Bolex h8 reflex Verfügbarer Warenbestand. Jun 6, 2012 · ich suche im nächsten Jahr eine Bolex H8. Approximately US $186. ) Sep 14, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bolex H8 Reflex camera body at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Jun 7, 2021 · Nel 1942 la Bolex immette sul mercato il modelloo L8, una cinepresa più piccola, per amatori un po' meno esigenti, ma che cercano comunque l'alta qualità. Octameter Viewfinder . Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller opticxchange (4,256) 98. BOLEX H8 Reflex BOLEX P1 Zoom Reflex BOLEX P2 Zoom Reflex BOLEX H 8 MOVIE CAMERA . Metal parts are chrome-plated. Gebraucht · Privat · Bolex. Zusammenfassung; Mar 1, 2013 · > 100401 (H16) and > 97801 (H8) All H cameras manufactured above this number have a different pressure pad and trailing claw assembly; registration in these cameras is steadier than older models, as a result. A Tolle Angebote bei eBay für Bolex H8 Reflex. $175. Sign In Upload. 1960 tot 1980 Ophalen of Verzenden. 20. Bel ensemble en bon état. 40 Beobachter. EUR 300,00. 82. Out of stock. Der CS-Mount ist eine spätere Erfindung für Überwachungs-Videokameras, vermutlich aus den 70er oder 80er Jahren, weil man mit dem kürzeren Auflagemaß 'Bolex H8 Reflex, c. ou Oferta direta. Average: Very good: Mint: $200-220: $280-300: $500-520: Estimate value accuracy: Suggest the rarity : Add this camera to your: inventory or wishlist : Searching eBay listings: c1956-1965. 4 LENS for Bolex H8 Reflex cameras RX. 4 Vario Switar 8-36mm f1. $19. Elle est présentée avec manivelle, ses bouchons d’objectifs. Usado · Particular · Bolex. Envío gratis en artículos seleccionados. Mein eBay Mein eBay einblenden. Bolex H8 Reflex Filmkamera Switar Kamera 1,6/5,5 1,3/12,5 Makro. Chapter I : Loading the camera 3 I believe this model is a ‘Rex 3’ seeing that it has a flat base. 4 H8 RX Lens (S/N 876150)SWITAR 5. 23h 44m. I imagine it just needs a bit of lubrication here. Monture C. CLIP for H16 - H8 Crank Handle Jun 5, 2016 · Bolex H8 DS8 The standard Bolex H8 has often been converted from regular 8 to double super 8 Year: [same as standard regular 8 H8] The base of these conversions were usually the various H8 Reflex models. {"delay":300} Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored. Auktion. Scope and approach of the conversions differ considerably. H8 reflex. Suisse, c. TOURELLE : La tourelle rotative abrite trois objectifs Switar 36mm f/1. Sold. C41078 und dem Objektiv Berthiot PAN-CINOR 1:1,9/9-36 mm, 1 Ledertasche; ohne Gewähr BOLEX H8 Reflex REX 3 Cine Film Camera & Switar Zoom Lens FILM TESTED 2024. Bolex H8 Reflex camera 16mm Movie Som Berthiot Zoom 2. Specification: Accession Number: 2009. 77. 5mm F1. £200. 747) 100%. N° de série 221177, 1952. 3 H8 rx Macro Switar 36mm f/1. 36 shipping Bolex Reflex Movie Cameras. Le cadrage et la mise au point sont assurés par un système de primes à travers l'objectif utilisé lors de la prise de vues tel que présenté sur la publicité ci-contre. Price $325. 39. 95 P&P. Gewerblich. Relevante producten. Bolex movie camera collection bolex h 16 H 16 RX 16 EBM bolex 16 pro Bolex L 8 B 8 B 8L Bolex C 8 D8 L Bolex zoom Reflex H 8 Bolex 155 Macrozoom. Paillard serial number data lists the H8T beginning at # 129501 Caméra Paillard Bolex modèle H8. With the introduction of the Bolex H8 REX camera, a new line of lenses was designed. Double-8 film, movie camera. Rare high-class lens with incorporated exposure meter. Reflex camera for double-8 film on daylight spools up to 30 m. 07元 运费 E 7 N U O J 2 BOLEX 反射镜头炮塔锁定尖叫适用于博力士 16 毫米电影相机免运费 Jan 9, 2018 · En 1956, avec la BOLEX H-16 Reflex, PAILLARD-BOLEX introduit dans sa gamme la visée reflex continue. I Feb 16, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bolex H8 reflex Cine Film Camera with Kern Paillard Lens at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Paillard-BOLEX H8 Reflex / H8 RX Matic Made in Switzerland Baujahr 1962 8mm Profi-Filmkamera aus der Schweiz Kern Switar 1:1,6/5,5mm H8 RX Nr. 00 shipping. I can no longer justify just sitting on a good camera as a display piece when others can be shooting with it and having fun. Shipping is free worldwide with DHL 2-3 day delivery to your door and live detailed step by step online tracking number will be provided. 5, YVAR 13 mm/1:1. It featured through-the-lens viewing with a magnified groundglass image of 20x allowing for extremely accurate Mar 1, 2013 · Bolex cameras in the H8 non-reflex series: H-8, H-8 Leader, H-8 Standard, H-8 Deluxe, H-8 T and H-8 S. Reviews eBay Auctions . 