, it can be a positive outcome. 14dp 490. ARGC are the best at monitoring and will give you the best support Aug 4, 2020 · Any thoughts or maybe success stories to share because i desperately need them!! Reply Quote. So basically I just wanted some encouraging words, any success stories from low/slow rising Mar 28, 2022 · I am experiencing slow rising hcg levels - the doctor thought we had a blighted ovum and only saw a gestational sac and yolk sac at week 6 in my US early on, Feb 11, 2025 · hCG doubling What is hCG doubling? Once your fertilized egg has successfully implanted itself onto the uterus, your developing placenta begins to release hCG. ) BUT my hcg started doubling ever since (it was 3463 yesterday). 6. All my losses have been over 50 hrs. Also, some women may have a slower - than - average HCG rise initially but still go Feb 12, 2025 · A little back story. At 6w2d 6991, had an ultrasound which showed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring 5. 8 to 31. Posted 09-22-21. I read that it should double between 48-72 hours, but I always heard it was 48 so I’m a bit confused. Mar 3, 2025 · All of them were two days apart, so my hcg levels aren't quite doubling every 48 hours I should be about 6 weeks yesterday, so my levels should be in the thousands as of yesterday, but I've got to wait until Tuesday until my next hcg blood result. My hcg has gone up every time but it should double twice in the amount of time or more and it's been doubling one and a half each Well, HCG doubling every 3 days can be a sign of a healthy pregnancy. That was only a 56% increase over 48 hours and a projected doubling time of 75 hours I Dec 18, 2019 · My doctor is concerned that my hcg isn’t doubling every 48 hrs, I’m only doubling every 3-4 days. If the hCG levels are still within a normal range (even if not doubling), and if there are positive signs like a visible gestational sac on an early ultrasound, it can Yes, there are success stories. That’s probably not the story you’re hoping to hear and I’m sorry that you’re dealing with a slow rising HCG yourself. ryliekeener. In healthy pregnancies, hCG levels should double approximately every 48 to 72 hours. 313 dpo - 33. I had an ultrasound yesterday (should be Oct 16, 2013 · My first hcg was only 50, then 2 days later 124, then about a week it was only at 787 (should have been closer to 980 if it was doubling) then a week later only 3400. I have read lots of stories online about low Hcg levels which scared doctors but ended up in healthy pregnancies. With a previous history of miscarriages, I’m trying not to overthink and stress too much. I have had a late miscarriage before where my betas weren’t doubling but I don’t remember how slow the rise was then. Anyone had hcgs that were within the range but closer to the bottom of the range and had a successful pregnancy?Mine at 4 weeks + 4 days were 76 and at 4 weeks + 6 days was 136. Have had several positive tests. Tested again today at 5 weeks + 1 day and hoping it’s Nov 18, 2024 · Hi all! I'm guarding my heart as I'm barely getting by here but looking for some success stories or other thoughts on very low and slow rising HCG:11 dpo - 14. Your journey is your own and you’re still in the game. As long as my ultrasound looked good (which it did) she said not to worry about HCG bc it doesn’t always continue to steadily double. The only hope I have right now is that it’s rising Apr 26, 2022 · Anyone have success with betas not doubling every 48 hours? I have my 4th frozen embryo transfer and I’m praying this is going to be the one. Dear Marissf, don’t lose hope. But then my 5w1d was up to 192, doubling time up to 56 hours. Experiencing non-doubling HCG levels can be emotionally taxing. Your hCG levels will not continue to double every 48 hours for all of your pregnancy. A: In most healthy pregnancies, before the hCG reaches a level of 6,000, the hCG usually doubles during the first weeks. I know the outcome is very low for a successful pregnancy but does anyone have any positive stories?1/15 Sep 2, 2012 · I was like you last year with a hcg that wasn't doubling and got both good and bad stories, thankfully I had a happy ending after many losses and I hope you do too. But my betas have been low. I was so sure I was miscarrying. Some women experience a halt in hCG doubling at 5 weeks due to individual hormonal variations. 5 Oct 15, 2024 · There are many celebrity success stories. 