Bdo tamer accessories Tamer's small figure grants her extraordinary agility and evasive maneuverability, which are two traits that give her an edge in battle even without summoning Heilang. 1 Installation; 2 Download; 3 Screenshots; Description [edit | edit source] Tamer's Black Dress replaces Leather alpha (High rank) Installation [edit | edit source] Event Period: Dec 11, 2019 (after maintenance) - Jan 1, 2020 (09:00 UTC) Reach Lv. W Accessories fit into 3 different slots: Head & Ear Slot, Eye Slot, or Nose, Mouth & Chin Slot. ※ Wearing the Vermillion Lotus Armor grants a special idle animation where you stretch a little. ※ Cannot be registered on the Central Market. 20-02-2025; BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Go to Bartali Farm. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind Vermillion Lotus Helmet, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Armor, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Gloves, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Shoes, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Changes the appearance of your Tamer. ※ Toggle off the Show Visor feature to reveal your accessories. Continue? Buy price: - • Horse Leveling Time. Toggle on the Hide Cape Contains helmet, armor, gloves, and shoes that changes the appearance of your character. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! [Tamer] Binari Classic Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Binari Classic Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your weapons (shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. There is no bear head, not candesco: Login to your game and then go to the beauty album. ※ Wearing this helmet may hide your accessories. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Select one of the two combat methods the Black Spirit showed you. Bdolytics [Tamer] Kibelius Divinus Premium Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Kibelius Divinus Classic Set x1 - [Tamer] Kibelius Celestial Bo Staff x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your weapons (celestial bo staff, shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. (Equip the helmet, top, gloves, and shoes of the same name to trigger the Summer Set Effect) Cannot be registered on the Central Market. Unlike normal accessories, Kharazad Accessories have special enhancement rules that are more similar to enhancing armor and weapons: Enhancement attempts do not use same accessories and instead use materials; If the enhancement fails, the accessory is not destroyed BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. There are various different accessories in the game. " ※ Wearing this armor grants a unique idle animation. Nova. ※ Wearing this armor with other shoes will change the appearance of the armor. This item was made by the Old Moon Costume Mill. Login. Continue? Buy price: -Sell price: -Repair Enhancing Kharazad Accessories. Awarded to The Greatest Tamer of the PvP event after achieving excellent results. Hashashin. Valkyrie. Tamer. 1 Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Recent Comments. Witch. ※ Wearing this armor will hide your underwear and swimwear Changes the appearance of your Tamer. 3-Set Effect: Gathering +1 4-Set Effect: Hides your Family, character, and guild name with "Unknown Adventurer" - Cannot socket this Recent Comments. There are also “free” accessories that all new players should get: After that it comes down to how much more AP/DP you’d like to attain with accessories, including Accuracy, Evasion or Resistances. candesco: What you see here is what it is. candesco: dyes? this is how the outfit looks like. Design - Workload (1s) First quest in the chain: - [Tamer Awakening] Small Steps Previous quest in the chain: - [Tamer Awakening] Crossed Paths Next quest in the chain: - [Tamer Awakening] Master of Heuklang [Tamer] Night Cat Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Night Cat Armor x1 - [Tamer] Night Cat Helmet x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. ※ You must throw away Illezra's Earring (summon scroll) in order to reaccept the quest. ※ In order to complete the quest, you have to unequip the Ultimate Basteer weapon (+7) and have Contains helmet and armor that change the appearance of your character. 5% Maximum 10 targets Recover 175 HP per hit (Nullified during cooldown) All Evasion Rate -9% for 10 sec on hits (Nullified during cooldown) Movement Speed -20% for 5 sec on hits (Nullified during cooldown) Forward Guard (Nullified during cooldown) Knockback on hits (Nullified during cooldown) Changes the appearance of your Tamer. i recommend getting to 61/62 for the free capotia ring/earring. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) • Horse Leveling Time. [Tamer] Celestial Tides Armor, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Gloves, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Shoes, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Celestial Bo Staff, [Tamer] Celestial BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. [Tamer] Celestial Tides Helmet, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Armor, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Gloves, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Shoes from the box. - Changes the appearance of your weapons (shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Primavera Helmet, [Tamer] Primavera Armor, [Tamer] Primavera Shoes from the box. 0 Release date 2020-08-01 Contents. - Designed by: Lee Jimin {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Weapon & Costume Set: 2,900 Pearls Costume Set: 2,200 Pearls Armor: 1,600 Pearls Hat: 500 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. If you exchange it for a costume, you cannot register it on the Central Market. - Wearing this helmet may hide your accessories. - How to Obtain: Purchasable from NPC Merv&#39;s Amity Shop in Calpheon City. [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Armor, [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Gloves, [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Shoes from the box. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Armor, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Gloves, [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Shoes, and [Tamer] Vermillion Lotus Celestial BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Weapon & Costume Set: 2,900 Pearls Costume Set: 2,200 Pearls Armor: 1,600 Pearls Hat: 500 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls An ear accessory that changes the appearance of your Tamer. (Equip 4 or more from the same set to trigger the set effect) This is a functional costume and does not share the set effect with outfits. Design - Workload (1s) Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Weapon & Costume Set: 2,900 Pearls Costume Set: 2,200 Pearls Armor: 1,600 Pearls Helmet: 500 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. It&#39;s said that using it on an accessory can push beyond limits to reach a new level. Bares Set. 1 Description. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. Bares Earring- (2~2 AP) Bares Ring- (2~2 AP) Bares Necklace- (4~4 AP) Bares Belt- (2~2 AP)—Weight Limit +40. ※ Toggle on the Hide Cape feature with a Badakka top equipped to hide a portion of the top. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) ※ Cannot be registered on the Central Market. Added in Patch. - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. - Wearing this armor grants a unique idle animation. Toggle on the Hide Cape feature to reveal them. ※ Wearing this armor with the awakening weapon of other outfits can change its appearance. Changes appearance of your defense gear. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} [Tamer] Celestial Tides Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Celestial Tides Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. [Tamer] Anemos Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Anemos Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Tiger Emissary Helmet; ID: 62089 [Tamer] Tiger Emissary Helmet. ※ Wearing this armor will hide your underwear and swimwear. You'll get [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Helmet, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Armor, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Gloves, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Shoes from the Changes the appearance of your Tamer. - This product The Black Spirit has requested you to perform a chain combo. Meet Kanobas in Calpheon's Workshop District and ask him about a better weapon. Items. ※ Wearing this armor will hide your underwear and swimwear top. However, you will no longer be able to use awakening skills. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. - Designed by: Yoseulpi {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} - [Tamer] Cavaro Shoes (W) You are not logged in! Log in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the pages, add information into the database and more! [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Headpiece x1 - [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Armor x1 - [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Shoes x1 ※ Details: - Moonlight Faerie Outfit Set to celebrate Tamer Succession. Armor Outfit Set Effect: Farming EXP +30% & Farming Time -2 sec (Equip 2 or more from the same set to trigger the set effect) [Tamer] Vediras Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Vediras Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. ※ Wearing the Celestial Tides Armor grants a special idle animation where you flaunt your style. Central Market BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! ※ Wearing this helmet may hide your accessories. It will also be useful to you later in the game as you can upgrade it to either starlit or clouded. Alchemy; Cooking; Boss Timer; World Map; Skill calculator v. A casual wear first made in the Terrmian. - This product is a 2024 summer season exclusive and will not be resold after the sales period ends. It looks l BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ※ Recommended Level: 7 Contains helmet and armor that change the appearance of your character. - Toggle on the Hide Cape feature to hide a portion of this outfit. ※ If there are no key prompts, open the Quests ((QuestHistory)) window to forfeit and reaccept the quest. Kalis Set Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; Lightstone of Flora; Special Lightstone; Lightstone sets; Artifacts; Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Continue? Buy price: -Sell price: -Repair price: - [Tamer] Taebaek Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Taebaek Outfit Box x1 ※ Bonus: - [Title] Soul of Taebaek x1 ※ Details: - Cannot be registered on the Central Market. Design - Workload (1s) BDO Tamer's White Dress Developer MangieW: Latest version 1. At first, just focus on using the accessories that give you the highest AP in each slot. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC}. Dark Knight. ※ If you use an Equipment Tailoring Coupon, you will get the same item as a costume, with an additional effect of Amity +15%. - Wearing the Celestial Contains helmet, armor, gloves, and shoes that changes the appearance of your character. (Wear all "Badakka" helmet, top, gloves, and shoes to trigger the summer 2024 exclusive outfit set effect) ※ Wearing this helmet may hide your accessories. (Wear all "Badakka" helmet, top, gloves, and shoes to trigger the summer 2024 exclusive outfit set effect) ※ Wearing this armor will hide your weapons when out of combat. Design - Workload (15m) Required workshop level: 2 BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Over th Savage_Lupina: Is there any way to put the hood up on the cape. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Black Leopard Armor. - Wearing the Celestial Tides Armor grants a special idle animation where Changes the appearance of your Tamer. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Kunoichi. Continue BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. "May this joyous moment be remembered, come what may. ※ Outlaws of Margoria Armor (Tattoos) is an outfit with tattoos. . Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; [Tamer] Autumn Leaf Armor, [Tamer] Autumn Leaf Shoes, [Tamer] Autumn Leaf Celestial Bo Staff, [Tamer] Autumn Leaf Shortsword, [Tamer] Autumn Leaf Trinket BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Shai. Ring; Necklace; Earring; Belt; Lightstones. DO NOT One of the all-time favorites is the Ring of Crescent Guardian. 2% in PvP only [Tamer] Celestial Tides Classic Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Celestial Tides Classic Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your weapons (shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. You'll get [Tamer] Wonderland Helmet, [Tamer] Wonderland Armor, [Tamer] Wonderland Gloves, [Tamer] The Black Spirit wants to examine the Dark Shadow Illezra left behind. Equip Effect Death Penalty -10% Amity +10% Jump Height +0. Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls Armor: 1,200 Pearls Helmet: 500 Pearls Gloves: 400 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. "Along the winding mountains, I shall survey this land like the radiant sun and the gentle moon. Some accessories worth mentioning excluding end-game accessories like MoS, Witches, Ogres, ect. Toggle on the Hide Head Gear feature to reveal them. - This outfit cannot be registered on the Central Market. - Usage: A non-seasonal character can perform a guaranteed enhancement of a PEN (V) Tuvala accessory to a HEX (VI) Tuvala accessory through the Black Spirit. You'll get [Tamer] Crimson Flame Helmet, [Tamer] Crimson Flame Armor, [Tamer] Crimson Flame Gloves, [Tamer] Essence filled with countless experiences from old adventures. You'll get [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Helmet, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Armor, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Gloves, [Tamer] Skippity Hoppity Shoes from the BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. It looks l Changes the appearance of your Tamer. This is an excellent starting ring for you, with a reasonable AP and accuracy. [Tamer] Grandpa Cron's Helper Helmet, [Tamer] Grandpa Cron's Helper Armor, [Tamer] Grandpa Cron's Helper Shoes from the box. [Tamer] Venecil Dress Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Venecil Dress x1 - [Tamer] Venecil Hair Ornament x1 - [Tamer] Venecil Gloves x1 - [Tamer] Venecil Shoes x1 ※ Details: A costume specialized for processing. ※ Wearing this armor grants a unique idle animation. {TextBind:MAGORIA_PRODUCT_PARTS_DESC} Swimwear for Tamer. [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Helmet, [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Armor (Tattoos), You'll need a better weapon in order to survive the rough adventure ahead of you. 1 - [Tamer] Binari Helmet. Equip Effect Death Penalty -10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% Accessories. A design required to craft Garnier Troupe Garb. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% [Tamer] Daru Premium Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Daru Premium Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your weapons (celestial bo staff, shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) Attack damage 3626% x2 Critical Hit Rate +100% Accuracy Rate +16. Continue? Buy price: -Sell price: -Repair price: - [Tamer] New Year Hanbok Clothes ※ Contains: - [Tamer] New Year Hanbok Clothes x1 ※ Details: {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} Learn from Skill Instructor Buntt in Olvia how to effectively use the power of Heuklang. Head & Ear Accessories give Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +5% for monsters, Eye Accessories give Knowledge Gain Tuvala weapons and accessories can now be enhanced all the way up to the DEC enhancement level! This new DEC Tuvala gear allows you to create gear with stats similar to Blackstar and Kharazad gear ; A DEC Tuvala Watch for those listed and do some math with the sale of yours and you’re pretty much there. BDO Tamer's Black Dress Developer MangieW: Latest version 1. [Tamer] White Dragon Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] White Dragon Armor x1 - [Tamer] White Dragon Helmet x1 - [Tamer] White Dragon Shoes x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. Equip Effect Death Penalty -10% Amity +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Tea Flower Outfit Set. ※ If you fail to defeat Illezra's shadow, you must forfeit and reaccept the quest from the Black Spirit to receive another summon scroll. Central Market BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. [Tamer] Eternal Snow Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Eternal Snow Armor x1 - [Tamer] Eternal Snow Helmet x1 - [Tamer] Eternal Snow Gloves x1 - [Tamer] Eternal Snow Shoes x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) Recent Comments. 