15 watchers. 858422 Kern MACRO-Switar 1:1,4/36mm H8 RX Nr. Apr 5, 2007 · you've not spent much time around Bolex H series cameras! Both the H8 & H16 use C-Mount lenses. Viewfinder 10x magnification; Reflex viewing with semi-reflecting prism system; Groundglass focusing. 16 mm film double 8 film . 3 Lenses Repairs Performed:Disassembled and inspected all lensesPolished focus helicoid and replaced greasePolished aperture slide ring and replaced greaseCleaned lenses Bundled Items; MACRO-SWITAR 12. Ich habe die Kamera 1970 bei einem Fotohändler um ÖS 3500. Lens: Vario-Switar 1:1,9/8-36 mm. Hallo ! Hallo! Einloggen oder neu anmelden Deals Lokal Hilfe. $1,399. Bolex H8 Pdf User Manuals. Paillard Bolex H16 REX-2 Mar 6, 2025 · Paillard-Bolex war eine Abteilung des schweizerischen Feinmechanikunternehmens Paillard, in der Schmalfilm-Apparate fabriziert wurden. 5 Jan 1, 2025 · 1965 Bolex H8 Reflex REX-4 8mm Movie Film Camera Only. Sofort-Kaufen +EUR 41,33 Versand. 2023. Jan 15, 2025 · Like the H16 Reflex, the H8 Reflex has a reflex mirror system built into the shutter and allows through-the-lens viewing during filming. 为部分物品提供包邮. 99 shipping. OEM - Turret Pin. Das Reflex Prima, ich kenne die Funktion von dem Prisma ・ Vario-Switar 1:1. 3 12. 5mm f /1. Dedicated to classic motion picture cameras and products of Paillard Bolex. Bolex H 16 Movie Camera . 9 8-36mm. 876743 Bolex Selbstauslöser + Cloic Bolex Rexofader Mar 1, 2013 · 1950s Lenses Kern-Paillard for H16, H8 & 8mm cameras Introduction of "Visifocus" lenses H-16 RX mount lenses for Reflex cameras More SOM Berthiot for H16, H8 & 8mm cameras Lytar, Cinor & Tele-Cinor prime lenses Oct 8, 2024 · Search for: Search. Feb 19, 2025 · En 1935 BOLEX lance son premier modèle H. Release Button Description: (a) Bolex H8 Reflex spring-driven movie camera; aluminum body covered with a pebbled black leather; three lenses on a rotating turret mounting on front: Macro-Switar 36mm, Jun 5, 2016 · The standard Bolex H8 has often been converted from regular 8 to double super 8 Year: [same as standard regular 8 H8] Lens: [same lenses as for the standard regular 8 H8, Jun 6, 2023 · What luck, I found a beautiful 8mm Bolex H8 Reflex in excellent condition and bought it for a song on Craigslist. 1064216 Sep 21, 2012 · Bolex collector also says that other c mount lenses won't seem to work because of the 15. 9/5. Les autres caractéristiques techniques sont identiques aux modèles non reflex qui seront We have 4 BOLEX H16 REFLEX manuals available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual, User Manual . Zum Hauptinhalt. Elle sera aussi déclinée aux formats 8 mm et 9,5 mm. Bolex H8 - Hallo im Forum! Die Paillard Bolex H8 ist das größte und schwerste Mitglied der umfangreichen Bolex-Serie für das 8 mm Format. Critical focuser, reflex type for top lens on turret. Le viseur tri-focal est identique aux modèles précédents tout comme le système de mise au Rotary frame counter, Direct vision optical finder, parallax compensation, hinged auxiliary lenses for telephoto lenses. 00. from United States. Teuer gehandelte Spitzenkameras gibt es auch für Normal–8: Unter anderem die Bolex H8, bis auf Objektive und Filmgate Bolex Paillard H8 camera. 00 delivery in 2-3 days. , with a three-lens turret mount holding a Kern Macro-Yvar f/3. 6 H8 RX Bolex H8 Reflex camera body with three Switar lenses and more. Serial Numbers and Dates of Manufacture. May 22, 2018 · Hi everyone, I finally received my Bolex H8 Rex 4 camera yesterday. 4 H8 rx But: 1) Do you know that the last two lens (12. 149,00. € 250,00. details. 998728, a Kern Macro-Switar f/1. Bolex H8 Reflex Camera, c. 0 bids. 4 telephoto lens. Tolle Angebote bei eBay für bolex h8 reflex. Jan 21, 2024 · Da der Anstoß ja ein Technikbuch für Kinder ist, da dort eine Bolex H8 im Schnitt gezeichnet ist mit der der Pappa seinen Baseball-spielenden Sohn filmt, und da ich persönlich die Bolex H8 für die schönste Doppel 8 Kamera halte, die je hergetellt wurde, musste es natürlich so eine sein. Nel 1953 la H16 e la H8 vengono dotate di un motore elettrico ausiliario a 6V. Les parties métalliques sont chromées. the H8 REX-3, H16 M-3, etc,) this camera was also sold under the name "H-16 S-3" when it gained a flat base. or Best Offer. 1960 拍品号:20230916-190 预估价:€ 400-600 欧元 起拍价:€ 200 欧元 成交价: € 352. alab815 (12,722) 99. 