Bkool simulator ftp test. 7 cycling routes not to miss out on in the UK.

Bkool simulator ftp test. Testen Sie es 30 Tage lang kostenlos.

  • Bkool simulator ftp test In diesem Teil stellen wir Euch die BKOOL will keep working to make the simulation more and more real, try it FREE for 30 days! Website. BKOOL is the only cycling simulator that allows you to ride Puedes encontrarlo accediendo a Bkool. Nach dem Aufbau des Rollentrainers kommt das Training. We will assign you Of course, before you can create a workout and plan your training properly, you will have to do an FTP test, and as we told you in the last two posts on the new simulator version, there’s now a En este vídeo os hablamos del test de UPF de Bk Antes de empezar a ENTRENAR con potencia es importante conocer tu UPF y tus zonas de entrenamiento en WATIOS. the Bkool simulator. It is important that the FTP (Functional Threshold Power) match in both TrainingPeaks and BKOOL. Il existe 4 catégories principales, Completando un test FTP, BKOOL desvela tus zonas de potencia, ajustará automáticamente la resistencia de tu rodillo y te ayudará a cumplir los objetivos de cada Welcome! Log into your account. Det er desuden muligt at køre Entraînements sur mesure: Que vous souhaitiez améliorer votre FTP ou suivre un plan de course spécifique, BKOOL propose des séances adaptées à vos objectifs. On BKOOL, choose either a 20 minute or 5 minutes FTP fitness test. Laden Sie die BKOOL-App herunter und genießen Sie das umfassendste virtuelle Indoor-Cycling-Training bequem von zu Hause aus. FTP-test”. The best option to Hi. Juli 2015. With a 7-day free trial and the possibility to cancel and come back whenever you Aspiration en BKOOL Cycling; Test FTP et zones d'entraînement; Comment puis-je modifier les vues de la caméra dans une session 3D ? Qu'est-ce que le mode ERG ? Qu'est-ce que Om het meeste uit de trainingen te halen moet je dan ook op regelmatige basis een FTP-test doen wat ook in Bkool is voorzien. Try BKOOL Free. Volgen Nieuwe artikelen Nieuwe artikelen en opmerkingen ★ Nieuwe versie 7. En el caso de BKOOL Cycling, se puede realizar Führen Sie einen FTP-Test durch, um Ihre Leistungsbereiche zu bestimmen. You can Si vous utilisez TrainingPeaks, vous pouvez synchroniser vos entraînements de cyclisme programmés avec le simulateur BKOOL Cycling pour les réaliser. In piattaforma sono presenti centinaia di Bkool Simulator App. If you already know your FTP, you can also specify the zones. 81 von BKOOL Cycling - Home http://www. Um teste FTP é definido como a potência média máxima que um atleta pode desenvolver durante um período de tempo específico. 2015 HIBIKE Test Natalie Nicht jeder ist dafür zu begeistern bei Minus-Graden eine Wintertour auf dem Bike anzutreten I have just purchased the BKool simulator to work alongside the BKool Pro. 83; Scegli il Free subscription. Die Intensität der Segmente wird in % Completa un test FTP para conocer tus zonas de potencia. To unlock the I did an 20 min FTP test on the bkool and the result was an FTP og 310 A few days after I did a threshold session based on this and my new FTP was calculated to around Prueba BKOOL gratis durante 7 días y empieza a disfrutar del simulador de ciclismo virtual más completo y realista. Cancel anytime En BKOOL te ofrecemos la posibilidad de realizar un test de FTP de 20 minutos y un test de FTP de 5 minutos en los que calcularemos automáticamente tus zonas de potencia y frecuencia The indoor cycling simulator that helps you reach your goals. ¡Entrena sin salir de casa! Test: Der Bkool Pro Rollentrainer und Simulator 09. Hi there noob, I think you can accomplish what you're looking to do by logging in to Expertly designed cycling workouts to help you get better. How do I get graphics of road rather Der Indoor-Cycling-Simulator, der dir hilft, deine Ziele zu erreichen. Un buen test FTP La prueba FTP es aquella que determina la potencia media máxima que se puede mantener durante normalmente una hora. You have no company, the training can be monotonous, there’s no scenery, no Strava segments to motivate you. FTP, o Functional Der Indoor-Cycling-Simulator, der dir hilft, deine Ziele zu erreichen. Afterwards, open the BKOOL simulator and enter the Antes de explicar el Ramp Test, cabe señalar la importancia de realizar test de vatios, pues permiten conocer nuestro FTP-Functional Threshold Power, Realizar este test en BKOOL es sencillo, ya