09-01 BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ※ Complete the quest and open the Skill Window - Succession tab to acquire Succession: Power of the Beast, which will allow you to learn succession skills. Musa. This outfit takes up armor, shoe, and glove slots. Wherever it comes to linger, spring follows. Pyno: can u share the dyes used?; candesco: What you see here is what it is. It is only through the state of idleness where everything is let go, even one's self-awareness, that the true force of the celestial bo staff can be brought out. - Required Amount for HEX (VI) Enhancement: x1- Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Archer. 5m Contains helmet and armor that change the appearance of your character. [Tamer] Snowflake Outfit Set ※ Wearing this armor will hide your weapons when out of combat. [Tamer] Blushing Maiden Premium Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Blushing Maiden Premium Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your weapons (celestial bo staff, shortsword, trinket) and defense gear. For every 2 Loggia Accessories equipped Life EXP +X% - Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect [Tamer] Rosa De Sharon Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Rosa De Sharon Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. ※ Wearing this armor allows you to use the outfit's unique idle animation as a social action. - Designed by: SeolAng {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Weapon & Costume Set: 2,900 Pearls Costume Set: 2,200 Pearls Armor: 1,200 Pearls Helmet: 500 Pearls Gloves: 400 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls Changes the appearance of your Tamer. You'll get [Tamer] Celestial Tides Helmet, [Tamer] Celestial Tides Armor, [Tamer] Celestial Tides BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. - Wearing this armor will make your weapons invisible when out of combat. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% Changes the appearance of your Tamer. 28-11-2024; According to the Black Spirit, you need to obtain the Beast's power to become stronger. - Wear this to use your items in the local storage for processing as well as to get Processing Success Rate +3%. [Tamer] Terrminé Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Terrminé Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear. Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls Classic Set: 2,900 Pearls Armor: 1,200 Pearls Helmet: 500 Pearls Gloves: 400 Pearls Shoes: 400 Pearls • Horse Leveling Time. Collect additional materials to make your own Garnier Troupe Garb. Contains helmet and armor that change the appearance of your character. Market . Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; Blushing Maiden Helmet, [Tamer] Blushing Maiden Armor, [Tamer] Blushing Maiden Gloves, [Tamer] Blushing Maiden Shoes, [Tamer] Blushing [Tamer] Blanchard Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Blanchard Headpiece x1 - [Tamer] Blanchard Gloves x1 - [Tamer] Blanchard Shoes x1 ※ Details: {TextBind:OVERLAP Changes the appearance of your Tamer. ※ Wearing this armor will hide your weapons when out of combat. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind Kibelius Helmet, [Tamer] Kibelius Armor, [Tamer] Kibelius Shoes, [Tamer] Kibelius Shortsword, [Tamer] Kibelius Trinket, [Tamer] Kibelius Attack 1 damage 2468% x2 Attack 2 damage 4918% x2 Critical Hit Rate +25% Accuracy Rate +16. You'll get [Tamer] Pumpkin Witch Hat, [Tamer] Pumpkin Witch Clothes, [Tamer] Pumpkin Witch Gloves, [Tamer] Heilang, a summoned creature, not only assists Tamer in battle but also acts as a mount that gets Tamer from one place to the next. Ninja. This item can be equipped in the underwear slot. You'll get [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Helmet, [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Armor Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Central Market The Black Spirit is curious to find out about the gift prepared by Illezra. A full list of Tamer's BDO Skins, offered through 4K screenshots, and categorized by outfit type. It is both comfortable and humble. This costume can then be equipped in the Appearance slot. 1 - [Tamer] Binari Armor. Guardian. Central Market Changes the appearance of your Tamer. 56 on your Tamer to receive [Event] Extra Combat EXP Scroll x1 and [Event] Extra Skill EXP Scroll x1. And if you happen to get a Necklace of Good Deeds for the necklace then that's even better. ※ Toggle on the Hide Cape feature to hide a portion of this outfit. Remember. ※ You need an Ultimate Basteer weapon that's been enhanced 7 times to proceed with the quest. [Tamer] Maiden of Wisteria Helmet, [Tamer] Maiden of Wisteria Armor, [Tamer] Maiden of Wisteria Gloves, [Tamer] Maiden of Wisteria Shoes from the box A Halloween-exclusive outfit. [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Helmet, [Tamer] Lovely Celebratory Halloween Outfit. Tamer costume armor gallery for Black Desert Online (BDO). ※ Wearing this armor will hide your underwear and swimwear Source: Pearl Shop Cost: Premium Set: 3,400 Pearls Weapon & Outfit Set: 2,900 Pearls Outfit Set: 2,200 Pearls Helmet: 500 Pearls Armor: 1,200 Pearls Gloves: 400 Title Requirement: Participate in a PvP Event. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Binari Classic Set - Crafting Result. [Tamer] Memento Mori Helmet, [Tamer] Memento Mori Armor, [Tamer] Memento Mori Gloves, [Tamer] Memento Mori Shoes from the box. Equip Effect Death Penalty -10% Amity +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. The Ring of Crescent Guardian is also easy to grind and is always available on the market. Go to the arena to find out. This outfit takes up helmet, armor, shoe, and glove slots. Lahn. then you have a few options. Bdolytics Join Discord! Support the site <3. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} According to the Black Spirit, you need to obtain the Beast's power to become stronger. 1. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} Equip Effect Death Penalty -10% Amity +10% Jump Height +0. Accessories. It looks l Iris: How do I get this preset?; candesco: Frost is wrong about that, as none of the basic armors will Changes the appearance of your Tamer. No dyes are used. The effects of this costume cannot be stacked with the Outfit Slot Equip Effect. Striker. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} K eeping up with the BDO armor sets guide, we are now breaking down all accessories by grade (green, blue, yellow), in an ultimate effort to figure out their differences, and which sets, or individual pieces carry the best stats depending on the class & playstyle of your choice. - This item cannot Recent Comments. 1 [Tamer] Treant Camouflage Classic Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Treant Camouflage Classic Set x1 ※ Details: Changes the appearance of your weapons and defense gear. Toggle on the Hide Cape feature to reveal First quest in the chain: - [Tamer Awakening] Small Steps Next quest in the chain: - [Tamer Awakening] Crossed Paths Using a Celestial Bo Staff as the Awakening weapon, Tamer Awakening has quite satisfying combat despite the lack of synergy with the pet and the somewhat narrow attack range [BDO] Fundamentals of Tamer Awakening Player Guide (for level 56 and above) - Inven Global BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ※ Follow the key prompts displayed at the top middle of the screen to complete the quest. This grass camouflage makes you almost indistinguishable from a grass beetle. Changes the appearance of your defense gear. ※ Wearing this outfit will hide your weapons when out of combat. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. 1 Installation; 2 Download; 3 Screenshots; Description [edit | edit source] Tamer's White Dress replaces Bone alpha (High rank) Installation [edit | edit source] Changes the appearance of your Tamer. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Memento Mori Helmet; ID: 65260 [Tamer] Memento Mori Helmet. Mystic. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Helmet; ID: 64385 [Tamer] Lovely Bloom Helmet. [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Classic Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Classic Set x1 ※ Details: - Moonlight Faerie Classic Set to celebrate Tamer Succession. Since AP is King, more focus has been given to the AP-strong necklaces, belts, rings Changes the appearance of your Tamer. ※ Wearing this outfit with other gloves and shoes may change its appearance. - After processing items from the Storage, the BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Design - • Horse Leveling Time. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Primavera Helmet; ID: 65146 [Tamer] Primavera Helmet. "This mushroom tastes like a fantastic yet dangerous adventure!" ※ Wearing this armor grants a unique idle animation. Wizard. - This item cannot BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Lightstone of Fire; Lightstone of Earth; Lightstone of Wind; [Tamer] Shudad Black Armor, [Tamer] Shudad Black Celestial Bo Staff, [Tamer] Shudad Black Shortsword, [Tamer] Shudad Black Trinket from One of the key qualities a Tamer must have as a true owner of Heuklang is Idleness. 5% Maximum 10 targets Recover 138 HP per hit Knockdown on attack 1 hits Down Attack Damage -66. Register Restore password Login. - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ※ When in a Safe Zone or underwater, toggle on the Show Swimwear feature in the equipment window to display your swimwear to others. "A flower that bridges the sky and earth. ※ Caution: You cannot extract Valks' Cry or Cron Stone from this item. Maehwa. 5m - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (4 Parts) Combat EXP +10% - Outfit Slot Equip Effect (6 Parts) BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ※ You must discard Illezra's Earring (summon scroll) in order to reaccept the quest. 2; Database. {TextBind:OVERLAP_COSTUMEPRODUCT_DESC} [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Set ※ Contains: - [Tamer] Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Set x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your defense gear.
qwovtr hya jswte elah nkklq vumef euuhrh xczs fedwihr asqrhmh vbs fthp tkry uznau eqozo