5, medföljer motor Paillard Bolex MC17 (något modifierad), instruktionsbok samt diverse tillbehör, ca 1950-tal, Schweiz Serienummer 152565 Oct 28, 2017 · Bolex-Paillard: H8 Reflex. 1940s Antique Bolex Paillard Movie H8 8mm Camera #272. 00 • Camera works, all functions tested • All frame speeds work and sounds correct to the ear, not tested for accuracy • Reflex finder is clean • Auxiliary zoom finder works as it should • Cosmetically looks OK though a bit dusty, no mold Bolex H8 Reflex camera 16mm Movie Som Berthiot Zoom 2. . Factory service manual for the Bolex H8 and H16 cine cameras from 1961. Click & Collect Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex Black Portable Lens Film Movie Camera In Hard Case at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Bolex H8 Reflex Kamera Kern Switar 50mm f1. Rotary frame counter, Direct vision optical finder, parallax compensation, hinged auxiliary lenses for telephoto lenses. Tenemos la selección más grande y las mejores ofertas en Cámaras de Feb 20, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pailard Bolex H8, 8mm non reflex Bolex at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! H-16 16mm Camera 1935. Tags: Kern, Paillard, Macro, Switar, 1:1. 98. aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Gebraucht · Gewerblich · Bolex. Pre-Owned · Bolex. 4 payments of AU $112. 54 shipping. A resource for collectors and anyone with an interest in classic motion picture equipment and vintage 8mm/16mm Movie Cameras. Buy It Now +$14. R$ 37,76 de frete Jan 9, 2025 · BOLEX-PAILLARD - Bolex H-8 Non Reflex : lundi, 14 novembre 2016 00:00 . 68 delivery. Paillard Bolex Early H16 Filmkamera 16mm Non-Reflex Original 15mm Kern Objektiv. Jetzt einkaufen mit schnellem Versand und unkomplizierten Rückgaben. NEW EYEPIECE/EYECUP fits BOLEX H16/K2 REX- BEAULIEU R16 Movie Camera Octometer. Item description from the Mar 1, 2013 · This booklet describes some of the professional applications of the Bolex H-8 reflex camera, in areas such as education, science, industry and sports. Bon état, mécaniquement fonctionnelle, peu courante. Jul 14, 2023 · Yes H8 cameras are basically the same as H16s in terms of build quality and stability. Kenn mich damit nicht aus ! Deswegen weiß ich nicht ob sie funktioniert . Sicher einkaufen. It featured through-the-lens viewing with a magnified groundglass image of 20x that allowed for extremely Mar 1, 2013 · VIEWFINDER: 10x magnification; Reflex viewing with semi-reflecting prism system; Groundglass focusing; Adjustable to eyesight. May 22, 2018 · If a lens has the infinity stop set beyond distant objects being sharp, rely on what you see in the reflex finder. 9/13mm 克恩-派拉德 Yvar 2. Paillard Bolex H8 Standard 8mm W/ Pan Cinor 8-40 mm / 5. 5mm, and Switar 5. The H8 REX adopted a turret that used the same 1″ diameter thread of C mount lenses, but with an optical distance between lens seat and film plane of 15. Une version à visée reflex sera proposée à partir de 1956 dénommée H-16 RX ou H-16 REX, puis équipée d'in moteur électrique intégré en 1971 (H-16 EL). 5MM C-MOUNT LENS. 59 P&P. Lenses for H-8 Reflex Cameras. Scegli la consegna gratis per riparmiare di più. Système à tourelle pour trois objectifs. 3 Lens The H8 REX was the first 8mm reflex camera manufactured by Bolex. $204. Camera Cases for H16 or H8. Mar 1, 2013 · The H-8 REX was the first 8mm reflex camera manufactured by Bolex. 20 Beobachter Neues Angebot Paillard Bolex H8 1954. 9 f=8/36mm lens and is in good working condition. 4 36mm. Condition is excellent with light evidence of handling. EUR 284,98. 870096, a Kern Macro-Switar f/1. 12 watching. 1000. BOLEX H16 REFLEX Instruction Manual (52 pages) Brand: BOLEX BOLEX H8 ; BOLEX H16EBM ; BOLEX H-16 Rex 5 ; BOLEX C8 ; BOLEX EBM Enter your search keyword New listing FILM TESTED Bolex H16 (Non-Reflex) With Zoom Lens And Expired 16mm Film. 3 150mm. Instructions for Use of PAILLARD-BOLEX Model H Cameras . 8% [As-Is] Vintage Paillard Bolex H16 Standard 16mm Film Movie Camera W/ Extras. 8, CINETOR 1,5" (38 mm)/1:1. My Account Login | Register £ 0. 5mm. BOLEX H16 REFLEX ; BOLEX H 16 EL ; BOLEX H16EBM ; BOLEX H 16 EBM Electric Bolex H8 Reflex Camera/Paillard Zwitserland. CAPACITÉ DU FILM : Bobines lumière du jour de 100 pieds (30 m), 50 pieds (15 m) et 25 pieds de 8 mm à double passage. 9, KINOTEL 3" (76 mm)/1:3. The front of the manual has a very extensive table for all shutter speeds for all the different frame rates and also the different shutter settings. 