Bgmea contact number. Contact Person: Name: M.

Bgmea contact number The Financial Express US All Member Search. Golam Mostafa Designation:Managing Director Phone: 027788931-3 Email:eti@gmsbd. Copyright © 2020, The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. bd: Details Greetings from BGMEA, You are aware that BGMEA has opened an office at Uttara, House #16/A, (3rd floor), Road#16, Sector#4, Dhaka with effect from 03rd March, 2013 in order to Oct 13, 2023 · Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) a recognized trade body that represents export-oriented garment manufacturers and garment Contact Person: Name: Shovon Islam Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01713036695 Email:shawn@sparrow-group. com Mailling Address: 295/JA/4, Rayer Bazar Contact Person: Name: Ajith De Silva Designation:Director Phone: 312501412 Email:info@kenpark-bangladesh. This document contains a list of 97 garment A delegation from the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) paid a courtesy visit to Anwar Hossain, Administrator of BGMEA, at the BGMEA complex in Uttara on January 13. wijesinghe@regencybd. (F)-9, Road Publish Date: 2025-01-05: Title: Circular on festival holiday on 2025: Language: Bangla: Details: Circular on festival holiday on 2025 Contact Person: Name: Azmat Rahman Designation:Chairman Phone: 01613022884 Email:afl-2@azmatgroup. com Mailling Address: Plot # 69 - 85, North Patenga Contact Person: Name: Mohammed Ayub Khan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01939906501 Email:md@debonairgroupbd. com Mailling Address: Lucky Chamber (4th Floor), Rm # 77 -79 & 82 Contact Person: Name: Faruque Hassan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 279113278 Email:giant@giantbd. net Mailling Address: House # 9, Road # 5, Sector # 1 Contact Person: Name: Engr. 3085: SHAHRIAR AHMED : gopesh@apexholdings. Safety Cell, BGMEA Cell No: 01711-238290 Sammilita Parishad led by Faruque Hassan won the biennial election of BGMEA for 2021-2023, securing 24 posts of directors while the other panel, Forum, won 11 posts. To keep trained Fire Fighting personnel of Dept of Fire Service and Civil Sep 2, 2024 · Brand BGMEA | 80,207 followers on LinkedIn. com Mailling Address: Nina Kabbo, 227/A, Gulshan-Tejgaon Link Associate Member List. com: Details BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Apex Lingerie Ltd. Shahadat Hossain Kiron Designation:Chairman Phone: 01711531207 Email:info@dekkoisho. Saniul Haque Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01730711599 Email:sasha@mascotgrp. Abdul Hamid: Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28113560 Email:aziz@hamidgrp. com Mailling Address: Lotus Kamal Tower-1 (9th & 10th Fl), 57, May 23, 2014 · BGMEA has been playing a very significant role to ensure a safer and sustainable garment industry in Bangladesh. May 23, 2014 · BGMEA Head Office: BGMEA Complex 23/1 Pantha Path Link Road Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh Tel. 1276: Publish Date Title Language Details 2025-03-10 ‘’Participation in Made in Bangladesh Expo 2025’’ to be held from 15-18 June, 2025 in Sao Paulo, Brazil organized by Brazil Bangladesh BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Bangladesh. Contact Person: Name: Mustafa Mahmud Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711720054 Email:mustafa@fashion-product. bd Mailling Address: ABC Heritage (level 2, 4 & 5), 2 & 4 Jashimuddin BGMEA President Faruque Hassan mentioned the impressive progress of Bangladesh’s RMG industry in terms of sustainability and continuous strides in pursuing excellence in the area. com Mailling Address: Jamirdia, Masterbari, Valuka Contact Person: Name: Mohammad Shawkat Ali Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01948616111 Email:murad@dhakasweatergroup. Apparels Ltd. com Mailling Address: House # 79 (5th Floor), Block - I, Airport Road Contact Person: Name: Abdus Sobhan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711591280 Email:md@auko-texgroup. bd Mailling Address: SM Towar, House # 14 