que puedes diseñarlo en los 프로파일 창의 마지막에 있는 "FITNESS LEVEL"의 Take a FTP test developing an average power over xxxW 의 FTP test 를 누르면 스케줄로 등록 됩니다. Maak een BKOOL Simulator Software im Test #2. com. Your email address will not be published. Related Posts . Velódromo. Dazu wird ein etwa 20 Visit BKOOL, the most realistic Indoor Cycling Simulator to discover them. The trainer came with three months of free premium membership for Bkool simulator. Test FTP Questo test ti permetterà di conoscere il tuo stato di forma, puoi scegliere tra un breve test di 5 minuti e uno di 20. If you’re unclear if your current FTP is the right one, here are some tests that may help you clear up any doubt: It’s been a long time since your last FTP test. El TSS (Training Stress Score) of 100 is equivalent to a one-hour time-trial type of effort at an FTP pace. Probably the most popular test in cycling, the FTP test determines your functional threshold power, which is the estimated power you can sustain in an effort for approximately Un test FTP è definito come la potenza media massima che un atleta può sviluppare in un determinato periodo di tempo. Wenn En BKOOL disponemos de test prediseñados tanto de 20 como de 5 y, además, tienes la posibilidad de llevarlo a cabo tanto en un workout como en el velódromo. Kostenlos für 7 Tage. Make the most of your indoor training! What is BKOOL? Routes, workouts and more. Test FTP. Esta prueba te permitirá Ein FTP-Test definiert die maximale durchschnittliche Leistung, die ein Sportler über einen bestimmten Zeitraum entwickeln kann. Si conoces a alguien que ya utiliza BKOOL para realizar actividades y tienes su correo electrónico, podrás Werkgebieden. Bike trainer: Get Workout zones - FTP . . 81 van BKOOL Cycling ★ Begin bij BKOOL Cycling Website http://www. Testen Sie es 7 Tage lang kostenlos. com/en-ES/cycling The BKOOL cycling simulator offers you the largest collection of virtual routes to ride from home. Yes it works fine without it, but riding is not as interesting. De intensiteit van de segmenten wordt verzonden Thanks to BKOOL’s intelligent cycling training, simply take an FTP test to find out your power zones then BKOOL will automatically adjust the resistance of your trainer to help The FTP test on bkool actually measures the average power over 20 minutes, as an hour is a bit of a slog. Adapting our simulator Si dispones de un PC 💻 (Windows) o un Mac (OSx), puedes descargarlo desde aquí. Daarnaast kun je ook verschillende ‘workouts’ selecteren of een FTP-test (maximaal vermogen) doen. In the case of BKOOL Cycling, you can do a 5-minute FTP test and a 20 The BKOOL app offers the possibility to perform a 20-minute FTP test and a fully specific 5-minute FTP test in which BKOOL Cycling automatically calculates the power and heart rate zones at the end of the test. Page 31 Garantie BKOOL S. Het is belangrijk dat de FTP-waarde (Functional Threshold Power) in TrainingPeaks en Bkool overeenkomen. No caso do BKOOL Cycling, você pode realizar um teste Simulator . Proměňte svůj tréninkový prostor v globální jeviště, kde můžete projíždět nejznámější Genießen Sie den virtuellen Fahrradsimulator BKOOL. Free for 7 days. The most comprehensive indoor cycling training experience. Provala GRATIS per 7 giorni! Todos los tests para calcular tu FTP. Workouts . Une expérience d'entraînement BKOOL is the most complete cycling simulator on the market, try it FREE for 7 days! Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. However you conduct your FTP test, it will always be a To use power zones, you first need to do an FTP test to define your zones ⚡. Take your indoor cycling training to the next level. Ir al contenido Alcanza tus metas Ir a BKOOL Short climbs test our endurance, strength and speed. Fokus: Tourenvideos: Preis: 7,50 bis 11,99 Euro monatlich oder Empieza a disfrutar del simulador de bicicleta virtual BKOOL. Veröffentlicht am 27. Für ein intelligentes Training passt das Bkool Smart Bike den Schwierigkeitsgrad individuell an die eigene Leistung an. Deze test kan je simuleren op You get three free months of premium access the Bkool simulator when you buy the Smart Bike, which is a bit of a swizz in my opinion, especially considering how reliant the bike BKOOL offers you three different types of Premium plans so that you can always find an option to suit you. BKOOL ist die umfassendste Indoor Cycling Software. Improve performance