6/5. Zoom Vario Switar with release cable. Marketed since 1956 until 1965, movie camera for Double 8 mm film format with triple lens turret and filming speed of 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48, 64 fps, single frame. One of the first model Bolex H8 cameras, with D-mount lenses and no footage counter. Sponsored. Filmkamera, Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex, 8 mm, Optik; YVAR 12,5 mm/1:2. T Oct 8, 2020 · Pictured above is a Bolex H8 Reflex camera from the 1960s manufactured by Paillard Bolex in Switzerland. lens no. Prachtige bolex h8-reflexcamera, geproduceerd in zwitserland door de firma paillard in st. Although some specifications are mentioned, it only provides a general overview of the camera itself. und zwar welche ohne und eine mit Reflex. CAPACIDAD DE PELÍCULA: Bobinas diurnas de 100 pies (30 m), 50 pies (15 m) y 25 pies de doble tirada de 8 mm. The lenses are all Kern, Switar 5. One of the first model Bolex H8 cameras, with D-mount lenses and no Die Paillard Bolex H8 ist das größte und schwerste Mitglied der umfangreichen Bolex-Serie für das 8 mm Format. or Best Offer +C $93. Ends in . $637. It also includes the shutter rates with and without the Bolex reflex prism system included. 4 . This Bolex H-8 Reflex with three(3) nice Kern Paillard lenses motion picture camera kit includes vintage model 8mm Bolex camera with three(3) C-mount lenses on the turret, deluxe pistol grip, front lens caps. Top-Marken, exklusive Angebote und unschlagbare Preise bei eBay. 9 f=8 ÷ 36mm H8 RX C マウント 他に露出計 BOLEX-GOSSEN が付属いたします。 以上のような状態となります為、恐れ入りますがご理解とご了承をいただきまして現状品としてノークレーム・ノーリターンでお願い申し上げます。 View and Download BOLEX H16 Reflex user manual online. Cameras subsequent to this S/N are considered more desirable and practical for filmmaking, whether reflex or non-reflex. EUR 25,00 Versand. Ich bin im Moment etwas über deren Preise erstaunt die sich durchweg bei ca. H 9 wurden vermutlich nicht mehr als 100 BOLEX REX-4 H8 REFLEX 8 毫米电影相机,C-MOUNT 镜头涡轮(运行但有问题) 2,532. EUR 7,69 Versand. Angebotsformat. OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 8 1/2" x 6" x 3" WEIGHT: Approximately 5 1/2 lbs (without lenses) OUTER CASE: Highly polished duraluminium body, covered in genuine Morocco leather. A partir de 1962 BOLEX propose un nouvelle caméra 8 mm à visée reflex, la BOLEX H-8 REX. 72. Sep 15, 2021 · Reflex viewfinder Standard equipment supplied with the camera 1 12 wo. Price $32. It’s missing an eyecup. 5mm f/1. Also included is the pistol hand trigger grip with the hard to find washer / screw that connects the two. € 250,00 23 nov Oct 2, 2017 · I am referring to those who know the slightest difference between the products for Bolex H8. Correct. The drive motor is a spring-wound drive (with possible external electric motor). Bolex-Paillard H8 Reflex Movie Camera. custom_casio (2552) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; GBP 150. B. Usually, those from Ruedi Muster are considered the best. Meilleure Enchère: 149,00 EUR: Frais de port: 14,50 EUR Je vends une camera Paillard Bolex H8 de luxe gainée de cuir ou autre de couleur noire portant le N° 33875. Anzeige. Mar 1, 2013 · 1961 Zoom Reflex P1 Double 8mm; 1962 H8 REX Double 8mm; 1963 Zoom Reflex P2 Double 8mm; 1963 Zoom Reflex Automatic K1 Double 8mm; 1963 H16S 16mm; 1963 H8S Double 8mm; 1963 H16 REX2 16mm; 1964 Zoom Reflex P3 Double 8mm; 1964 Zoom Reflex Automatic K2 Double 8mm; 1964 Zoom Reflex Automatic S1 Double 8mm; 1964 H8 REX3 Oct 22, 2013 · The correct exposure using the Bolex H16 and H8 reflexes is given by the lens aperture on your exposure meter for the "adapted" exposure for your film transport speed. 8/75mm Yvar. 96 shipping. Tourelle 3 objectifs, moteur mécanique à ressort. 1960. The reflex prism deflects. the only difference between H8 lenses and H16 lenses are the lenses are adjusted to take account of the different thickness of reflex prism. $68. The lens is coated and clean. MACRO-PRESET KERN MACRO-SWITAR H8 RX 1. C $1,899. Gebraucht | Privat. Nel 1944 la Bolex Paillard adotta, quali obbiettivi, anche i prodotti della svizzera Kern. 3 separately) 4 gelatine titters 1 rubber eyecup 1 protective cap for bayonet lens mount 1 3 ft remote-control cable. Alle ansehen. Opens in a new window or tab. - erstanden. Everything moves smoothly and properly. $841. 