Contact Person: Name: Modabbir Hossain Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29004390 Email:merchand2_ama@dekko. com Mailling Address: North Khailkoir, National University Gazipur May 12, 2022 · BGMEA started with only 12 members in early 1980's and presently has around 4300 member factories. Asadul Islam Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01755528593 Email:biplob@asrotex. com Mailling Address: Resourceful Palton City (11th Floor), Contact Person: Name: Tanvir Aziz Khan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 284151034 Email:tanvir@tsnbd. bd Web: www. Learn More . Fashion (Reg. 5818: Azimul Islam Contact Person: Name: M. com Mailling Address: Unit # 502, Concord Tower, 113 Kazi Contact Person: Name: A. Rezaul Hasanat Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29813001 Email:dhasanat@viyellatexgroup. com: Details: Avertex (Pvt) Ltd. xls), PDF File (. Tanvir Khan Designation:Director Phone: 28419470 Email:tanvir@jkgroupbd. com Mailling Address: Green Orland (3rd & 4th Floor), Ka-42/4, Contact Person: Name: Mohiuddin Ahmed Designation:Director Phone: 01714167503 Email:director@badshatex. com Mailling Address: House # 458, Road # 8, Baridhara DOHS Contact Person: Name: M. Jashim Uddin Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711523423 Email:juddin@designerfashion. Official LinkedIn Page of BGMEA | The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is one of the The BGMEA’s headquarters is situated in the BGMEA Complex, Dhaka; a regional office is based in Chattagram. BUFT. Export Contact Person: Name: Mujibur Rahman Designation:Director Phone: 28144330 Email:mjr@ugc-bd. Rezaul Quddoos Emon : rashed. Sarwat Any information Regarding Fire Training Please feel Free to Contact. One Year Post Graduate Diploma (APM) , Six-Month Certificate Courses and Short Courses BGMEA Vice President Miran Ali, Project Manager (Programme for Sustainability in the Textile and Leather Sector – STILE) at GIZ Dr. Sazzad Amin Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29292548 Email:peak@dhaka. sayeed@renaissance. com Mailling Address: Holding # 163, Block # B, Hatimara Contact Person: Name: Md. com Mailling Address: 822/3, Shewrapara, Begum Rokeya Sharani Contact Person: Name: Ahmed Arif Billah Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28914130 Email:masco@mascoind. com Contact Person: Name: Satyendra kumar Roy Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01678038801 Email:kamruzzaman@supremegroupbd. com Mailling Address: Square Centre, 48 Mohakhali Contact Person: Name: Md. net Mailling Address: Vogra, National University Gazipur Contact Person: Name: Abdullah Hil Nakib Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711529944 Email:rakib@team. com Mailling Address: Square Centre, 48 Mohakhali C/A, At the same time, the late Akhter Mohammad Musa of Bond Garments, the late Mohammad Reazuddin of Reaz Garments, MdHumayun of Paris Garments, Engineer Mohammad Fazlul Dec 5, 2024 · List of Associate Member (Buying House) Khandker Aquib Ahsan, Proprietor Alex Bangladesh (Reg-1594) House # 30, Road # 07, Sector # 09 Uttara, Dhaka, 01673-950133 Contact Person: Name: Kihak Sung Designation:Chairman Phone: 031740431-6 Email:alamn@youngonectg. bd Mailling Address: Plot # 87, Avenue # 1, Block - B, Contact Person: Name: Rana Laila Hafiz Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01720577490 Email:ranalaila@trouserlineltd. com Mailling Address: Suvastu Zenim Plaza, House # 37, Road # 16, Contact Person: Name: Nilufar Yasmin Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28914098 Email:tokiomod@global-bd. com Mailling Address: Room # 8A, Plot # 32/C, Road # 2, Sector Contact Person: Name: Md. net Mailling Address: Uttara Centre, 102, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani, Tejgaon Dhaka BGMEA UNIVERSITY OF FASHION & TECHNOLOGY. com Mailling Address: 297, Khortoil, Gazipura Contact Person: Name: Shafiqul Alam Selim Designation:Managing Director Phone: 52161293 Email:karupannya2yahoo. com Mailling Address: House # 384, Road # 28, Contact Person: Name: Sanchia Chowdhury Designation:Director Phone: 01713037767 Email:sanchia@squaregroup. Publish Date: 2025-02-27: Title: BGMEA Office Timing during Holy Ramadan 2025: Language: Bangla: Details: BGMEA Office Timing during Holy Ramadan 2025 Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh Contact Person: Name: Md. 6292: Mohd. com Mailling Address: City Heart, 67 Naya palton Contact Person: Name: Abdul Hai Sarker Designation:Chairman Phone: 02222285205 Email:info@purbanigroup. Hirdamani Designation:Managing Director Phone: 31740026 Email:ajith. 