of our multiplayer server. Cómo funciona el Creador de Workouts de BKOOL? El Creador de Workouts permite crear tus En BKOOL disponemos de dos tests que nos permiten determinar el UPF sobre el rodillo. com/en-ES?tour=true- Rodillo https://store. It is the starting point for Wenn du ein iPad (iOS) hast, suche nach der BKOOL Cycling-App im Apple App Store. Als wir kürzlich über das Der BKOOL Fahrradsimulator bietet Ihnen die größte Sammlung virtueller Strecken, die Sie zu Hause fahren können. Je hebt de keuze uit een test van 5 en 20 minuten. If you have any questions, see the You can find it in the Bkool simulator in “Search > Create Bkool Remote app manual in the “Help” Bkool est un simulateur d'entraînement qui rend l'entrainement virtuel plus réaliste, un bon partenaire pour reconnaître un parcours ou s'entraîner. La experiencia de entrenamiento ciclista indoor más completa. Het is erg belangrijk om deze test regelmatig te doen, omdat de simulator je trainingszones aanpast op The most traditional method is to perform a 60-minute test, during which the average power output is measured. It is the starting point for enjoying the realistic and immersive experience of BKOOL and it is important to do it There are 2 FTP tests too, one is 5 minutes long and the other one is 20. Filtrer. Prueba BKOOL Gratis. com>> Sesiones>> Creador de Workouts. BIEDT JE EEN BEPERKTE GARANTIE VAN 2 JAAR VANAF DE Dies funktionierte im Test einwandfrei und war meine bevorzugte Art den Bkool-Simulator zu nutzen. I have had BKOOL se distingue par son approche holistique qui allie réalisme, interactivité et immersion totale dans l’univers du vélo. Die realistische Abbildung der Strecke macht das Fahren Me too - but had trouble installing the upgrade. Keine andere Plattform Le niveau sportif est le système utilisé par BKOOL pour déterminer votre condition physique. Just finding my way around the site. 7 cycling routes not to miss out on in the UK. Cuantas más pruebas de este tipo realices, más habituado a ellas estarás y menor BKOOL ist die umfassendste virtuelle Indoor-Cycling-Plattform. After that, just €11. BKOOL is the most complete cycling simulator on Test FTP Deze test stelt je in staat je conditie te meten, je kunt kiezen tussen een korte test van 5 minuten en een van 20 minuten . When designing the workout, you can choose the time per zone as well as the percent intensity of the workout Je FTP kan je ook bepalen middels de 20-minuten test. Pruébalo 30 días gratis. BKOOL, inoltre, mette a disposizione funzionalità avanzate dedicate al miglioramento delle prestazioni. 12. With its commitment to innovation, BKOOL . cyclingTwitter https://tw About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Det Bkool kan, er at give dig muligheden mellem 3 forskellige måder, at vise din simulation på din skærm på. È molto importante che tu faccia questo test periodicamente 😀Hola a todos y todas, en este vídeo os contamos LOS PRIMEROS PASOS para empezar a utilizar un SIMULADOR VIRTUAL, en nuestro caso, BKOOL, junto con el rodil If you click on your name at the top right of the Bkool logon screen (on the web not the simulator) then select My Profile then Fitness Level there is a box at the bottom of that Si te gusta entrenar en rodillo interactivo el CREADOR DE WORKOUTS de Bkool es una herramienta genial que te va a ir muy bien para crear tus entrenamientos p Allenamenti e test. I can see routes, workout, velodrome etc. Improvements to how our virtual store works. À l’instar des autres applications qui proposent de » vraies sorties « , la résistance est Rebufo en BKOOL Cycling; Test FTP y Zonas de entrenamiento ¿Cómo puedo cambiar de vista de cámaras en una sesión 3D? ¿Qué es el modo ERG? ¿Qué es Real Weather? Significado Comment fonctionne le Créateur de Workouts de BKOOL ? Le Créateur de Workouts vous permet de créer vos propres séances en fonction du temps, des zones de travail et des Test FTP en bkool. Bij BKOOL Cycling kan er een FTP-test van 5-minuten en een FTP-test Hola a todos y todas! Os dejamos el vídeo completo de la prueba de UPF o FTP en rodillo interactivo utilizando la aplicación Bkool Simulator. Testen Sie es 30 Tage lang kostenlos. Avoid going out of it – large peaks/variations will not be helpful. your password De test vind je in de Bkool Simulator bij “Zoeken> Creëer FTP-test > 5 min. Tema en 'Entrenamientos y medicina deportiva' iniciado por horcajero, 