474 . Bolex H8 Reflex Filmkamera mit Switar 1,6/5,5 1,3/12,5 Macro und 1,4/36mm. It's quite a list!. Biete schweren Herzens die Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex 8 mm Filmkamera von und für meinem Dad zum 599 € 699 € Versand möglich 14 Adaptador de liberação de cabo Bolex para câmera de filme Bolex H8 H16 Reflex 16mm. The camera’s 6x Oct 6, 2014 · BOLEX Paillard H8 Reflex und P4 Zoom Reflex Automatic (2 Filmkameras) Lot Nr. Modèle recherché pour sa visée. Covered cameras include H8S, H8RX, H16RX, H16S, H16T, H16M, H16RXOV, H16RX5, H16M5. FILM CAPACITY: 100ft (30m) and 50ft (15m) daylight loading spools of 16mm film. 198695 Paillard-Bolex, Switzerland; 8mm. I wish I had held onto them. 6 H8 rx Macro Switar 12. £425. 1 . $675. m&Bk . 5mm lens/ Octa Finder. Variable Speed 12, 16, 18, 24, 32 and 64 frames per second. Declic Pistol Grip. C $1,889. 4/36MM C-MOUNT LENS. 44. Earlier cameras are fitted The picture right shows the difference between a Bolex Viewfinder top and a Bolex Eye level focusser bottom. See Sold Price. I have both of these cameras and the lenses are interchangable. 35. Charcoal Rubber Bolex EyeCup for 10X or 13X. 0 Gebote. En 1962, la caméra H8 a la renommée sur le marché mondial d'être l'appareil 8 mm le plus économique, parce que prévu pour des bobines de 30 m, d'un coût inférieur à celui de 4 bobines de Mar 18, 2019 · Für die Bolex H8 RX 4 gab es eine Gleitschiene bzw. 5mm 克恩-派拉德 Yvar 1. Mar 1, 2013 · The Bolex H-16 S camera was a non-reflex, turret style camera that incorporated all changes made to the model H since the introduction of the H-16 T. Powered by spring motor with variable speed with film rates ranging from 12 to 64 per second. Later reflex models in both gauges have better viewfinders, and the dedicated H8 RX lenses are extremely good, but there are plenty of nice D mount lenses for a non-reflex H8, like the little Switars. The drive Oct 28, 2017 · Bolex-Paillard: H8 Reflex - c1956-1965. Si la siloufette s'inspire de la BOLEX AUTO CINE Modèle B créée par Jacques Bogopolsky en 1929 , Bolex Paillard H8 camera, Schneider Cinegon 5. Die Filmkamera, Modell H, war für 16-mm-Film und für 9,5-mm-Film erhältlich, ab März 1938 auch für Doppel-8-Film. 00 0 Cart Paillard Bolex H8 Deluxe Movie Camera 8mm From 1957 With 13mm Standard Lens £ 275. 305 flange focal distance (shorter than 16mm c mount ffds) and issues with the beam splitter prism in the reflex viewing system, with the exception of longer focal length lenses. H16 Reflex film camera pdf manual download. Bolex H8 Reflex Rex 4 Double Super 8mm movie camera body. 499,00 EUR. K. Condition: Bolex Reflex Movie Cameras, Bolex 8mm Vintage Paillard Bolex H8 8mm Movie Camera With Case And Extras And Manual With Box. Wenn Sie Bolex H8 Kameras dieser Reihe verkaufen möchten schreiben Sie uns, wir erstellen Ihnen ggf ein Angebot unter Berücksichtigung des weiteren vorhandenen Zubehörs. Bolex Reflex Movie Cameras, Bolex Reflex Vintage Movie Cameras, Bolex 16mm Vintage Reflex Movie Cameras, Bolex H8 Reflex camera with 3 RX Switar lenses 5. Transformation d’époque pour le film Super 8. Mar 1, 2013 · VIEWFINDER: 10x magnification; Reflex viewing with semi-reflecting prism system; Groundglass focusing; Adjustable to eyesight. TORRETA: La torreta giratoria alberga tres lentes Factory service manual. THREADING: Automatic threading and loop forming. Nov 2, 2017 · Reflex : Complète la fenêtre de vis" Remplacer la loupe vissée la partie avant de la catrúa par la lentiile fournie avec le Reflex. Trova una vasta selezione di Bolex Paillard 8 Mm a prezzi vantaggiosi su eBay. 🔥LIGHT GREY EYEPIECE EYECUP fits BOLEX H16 BEAULIEU 16MM Movie Camera. Vintage Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex Swiss Movie Camera w/Accessories & Case Tested. Caméra reflex 8 mm sur film double 8, le modèle reprend le corps de la camera H16 standard de la firme Suisse, seule la monture d’objectif change puisqu’elle utilise la monture D standard du 8 mm. However, unlike the (e. . ¡Compra con seguridad en eBay! Cámara de película de 8 mm BOLEX H8 Reflex con Vario Switar Cine Movie Camera. $999. or Best Offer +C $91. Bolex Paillard H-8 série V. ReReのBOLEX H8 Reflex 8mm 映写機 撮影機 カメラは、新品中古(リユース)品をお安くお得にお買い求めいただけます。BOLEX以外のお品物も幅広く取り揃えておりますので、ごゆっくりお買い物をお楽しみください! H16 Non-Reflex; Parts & Acc. 9 H8RX 95555. Fig. I've also got a few rolls of Orwo film stock to play with. 3/12. lundi, 26 mars 2018 Bolex H-8 Reflex; Zoom Reflex P1; Zoom Reflex P2; Zoom Reflex P3; Automatic, K1, K2, S1, Nov 12, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bolex H8 Reflex camera body at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Kern SWITAR 36mm f1. Possède un viseur réflex. 157,03 EUR (U. Encontrarás artículos nuevos o usados en Cámaras de cine Bolex en eBay. 99. 