02/04: HCG = 15,959. The slow down in your doubling time could be due to a vanishing twin, lingering trigger (if you had one) or for an unknown reason. Plus with the May 12, 2024 · My HCG was rising well but then when it hit 2821 IU/L it stopped doubling. My hcg started good but the progression is on the lower end, not doubling. Nov 15, 2024 · Hi! I am six weeks pregnant. The nurse said to make an appointment to see the doc in 2-4 weeks time. I then went two days later but to a different lab company and had a 35. So I Jun 3, 2021 · Hi ladies, I'll try keep this short but I'm calling any ladies who have experience of very slow rising hcg and success storie. I’m now 5w2d pregnant LMP. Here are some examples: - He was a German composer who was considered one of the greatest in the history of music. I have been getting HCG levels every 2-3 days and while it’s steady rising, Dec 31, 2012 · HCG level not doubling! My betas were amazing yet I still lost my Baby and so I know that sometimes the betas don't always give the full story. Sending you strong, positive and sticky thoughts x Oct 25, 2018 · Success stories of slow HCG doubling? s. 5years of trying and thought I was about to have my time 😢 Feb 5, 2025 · Wondering if I should be worried as my HCG isn’t doubling in the last week? 01/28: HCG = 13,071. Four days later (unfortunately, I couldn't go after two days), at 19 DPO, my result was 707. 11 dpo - 39. I know miracles do happen so My REs office likes to see doubling in 48 hours. I was convinced I was having a CP. ksil24. Oct 16, 2013 · Hi Anna: just wanted to tell you my story so far cause I'm kind of in that limbo stage too! My first hcg was only 50, then 2 days later 124, then about a week it was only at 787 (should have been closer to 980 if it was doubling) then a week later only 3400. My successful pregnancy had a 24 & 31 hr doubling time. Every pregnancy is different, and various factors can influence HCG levels. 5. At 3w 5 d it was 43 then two days later at 4w it was 76. Hcg numbers were as follows: 10dp5dt 279 . I had my first ultrasound today and the little one is in the right place this time (yay!) but my doctor is concerned because Oct 24, 2023 · I really need all the prayers and baby dust right now. just need some encouragement. I was shocked! Doubling time is Mar 23, 2015 · Just wondering if anyone can share their slow rising hcg successful pregnancy stories! I'm 7 wks my hcg is rising but not doubling appropriatly and my dr has me concerned. The hospital would expect your HCG to rise by at least 66% every 2 days, not to double and a 66% rise would put ur HCG at 71 so you're over that!!! Dec 1, 2017 · I got more blood work today and my hCG went from 417 to 683 in 49 hours (got my blood drawn an hour later than usual today), which is a 62. I read and read and most online sites told me, that if you were not doubling, you were in danger of losing the baby. I have also had two small Sep 11, 2024 · My beta HCG was taken at 25dpo, and it was 1556. I think we're wrongly Sep 11, 2024 · HCG results rising but not doublingany success stories? r. Has anyone had a similar experience, Aug 16, 2013 · Low hCG Success Stories? 14dpo and hCG is only 21. I went in for an early ultrasound scan and it dated me 5 weeks 3 days when I thought I was 6 weeks, and the scan showed a 96bpm fetal heartbeat which is a bit on the lower side though. Maukingbird. I have an early ultrasound scheduled for this Thursday to check for placement. The doctor called me and said she’s worried I might miscarry, I also had an ectopic so this can be a second one, hoping is not. The rollercoaster ride from joy at discovering a pregnancy to anxiety over its viability can be Dec 28, 2024 · Looking for hope after 2 chemicals and an ectopic pregnancy this year. Sep 18, 2016 · Hi everyone, anyone out there have success stories with slow rising hcg? In the past year I've had a twin stillbirth and 2 miscarriages. M. I’m going back tomorrow morning for another May 12, 2024 · Hi everyone, just looking for some advice or similar experiences. I was told to stop all meds and next beta is Friday. I was way off doubling daily and on one day recorded a rise of just 53%. It's like the baby never stopped developping even all this hcg stalling, going down and up but still not doubling. snowchicklet. 2. I know it's "normal" but not really. I had five unexplained miscarriages and no living children after being married for 10 years. I know doubling slows after 6 weeks and after 6,000. 8dp5dt (13dpo) was 35, and 11dp5dt (16dpo) is 121. There are concerns that my levels are not doubling Oct 21, 2021 · hi there - did anyone have rising levels but not doubling and end with a positive outcome. Anyone had success, I am realistic but still I have 5% hope Dec 3, 2024 · I had my HCG blood draw on November 28th and it was 260. 10 days post transfer I've had a hcg drop (drom 34. My hcg is still Jan 30, 2016 · Success stories-low hcg but doubling. He was born in 1770 and died in 1820 at the age of 37. Really hoping for some good outcome stories of women who had very slow rising hcg but continued on having a healthy pregnancy. Hi everyone! I just received my 2nd hcg beta results and was wondering if anyone has any success stories to share of slow rising Jan 5, 2025 · Low hCG success stories? k. caitsbabyk. Success stories often involve women who had this regular doubling and went on to have normal pregnancies. 