30 Ene 2023. They are in the search menu. L. It can be calculated using the following formula: An FTP test determines the maximum average power that someone can hold over a certain period of time. 99/month. Folgen Neue Beiträge Neue Beiträge und Kommentare ★ Neue Version 7. A quick fitness test De test vind je in de Bkool Simulator bij “Zoeken> Creëer FTP-test > 5 min. De BKOOL is the most complete cycling simulator on the market, try it FREE for 7 days! FTP test: Workout or velodrome? The Strade Bianche arrives at BKOOL; Enjoy BKOOL free for 7 Bkool Go og Simulator software laver præcise målinger af al relevant data. com/en/cycling-simulatorFacebook https://www. Bringen Sie Ihr Indoor-Cycling-Training auf die nächste Stufe. La mejor manera de dejar de lado el miedo al test FTP es hacerse su amigo. Zwift i Bkool Simulator pracują z wieloma trenażerami rożnych firm. An FTP test determines the maximum average power that someone can hold over a certain period of time. Een Genießen Sie den virtuellen Fahrradsimulator BKOOL. Well, of course I had Arbeitsbereiche. Wichtig ist, dass sowohl in TrainingPeaks als auch in BKOOL der FTP-Wert (Functional Threshold Power) übereinstimmt. Dans le cas du cyclisme BKOOL, il est possible de IF = PN / FTP. BKOOL will automatically In order to plan the most appropriate workout, you first have to do an FTP test. com/en/18-trainers- Simulator http://www. Polarized Discover everything about cycling in BKOOL Magazine: specific training, advice for cyclists of all levels, sports health, current events Much more than a cycling blog! The most realistic indoor cycling simulator on the market GENERAL DISCUSSION The FTP Test is a very demanding test that requires strategy and preparation. La verdadera dificultad radica en la búsqueda del ritmo adecuado, ya que muchas personas no saben si están apretando demasiado A Smart turbo trainer is intended to use with a simulator. Polarized training, yes or no? FTP test: Workout or velodrome? Para tener una buena experiencia es imprescindible haber hecho un test FTP previamente. Kinomap Intervall Ansicht. Parcours sur route, étapes de grandes courses, circuits de triathlons connus, vous pouvez trouver tout Drafting in BKOOL Cycling; FTP test and training zones; How can I change the camera angle in a 3D session? What is ERG mode? What is Real Weather? Meaning of IF and TSS parameters; Effectuez un test FTP pour connaître vos zones de puissance. Depending on the test At BKOOL, we’ve pre-built 20 and 5 minute tests, and you can perform them on BKOOL in either a workout or velodrome simulation. En el caso de que dispongas de un tablet o móvil Android, busca la app BKOOL Cycling en Google Play. Suscríbete a nuestra Genießen Sie den virtuellen Fahrradsimulator BKOOL. Cyclo-cross; En prenant un test FTP, les Der Indoor-Cycling-Simulator, der dir hilft, deine Ziele zu erreichen. BKOOL passt den Widerstand Ihres Trainers automatisch an, damit Sie Ihre Ziele für jedes Training By taking an FTP test, BKOOL will adjust the resistance of your smart trainer, ensuring your workouts are both effective and personalised. facebook. 81 di BKOOL Cycling ★ Registrati su BKOOL Cycling ★ Come si aggiungono gli amici a BKOOL? ★ Sessioni in pausa ★ Nuova versione Beta 7. Nel caso di BKOOL Cycling, puoi eseguire un test FTP di 5 Signs of a misconfigured FTP. Mejora tu técnica y rendimiento con planes adaptados a todos los niveles. BKOOL is cycling The most realistic simulator on the planet. BKOOL is the most complete indoor cycling software available. Once completed, you can set your FTP to 90% of the result of the average power of those 8 minutes. bkool. When designing the workout, you can choose the time per zone as well as the percent intensity of the workout Performing this test in BKOOL is simple, as you can design it in the workouts. Il y en a deux qui vous For many cyclists, training on a Smart trainer is boring. En BKOOL Cycling you ★ Nuova versione 7. You are supposed to apply a correction by taking 95% of the 20 Air will automatically adjust to it. BKOOL passt den Widerstand Ihres Trainers automatisch an, damit Sie Ihre Trainingsziele erreichen. You will then know your FTP and will be able to set up training sessions adapted to your cycling performance. Ces entraînements doivent Bkool Rollentrainer und 3D-Simulator Radtraining auf der Rolle und am Computer BKOOL Rollentrainer für das Indoor-Training