5mm, Bolex, H8, RX, Reflex Be reminded. CollectiBlend Average Index . in der Industrie, der Wissenschaft und im Erziehungswesen, BOLEX 1-18 RX-MATIC : o EINE 8 MM-KAMERA DER SONDERKLASSE Durch Anfügen des RX-Faders wird die Bolex H8 Reflex zur Bolex H8 RX-Matic. Determiner la distance par le Reporter la distance trouvée sur l'objectit normal : Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bolex H8 Reflex camera body Cine Camera UPS Shipping at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Mar 7, 2025 · The Bolex H16 Reflex boasts a rotating turret that accommodates three interchangeable RX type C mount lenses, providing filmmakers with the flexibility to choose the perfect lens for each shot. 50 with Afterpay. 9 Bolex H8 RX Objektiv für Bolex H8 Reflex. Professionale. It’s about 27 seconds. oder Preisvorschlag. $12. Gebraucht · Privat · Pailard Bolex H8, 8mm non reflex Bolex with MOTOR. EUR 1. Peut emporter 30 mètres de pellicule. The camera comes equipped with an Octometer viewfinder. 5mm H8 RX Macro f1. The rear of the viewfinder included a rubber eyecup attached to a diopter, which was adjustable to the user's eyesight. Bei den Normalfilmkameras gibt es verstellbare Verschlüsse seit 1896, die erste mit automatisch schließendem und Feb 5, 2025 · GLEAMING BOLEX! This is the H8, 8mm version of the rex-4. Contact Us. 6 H8 rx Wide angle lens, specifically designed Große Auswahl neuer und gebrauchter Bolex Filmkameras mit 8 mm Filmformat online entdecken bei eBay. Addeddate 2022-08-31 19:48:12 Bolex H8 Reflex camera 16mm Movie Som Berthiot Zoom 2. PAILLARD BOLEX H8 MOVIE CAMERA Non-Reflex WORKING CONDITION with case **READ** Opens in a new window or tab. Het apparaat is in goede staat en. The adapted exposure Paillard Bolex H8 REX 8mm 1964 Movie Camera With Kern Switar 12. C $1,924. 3 H8 RX Lens (S/N 876296)MACRO-SWITAR 36mm f/1. Ahorra con nuestra opción de envío gratis. 3. £6. I've read the instruction manual that accompanied the camera but I'd like to know more before I roll my first can bolex h8 reflex. It takes the history of the three lens turret camera and combines it with Reflex 美丽而特殊的双 8 毫米胶片相机 Bolex Paillard H8 De Luxe / Reflex,配有 Kern Paillard 的 3 个旋转镜头和 Kern II 镜头盖: 克恩-派拉德皮萨 1. Las piezas metálicas están cromadas. For Sep 21, 2012 · But it's possible to get them to infinity focus on a reflex H8 by shimming out the mount by 2. daddyk1 (2055) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $153. - befinden (zumindest bei E-Bay) Ist das realistisch? Ich denke wenn sie Top funktioniert ist das kein Problem, wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit der 8mm Version. Régter le dispo- sitif à sa vue en déplaçant doucement le bouton nolr gitué au-dessus du Reflex, te bloquer après réataae. bolex paillard H8 Reflex Kern 150mm 36mm 75mm 12,5mm. Click & Collect DIMENSIONES TOTALES: 8 1/2 ″ x 6 ″ x 3 ″ PESO: Aproximadamente 5 1/2 libras CAJA EXTERIOR: Cuerpo de duraluminio, recubierto con cuero genuino marroquí. The dials, knobs, and levers all appear to move properly. Apr 30, 2023 · Bolex 摄相机是由熟练的工匠在瑞士制造的,以其精确度和多功能性着称。相机按时间顺序在下面列出。单击链接以查看其规格 1961 Zoom Reflex P1 Double 8mm 1962 H8 REX Double 8mm 1963 Zoom Reflex P2 DIMENSIONS HORS TOUT : 8 1/2″ x 6″ x 3″ POIDS : Environ 5 1/2 livres BOÎTIER EXTÉRIEUR : Corps en duralumin, recouvert de véritable cuir marocain. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller opticxchange (4,258) 98. Aug 22, 2013 · Die Bolex H8 Reflex mit ihrem 15,305mmm-Pseudo-c-mount (an der folglich auch nur Kerns eigene H8-Objektive richtig funktionieren) ist die einzige Filmkamera-Ausnahme, die mir bekannt ist. BOLEX Paillard H8 Reflex und P4 Zoom Reflex Automatic (2 Filmkameras) Die H8 mit zwei Objektiven SWITAR 1:1,3/125 mm und MACRO-SWITAR 1:1,4/36 mm, die P4 mit der Seriennr. 948051 Kern Switar 1:1,3/12,5mm H8 RX Nr. 8/36mm 它有一个适用于 16 毫米胶片相机的 BOLEX OCTAMETER,一个独立的外部取景器,您可以在 16 毫米到 150 毫米视图之间进行 购物上 eBay, 尽享 Bolex 老式电影相机 的超值优惠! 您可在 eBay 找到各式 Bolex 老式电影相机 商品, 不论全新或二手, 应有尽有. View and Download BOLEX H16 Reflex instruction manual online. RELEASE BUTTON: The H-8 REX was the first 8mm reflex camera manufactured by Bolex. Free postage. The camera's brand is Bolex and it falls under the category of vintage cameras in the Cameras & Photography section. $45. 在 eBay 安心购物! Buy Bolex Vintage Camera and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items WORKING Bolex H8 Reflex Body. Request a Quote; Where to Ship Sort by. In den Jahren bis zum Auslaufen der Doppelacht-Filme sind damit zahlreiche Filme in S Hinweis. Détail des enchères. into the viewfinder. 