6109: Salahuddin Ahmed : suahmed@asifapparels. com Mailling Address: Head Office, Sena Kalyan Commercial Contact Person: Name: Kang Jin Suh Designation:Managing Director Phone: 027788893-94 Email:jtlee@yuoony. . Azad Designation:Proprietor Phone: 09666779779, 817059293, 817062529 Email:hameem@citechco. com: Details: Annesha Style Ltd. Junaid Abu Salay Musa Designation:Director Phone: 01730020020 Email:esl@epylliongroup. Any BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Comparative Statement on Export of RMG & Total Export of Bangladesh. Bi-lateral Committee: BGMEA Contact Person: Name: Md. Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; A Plus Industries Ltd. bd Mailling Address: House: 01, Road: 6 Position Name Mobile No. net Mailling Address: 387, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka Contact Person: Name: Mishal Ali Designation:Managing Director Phone: 02996688820 Email:mishal@bitopibd. Akter Hossain Rana Designation:Managing Director Phone: 277437679 Email:rana@aliflammim-bd. BGMEA Head Office. com Mailling Address: Plot # 11-16, Sector # 2, Chittagong CEPZ Jun 9, 2024 · 英语缩写词BGMEA,即Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association的缩写,直译为孟加拉国成衣制造商与出口商协会。这篇文章主要探讨BGMEA的 Contact Person: Name: Rezin Ahmmad Talukder Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711594151 Email:piash@prettygroupbd. com Mailling Address: Masco Centre, Plot # 06, Road # 01,, Sector # Jan 18, 2024 · PRELIMINARY VOTERS' LIST OF BGMEA ELECTION 2024-2026 Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA) ZONE : DHAKA (TOTAL VOTER : Contact Person: Name: Md. com Mailling Address: 15/G/1, Zigatola, Siddique Mension (3rd Floor) Contact Person: Name: Tapan Kumar Saha Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29298165 Email:tapan@pncomposite. com Mailling Address: House # 5/A, Road # 94, BGMEA Administrator Md. Farid Ahmed Patwary Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28827731 Email:info@scandexgroup. Shahidur Rahman Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29614486 Email:info@bengalgrory. com Mailling Address: House # 365 (1st Floor), Road # 28 New D. com: Details: A Plus Contact Person: Name: Fakir Moniruzzaman Designation:Managing Director Phone: 29557782 Email:info@fakirapparels. txt) or read online for free. net. bgmea. com: Details: Consort Garments Contact Person: Name: Md. 3922: Mahmudul Hoque : hoque@anlima. Moshiul Azam Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711527927 Email:shajal@sweater-makers. com Mailling Address: Giant Business Tower, Plot # 3 & 3/A, Level-12, Contact Person: Name: S. com Mailling Address: House # 316, Road# 04, DOHS Contact Person: Name: Fakir Kamruzzaman Nahid Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711547676 Email:akon@fakirfashion. “I repeat, it is a must. Md. com Mailling Address: South Avenue Tower(6th Floor),House# 50, Services to Factory Members: Legal Advice: BGMEA Labour Cell provides legal advice to its member-units in various labour and compliance related issues. R. Mahbub Alam Designation:Managing Director Phone: 27641618 Email:agcommercial@anowaragroup. Imranur Rahman Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01819257800 Email:imran@bandodesign. Hotline: 01810063355, 9606808080. Zillur Rahman Mridha: 1711528030: aba@abagroupbd. com Mailling Address: House # 26, Road # 13, Sector # 14 Contact Person: Name: Sanchia Chowdhury Designation:Director Phone: 02-8833047-56 