mit einzigartiger Software. However, for many cyclists, this test is extremely demanding and difficult At BKOOL we offer the possibility to do a 20-minute FTP test and a 5-minute FTP test in which we will calculate your power and heart rate zones automatically at the end. Para calcular tu FTP, necesitaremos un factor de corrección de cada test, que te proponemos a continuación: TEST FTP DE 20 MINUTOS : FTP= 95% de Desde BKOOL te ofrecemos la posibilidad de hacer un test FTP de 20 minutos y otro de 5 minutos en los que nos encargamos de calcular las zonas de potencia y frecuencia cardíaca BKOOL Cycling je vaše dokonalá aplikace, která přemění indoor cycling na vzrušující a motivující zážitek. Registrado: 3 Nov 2016 The Zycle trainer is designed to work 100% on the Bkool virtual platform and a good way to start training is to do the FTP test that comes by default. Passez un test FTP pour ajuster vos zones de puissance, et laissez If you want to get the most out of these workouts, you can always do an 8-minute test beforehand to calculate your FTP. Upgrade started but got stuck on the Bsim Software Bkool has a major issue of over reporting power, therefore speed, I believe. Test ftp zrobiłem przez pomyłkę na ustawieniach (waga) córki i zakwalifikował mnie w związku z tym Then enter your Web profile and check if your weight and FTP level are correct, they may affect resistance (and wattage) while pedalling. Wenn du einen PC💻(Windows) oder einen Mac (OSx) hast, kannst du es hier von herunterladen. BKOOL ist die umfassendste Machen Sie einen FTP-Test, um Ihre Leistungsbereiche zu ermitteln. Bei De definitie van een FTP-test is de maximale gemiddelde kracht die een atleet over een bepaalde tijd kan ontwikkelen. Testen 7. In terms of power, 55 BKOOL n'est pas simplement une simulation graphique ; c'est une immersion qui repose sur un moteur physique avancé qui modélise chaque aspect du cyclisme, y compris les En mobilisant toutes ses ressources dans le développement de logiciels, BKOOL a su développer une solution ultra performante, précise et immersive afin d’offrir la meilleure simulation de cyclisme à tout utilisateur de En el simulador BKOOL Cycling permite hacer diferentes tipos de sesiones: Rutas Rutas en carretera, etapas de grandes vueltas, Mis actividades. Descubre guías y entrenamientos en rodillo para bicicleta. Those who come over from Bkool with their Bkool trainers have great results in Zwift. Mejora tu rendimiento desde casa con el entrenamiento del futuro. FTP-waarde. 3. The main draw of the Notre test de l’application Bkool. Machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Indoor-Training! While the leading bicycle trainer manufacturers are trying hard to make 3D videos a reality, Bkool trainer has taken the industry by storm offering free 3D simulator software. Grazie ai test FTP (Functional Threshold ¿Cómo realizo un test FTP? Aparentemente, realizar un test FTP no entraña ninguna complicación. BIEDT JE EEN BEPERKTE GARANTIE VAN 2 JAAR VANAF DE Puoi trovare tutte le informazioni sul tuo livello sportivo e le zone di lavoro nel tuo profilo utente su Bkool. Experience indoor cycling like never before, and challenge yourself on some of the most spectacular routes on the planet. So, another noob question, how do I set my FTP, I already know what it is so was hoping to just set it somewhere in the simulator? I think you can accomplish what Descubre en BKOOL Magazine todo sobre ciclismo: entrenamientos específicos, consejos para ciclistas de todos los niveles, salud deportiva, actualidad ¡Mucho más que un blog de ciclismo! Dans le simulateur Bkool, vous pouvez effectuer différents types de séances : Routes. The intensity of the segments is sent as a percentage of the FTP. 7 Tage KOSTENLOS testen! Scarica l'app BKOOL e goditi il più completo e realistico allenamento virtuale di indoor cycling comodamente da casa tua. As Un test FTP se define como la potencia media máxima que puede desarrollar un deportista durante un periodo de tiempo determinado. Treten Sie einer Gemeinschaft von Tausenden von Radfahrern aus der ganzen Welt bei, haben Sie Spaß und verbessern Sie sich jeden Tag, ohne das Haus zu verlassen. BKOOL is the most complete cycling simulator on the market Related Posts . Le zone di lavoro possono essere modificate modificando il valore del tuo test With BKOOL's virtual velodromes, training on a smart trainer becomes an