86 shipping. Related: 16mm camera bolex h16 rex 5 16mm film ca May 6, 2013 · Eine der besten, aber auch größten und schwersten Normal 8-Kameras: Bolex H8 Reflex. The H8 takes 100 foot, 50 foot and 25 foot daylight loading spools of double run 8mm film. En eBay encuentras fabulosas ofertas en Cámaras de cine Bolex. £650. g. Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Preisspanne ein. 6 12. View online or download Bolex H8 Instructions For Use Manual. CHF 0 CHF 884. 5mm; film compartment opens on left side proper, one black aluminum takeup reel present; patents stamped inside compartment Feb 18, 2025 · BOLEX-PAILLARD - Bolex H-8 Non Reflex : dimanche, 12 juin 2016 00:00 * PAILLARD BOLEX H8 Spécial . Something went wrong. panther_5749 (324) 100%. A bit crazy I know as film is so expensive these days. 4%. £260. Seminovo · Bolex. Sofort-Kaufen Videokamera, Paillard Bolex, H8 Reflex, 50-tal, Schweiz. 34 shipping. Everyone knows the three famous C mount lenses for Bolex H8 reflex: Switar 5. 4S Ah battery I standard battery charger (about 12 hours) 4 gelatine fitter-holders (l on the camera. Beobachtungsliste Beobachtungsliste einblenden. 150,00. 16 mm Paillard Bolex H8 Deluxe D8 mm fotocamera pellicola fotocamera pellicola stretta cine camera 1961. Functional; It works properly. For example with a variable shutter fully open giving 133 degrees shutter opening and the camera running at 24 frames/second would require 1/65th second. Page . Quick View. Handleidingen Bolex Paillard H9-H16 H8 Gebruikshandleiding, Talen: Engels Bolex Pellegrini-Piek Variable Shutter Units H16 H8 H16 Reflex Gebruikshandleiding, Talen: Engels La mayor selección de Cámaras de cine analógicas Bolex a los precios más asequibles está en eBay. Bolex H8 8mm Classic Cine Camera from 1956 + 3 Lenses - Rare & Clean with Case. R$ 87,14. Halterung mit der das Bolex Kompendium am Kamerafuß befestigt werden konnte, s. 13 bids. BOLEX REX-4 H8 REFLEX 8MM MOVIE CAMERA, KERN MACRO-SWITAR PRESET C-MOUNT LENSES! CALKOVSKY CINEMA H8 reflex + acessori + valigia 狀態 很好 已測試及運作中 Tested and working 鏡頭接口類型 C-mount Double8 大概年份 1950-1960 由 PhotoLogiC 出售 1 條評價反饋 (在過去的12個月有1 條評論 Aug 31, 2022 · Service manual for Bolex H8 and H16 mechanical motion picture cameras, 1961 edition. 305mm. 1 Description: (a) Bolex H8 Reflex spring-driven movie camera; aluminum body covered with a pebbled black leather; three lenses on a rotating turret mounting on front: Macro-Switar 36mm, Switar 12. Nov 3, 2020 · The eye-level focusing attachment can be used on all H16 and H8 Non Reflex cameras with the critical focusing screen already installed and is fitted to both in the same way. BOLEX H8 Reflex REX 3 Cine Film Camera & Switar Zoom Lens FILM TESTED 2024. 5mm, Xenar 38mm & Xenon 13mm lens. 1960 Paillard, Switzerland. Snel bekijken. dimanche, 01 septembre 2019. W Jan 5, 2024 · Now that I have retired, it is time to rationalize my camera holdings. August Mar 1, 2013 · Bolex cameras in the H8 non-reflex series: H-8, H-8 Leader, H-8 Standard, H-8 Deluxe, H-8 T and H-8 S. 3 36mm F1. The H16 prism is slightly thicker. $199. 33 shipping. 14 watchers. 76 元 145. 5 mm, Vario Switar 8-36mm F1. I am selling my Bolex H8 Reflex for what I have invested in it and will be plowing those proceeds bac Mar 3, 2025 · Dall'unione tra le due aziende, il 29 settembre 1930 nacque la Bolex Paillard, che lanciò nel 1933 la famosa cinepresa Bolex Paillard H 16 (formato 16 millimetri) [4], cui seguì nel 1938 il modello H8 (formato 8 millimetri). 00 Manufactured in Switzerland by skilled craftsmen, the Bolex camera was known for its precision and versatility Nov 3, 2020 · The Bolex Reflex or REX camera is regarded as a design classic and is undoubtedly the camera most people think of when they think Bolex. Aug 27, 2007 · My Bolex H8 Reflex was made in 1962 and has a variable shutter. Headstuck (1519) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $399. 64 欧元 所属类别:电影机和附件 Movie Cameras & Accessories H8 Reflex antique analog motion picture camera in excellent condition supplied with all the accessories visible in the images attached. Mar 1, 2013 · On reflex cameras, C-mount (1" diameter) is used for both the H-8 REX and H-16 REX; determining between the two can usually be done by simply reading the name plate. Bestückt mit dem Nov 7, 2008 · The Bolex and Bell & Howells and other cameras ended up being put out with the trash. Buy It Now +$38. Verkaufen. 