Email:sanchia@squaregroup. M. com Mailling Address: Plot#1/1, Gha Part, Rupnagar I/A, Contact Person: Name: Sanchia Chowdhury Designation:Director Phone: 017130377867 Email:sanchia@squaregroup. com Mailling Address: 89/2, West Panthapath, Haque Contact Person: Name: M Nasir Uddin Designation:Managing Director Phone: 31740136 Email:info@pacificjeans. com Mailling Address: House # 85, Road # 4, Block # B, Banani Dhaka Contact Person: Name: Mesbahur Rahman Khan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01713061116 Email:mesbahrk@karooni. com Mailling Address: BGMEA Complex, Floor-8, BGMEA at a glance; Office Bearers; Board of Directors; Former Presidents; Why Bangladesh . bd Mailling Address: House # 12, Road # 7 Contact Person: Name: Selina Hossain Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01714100953 Email:info@southernbd. Value in Million USD (Fiscal Year Basis) Contact Person: Name: Md. kr Mailling Address: Subondi (Natun Nagor), Dhamsona, Ashulia Nov 25, 2024 · The BGMEA side was headed by Administrator Anwar Hossain, along with members of BGMEA’s Support Committee and BGMEA leaders. net Mailling Address: House # 25, Road # 20, Block Contact Person: Name: Mukhlesur Rahman (CIP) Designation:Proprietor Phone: 29713296 Email:nrgroup@global-bd. Associate_Member_List_2024. com Mailling Address: Suvastu Zenim Plaza, House # 37, Road # 16, Contact Person: Name: Salahuddin Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01819214995 Email:salahuddin_ahmed@mj-group. Michael Kolde, Senior Advisor, STILE Ms. 6518: Gauhar Siraj Jamil : jamil@fourhgroup. Golam Mostafa Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711566433 Email:eti@gmsbd. com: Details: Santex Knitwears Ltd. com Mailling Address: Bashan Sarak Bazar, Gazipur Contact Person: Name: M. Khaled Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28032690 Email:st01@snowtex. org Mailling Address: B-65/3, Lakuriahpara, Dhulivita, Dhamrai Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Tunic Apparels Ltd. com Mailling Address: House # S. ILO Country Director meets BGMEA Administrator to discuss Factory to hold Fire Drill as per rule and keep records of all such activities conducted by BGMEA Safety Cell. How the system works. Akhter Hossain Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01713006742 Email:akther@qualityapparels. pdf), Text File (. Email; Director: Md. 4 days ago · BGMEA Complex, House # 7/7A, Sector # 17, Block # H-1, 1230 02-8140314 info@bgmea. org Mailling Address: House # 351 (1st Fl), Lane # 5, DOHS Dhaka Contact Person: Name: Md. Learn from Video Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; A. Contact Person: Name: Navidul Huq Designation:Director Phone: 01713014147 Email:info@mohammadigroup. He said Bangladesh is proud to have the Oct 8, 2024 · List of Associate Member of BGMEA (Buying House) Nafiz Mutasim Billah, Managing Director Riazur Rahman, Managing Director Dr. 3138: Kazi Abdus Sobahan : Details: A. com Mailling Address: Plot # 9 - 11, Sector # 6/A Chittagong CEPZ Contact Person: Name: Md. com: Details: Abdullah Contact Person: Name: Sanjoy Kumar Sarkar Designation:Director Phone: 01713030454 Email:sarkar@norpknit. Deputy Secretary. Apparently, BGMEA is a common platform of garment BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Consist Apparels Ltd. 6606: Barrister AKM Akif : akif@sansgroupbd. Shahid Hossain Designation:Chairman Phone: 01711531207 Email:info@dekkoisho. com Mailling Address: House # 4, Road # 2/E, Sector # 4 Contact Person: Name: Md. BGMEA Complex, House # 7/7A, Sector # 17, Block # H May 18, 2020 · BGMEA_member_list. com Mailling Address: Red Crescent Concord Tower Telephone hotline for RMG workers BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Contact Person: Name: Fazlul Haque Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711536184 Email:fhoque@plummyfashions. bd Mailling Address: 75, Bengal House, Gulshan . 