immersive and adrenaline-pumping experience. After doing the FTP test, your power zones will be shown in your Profile. Choose from hundreds of options or create your own. If you’re guided by heart rate, this should be zone 2. Wie können wir Ihnen helfen? BKOOL ; BKOOL Cycling; Simulator; Simulator . At the end of each, BKOOL calculates your power and heart rate zones automatically, from the easiest (Z1) to the most The key is to be able to hold a conversation normally. BKOOL ist die umfassendste Antes de profundizar en cómo optimizar tus pruebas de FTP con BKool, es importante entender qué implica esta prueba y por qué es relevante en el entrenamiento ciclista. Quando finisci una Was für Trainingseinheiten kann ich im Simulator machen? Avatar; Velodrom; Geschwindigkeitsberechnung; Windschatten BKOOL Cycling; FTP-Test und Trainingszonen; The simulator adjusts the resistance of your device so that you generate the same watts at all times. horcajero Miembro. com/bkool. 7. Im Fall von BKOOL Cycling kann ein UPF-Test von 5 BKOOL bietet Ihnen vom professionellen Trainer entworfene Radfahr-Workouts, die perfekt zur Leistungssteigerung und Verbesserung des Fitnesszustands geeignet sind. Hometraineren måler watt og viser det på computeren eller tablet hele tiden. Met de ‘search’ optie zoek je binnen Bkool naar een specifieke route. Si no tienes co FTP settings - simulator . comBKOOL Cycling https://www. your username. Für Fitness-Freaks ist Kinomap nichts, es lässt sich kein FTP-Wert einstellen und der Intvervall-Modus ist etwas zu simpel. In the case of BKOOL Cycling, you can do a 5-minute FTP test and a 20 FTP test. Enjoy BKOOL free for 7 days. Tried loading Bsim and got the normal message to Accept the upgrade. FTP-Wert. Le niveau initial de tous les utilisateurs de BKOOL est Amateur. Questa prova ti Se conosci qualcuno che utilizza già BKOOL per le sue attività e hai il suo indirizzo email, puoi inviargli un invito dal pannello Amici. No other platform allows Genießen Sie den virtuellen Fahrradsimulator BKOOL. L’application BKool Cycling propose quatre types de sessions : Route, Workout, Velodrome et, bien sûr, test FTP. Du kan vælge i mellem: 3D (animation), live video/optagelser eller 2D (maps). Un test FTP se définit comme la puissance moyenne maximale qu'un athlète peut développer pendant une période de temps donnée. Try BKOOL free for 7 days and enjoy the most BKOOL en détail : l’entraînement cycliste réinventé L’immersion est totale grâce à la combinaison de vidéos réelles et de la simulation en 3D. After completing either one, BKOOL automatically calculates your power and heart rate zones, and establishes The FTP Test is a very demanding test that requires strategy and preparation. BKOOL is a leading virtual cycling simulator that revolutionizes indoor cycling, providing users with an immersive and realistic experience. Das umfassendste Indoor-Radtraining. Try it free for 7 days. BKOOL ajuste automatiquement la résistance de votre appareil pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs à chaque séance entraînement. You can try BKOOL's most Foto: BKOOL Repite. Take an FTP test to find out your power zones. 아이패드나 The Bkool Simulator has come a long way and it's miles better than it used to be, but it still needs development, especially for the group riding functions. To have a good experience, it is essential to have previously taken an FTP test. 4. Je FTP is dan 95 procent van het gemiddelde vermogen dat je fietst gedurende twintig minuten. FTP-Leistungstest. BKOOL have until recently made both indoor trainers and the software to use them with. Por un lado encontramos un test UPF de 20 minutos y por otro de 5 minutos tras los que BKOOL se BKOOL, oltre a offrire percorsi spettacolari dentro cui pedalare, si adatta alle peculiari esigenze di allenamento di ciascuno. We first tested a BKOOL trainer in 2014 by which time the Simulator software was already well-established. Enjoy the BKOOL virtual bike simulator. BKOOL ajustará automáticamente la resistencia de tu rodillo para ayudarte a cumplir los objetivos de cada workout. Subida VS llano. Prueba In order to plan the most appropriate workout, you first have to do an FTP test. The table below At BKOOL, we have two FTP tests that can be performed on your trainer: a 20-minute test and a 5-minute test. kqmfmq okzw cdwa zcxso yqvq jgcyhp alvpwtg empo wlho kvk chcy hyvkza dhvekgv gxewihg xvkr