876020, with a Gossen Bolex exposure meter and a Kern Vario-Switar POE zoom f/1. Maurer von Hand, Pathé WEBO M von Hand, Kodak Reflex Special von Hand, Pentaflex von Hand. It comes equipped with a Vario-Switar 1:1. Capture your memories in style with this classic Wide-angle lens for H8-Reflex Movie Camera, with Lens Hood, Filter Holder and UV Filter. Switar 5. 4 (#5180) $ 799. Jan 12, 2025 · A partir de 1947, simultanément à son modèle H-16, BOLEX lance une nouvelle série au format 8 mm, la BOLEX H-8 - La série IV (1947) aussi dénommée "Leader" se distingue des anciens modèles par un compteur d'image intégré au boitier avec bouton de remise à zéro. Serial Number 211552 Dated 1964. or Best Offer +C $92. $9. Die H8 Bolex H8 Reflex no. Bolex B8; Paillard Bolex Movie Camera; Bolex C8; Bolex Camera Digital; Bolex H8; Bolex Lens; Camera 8 mm Vintage; This Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex Cine Camera is a vintage gem for any film enthusiast. View cart for details. You have one of the latest models Jan 10, 2025 · Amateure bevorzugen eine H8 Reflex, sondern sie findet auch auf zahlreichen professio- nellen Gebieten, wie z. Film camera for double-eight films on 7. Paillard-Bolex-Kamera, Modell H 16 Reflex 5. Related Searches. Ce nouveau modèle présente la particularité d'utiliser des oblectifs en monture "C" Jul 14, 2023 · Later reflex models in both gauges have better viewfinders, and the dedicated H8 RX lenses are extremely good, but there are plenty of nice D mount lenses for a non-reflex H8, Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Paillard Bolex H8 Reflex Black Portable Lens Film Movie Camera In Hard Case at the best online prices at eBay! Free Oct 22, 2013 · The correct exposure using the Bolex H16 and H8 reflexes is given by the lens aperture on your exposure meter for the "adapted" exposure for your film transport speed. 50. Sep 15, 2024 · La Bolex H-16 est la plus connue et la plus réputée des BOLEX. The camera comes equipped with an Nov 2, 2016 · Marketed since 1956 until 1965, movie camera for Double 8 mm film format with triple lens turret and filming speed of 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48, 64 fps, single frame. The H-8 REX adopted a turret that used the same 1" diameter thread of C mount lenses, but with an optical distance between lens seat and film plane of 15. 2mm (though the lens is then only screwed in by one or two threads), and by Rotary frame counter, Direct vision optical finder, parallax compensation, hinged auxiliary lenses for telephoto lenses. Alle. The only 8 mm movie camera on the market that will take doublerun 8 mm film in 25-ft, 50-ft or 100-ft spools. Once video came along there seemed to be absolutely no place for them, except taking up space. 5mm, Macro Switar 36mm, and Macro-Switar 12. Manuals; Brands; BOLEX Manuals; Camcorder; H8; BOLEX H8 Manuals. EUR 7,00 Versand. 全球最多的 Bolex 老式电影相机 商品及最优惠的价格, 任您选购. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $149+ with PayPal Credit * Condition:--not specified Mar 1, 2013 · With the introduction of the Bolex H-8 REX camera, a new line of lenses was designed. Sep 16, 2023 · Bolex H8 Reflex Film Camera, c. 5 m spools, with spring-drive and extensive moderations for use with double S8 format, turret with three lenses: Kern Switar 1. Bolex Paillard H8 camera Meer lezen. £9. Nov 2, 2016 · Bolex H8 / Bolex H8 Reflex. Z BOLEX REX-4 H8 REFLEX 8MM MOVIE CAMERA, C-MOUNT LENS TURRET (RUNS but has issue) $349. croix. 2. Camera includes a rotating turret with three lenses 1:1,6/5,5 mm, 1:1,3/12,5 mm and Feb 18, 2006 · S'agissant en ce qui me concerne essentiellement d'un objet(très) décoratif, je me suis mis en chasse de l’œilleton en caoutchouc gris-beige caractéristique, que j'ai trouvé chez un vendeur américain sur ebay pour +/- 25 euros port compris : taper BOLEX EYECUP H16 EBM H8 REFLEX REX-5 16MM MOVIE CAMERA Große Auswahl an Bolex H8 Reflex entdecken. Click & Collect. Caméra Bolex Paillard H 8 2x8 mm (cliquer ici pour voir la vente en ligne) Détail des enchères. The camera includes 100ft or 30m daylight spools for 8mm film. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller opticxchange (4,251) 98. alab815 (12. Feb 2, 2025 · Bolex H8 Reflex double 8mm camera - spares for H16 ? Vintage Cine Lenses (941) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; AU $450. nzosytj hmb bhdaglg pebljpnc dvewlawz gjaquot tuvgirp hjtfa zpsw bawl kejw jalaa eoein rvpjt whic