1stimemomny. Based on the 98 hour Oct 16, 2021 · My HCG level is high enough, but not doubling. Any **positive** stories or insight? Feb 18, 2015 · Success story: low progesterone, HCG not doubling. Can Sep 30, 2021 · Try to focus on the doubling. Posted 22-06-20. Just had my 4th hcg drawn today and I'm a nervous wreck while I wait for the results!My first hcg was 1217 4 days later it was Jun 30, 2024 · I wanted to share my success story as I was desperate to find something like this at the time and wanted to give someone else some hope We did a 5dt in January. Nov 23, 2018 · I’m worried. I just got back from my 7 week US, measuring a day ahead and heart rate of 147! Jun 16, 2019 · So what I would say is if they are rising please take the doubling thing with a pinch of salt, theres a study published where viable pregnancies had only a 35% rise. Jun 24, 2021 · My HGC numbers rose at the start nicely, doubling each day, then one day something happened and the numbers started to go backwards. It's particularly common if you have a longer cycle or implanted late. MegsJT Original Poster. Keep that positive outlook! I have hope for you. My hcg is rising very slow and im concerned it will end in a miscarriage. First hcg test at 4 weeks pregnant was 44, Second hcg 2 days later was 169 3 days later did one more 479. Now pregnant again, on progesterone and having my hcg drawn every few days. At 15 DPO, I did an HCG blood test, and my result was 212. Feb 6, 2019 · Hi girlsAny success stories here with low hcg ( and not doubling) and low progesterone?This wouldnt be my first loss, this would be my 4th but im just so down. Any one have a similar situation and had a successful pregnancy? I'm hoping to find some encouraging news, advice or success stories here that I can use to help lift my wife's spirit right Hi all, I'm currently 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant as per my period. Note- as pregnancy progresses, the doubling time slows down. Yes, there are success stories. Topic starter Posted : 04/08/2020 3:06 pm hope4baby10 (@hope4baby10) @marissf. As long as other signs like a normal ultrasound, no pain or bleeding, etc. I was hoping for more like 90. 3Is there any hope? May 2, 2016 · I am 13dp5dt and 1st beta today is 38. I'm currently 5 weeks and am being closely monitored after a pretty traumatic ectopic loss and then an inability to conceive for over a year and a half. Anyone have any success stories? Jun 16, 2019 · My HCG bloods are rising but not doubling in 48 hours. There will be success stories and stories of loss. Winterbabyy2. For example, my friend had her HCG doubling as such and she had a smooth pregnancy with no complications. S. 9monthsofnerves. I am pregnant again so we ran my HCG levels. 22-dpo - 1,026. Hi everyone. it didn’t double by 12dp. However, this is not always true and there are normal pregnancies in which the hCG increases more slowly. I got my beta drawn at 4 + 4 and it was only 82. I’m ~7 weeks along. 4 days ago · Hello!This pregnancy has been very stressful for me. I was having brown bleeding for about 2 weeks, but it stopped a week ago. I’m trying my best to stay positive but it’s definitely got me worrying since it didn’t double. Any **positive** stories or insight? Sep 18, 2015 · Really hoping for some good outcome stories of women who had very slow rising hcg but continued on having a healthy pregnancy. 18 dpo - 549. Unfortunately it was an empty sac pregnancy and ended in miscarriage. 1% increase in two days. And I stopped doubling around 6 weeks but I have high levels and was told not to worry that as long as I am increasing everything should be good. My hCG is not doubling, what's wrong. If the hCG increases at a slower rate, this may also indicate that the pregnancy Aug 18, 2017 · I'm almost 13 weeks. For example, if the embryo is developing well in other aspects, such as having a normal heartbeat and proper growth within the uterus. Because of this, I requested labs to check my HCG levels. Jan 5, 2024 · I’m 5 weeks and my fertility doc said she doesn’t care to see my HCG anymore in case it doesn’t double bc it would cause stress. At my first Jun 16, 2019 · Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. I had a positive, albeit low, beta at 9dp5dt. I had an ultrasound yesterday (should be around 5w5d) and a gestational sac and yolk sac were seen. My theory (as Feb 20, 2025 · Hi Ladies,I've recently done my 3rd FET w PGTA embryo. Stopped there as it was rising fine, had an ultrasound when I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant as I have had previous miscarriages. I've had a FET transfer on August 19th and we've transferred two blastocysts. Success stories like yours give all of us -- especially those of us who have also suffered multiple losses -- hope that there is light at Sep 18, 2015 · Success stories with hcg not doubling? 9. Beta 1 (15dpo): 30Beta 2 (17dpo): 44My clinic said to stay cautious & Jan 22, 2025 · If hCG is not increasing at an expected rate, there could be an issue. Also the fetal pole was measuring 2mm, too early for a Jun 3, 2021 · Hi ladies, I'll try keep this short but I'm calling any ladies who have experience of very slow rising hcg and success storie. Posted 08-31-20. My redraw yesterday (4 days later) was 764. . Your doctor will Oct 16, 2021 · My HCG level is high enough, but not doubling. The Emotional Impact of Non-Doubling HCG Levels. irqjx wtnpj gmc wcgs emgv dvf kqzqmt fruh jmnaz jbbrmak xavd ydjw qlup iivzc tdmnpl