6520: Humayun Kabir Bablu : secretary@bengal. com BGMEA Complex House # 7/7A, Sector # 17, Block # H-1, Uttara, Dhaka – 1230, Bangladesh. com Mailling Address: House # 20, Flat # A1, Road # 03 Contact Person: Name: Miran Ali Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28053418 Email:bgmea@misami. Mapped in Bangladesh. Around 40% of BGMEA member factories are knitwear and sweater manufactures, and the rest 60% are woven 4 days ago · BGMEA Hosts Training of Trainers on Circular Economy in Collaboration with Circle Economy under the SWITCH2CE project Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Contact Person: Name: Md. com Mailling Address: Cha-72/1-B Holland Centre, (10th Floor), Contact Person: Name: Mahmud Hasan Khan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01713372905 Email:babu@rising-group. hossain@hams. The BGMEA’s headquarters is situated in the BGMEA Complex, Dhaka; a regional office is based in Chattagram. com Mailling Address: House # 56 (3rd Floor) , Block # J, Road # 18, Banani You [garment owners] have to do it now,” said M Atiqul Islam, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA). bd Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Asif Fashion Industries Ltd. net Mailling Address: 60, Bangabandhu Road, Narayanganj Contact Person: Name: Sanchia Chowdhury Designation:Director Phone: 01713037767 Email:sanchia@squaregroup. Daily Digest. Safety Cell, BGMEA Cell No: 01711-238290  · Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Address: BGMEA Complex House# 7/7A,Block# H-1, Sector# 17, Uttara, Dhaka-1230 Phone: Fax: Email: Web: Jan 18, 2024 · BGMEA Complex, House # 7/7A, Block # H1, Sector # 17, Uttara, Dhaka-1230 Tel: +8809638012345, Mob: +880173-0442211, Email: info@bgmea. com Mailling Address: Square Centre, 48 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka Contact Person: Name: K. uk Mailling Address: House # 139, Lane # 4, New DOHS Contact Person: Name: Mr. com. One Year Post Graduate Diploma (APM) , Six-Month Certificate Courses and Short Courses (Day/Evening) at Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka-1230. Read More . Any Contact Person: Name: Md. com Mailling Address: 100/A Sukrabad, Dhaka Mirpur Road BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Alif Apparels Limited: 1326: Azizul Islam : Details: Alif Casual Wear Ltd. net Mailling Address: Plot # 13-18, Sector # 8 Contact Person: Name: M. Fazlul Haque Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711534193 Email:management@sterlinggroup. shohid@consist-apparels. Enter your email address to get the latest University news, special events and student activities delivered right to your inbox. com Mailling Address: Richmond Concord (5th & 6th Floor), 68, Contact Person: Name: Md. K. S. com Mailling Address: Red Crescent Concord Tower(8th Contact Person: Name: Syed Ansar Ullah Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01710298867 Email:ansar@brannersonapparel. S BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; ABC Knit Dyeing & Finishing Mills Ltd. Email; Managing Director: Nasir Uddin Ahmed: 01711814912: info@nz-bd. com Mailling Address: Banaga Bandhu Road, Tonga Contact Person: Name: Janak B. com Mailling Address: House # 521, Road # 10, DOHS Publish Date Title Language Details 2025-03-12 Costoms Bond Management System (CBMS) সফটওয়্যারে Onboard হওয়া Contact Person: Name: Yu Xueli Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01405315070 Email:andyzhou@travisasia. com Mailling Address: House # 28 & 30, Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Anlima Textile Ltd. com Mailling Address: Plot # 1-4, Sector # 6 Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Sans Textile Ltd. bd BGMEA Support Hotline: 01844527163 (support), 01844527181 (complain) New to BGMEA ? Register . Anwar Hossain convened a meeting with the leaders of the two contesting Read More . The delegation Contact Person: Name: Md. E. 4725: Mahtab Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury : mahtab@falcongroupbd. Nishatnagar, Turag, (GBM) and PGD in Supply Chain Management (SCM) Courses at Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka-1230. com Mailling Address: House # 110, Road # 6, New DOHS Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Euphoria Apparels Ltd. : +880 2 8140322, 8140323 BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Bangladesh. The voters elected Contact Person: Name: Md. com Mailling Address: 822/3, Begum Rokeya Sharani, Shewrapara, Contact Person: Name: Salahuddin Ahmed Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01819214995 Email:salahuddin_ahmed@mj-group. Otherwise, the Feb 22, 2025 · BGMEA Wins First Prize for Best Stall Decoration at DITF 2025. xls - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. Ezazur Rahman, Proprietor Member/Company Name BGMEA Reg No Contact Person Email Adddress Details; Avenger Textiles Ltd. com Mailling Address: 49/1, Purana Contact Person: Name: Muhammad Sayeed Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01713388816 Email:muhammad. : +880 2 8140310-20 Fax. Islam (Shahed) Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28414697 Email:info@radiancegroup-bd. Nurul Islam Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711250209 Email:shahadat@nomanfashion. com Mailling Address: RISING COMPLEX, Plot # I/10, Contact Person: Name: Md. Liton Ali Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711149890 Email:liton@reazknitwear. bd A. BUFT Hotline: 01810063355, 9606808080 Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka – 1230, Bangladesh. The Asia 5 days ago · BGMEA (বিজিএমইএ) এর হটলাইন নাম্বারঃ 01730442211 Tags # BGMEA About Mohiuddin Ahmed He is the editor and founder of Textile and RMG Solution Blog, Facebook Contact Person: Name: Tenvir Hasnath Designation:Director Phone: 28931923 Email:info@comfortsocksltdbd. Search by Keyword: Search Publish Date: 2024-12-18: Title: Renewal for Associate Membership (Buying House) Certificate: Language: English: Details: Renewal for Associate Membership (Buying House) Certificate Contact Person: Name: Sk. bd Contact Person: Name: Sayed Kaiser Ali Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01672301200 Email:sifatkaiser@disneysweater. Bi-lateral Committee: BGMEA Contact Person: Name: Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury Designation:Chairman Phone: 029292742-44 Email:mahabub@mimgroupbd. BUFT Spring Semester-2025 Diploma and Certificate Courses Admission Going On. com Mailling Address: Phoenix Tower (3rd Floor), 408, Tejgaon BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was set up in March 2012 is dedicated to developing human resources for the readymade garment, textile, and allied sectors of Contact Person: Name: Shafiqul Hassan Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711593068 Email:sh@echosourcing. Tel: +880 9638012345 E-mail: info@bgmea. com Mailling Address: Ambagh, Nilnagar Gazipur Gazipur Position Name Mobile No. Garments & Textiles Ltd. Taj Mohammad Khan. com Mailling Address: Square Center, 48 Mohakhali C/A Dhaka Contact Person: Name: Amanullah Chagla Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01678755019 Email:moshiur@saturnbd. H. com Mailling Address: Mascot Plaza (6th Floor), 107/A, Sonargaon Services to Factory Members: Legal Advice: BGMEA Labor Cell provides legal advice to its member-units in various labor and compliance related issues. 4221: Mohiuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan : mnaim@aplusbd. Shafiqur Rahman Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01730304306 Email:amanul. O. Abdul Jabbar Designation:Managing Director Phone: 01711538158 Email:jabbar@dbl-group. Garment Industry of Bangladesh; Our Strengths; News; Trade Information . BGMEA Complex, House # 7/7A, Sector # 17, Block # H Any information Regarding Fire Training Please feel Free to Contact. 3208: Shah Mohammad Mohit Mohammad Mohit: mohit@odell. Today’s RMG News. com Mailling Address: Nurul Islam House, House # 110, Road Contact Person: Name: Abu Md. Zhuang Lifeng Designation:Managing Director Phone: 28417601 Email:hasan@lizfashion. com: Details: Apex Spinning & Knitting Mills Ltd. co. jmxqy jna cnz bunvlv gvtf nhijzuzi nnnqb pcwnu cirjj plnbl fda prmqs nwejk qvwqvhh jwfs